Just Another Reason Why
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Just Another Reason Why : Chapter 12

E - Words: 4,395 - Last Updated: May 26, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Mar 02, 2012 - Updated: May 26, 2013
891 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry!! Things have been majorly crazy around here! We moved and then had no internet for like 2 weeks and just UGGHHH. but im gonna try my best to get the next one up soon. Im also working on a smutty one shot call 'A Birthday Surprise' not sure when that will be up but be ready for that. and thank you all for still sticking around! LOVE YOU!!
Kurt woke the next morning, warm and wrapped up in blankets on his bed. ‘How did I get here? I thought we fell asleep on the couch.’ He thought to himself. He looked to the space next to him. Empty. He wondered where Blaine was. His question was answered by the sound of pots and pans clanking together.

Kurt stretched and rolled out of bed, making his way to the kitchen. The sight that greeted him only made him love Blaine more. Blaine had made a total mess of the place trying to make what Kurt assumed to be pancakes and bacon, judging by the white batter in the large bowl by the stove and the open package of bacon next to it. Kurt hung back and watched as Blaine worked. He moved around the small kitchen with the ease of someone who had been there longer then 4 days.

Kurt was amazed at how well Blaine fell into place here, how easy it was for him to just be here.

He watched as Blaine began to hum a song mixing the batter in the bowl. He poured some into the pan on the stove and put the bowl back on the counter knocking over some paper towels and a few spoons. He looked down at the mess and shrugged continuing on with his cooking. He began to sing the words to the song softly still thinking that Kurt was asleep.

“I like the way that you look at me
Your smile turns me into a fool
At work, I'll look at your picture honey
One glance elevating the mood
So don't you change for me”

Blaine did a side step spin type move and knocked a measuring cup to the ground. Kurt knew his kitchen would end up a complete disaster zone if he didn’t step in now, he slithered up behind Blaine and wrapped his arms around his waist. Blaine jumped in surprise but then relaxed into his arms. Kurt bent his head down to press a kiss to the spot where his neck and shoulder met. Blaine sighed happily and continued his song.

“What we've got is complex
It's so real and honest
You're perfect
You're flawless
So don't you change”

Kurt sighed and let his forehead rest against Blaine’s shoulder. Kurt held him while he continued to cook, that is until he heard his phone ring from the bedroom. Kurt groaned and kissed Blaine again before he dragged himself away and toward his phone.

Blaine stacked the pancakes on a large plate and put them on the counter along with the coffee and some syrup and butter. The bacon sizzled and snapped as Rachel walked into the kitchen.

“Morning Blainey.” She greeted and kissed his cheek.

“Morning Rach. Help yourself to breakfast.” He said nodding to the stack of pancakes.

“Yum!” She grabbed a plate and took a few pancakes. “Where’s Kurt?”

“In the bedroom, his phone rang.” Blaine explained, putting some bacon on a plate before adding more to the pan. The oil popped and splattered, drops landing on the back of Blaine’s hand.

“Damn it!” He yelled and dropped the tongs instantly bringing his hand up to mouth to sooth the burn.

“Oh my god Blaine are you oaky?” Kurt asked as he came back into the kitchen.

“Yeah I’ll be fine.” He muttered around his hand. Kurt stepped in close and took his hand from his mouth.

“Blaine there is already a mark let me put some cream on it.” Blaine just nodded trying to tug his hand away so he could press his tongue to it again. Kurt kissed it gently and ran off to the bathroom to get the cream. Blaine put his hand back to his mouth right away and continued to finish up the bacon with one hand.

“Blaine move over I’ll finish it.” Rachel said moving in next to him and taking the thongs from his hand. “You go sit.” She gestured to the table with the thongs. Blaine took a seat as Kurt returned to the kitchen with a small tube of burn cream and a Band-Aid.

“Give me your hand.” Kurt said with his hand out, taking a seat across from Blaine at the table. Blaine put his hand in Kurt’s.

“Who was on the phone?” He asked as Kurt set on work on fixing up his hand.

“The coffee shop, Trey called in sick for the morning shift and they need me to fill in.” Blaine sighed a little disappointed he wasn’t going to get to spend the day with Kurt. Kurt looked up to see the sad look on Blaine’s face.

“Don’t give me that face Blaine. It’s only the morning shift, I’ll be off at 11 and we’ll have all day.” Blaine nodded. “Oh and we are having dinner at the Sipple’s tonight as a make up for missing it Saturday.” Rachel set the now finished plate of bacon on the table between them and took a seat as well.

