Spells, Quidditch, and Gryffindor Tower
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Spells, Quidditch, and Gryffindor Tower: Chapter 1

E - Words: 5,944 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Apr 23, 2012 - Updated: Jun 11, 2012
460 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Here is the start. Hope you like it and let me know through reviews.
Today was different from any other. Kurt had woken up in his bed in Lima, Ohio to an empty space. All of his belongings were packed into three meticulously organized trunks that sat in the family room upstairs. Pavarotti was in his cage floor at the foot of his bed trying to break open the lock with his beak.

“Sorry Pav, but you can’t come out until we get there.” Kurt said walking out of the fogged bathroom. He had been up for a couple of hours even though it was only nine in the morning, his nerves were getting the best of him. After changing into the outfit he picked out days ago and finishing his morning moisturizing routine, Kurt went upstairs with the noisy Barn Owl to tell his Dad he was ready to leave. It was bittersweet. Leaving the home that he had grown up in. The decision was not an easy one to make, but his Dad had insisted after what happened a few months ago at his last school.

“Kurt if you don’t hurry up you’re going to be late for your meeting with the headmistress.” Burt called out to his son, not knowing that Kurt was just a few feet behind him while he was bent over inspecting the fireplace.

“I’m right here Dad and be careful not to strain anything.” He replied, causing his father to jump and nearly hit his head on the mantel above.

“If anything, you’re going to be what gives me another heart attack .” Burt stood back up and turned to see Kurt glaring at him while he walked over to his Dad’s side by the fireplace.

“That is not funny and you know it Dad. We can’t have anything like that happening again. Now, where’s Carol? I wanted to say goodbye to her before I left.” He said turning towards the doorway to see her walking through, tears in her eyes. “Oh c’mon now, I thought we had been done with all this last night.” Kurt whined to her trying to hold back his own tears after seeing the look on her face.

Carol surged forward and took Kurt into a tight hug. Tears falling freely down her cheeks. “Kurt we’re going to miss you so much, but make sure you have plenty of fun and write as much as you can. I promise to take good care of your Dad and don’t forget to tell Finn to write more often. We’re going to miss you.” Finally letting him go and backing away so she would not grab him again and so that he would not be too tempted to stay.

“Ready bud?” Burt asked as he shuffled two of the trunks into the fireplace with himself.

“As I’ll ever be.” On the note Burt took a handful of floo powder. “Hogwarts.” He said and threw the powder to the floor. With a flash of green light he was gone. Kurt stepped in with Pavarotti in one hand and his last trunk on the other side. Grabbing some floo powder he held it out in front of him. After looking around the home one last time he said “Hogwarts.” The green light from before swirled, then the fireplace became still.


A loud crack sounded around him and a room came into focus. Dusting himself off, Kurt stepped out of the fireplace into the headmistress’s office. Pictures were hung covering almost every empty space on the walls and a pensieve could be seen through a crack in one of the cabinet doors glowing faintly. ‘Incredible’ he thought to himself. Looking to his right he saw a large desk with bookshelves surrounding it. A perch was sitting next to it, but it looked to have been empty for quite some time.

“Ahem.” The cough pulled Kurt out of his thoughts of how the room could seriously use a more modern twist. He turned to see his father standing next to a much older women. She had a stern yet kind look on her face. “You must be Kurt.” She said holding out her hand.Taking hers quickly and shaking it he responded with a “yes ma’am.”

“Pleased to meet you Kurt. My name is Professor McGonagall. I am Headmistress here at Hogwarts.” She stepped back to look at Burt. “You are welcome to stay for Kur’ts sorting if you would like, but I’m afraid after that I must ask that you let us get him settled in.” She said in a kind tone. Kurt could already tell that he was going to like her.

“Thank you Professor, but I must be off.” Shaking her hand Burt turned to his son. “Be good kid and have fun. Also, keep an eye on Finn.” Kurt could see that his dad was trying to keep a stiff upper lip for him. If Burt started to break down then Kurt would never let him leave without him.

“Don’t you at least want to stay until I find out what house I’m in?” Kurt asked a little nervous. He had read about the houses in the letters the school had sent to him and they were apparently something everyone went through when they first came to Hogwarts.

