Eat, Suck, Love
Bad Boy With a Soft Side Previous Chapter Story
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Eat, Suck, Love : Bad Boy With a Soft Side

E - Words: 1,451 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jun 04, 2014 - Updated: Jun 04, 2014
157 0 0 0 0

Chapter 2


Dear Diary, I made it through the day. I must've said “I'm fine, thanks”, at least thirty-seven times and I didn't mean it once. But no one noticed. When someone asks “how are you”, they really don't want an answer. - Kurt

 “Hey shoo!” Kurt said to the crow that was resting on his parent's grave. “Well that should do it.” He turns around and the crow is sitting on another tombstone. Then all this fog starts encircling him. After getting really freaked out he starts running faster than ever, tripping over himself, falling, only to see a man coming towards him. “Hey! Stay back! Don't come any closer”

“Hey are you ok?”

“Oh. Thank god! There was this bird and it was sort of Hitchcock then I started to run and there was all this fog and…I'm rambling.”

“No, no! I heard you and I saw you fall and I wanted to make sure that you were ok.”

“Well thank-you for that and I just embarrassed myself in front of you a second time.”

“No, it's ok. My name is Blaine and you're in my History class.”

“And English and French. And my name's Kurt.”

“Nice to meet you. So are you ok?”

“I'm sorry what?”

“Your leg?”

“Oh right yeah! Well let's see shall we.” Kurt pulls up his pants leg to reveal that his leg is all bloody. “Oh! That's not pretty.” Blaine turns around to control himself. “Hey, are you ok?”

“Oh no it's fine. Maybe you should go get that cleaned up.”

Kurt down at his leg again and says, “Oh, no it's alright.” He looks up only to find Blaine gone. “Blaine? Blaine?”


I lost control today. Everything I kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist him. - Blaine



“Ok. Emma I'm going out!”

“Oh wait! Let's see if I can do this. Don't stay out too late and call if you're gonna be late.”

Kurt laughs, “Good job Emma.” Kurt opens the door only to find Blaine there. “Oh, hi.”

“I was going to ring the doorbell. And you left this at the grave sight.” Blaine hands back Kurt's diary.

“Oh! Thank-you! I must've dropped it.”

“No problem.”

“So did you get any juicy secrets out of there?”

“No I uh didn't look.”

“Oh! Well thanks for not looking even anybody else would've.”

“Yeah well I wouldn't anybody looking in mine.”

“You keep a journal?” Kurt asked surprisingly.

“Yeah. So were you about to go out?”

“Oh yeah. Do you um want come? I'm just going to the grill to meet some friends.”

“Sure. Thank-you.”

“No problem, it's the least I could do.”


“So has Kurt been talking to that new guy?” asked Sam.

“Uh-uh, no. I'm not gonna be in the middle of you guys. If you want to know you, you have to talk to him yourself.” said Mercedes.

“I just can't believe he's moved on so quickly.”

“Hey! He feels as bad as you do, so don't thinking he doesn't care anymore.”

“Yeah, sure looks like it.” At that moment Kurt and Blaine walk into the grill.

“Hey, where are you going?” asked Mercedes.

“I'm just gonna introduce myself.” said Sam.

“Don't do anything stupid.”

“Hey, I'm Sam,” said Sam as holds out his hand.

“Hey, I'm Blaine,” said Blaine as he shakes Sam's hand.


“So you're from Lima?” asked Quinn.

“Yeah, my family moved when I was three,” said Blaine.

“What about your parents?” asked Mercedes.

“Uh no. My parents passed away,” said Blaine.

“I'm sorry. Any siblings?” asked Kurt.

“None that I talk to. I live with my uncle,” answered Blaine.

“So Blaine, if you're new you don't know about the party tomorrow,” said Quinn.

“It's a back to school thing at the Falls,” said Mercedes.

“Are you going?” asked Blaine to Kurt.

“Of course he's going,” replied Mercedes. Kurt's face turned bright red.


“Ok, what are you doing?” asked Zach.

“About what?” asked a confused Blaine.