“Blaine you’re going to love them, they are cutest old couple ever.” Kurt finished with Blaine’s hand when he answered.

“I can’t wait.” Kurt rose from the table.

“Im going to go get dressed and get to work so maybe I can leave a little early.” He said and headed to the bedroom.

“So Rach, do you have any plans today?” Blaine asked turning his attention to the girl shoving pancakes in her mouth. She swallowed the mouth full of food before answering.

“I have rehearsal at 3.” She took another bite of food before almost jumping out of her chair. “Mmmm” She mumbled. Blaine just looked at her confused.

“What was that?” He asked. She was bouncing in her chair trying to swallow her food.

“Lets go shopping, just me and you. We can go to all these really cool stores and get lunch, oh Blaine this is going to so much fun.” Blaine smiled and bit into his own pancakes. He really wanted to spend his day with Kurt but hanging out with Rachel wouldn't be so bad and he knew Kurt had work and school and most likely wouldn't get to spend that much time with him, as long as he got to see him in the morning and cuddle with him at night the trip would so definitely be worth it.


“Rachel come on just one more.” Blaine pleaded. They were in their thirteenth store of the day and they hadn't even gone for lunch yet.

“Blaine im hungry and my arms are killing me. Can’t we just go get food and go home?” Rachel complained as she plopped herself in a big comfy chair in the vintage clothes store while Blaine looked around with awed eyes.

“Yes Rach, as soon as we’re done. I promise I wont take long.” He trailed off as he wandered into a cluster of clothing racks. The clothes were endless, all ranging from the 50’s to the 90’s, some hanging on the wall, some on racks, some were even still in boxes on the floor stacked up high. Blaine strolled over to a rack filled with jackets.

They were old and warn in with that smell like a used book store has. Blaine shuffled through the racks just browsing until his eyes landed on a black leather jacket. He took it off the rack and off the hanger. It looked like it was from the 50’s and was worn and faded in all the right places. The leather was soft and the lining inside wasn’t ripped like most of the others. He pulled his sweater off and over his head leaving him in his white t-shirt and slipped the jacket on.

It fit perfectly as if it was made specially for him, stopping right at his waist.

“Hey Rach.” He called walking back over to where she was now leaning back in the chair with her eyes closed. “What do you think of this jacket?”

Rachel opened her eyes and sat up with a sigh.

“Im sure it looks-oh my god Blaine!” His head snapped up quickly.


“You look amazing!” She said and got up from her chair and walked over to him. “Wow, I swear you could be in a James Dean movie.”

“So it looks good?” She gaped at him and gestured to a mirror on the other side of the store.

“Go look.” He walked over to the floor length mirror and was shocked to see that Rachel was right. The jacket look great with his white T-shirt and dark wash jeans he had rolled at the bottom and his black boots Kurt had insisted he buy last Christmas. It really looked like he walked straight out of a James Dean movie.

“I think Im gonna get it.” He stated and took it off to look at the sticker on the label. “This can’t be right. It says its only 20 dollars.”

“Lets go ask the woman.” Rachel suggested and picked up her bags from the chair. Blaine went back to the rack where he left his sweater and took his bags as well.

“Excuse me ma’am, my friend is interested in this jacket and the sticker says it’s 20 dollars and we just wanted to make sure that was correct.” Rachel explained and Blaine passed her the jacket. The woman looked at the sticker then examined the jacket before handing it back.

“No, Thats right.”

“Really?” He asked.

“Blaine, you have to get it.” He nodded.

“I’ll take it.” Blaine told the woman.


“Come on Kurt tell us more.” Julia begged.

“Yeah you know we have no lives, we have to live through you.” Alexis added. Julia and Alexis, the first two people he met in NYC. His first morning here he wandered into the coffee shop, when they spotted him they immediately took to him and offered him a job and gushed over how cute he was. Now they had to be two of his closest friends. They were currently milking Kurt for more info on Blaine and his surprise visit. Good thing the store was empty and he was off in a half hour.

“There is nothing left to tell.” Kurt laughed.

“He’s holding out on us.” Julia said as a small group of girls came into the shop.

“No Im not.” Kurt stated and turned to take their order. “Morning ladies, What can I get you?” He took all their orders and turned to start making them.

“Just tell us something. I mean he can’t be as perfect as he sounds. There has to be something wrong.” Julia said taking an order slip from the small pile, helping Kurt with the coffees.

“Kurt its okay just tell us. Is his package you know-” Alexis held up her thumb and index finger about an inch apart. Kurt’s head shot up in outrage.

