Sept. 10, 2011, 6:05 p.m.
Sept. 10, 2011, 6:05 p.m.
Blaine continued to give blue eyes a horrified look.
“Sooo...you gonna help me out of this trunk anytime soon? Honestly, don’t you ever clean it out? I think the dust bunnies in here are having a neighborhood bash tonight or something. Making my nose itch.” The man huffed, holding his hand out expectantly.
Blaine blinked. What he should really be doing right now was shutting this man back up and driving right on back to the prison. Except those blue eyes were doing terrible things to him and without even thinking he took the man’s hand and pulled him up out of the trunk.
“Good man.” Blue eyes grinned, turning around to shut the trunk. Why did Blaine’s eyes have to travel down to the guy’s ass? Even in those prison pants it looked good. “Name’s Hummel. Kurt Hummel.” He turned back around, leaning back against the trunk.
“Why the hell are you in my trunk?” Blaine blurted out finally.
“Were. I was in your car’s trunk. Now I’m standing outside of dust town and leaning against this rather sexy vehicle...which, by the way, can’t compare to the good looks of its driver.” Kurt winked.
Blaine could feel his face reddening. “Er...look, just, why were you in my car? And how the hell did you manage to get out of the prison anyway? Oh my god...what the hell is going to happen when they realize you’re missing? Shit shit shit.”
Kurt laughed, shrugging. “Looks like you’re in trouble now.”
“It’s not funny!” Blaine groaned loudly, holding his head. “Fuck, my head hurts.”
“Blaine? Is that you?” A female voice called from nearby.
Blaine turned to see his next door neighbor, Emily, coming down the nearby concrete stairs that led up into the apartment building – Blaine liked to take those steps instead of the elevator, generally just for exercise.
Then the next thing he knew, Kurt grabbed hold of the front of his leather jacket and tugged him forward, crushing their bodies together and holding on tightly. “Don’t tell her a thing!” He hissed quietly, harshly, in Blaine’s ear.
“Oh, hey, Blaine. It is you. Thought I heard your voice.” Emily approached, smiling. “Who’s with you?”
Blaine was having a rather rough internal struggle at the moment. He had technically helped Kurt escape prison – even if he had not known he was at the time – so that meant he would probably be arrested if caught, right? If he turned Kurt in tonight then he might be able to get let off the hook. If he kept quiet, however, then he would probably be screwed.
The image of Kurt’s blue eyes piercing his, and the tightening grip of Kurt’s smaller hands on the front of his jacket, was halting him from saying anything and before he could even open his mouth he heard Kurt speaking close to him.
“I’m his boyfriend, lady. Get your own.”
“Hey!” Blaine snapped back. God, now he had to play along with this, didn’t he? “Be nice. Emily’s my neighbor. I told you about her. Remember?” He was screwed.
Kurt gave Emily a look over then put on a rather obvious fake surprised look. “Oh, right. That Emily. Sorry, doll. My baby is just so irresistible; I have to keep a close eye out or someone might just try to steal him away from me.”
Okay, now Kurt was laying it on a bit thick. Blaine really just wanted some meds for his headache.
“Er, right...” Emily gave Blaine a ‘what the hell’ look. Blaine responded by giving her an apologetic one. “So...I have to head on over to my parents, Blaine. Brother showed up and is giving them shit again. I probably won’t be back till tomorrow evening at some point. Nora will be back by the morning so she can feed Ro. So you don’t have to worry about him.”
“Okay. I really hope things work out okay. I hate seeing how this affects you.” Blaine replied, really hoping that was just Kurt’s hand pressing against his thigh. Wait, Kurt’s hand had only moved down to his waist. Oh god. That was totally not his hand. Blaine’s face was heating up again and he really hoped Emily did not notice. Kurt obviously had. He was smirking slightly at Blaine’s discomfort, his hand slipping lower to hook a finger in one of the belt loops on Blaine’s jeans.
“You’re a sweetheart.” Emily smiled brightly. “I’ll stop interrupting your alone time,” she giggled, “I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Thanks, Blaine.”
“No problem.” Blaine managed to squeak out. Would Kurt just stop nudging against him every few seconds? It was doing things to him, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a tiny bit turned on at this point. “See you, Emily.”
Emily waved farewell to them both and headed for her car that was parked nearby.
“Well, that was nice of you.” Kurt commented after she had gone. “Who’s Ro and Nora?”
Blaine quickly pulled away from Kurt’s grasp as soon as Emily had driven off. “Ro’s her dog and Nora’s her girlfriend.” A rather large crash of thunder came from over head and Blaine jumped. He was nervous as hell now.
He had not said anything to Emily. He had covered for Kurt. Oh god, he was going to go to jail or something for this.