“No, I think you’ve got it from here, the cloaking device till busted on Mr. Burns’s car and he’s picking it up today. Think of it as something for us to talk about in your first letter home.” Burt smiled. Kurt threw his arms around his dad and was immediately happy for the bear hug that he got in return. After a few minutes they broke apart. Burt tried as best he could to contain the sad look in his eyes. It was the first time his boy would be away from home for more than a few days. “Bye bud.” He said as he walked back towards the fireplace and grabbed a handful of floo powder. They had been lucky that the school had opened up the channel for them to travel through. “Bye Dad” Sadness etched into Kurt’s voice. “Hummels Tire and Lube.” Burt said and then he was gone.

Kurt turned around to find Professor McGonagall holding an old patchwork hat.

“Welcome again to Hogwarts, Kurt. Once the Sorting Hat sorts you into your house your guide will meet you at the bottom of the stairs for your tour. You won’t need to take your owl or trunks. They will be brought to your dormitory while you are on your tour. Since it is already midway through the day you do not have to go to any of your classes, but tomorrow you should, even though it will be Friday.” She stepped forward and placed the Sorting Hat on his head. ‘Great, now I’m going to have to fix my hair and I don’t have any hairspray on me.’ Kurt thought to himself in exasperation.

“Bit of a diva aren’t you.” The voice said coming from above him. Kurt looked around sharply to see where it had come from.

“No need to be frightened, I’m just taking a look into your mind.” The realization came quickly that it was the hat who was speaking.

“Yes, you are clever. Slytherin would be a good place for you, but your courage and bravery surpasses it. A bright mind as well and a good heart.” The Sorting Hat took its time and thought through his decision. “So many places you could excell. Hmm... I guess it has to be... Gryffindor!”


Professor McGonagall congratulated him and gave him everything he needed for the day, including a map, his schedule, and his Gryffindor tie, before sending Kurt downstairs. Smiling nervously, Kurt swung his satchel over his head and descended the spiral staircase. The gold and crimson tie added the pop of color he was planning on for his outfit. At the bottom he stopped and looked around.

“Oomf.” Kurt’s breath was knocked out of him after being grabbed from behind in a hug. “Finn! Put me down right now! You’re going to wrinkle my shirt!”

“Easy dude, I’m just excited to see you.” Finn put Kurt down and smiled at him. His grin grew even larger when he saw the tie around Kurt’s neck. “You’re in Gryffindor with me!” He shouted and went in for another hug, but stopped short at the diva glare Kurt shot at him.

“Yes, and it’s nice to see you too Finn.” Finn had been at Hogwarts since he was eleven. Now as a fifth year he was considered an upperclassman. Kurt was happy that since they were in the same year he did not have to start out at the bottom of the school food chain.

“Awesome. Well we should get going if I’m going to show you all the important spots before Quidditch practice.” Finn was a beater on the Gryffindor House quidditch team.

“Alright, lead the way.” Kurt said before allowing Finn to throw an arm over his shoulder and started leading him down the corridor. They had become really close in the past few months after Burt and Carole got married. Now they were just like biological brothers instead of step brothers. Traveling down the halls, Kurt was amazed at the sights around him. Hogwarts made his last school, McKinley High School for the Magically Gifted, look like a pile of rubble. Something he was happy to see was that there were no lockers lining the walls. ‘Maybe this is the fresh start that I always hoped for.’ Kurt thought to himself. Finn chatted about the classes, students, and teachers.

“Flitwick is pretty cool and he gives out house points a lot to all of the students.” Finn said as they neared the Great Hall.

“What class does he teach?” Kurt asked and then stopped. His jaw dropped open at the sight in front of him. Four long rows of wooden tables filled the enormous hall.He stepped in trying to take in everything around him, not noticing that Finn kept walking without realizing Kurt had stopped. Looking up, Kurt saw expansive windows and tapestries of each house above each of the tables, but from what he could see, the students that were in the hall were all in mixed groups. It was not until he was bumped that his trance was broken.

“Oh sorry white boy didn’t see you there.” Kurt turned to see a large chocolate girl in robes with a yellow and black tie. “What are you doing standing in the middle of the doorway?” she asked with a curious look on her face.

“Sorry, I’m new. My brother was showing me around...” Kurt looked around to see Finn nowhere to be found. “... and it looks like I lost him.”

“No problem. I can help you find him. I’m Mercedes Jones by the way.” She extended her hand. “I’m Kurt Hummel.” Taking her hand and shaking it. When he went to release, Mercedes hooked elbows with him and started leading him back into the hall. They both laughed and started strolling down one of the corridors together as if they were the best of friends.

