Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Blaine Anderson was a good student. He always showed up to class on time, always brought the correct equipment, always did the work that was required and more. His grades were perfect, all straight A's in all of his AP classes. He was smart, well behaved and had a polite attitude that all of the teachers of Dalton Academy swooned over. He was respected and everyone looked up to him, especially since he was the lead soloist of the academy's glee club, the Warblers.
In all of his life, Blaine had always been the one to be responsible even if his friends were trying to convince him otherwise. Blaine had always done the right thing in his life, so when he did something – unintentionally – wrong, he had no idea what to do with himself.
Don't get the wrong idea, Blaine didn't cheat on a test, or back-chat the teacher, or skip school, he did something that he had no control over, something that took time to develop and something that he would not forget until he was finished high school. Or so he thought.
The beginning of his senior year is what triggered the start of Blaine's change of behaviour, or thoughts, more so. He honestly did not mean for it to happen, it just did, but once he realised what was going on, there was no stopping it.
Blaine's AP English class was his favourite. He had always loved English and had been aspiring to become a writer for most of his life. He always had a wild imagination when he was younger, which hadn't changed as he got older.
So on his first day of senior year, Blaine was ecstatic to read that he had English first that morning, followed by literature. Blaine filled his bag with the books he would need for first and second before he closed the door of his dorm room and proceeded to make his way to English.
He was in a different classroom to the one he would normally be in, but that's because he was now in the senior wing, so his classrooms and teachers had changed. Blaine was thankful that he would have a different teacher this year, last year the junior English teacher was old and boring. Even Blaine, who was very respectful, couldn't stand her.
Blaine sat down in the front row of desks, picking the one in the centre. He was only small so if he sat further back there was no way he would be able to see the board. He pulled out his text books and the assigned reading book for that semester while he waited for his classmates and teacher to arrive.
Blaine groaned when his friends entered soon after, Nick and Jeff taking their seats either side of him as they always did when the three of them were in class together. Blaine had never understood why the two knuckleheads always chose to sit either side of him instead of beside each other because Blaine always spent the class refereeing their bickering. He just wished the two of them would get their act together and admit their feelings for each other, he was sick of them pestering him to pick a side.
Lost in thought about his two friends, Blaine didn't notice that the teacher had walked in until the sound of a satchel being placed on the desk in front on him shocked him to attention. He looked up as the teacher was pulling his laptop out of his satchel and placed it on the desk, freezing when his eyes fell on the new teacher.
He was young, really young. He didn't look much older than Blaine himself. If it weren't for his dress style, Blaine would have sworn he was a student. Even though it was already quite a young look, it was professional. His brunette hair was perfectly coiffed, lightly tipped at the front. The plaid shirt that he wore hugged at his torso and arms, not leaving much to the imagination. Although he was quite petite, his arms, legs and torso were obviously muscled.
As the young teacher glanced up at the class, Blaine's heart faltered when he caught sight of the brilliant ocean blue eyes that searched the room. The teacher opened his mouth to speak and Blaine had to shake his mind from clouding over.
“I'm Mr Hummel, but that sounds way too weird for me, so you can call me Kurt.”
Blaine Anderson was a good student. He wouldn't intentionally do anything wrong, but when he did, there was no stopping it. There was no question that this was going to be a very, very long year for Blaine Anderson.
Blaine Anderson was a good student. He always showed up to class on time, always brought the correct equipment, always did the work that was required and more. His grades were perfect, all straight A's in all of his AP classes. He was smart, well behaved and had a polite attitude that all of the teachers of Dalton Academy swooned over. He was respected and everyone looked up to him, especially since he was the lead soloist of the academy's glee club, the Warblers.
In all of his life, Blaine had always been the one to be responsible even if his friends were trying to convince him otherwise. Blaine had always done the right thing in his life, so when he did something – unintentionally – wrong, he had no idea what to do with himself.
Don't get the wrong idea, Blaine didn't cheat on a test, or back-chat the teacher, or skip school, he did something that he had no control over, something that took time to develop and something that he would not forget until he was finished high school. Or so he thought.
The beginning of his senior year is what triggered the start of Blaine's change of behaviour, or thoughts, more so. He honestly did not mean for it to happen, it just did, but once he realised what was going on, there was no stopping it.
Blaine's AP English class was his favourite. He had always loved English and had been aspiring to become a writer for most of his life. He always had a wild imagination when he was younger, which hadn't changed as he got older.
So on his first day of senior year, Blaine was ecstatic to read that he had English first that morning, followed by literature. Blaine filled his bag with the books he would need for first and second before he closed the door of his dorm room and proceeded to make his way to English.
He was in a different classroom to the one he would normally be in, but that's because he was now in the senior wing, so his classrooms and teachers had changed. Blaine was thankful that he would have a different teacher this year, last year the junior English teacher was old and boring. Even Blaine, who was very respectful, couldn't stand her.
Blaine sat down in the front row of desks, picking the one in the centre. He was only small so if he sat further back there was no way he would be able to see the board. He pulled out his text books and the assigned reading book for that semester while he waited for his classmates and teacher to arrive.
Blaine groaned when his friends entered soon after, Nick and Jeff taking their seats either side of him as they always did when the three of them were in class together. Blaine had never understood why the two knuckleheads always chose to sit either side of him instead of beside each other because Blaine always spent the class refereeing their bickering. He just wished the two of them would get their act together and admit their feelings for each other, he was sick of them pestering him to pick a side.
Lost in thought about his two friends, Blaine didn't notice that the teacher had walked in until the sound of a satchel being placed on the desk in front on him shocked him to attention. He looked up as the teacher was pulling his laptop out of his satchel and placed it on the desk, freezing when his eyes fell on the new teacher.
He was young, really young. He didn't look much older than Blaine himself. If it weren't for his dress style, Blaine would have sworn he was a student. Even though it was already quite a young look, it was professional. His brunette hair was perfectly coiffed, lightly tipped at the front. The plaid shirt that he wore hugged at his torso and arms, not leaving much to the imagination. Although he was quite petite, his arms, legs and torso were obviously muscled.
As the young teacher glanced up at the class, Blaine's heart faltered when he caught sight of the brilliant ocean blue eyes that searched the room. The teacher opened his mouth to speak and Blaine had to shake his mind from clouding over.
“I'm Mr Hummel, but that sounds way too weird for me, so you can call me Kurt.”
Blaine Anderson was a good student. He wouldn't intentionally do anything wrong, but when he did, there was no stopping it. There was no question that this was going to be a very, very long year for Blaine Anderson.