“Jumpy, baby?” Kurt chuckled, reaching out and grabbing Blaine’s chin, tilting Blaine’s head up to gaze down at him. “I might be able to fix that. You smell good. It does things to me.” He licked his lips rather suggestively.
“Gah,” Blaine pulled his head away from Kurt’s grasp, “stop that! God, you’re a criminal. I just helped you escape and I covered for you. My life is ruined!”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” Kurt scoffed. “Look at it as you’re doing me a favor. Now come on, gorgeous. I am dreadfully tired and you look like you’re about to keel over.”
Before Blaine could blink, Kurt had grabbed his hand and was dragging him to the elevator. “Which floor is yours?” He asked.
Blaine tore his hand back and gave Kurt an incredulous look. “Wait. You’re expecting me to just let you come up into my apartment and spend the night? I should be stuffing you back into that car and driving you back to McKinley.”
“Yeah.” Kurt laughed. “You should be, but you already covered for me. In your head you already know you can’t go back.” The elevator doors opened and Kurt dragged him inside before they closed. “So, you’re stuck with me. Now which floor?”
Groaning again, Blaine pressed the number four and leaned back against the elevator wall. “I can not believe this.” Once they knew Kurt was gone, the prison would most likely consider checking with Blaine, just in case. Blaine was terrible at telling lies so he would most likely cave easily, unless he tried really, really, hard not to.
“I can.” Kurt grinned. “Finally out of that hell hole. You have no idea how that feels. Don’t have to deal with freaking Karofsky anymore either. Thank fucking god.” He sighed happily.
Karofsky had been that bigger guy who had rather obviously checked Blaine out before insulting Will’s little musical group performances and then walking off. “I’m sure that’s a relief...” He should not be feeling sympathy for this guy. Who knew what Kurt had done to land himself in prison? He could probably be a murderer for all Blaine knew.
The elevator doors slid open and Blaine headed on out, leaving Kurt to follow behind. There was nothing he could do by this point. If he was lucky Kurt would decide to split by tomorrow to go into hiding elsewhere.
Unlocking the door to his apartment, Blaine opened the door and stepped inside, waiting for Kurt to follow him in before shutting and relocking the door. God, he had just let a criminal into his apartment; a rather attractive criminal. This had to be some weird dream or something.
Kurt whistled and looked around. “Damn. This is a rather fine place you’ve got here, Anderson.”
“Blaine.” Blaine corrected without even thinking. “I prefer Blaine.”
“Alright, Blaine.” Kurt grinned. “So, you don’t have any weird roomies or significant others that may walk in that I should worry about, right?”
Blaine shook his head, heading into the living room to set his jacket down on the back of the couch, tossing his keys onto the nearby coffee table. “Nope. It’s just me.” Some part of his brain was trying to figure out why he was so calm right now. He had been close to freaking out just a bit ago, but now he was just...well, just calm. The situation he was in right now did not suggest ‘calm’.
“Lonely.” Kurt snorted, moving closer. Blaine backed away from him until his back bumped into the back of the couch. “Kind of lucky for me though.” He had a hand on Blaine’s waist now and was pressing up against him, his other hand slightly edging up along the underside of Blaine’s shirt to brush against his skin.
Blaine really wanted to push Kurt away, yet at the same time he was frozen in place because those eyes were just watching him; those eyes that seemed to look right into him.
And then Kurt was kissing him, lips soft against his own. There was nothing gentle about the kiss; it was rough and hungry. Kurt’s body rocked up against his and Blaine had to try so very hard to keep himself from responding in kind. It had been such a long time since he had been with anyone it was difficult not to just let himself go. This was all wrong though, not the right sort of situation for something like this, and, as Kurt’s lips moved to his neck, Blaine finally managed to shove Kurt away from him.
“No,” he gasped out, cursing his self for sounding so breathless, like he had enjoyed Kurt’s attempts to be intimate, “you have to stop. We can’t do this.”
“Why not?” Kurt raised an eyebrow, giving him a questioning look. “It’s not like you weren’t enjoying it.”
Blaine hated the fact that Kurt was right. He was just going to have to be on his guard until Kurt left. “Just...no.” He shook his head. Then he adjusted his shirt a bit and moved away, going to grab a pillow and some blankets to toss onto the couch. “Don’t do anything...weird tonight. Just sleep. I’m going to sleep too.”
“Like I’m going to do anything weird.” Kurt rolled his eyes, flopping down onto the couch. “Who do you think I am?”
Um, let’s see...a criminal? You could kill me in my sleep, I bet. Blaine almost let out a hysterical laugh at the thought. “How’d you end up in jail then?” Oh, maybe he should not have asked that.
A heavy look of annoyance crossed Kurt’s face and then he covered it with a light grin. “You don’t just ask people that, babe. If you did that in jail people might beat the shit out of ya. Now go to sleep.”
And with that Kurt had lay down and closed his eyes.