“What’s your brothers name?” Mercedes asked.

“Finn Hudson.” He said while looking around to see if he could find his ouf of a brother.

“Oh, so you’re the boy that Rachel’s been telling me about. Well he should be on his way down to the Quidditch pitch. Follow me.” Dragging him into a stairwell leading towards the outside of the castle.

“Sorry, but who’s Rachel.” Kurt asked thinking the name sounded familiar.

“Your brothers girlfriend. She’s one of my best friends.” Mercedes said as she continued to lead him down the path and onto the castles grounds. Kurt remembered that Finn had mentioned Rachel in a couple of his letters home. From what he knew they had a hot and cold relationship and that the girl liked to sing. A lot.

They walked along the path and come up over a hill seeing a giant stadium with multi-colored walls and many towers coming up around it. Kurt recognized the goal hoops at either end of the arena. His father and Finn were both very big into the sport. They would listen to the games on the radio while he sat to the side and read his fashion magazines. As he and Mercedes got closer and small brunette girl came running towards them.

“Oh my god, you must be Kurt. I’ve heard so much about you. Finn talks about you a lot and he says that you sing. He said you like Broadway and other music from muggle musicals. I love them too! We’re going to get along so well.” The brunette rambled quickly.

Mercedes quickly cut in. “Whoa, Rachel calm down you’re scaring the poor boy.”

“Sorry. I’m just so excited to meet you!” Rachel threw her arms around Kurt in a big hug. He was startled, but returned the hug softly.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Have you seen Finn we got separated earlier and I couldn’t find him.”

“He’s on the pitch. They started practice about ten minutes ago. Come sit and watch.” Rachel linked arm on Kurt’s other side and the three of them started down the path again. They chatted with each other and Kurt already knew, by the time they had taken their seats in the stands, that he was going to be good friends with the both of them. While sitting and talking about all of their common interests, they watched as the Gryffindor team practiced.

“What houses are you both in?” Kurt asked after noticing that their ties were different colors.

“I’m in Hufflepuff and Rachel is in Ravenclaw.” Mercedes answered. “You’re lucky though, a bunch of the really cute fifth year guys are in Gryffindor.” Kurt thought about it for a minute and dismissed the thought of him finding someone. The last couple of times he had crushed on guys one turned out to become his step brother and the was a very straight muggle. He also thought about being called a fifth year. It would take some getting used to since they were never refered to their grades back in Ohio like that.

“I guess it won’t be too bad having something nice to at least look at.” He then stopped and realized what he had just said. Ducking his head he waited for the girls to give him disgusted looks and walk away, but Mercedes response shocked him.

“They certainly aren’t bad to look at. We’ll need to go guy watching sometime in the Gryffindor common room together.” She said smiling at him. He was surprised to see that it was a genuine warm smile.

“Wait,” Kurt said “you don’t care that I’m... gay?”

“No. Why would I be, white boy? I’m actually pretty excited. Every girl wants a gay best friend.” Mercedes said.

“Finn already told us that you are and that you didn’t have the easiest time at your last school because of it, but don’t worry. We’re happy to have another diva.” Rachel said to him while watching Finn fly around and hit bludgers at his teammates. Kurt’s smile grew and felt so relieved that he was actually going to make some real friends.

They continued talking and it became clear to them all that the diva’s were all going to be best friends and a force to be reckon with. It was in the middle of their fashion discussion, including Kurt telling Rachel that a sweater with an animal face on it will in no way go into style, that a player suddenly flew over their heads and missed hitting them by barely inches.

“What the hell?” All three of them yelled at the same time. They turned and looked at each other before they burst out laughing. The Gryffindor team seemed not to notice the near death experience the three of them had as they dismounted and walked towards the changing tent. Mercedes and Rachel got up to walk down to the tent.

“You’re coming, right?” Mercedes asked as Rachel made her way to the stairs and turned back to wait for them.

“Yeah, but go on ahead I’ll meet up with you at the tent. I just want to fix my hair a bit before going down. It probably looks horrible.” Kurt responded. Mercedes laughed and turned to walk with Rachel. They said a quick “see you soon.” and decended the stairs. Kurt pulled out his ipod and fixed his hair in the reflection. Whoever almost hit them had messed up his coif and the muggle device still came in handy, even if he could only listen to his music on it at Hogwarts. After satisfied that his hair was up to presentability he got up and made his way towards the stairs. Until, a thud sounded behind him and someone spoke.