“His package is just fine thank you very much.” He declared handing two coffees to the group of girls before starting on the last one. “More then just fine actually.” He added with a smug smile.

“Not fair!” Julia groaned handing over the coffee she made to the girls. The bell above the door rang as another costumer walked in.

“Oh wow.” Alexis breathed nudging Julia in the side. She turned to see the guy that just walked in.

“Daaamn. Kurt look.”

“Sorry im a little busy you know working.” He said trying to finish the last girls coffee.

“Kurt this gorgeous guy just walked in- and oh my god he is totally checkin out your ass.” Alexis gasped. Kurt sighed and passed the now finished coffee to the last girl standing at the side of the counter.

“We were just talking about my boyfriend. Im not gonna gush ov- oh helllllo.” The girls giggled next to him. He had turned around to face the counter and the gorgeous stranger.

Only he was no stranger. It was Blaine clad in his rolled jeans, tight white T-shirt and a black leather jacket Kurt had never seen before and boy was he lookin’ good.

“What’s up gorgeous?” Blaine greeted leaning up against the counter. Kurt stared wide eyed, eyebrows raised.

“Hey.” He breathed. Blaine turned to the girls smirk in place.

“Morning ladies.” Julia and Alexis practically swooned nudging and grabbing at each other. Blaine turned his attention back to Kurt and leaned over the counter.

“Don’t I get a kiss?” Kurt just gaped at him for a minute before getting his thoughts together and nodding slightly and leaning over the counter to press a kiss to Blaine’s lips. The girls next to him gasped and looked at him in outrage.

“Kurt! We were just talking about your boyfriend.” Alexis said, disapproval in her voice.

“Yeah. You know the boyfriend that flew out here to surprise you cause he loves you. We just meant for you to check this guy out.” Julia gestured to Blaine with an almost disgusted look on her face. Kurt had to hide his grin. “Not make out with him!”

Blaine tried to cover his laugh with a cough while his boyfriend just shook his head. Kurt jumped up on the counter and swung his legs around to hop down and stand next to Blaine wrapping an arm around his waist.

“Girls, this is Blaine.” Both girls jaw dropped, eyes running up and down Blaine. “And we’re leaving.” Blaine waved as Kurt tossed his apron on the counter and looped his arm with Blaine’s before turning and walking out.


“Where did you get that amazing jacket by the way?” Kurt asked as they stepped into the elevator.

“Some vintage clothes store Rachel took me too. Like it?” Blaine asked smoothing the front of it down. Kurt took in the way it stopped right at his waist, showing off his amazing ass and how well it fit around his arms and shoulders.

“Mmmhmm.” He hummed, his eyes finally making their way back to Blaine’s face to find his eyebrows raised.”What? You look good.” Blaine laughed and wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and hugged him close.

“Im glad you like it.” He muttered and kissed his chin before the elevator doors opened and they made their way back to the apartment.


“Rachel hurry up we’re gonna be late.” Kurt yelled from the door where he was trying to fix Blaine’s bow tie. They were on their way to the Sipple’s for dinner. Blaine was nervous, he thought of these people as part of Kurt’s family. Surrogate grandparents if you will, looking out for and taking care of his boyfriend when he couldn't. He knew the elderly couple meant the world to Kurt and the thought of them possibly not liking him was putting him on edge.

They had spent the afternoon wandering around the city. Blaine took Kurt to the craft store he had found and the shop he bought his new jacket from. Kurt took him to a small cafe where local musicians played. They waked around central park, talking and laughing. Kurt knew it was a great idea to bring his camera and Blaine took it upon himself to take pictures of the two of them whenever he could.

They had a little snow ball fight with the bit of snow that had fallen last night and then rushed home to shower (“You know Kurt, showering together will conserve water.” Blaine winked) and curled up on the couch to watch reruns of RuPaul’s drag race before getting ready for dinner at the Sipple’s.

He tugged on the edges again trying to make it straight.

“Uggh, forget it.” He groaned and pulled the bow tie off and tossed it to the couch. “It doesn't want to corporate, just- here lets undo a few of these.” Kurt undid the top few buttons, smoothing down collar and front so it sat better. He took a step back to see how it looked. The small bit tan skin that peaked out from under the lose fabric made Kurt want to pop more of Blaine buttons open. He reached forward and gently ran the tips of his finger over the skin.

Blaine hummed and closed his eyes letting himself just feel the way Kurt’s skin felt on his even in such a small way. Kurt’s fingers moved from the small place on his chest up his neck where there was the smallest bit of stubble that continued up his cheek. Kurt’s fingers stopped at the back of Blaine’s neck and tangled themselves in the short hair there. Blaine’s eyes slid open and was met with Kurt’s smiling face.