Blaine wondered if he had really just offended Kurt. Would that make him more likely to do something bad while Blaine slept? Good thing he had a nice pocket knife in his bedroom he could keep with him tonight. And it was probably a good idea to lock his bedroom door as well. It took Blaine almost an hour to drift off into a rather uneasy sleep.
When he woke up it was around 8am. His neck hurt from having slept weird on it, and he still felt tired. He was still alive at least. So that was good. That reminded him. He got up and slowly unlocked the door, sticking his head out into the hallway to see if he could over into the living room. The back of the couch was facing him so he could not see if Kurt was still there or not. There were no sounds coming from the living room so maybe he was still asleep.
Blaine made his way into the living room and carefully peeked over the top of the couch. No Kurt. Blaine breathed a sigh of relief, which was cut off rather quickly when he noticed his keys were missing from the coffee table.
“Hell...” That bloody bastard had taken his keys. This meant he probably stole his car too. Shit. This was all too messed up.
A sudden knock on the door made him jump, and feel a whole lot worse. Who could that be at this time of morning? Unless...shit.
Blaine hurried over and opened the door. In front of him stood Sue Sylvester.
Feeling rather normal again in his designer clothing, Kurt was just parking Blaine’s car in the parking garage when he spotted Sue Sylvester heading up the stairwell. He refused to let panic settle in as he got out of the car and grabbed his rather big duffle bag from the back seat – he had refused to put it in the trunk where all those nasty dust bunnies lived. For a criminal, he had some pretty high standards; especially when it came to his clothing.
Locking the car back up, Kurt slowly made his way up the stairwell, careful not to get too close to Sue. It did not surprise him at all to see her stop at the fourth floor. Blaine’s floor. He continued to follow her, but stayed hidden until he saw the door open and heard Blaine letting Sue into his apartment.
Now the question was how long was she going to be in there? Kurt could not just stay standing out in the hallway. He already had a plan for what he was going to do; he just needed to figure out which room to go to and how long he would need to stay in there. It would have to be for at least an hour, two at the most. Sue liked to talk sometimes, so even after she knew Kurt was not in Blaine’s apartment she might stick around for a bit.
One of the rooms on either side of Blaine’s belonged to Emily and Nora. If Kurt managed to get the right room he could use that to his advantage, considering he already had met Emily. Knocking on the door to the right he heard nothing and no one came to the door. Trying the next door loud barking came from inside and a female voice was heard telling the dog to shush.
Kurt could hear the lock being undone and then the door opened slightly, a rather tall, thin brunette with huge curls popping her head out of the opening to see who had knocked. “Yes?”
Giving the lady a rather friendly smile, Kurt set his bag on the ground and held his hand out. “Hi, I’m Kurt, Blaine Anderson’s boyfriend. I was wondering if I could use your phone? My cell’s broken and Blaine seems to be out at the moment.”
The brunette gave him a rather surprised look. “Wait...Blaine’s boyfriend? I didn’t know he had finally got one again. About time.” She laughed. “Sure, come on in.” She opened the door the rest of the way and invited him in. “I’m Nora, by the way. Hopefully Blaine’s mentioned me and Emily. Since we’re, like, his two most favorite neighbors ever.”
“He’s definitely mentioned you both.” Kurt replied, walking into the apartment and shutting the door behind him. “And I met Emily last night while she was leaving the apartment building.” A little dog, Chihuahua by the looks of it, came running over to sniff at him, yipping away loudly. “Of course, Blaine forgot to mention how beautiful his two most favorite neighbors were.” He gave Nora a charming smile.
Nora blushed, giggling. “You’re just saying that. Besides, everyone knows Emily’s the better looking of us two. Ro!” She laughed, shaking her finger at the barking dog. “Calm down!”
She led Kurt into the kitchen where the phone was. “Here you go. I have to go switch over the laundry real quick. I’ll be right back.” She left the kitchen after handing Kurt the wireless phone.
Unfortunately the dog chose to stick around and it continued to bark at Kurt. There was no way Kurt was going to call Blaine while the damn mutt continued to bark. “Hey,” he hissed, “shut the hell up or I’ll kick you outta here. Sheesh.” He nudge the dog out of the room with his foot and glared at it until it took off for wherever Nora had gone.
Once it was quieter, he pulled a small scrap of paper out of his jacket pocket. Blaine’s cell phone had been in his leather jacket last night so Kurt had gotten his number and wrote it down. He quickly dialed the number and hoped Blaine picked up.
After the fifth ring he finally heard Blaine answer. “Hello? Nora?”
“Nope, it’s someone a whole lot prettier.”
“K-Kris?” Kurt heard Blaine’s quick catch there and was glad for it. Hopefully Sue hadn’t heard that. What a lame name choice though. Why couldn’t Blaine have picked Kyle or something cooler? Ah whatever.