“Hi.” Kurt jumped and spun around to find a boy dismounting a broom. “I’m Blaine.”

Kurt’s heart felt like it stopped. ‘Oh wow, he’s gorgeous.’ The boy in front of him was a bit shorter than him, but more muscular. His chest and legs were shown off nicely in his Quidditch outfit, Kurt’s eyes moved up the other boy’s body and he got lost when he looked in his eyes. They were unreal. A mix of warm brown and honey with a slight green tint in the right light. The boy, Blaine, shifted his weight from foot to foot, breaking Kurt’s trance.

“Sssorry,” He stammered “I’m Kurt”. Nervously he looked down.

“Why are you sorry? I’m the one who almost hit you while trying to catch the snitch.” Blaine laughed and tried to catch Kurt’s eye. Kurt looked up and they both smiled at each other.

“So you’re the one who messed up my hair.” Kurt said trying to hide his nervousness.

“But, it’s okay. I should have been paying more attention.” Kurt and Blaine both stared into each others eyes and smiled timidly at each other.

“So... you’re in Gryffindor. How come I’ve never seen you before?” Blaine asked.

“I just transferred today. I’m a what’s it called... um a fifth year.” Kurt said shyly.

“Cool, so am I. Did someone show you around ‘cause I could... If you want.” Blaine said looking into Kurt’s eyes as if trying to memorize their color.

“Oh, Finn showed me everything,” Blaine’s face fell. “well everything besides the dormitory. Could you maybe also show me where the common room thing is?” ‘Please say yes. Please say yes.’ Kurt thought to himself.

“I would love to.” Blaine beamed at him, making Kurt’s heart melt a little, and ushered him towards the stairs. They walked in silence next to each other, down the stairwell, and towards the changing tents.Blaine trying to catch Kurt’s eye. When he did Kurt blushed and looked straight ahead. Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, and a couple of other people were standing talking outside the Gryffindor changing tent.

“So Blaine,” a blonde haired boy yelled as Kurt and Blaine got closer. “are you going to introduce us to the cute new boy.” The brunette next to him scowled and pushed him lightly. “Not as cute as you Nicky, but still.”

“Oh, guys this is my step brother Kurt. He just transferred today and he’s in Gryffindor with us.” Finn said turning towards Kurt. “I’m going to start walking back with the girls. Kurt do you want to come up with us? I can show you where the common room is.” Kurt looked at the two guys and Blaine standing next to the tent whispering to each other. The blonde looked up at Kurt, then whispered something to Blaine, who had been arguing with, ‘was the boy’s name actually Nicky?’ Kurt thought to himself, Blaine paused and turned to Kurt. Blaine smiled at Kurt, then looked away, missing the pink blush that colored Kurt’s face again.

“I think I’m okay Finn.” Finn just shrugged seeming to be wrapped up in his girlfriend, took Rachel’s hand and started walking back towards the castle. Mercedes shot Kurt a ‘we are talking boys later’ look before walking speedily to catch up with the couple. Kurt could not help but think about how quickly he had become comfortable with the people around him. Back home he tried to avoid as many people as he could, but at Hogwarts everyone seemed so friendly.

“So Kurt, ready for that tour?” Kurt turned to find Blaine right behind him looking dapper, somehow, in his uniform.

“We could always help with the tour. I’m an excellent tour guide.” The blonde said stepping up beside Blaine and winking at Kurt.

“What could you show him that I couldn’t.” Blaine asked, looking wary.

“All the places the teachers and prefects don’t check on their rounds. The best places to make out and-”

“JEFF! Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” The brunette came up quickly glaring at the blonde.

“Oh, right. We shouldn’t give up our favorite places should we, Nicky?” Jeff winked at the brunette.

“Wait... you’re... and... what?” Kurt spluttered.

“Sorry about him.” The brunette said stepping up to Kurt and holding out his hand. “I’m Nick and this idiot is Jeff.” he pointed at the other boy.

“Pleasure to meet you both.” Kurt shook Nick’s hand. Nick stepped back and took Jeff’s hand in his. Kurt went wide eyed. Blaine, Nick, and Jeff all looked at each other and then back at Kurt.