“Perfect.” Kurt breathed and tugged Blaine in for a kiss. It was slow and sluggish. Blaine’s hands slid around Kurt’s waist and down the burry themselves in Kurt’s back pockets. Kurt’s blunt nails scratched gently at the back of Blaine’s neck causing him to make a deep groan in the back of his throat. Their kiss was interrupted by the clicking of Rachel’s heels as she came closer to the door.

“Oh get a room would you! It’s bad enough I could hear you two in the shower.” She said as she walked through them and out the door. “Didn’t know hair pulling was such a thing for you Blaine.” She added with a wink and stepped into the elevator. Kurt tried to hide his smile and Blaine was just in shock.

“I-I..she...” Blaine stuttered.

“Lets go boys we’re gonna be late.” Rachel yelled from the elevator. Kurt nudged Blaine out the door and he turned to lock up.

“I can’t believe she heard us.” Blaine said as they walked toward the elevator.

“Relax Blaine. If she wants to tease we’ll give her something to tease about later tonight.” He winked and they entered the elevator.

They took the elevator down to the third floor and knocked on the red door down the hall. Mr.Sippel was the one to answer the door.

“Oh it’s my favorite grandchildren!” He greeted pulling Rachel into a hug.

“Mr.S we’re not your grandkids.” Kurt laughed and hugged the man.

“You’re right, you’re better then those rotten kids, never call or visit.” He muttered the last part before ushering them in. Kurt took Blaine’s elbow and pulled him into his side.

“Mr.S, this is Blaine.” Kurt said in a soft almost tentative voice. Blaine instantly remembered it as the voice he had used when he first introduced him to Burt. Blaine wiped his palms on his pants and stuck his hand out for him to shake.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr.Sippel.” He eyed Blaine’s out stretched hand just to make him a little more nervous before grabbing it and pulling him in for a hug.

“Good to finally meet ya kid. I feel like I know you already, the way Kurt here goes on and on about you all the time.” He laughed patting Blaine’s shoulder a few times.

“Frank, don’t embarrass Kurt.” Said a short old women who came out of the kitchen dressed in a light green dress with daisies on it and a yellow apron with butterflies tied around her waist. Kurt stepped forward to wrap his arms around her.

“Not embarrassed at all Gurty, he knows how much I love him.” Kurt kissed her cheek and gestured for Blaine to come closer. “Gurty this is Blaine.”

“An honor to meet you ma’am.” Blaine said holding out a hand, Gurty took it and Blaine raised it to his lips placing a small kiss to her knuckles. The old woman giggle behind her other hand.

“He’s quite the charmer huh Kurt.” Kurt laughed and Mr.S pointed a shaky finger at Blaine.

“Hey stud, back off my woman.” He said tossing his thumb over his shoulder toward his wife. Blaine raised his hands in surrender.

“My apologies sir, won’t happen again.” Blaine smiled. Frank shot a grin in his direction.

“Good man Blaine, come lets talk while they finished up dinner.” He gestured for Blaine to follow him. Blaine glanced at Kurt and he nodded, silently telling to go, Blaine darted forward and placed a quick kiss to him lips muttering a ‘I’ll miss you’ before following the old man down the all to what looked like a study.


Dinner was amazing. They ate and laughed together, listening to Gurty tell stories from when her and Frank were younger. Kurt watched Mr.Sippel’s face as Gurty told her stories, he had a small smile on his face as he watched her, he’s eyes bright and shining with love. Blaine watched Kurt watch Mr.S and thought how much his face must mirror the old man’s. Rachel had left right after dinner calming she had to be in bed early because she had to up even earlier for dress rehearsal.

“Im gonna go start the coffee for dessert.” Gurty said standing from the table.

“I’ll help.”Kurt said standing as well after pressing a quick kiss to Blaine’s temple. Frank scooted his chair back and gestured for Blaine to do the same.

“Come Blaine, lets put on a little music. Maybe they’ll let us have a dance.” Blaine laughed and stood close to the man letting Mr.S use him for support. An old record player stood in the corner next to a stack of records. Blaine helped Mr.S sit in the chair close by.