“Who else? Listen, call here whenever you’re finished.”
“What? Why?” Blaine sounded slightly annoyed. “Can’t you just...go?”
Kurt snorted, shaking his head even though Blaine couldn’t see him. Nora had come back into the room and was patiently waiting for him to finish. “Why would I want to do that? I like hanging out with you. Listen, doll, I have to go. Let me know when you’re back.” And with that he hung up.
“Apparently he’s going to be out for another hour or so.” Kurt sighed, making sure he sounded at least a little bit sad about that fact.
“Aww,” Nora gave him a sympathetic smile, “why don’t you stick around here with me for a bit?”
That thought would be much more enjoyable if the damn dog would just shut up. Ro was barking again. Kurt hated loud dogs.
He put on a thankful smile though and reached out to take Nora’s hand. “Thank you so much! I’d love to.”
“You’re welcome.” Nora smiled. “Do you like coffee, or tea? I could make us some and we could sit in the living room.”
“Tea would be brilliant.” He had not had a good cup of tea in over a year now. “Would you like any help?”
“Oh, it’s alright.” Nora went over to grab the kettle and fill it with water. “I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s nice to see Blaine’s finally found someone who’s seemingly as nice as you are.”
“Why?” Kurt gave her a curious look. Ha, if only she knew.
“Well,” Nora sighed, going over to a cabinet to get to mugs, “he probably hasn’t told you, or maybe he has I don’t know, but his last few boyfriends were real losers. His last relationship ended about a year ago and it really wrecked him. He doesn’t like to talk about it and it finally seems like he’s gotten past it a bit. I mean, he’s much happier these days and now he has you.” She shrugged, getting the sugar and tea bags out. “I’m happy for him.”
“Huh, he never mentioned his past relationships.” Kurt shrugged. Well, if Blaine did not fall in love with him or anything like that then he would not have to worry about Kurt hurting him...too much anyway. “I suppose if he had bad experiences in the past though it wouldn’t be something he’d just want to talk about. I’m sure he’ll tell me about it when he’s ready. I won’t pressure him.” He gave Nora a reassuring smile.
They waited for the water to be ready then made their tea, heading into the living room to drink it. Ro attempted to sit on Kurt’s lap, but there was no way Kurt was going to let the dog get hair on his nice jacket. So when Nora was not looking Kurt roughly shoved the dog off of the couch.
Nora told Kurt about how she had met Blaine. It had been five years ago. They had just moved in together back at Nora’s old place when their landlord got arrested for selling drugs. The new apartment owner was rather homophobic and kicked them out. So they had come over to this apartment and managed to get the room they were in now. Blaine had come over their move in day and had helped out. He knew Emily because she worked at the coffee shop down the street that he loved so much. The three had started to hang out quite a bit ever since then and were now a very tight nit group – Blaine had broken away from his parents after starting his big music career; Emily’s parents had kicked her out once they had found out she was interested in girls; and Nora’s parents were both dead; so for the three of them it was as if their little trio was their family. Sure they all had other friends, but those friendships could not compare to this.
Kurt could kind of understand that. After all, the only family he had left was his best friend. She was the one he had visited last night.
An hour later the phone started ringing in the kitchen. Nora jumped up to go get it and, for the seemingly twentieth time that day, Kurt shoved Ro back off the couch. The stupid animal just did not seem to get it. Kurt wanted nothing to do with it.
“Sure, Blaine. Come visit some time, alright? Uh huh. No, he’s a doll. I had fun talking to him. It’s about time you got yourself someone as nice as he is. Alright, here he is. Love you.” Nora smiled and handed the phone down to Kurt.
“Hey, darling.” Kurt grinned, drawing out the ‘r’ nice and long.
“Okay, really?” Blaine sounded annoyed. “I can’t believe you. I don’t know how I’m going to explain to them that you’re not my boyfriend.”
“Then don’t, hunny.” Kurt laughed. “Anyway, you back?”
“Of course. Though you know I was debating on not calling. Don’t even know why I did.”
“I would have figured it all out eventually. I’ll be right over.” Kurt hung up and handed the phone back to Nora. “Thanks so much for letting me use your phone and stay here till he returned.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Nora replied, smiling. “You drag that boy over here for dinner some night, you here? I’m sure Emily would love to make dinner for the four of us. I can’t cook.” She laughed.
“That’d be lovely. I’m sure I could help out. Cooking was always something I was good at.” Kurt stood and headed for the door. “I’ll see you later.”
Nora waved farewell and shut the door behind him. Kurt went over and knocked on Blaine’s door, knowing Blaine would let him in. After all, he still had Blaine’s keys.
and the fun begins lol
Ohhh, =O I really hope you haven't forgotten about this story! I can't wait to see what happens next. n_n
great job so far! I love the idea of Kurt being the badass one in all this :)