“We're trying to get people away from the fact that vampire live here in Lima,” replied Zach.

“Look, I haven't had a drink from a human in 100 years,” said Blaine.

“So that means…” realizes Zach.

“There is another vampire in town doing all of these killings,” replied Blaine.

“Ok you find out who this is and confront him,” threatened Zach.

“Or you'll what? Look I'm looking into it. And it's not like you could do anything anyway, you're not even a vampire,” said Blaine.

“Ok just be careful when you're confronting him.”

“Yeah I'll be fine.” Blaine walks over to his bookshelf and pulls out one of his journals and looks at the picture of Kristian, who is the exact twin of Kurt in 1864.


“Ok the Battle of Willow creek was here in Lima,” said Mr. Tanner. “Can anyone tell me how many casualties were in this war? Miss Jones?”

“A lot?” said Mercedes.

“That's cute Miss Jones but the wrong answer. Mr. Evans, you want to enlighten us even though you're a jock? asked Mr. Tanner.

“Nope, I'm still fine with that stereotype,” replied Sam.

“As I figured. Mr. Hummel?” questioned Mr. Tanner.

“I'm sorry I don't know,” said Kurt.

“I was willing to be lenient last year and you had all summer, excuses are done now Mr. Hummel,” said Mr. Tanner.

“346 casualties if you're counting civilians,” interrupted Blaine.

“Yes that's correct Mr…?” said Mr. Tanner


“Anderson? Any relation to the originals?”


“Well very good even though there were no civilians in this battle.”

“Actually there were 27, all shot at the church because it was believed to have murderous weapons. Maybe you need to brush up on your Civil War facts Mr. Tanner.”


“Ok so he's gorgeous what now?” asked Kurt.

“Well I want to see if I can find him in this crowd,” says Mercedes.

“Ooh that sounds like fun! Wait! You need a crystal ball,” said Kurt. Kurt picks up a beer bottle and hands it to Mercedes, when she touches Kurt she sees something.

“What?” asked a worried Kurt.

“I saw something. A crow, some fog, and a man,” replied Mercedes. “You know what I'm drunk it was nothing. I'm gonna go get a refill.”

“Wait! Cedes!” Kurt turns around to see Blaine.

“I did it again didn't I?”

“Yes but its ok,”

“Do you want to go for a walk?”

“Yeah sure,”


“You're the talk of the town,” said Kurt.

“Oh am I?” asked Blaine.

“Yeah. Mysterious boy with a soft side, oh yeah the girls are totally eating that shit up around here,”

“Maybe I'm not the one who's mysterious; you have pain hidden behind those beautiful crystal blue eyes,”

Of course Kurt blushes but come on now just look at Blaine.

“You think that I have beautiful eyes?”

“Yeah and especially that fact that I can see some green and silver in there.”

“Well thank you for that sweet sentiment.”

“Well now that I've told you my story and embarrassed myself in front of you…”

“No no! I really appreciated it. And I'm guessing you want to tell you about my pain.”

“Unless you don't want to!”

“No no! I'll tell you. Um well I went to a party last year and my parents came to pick me up and we went over Wickery Bridge and it collapsed and me and brother made it and my parents didn't. And now I and my brother are known as kids who lost their parents. And my brother doesn't know how to deal with it and I just feel terrible about it because he's basically killing himself over this and I'm rambling.”

“No! I'm interested into listening to your past, I like getting to know you.”

“Yeah I like getting to know you too.”

“So what about you and Sam?”

“He is an ex-boyfriend who is still sad about me breaking up with him after my parents died.”

“Well I can see why's he's upset, you're a lot to give up.” Kurt blushes and looks down at his feet as any girl or gay boy would do at this moment.

“You are one of the sweetest people I've ever met.”

“Mysterious boy with a soft side remember?”

“How could I forget?” All they could now is smile at each other and start falling in love. Until they hear a blood curdling scream coming from the woods. “What was that?” asked Kurt.

“I don't know how about we go find out?” They start walking until they see Finn holding a girl as he crying.


“Finn what's going on? Is that Rachel?” asked Kurt.


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