“Go ahead and pick one.” The old man told Blaine. He dropped to the floor criss cross with an excited smile on his face as he began to look through them. “Just so you know a good amount of those were the kids growing up.” There was a big variety, Frank Sinatra witch Blaine assumed was Mr. and Mrs.Sippel’s, Led Zeppelin, he knew that had to have been on of their children’s, and much more. He flipped through all of them, some he turned over to see what songs were on it. He could hear Kurt and Gurty in the kitchen laughing and giggling while making coffee. Blaine looked up at Mr.Sippel to see him with his head back in the chair and a lazy smile on his face as he listened to his wife’s easy laughter.

Kurt had told him over the phone many times how in love the old couple still were but nothing he said had prepared him for the amount of love in this apartment. He could only hope he and Kurt would reach that level one day. Blaine looked down at the record in his hands and flipped it over scanning the songs. A smile took over his face when his eyes landed on one. He nudged the old man’s leg and showed his the cover. Frank’s smile matched his own.

“Oh one of Olivia’s favorites. She would play that like she couldn't get enough. I think I know exactly what song you want too, that is one of my favorites.” The old man took the record and pulled it out of it’s sleeve and placed it on the player just as Kurt and Gurty came back into the living room.

“Frank what are you doing?” She asked, amusement in her voice.

“Nothing dear.” He answered after putting the needle at the right spot then turning to her and fluttering his lashes. Gurty laughed and shook her head. Frank stood from his chair with a grunt and walked over to his wife as the song started. She recognized it limitedly.

We've been together since way back when Sometimes I never want to see you again But I want you to know After all these years You're still the one I want whisperin' in my ear

“Oh I haven't heard this song in years.” Gurty gushed. Frank took her hands in his and pulled her closer to him.

“Dance with me?” She smiled and nodded.


You're still the one
I want to talk to in bed
Still the one
That turns my head
We're still having fun
And you're still the one

Blaine watched the old couple dance, from his spot on the floor, with smiles meant just for each other. His eyes wandered over to Kurt who was watching from the doorway of the kitchen. Kurt caught his gaze and smiled at him, the one that was meant for only Blaine and made a come hither motion with his finger. Blaine’s smile grew and he jumped up making his way over to Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist when he reached him and Kurt brought his arms up around Blaine’s neck and let his fingers weave through his hair.

You're still the one
That makes me laugh

Frank spun his wife out and pulled her back in and placed a quick kiss to her cheek causing her to blush and giggle.

Still the one
That's my better half
We're still having fun
And you're still the one
You're still the one
That makes me strong

Blaine moved his arms from Kurt’s hips up in the air making a body builder pose making Kurt toss his head back laughing, his eyes all scrunchy.

Still the one
I want to take along
We're still having fun
And you're still the one (yes you are)

Blaine spun Kurt out and pulled him back in close letting their hips rock together to the beat of the music. Kurt loved the feeling of Blaine’s big strong hands sliding down his back to rest at the dip. The heat he felt through his shirt keeping him from floating away. Kurt glanced over Blaine’s shoulder to see Mr.S push a long piece of hair off Gurty’s face and tuck it behind her ear, an adoring look on his face.

You're still the one
That I love to touch

Blaine’s hands slid from his hips down the sides of his thighs and up the back the swell of his ass where he let his hands slide into the pockets like earlier at the door. Kurt looked at him with wide eyes and Blaine just smirked leaning in to sing the next line in his ear.

Still the one
And I can't get enough

Kurt blushed and let his forehead rest on Blaine’s shoulder.

We're still having fun
And you're still the one
You're still the one
Who can scratch my itch
Still the one
And I wouldn't switch
We're still having fun
And you're still the one

Gurty pulled away from her husband to make it look like she was shouting at him, even though there was a huge smile in her face, for the next line.

You are still the one
That makes me shout

Blaine tucked his finger under Kurt’s chin to pull his head up so he could look him in the eye and mouthed the words to him through a smile.

Still the one
That I dream about
We're still having fun
And you're still the one

The song began to fade out and eventually the needle jumped off, signaling the end of the record. They could hear the elderly couple laughing together. Kurt and Blaine hadn't stopped dancing, just slowed down to simple swaying and holding each other close, Kurt’s face hidden in Blaine’s neck.

“Awe Frankie aren't they just the cutest?” Gurty asked gripping her husbands arm.

“Adorable.” He answered, his eyes never leaving his wife's face.

End Notes: Song in this chapter are.....Just the way you are By Keith and ReneeandStill the one By Orleans


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This was so awesome. I absolutely loved the part where they were dancing and just being in love. I also enjoyed seeing Kurt and Blaine in the coffee shop with the girls. Blaine in a leather jacket is definitely one of the best things ever. I can't wait to see what happens next.