“Kurt, are you okay?” Blaine asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, but um... are you two together?” Kurt asked quietly.

“Yes, is that a problem?” Jeff said quickly as he stepped in front of Nick, as if to protect him from Kurt.

“No, no.” Kurt answered quickly. “It’s just... at my last school... that couldn’t... I couldn’t...” Kurt stammered and then went quiet, staring at the ground. Blaine and Jeff looked confused, but Nick knew what he meant and stepped out from behind Jeff and towards Kurt, speaking quietly to him.

“You mean you weren’t able to do that with another boy , at your last school. As in you couldn’t show affection towards another.” It wasn’t a question. Kurt just nodded and kept his eyes down. “You’re gay too, aren’t you?” Once again, Kurt nodded. “Well you’re okay here. No one will hurt you. We’ll make sure of it.” Nick told him sincerely.placing a hand on Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt looked up and the two boys smiled at each other. Then a curious look came upon Kurt’s face.

“Are all of you gay?” He asked. No sooner had the words left his mouth then his cheeks and tips of his ears turned bright pink. Blaine and the other two laughed.

“Yes we are.” Blaine said, walking up next to Kurt. “Trust me, you’re not the only one at Hogwarts and neither are we.” Both boys grinned at each other. Nick and Jeff looked at the two boys in front of them and then back at each other. Both clearly knowing that something was going on between the two.

“Well, this has been entertaining,” Jeff said, breaking Kurt and Blaine’s trance with each other. “but it’s starting to get dark out and dinner should be being served soon. C’mon Nicky, I’m starving.” Jeff said draping his arm over Nick’s shoulders and started leading him up the path. Blaine and Kurt walked next to each other, while Jeff and Nick led the way. The three friends chatted about classes and an upcoming quidditch match as they walked back towards the school. Kurt only half listened as he took in the scenery around him. Everything was beautiful as the sun was setting behind the mountains. Shadows played off the top of a lake in the distance. As they entered the castle through the courtyard Kurt saw paintings moving and ghosts coming around the corner at the end of the hallway. His eyes went wide, once again, taking in everything around him. McKinley was nothing in comparison. Nick, Jeff, and Blaine led him into the Great Hall and to empty seats at the middle right table. Above them banners with the Gryffindor colors hung suspended in midair, just below the bewitched ceiling that looked just like the sky outside.

“It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?” Kurt turned to see Blaine looking up as well. “The charm they use also helps the astronomy class when it’s too cold to go outside at night.”

“I didn’t know there was an astronomy class.” Kurt said as he looked back up.

“It’s horrible. You definitely don’t want to take it.” Jeff said.

“Well some of us actually try to pay attention in it
and not ask Professor Ferenz about if he can predict if you’ll pass your OWLs without studying.” Nick said as he rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, who stuck his tongue out in return. Nick kissed him softly before turning back to look at Kurt and Blaine across from him, to find them looking at some parchment.

“We have a few classes together. Muggle Studies, Potions, and Defense against the Dark Arts. Jeff is in the Potions class too. Wes is in our Muggle Studies class. Nick will be in your Runes along with Mercedes and David. Whoa!” Blaine said looking at the parchment closely.

“What? Is something wrong with one of my classes?” Kurt asked.

“No... it’s just... wow.” Blaine stammered and then handed the schedule to Nick and Jeff across the table. They examined it for a minute and then their eyes went wide. All three of the boys turned towards Kurt.

“One of you better start explaining to me why you’re all looking at me like I have three heads.” Kurt gave them all his diva look.

“You mean like Fluffy?” Jeff asked. Nick cut him off before Kurt could ask who Fluffy was.

“Kurt, your schedule says you in advanced sixth year Charms. Is that true?” Nick asked.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve always been pretty good at Charms. Professor McGonagall sent a letter to my teacher back home for a list of all the spells I’ve performed and mastered.” Kurt said offhandedly. All of a sudden, food appeared out of thin air on all of the tables. Jeff dug right in while Blaine and Nick still looked at him incredulously.

“That’s incredible.You must be really good to have Flitwick allow you into the advanced sixth year class. Most sixth years don’t even make it in.” Nick said. “Maybe you can tutor Blaine sometime. He needs all the help he can get.” Jeff snorted, but kept eating. Kurt looked at Blaine curiously.

“It was one time.” Blaine said defensively, not meeting Kurt’s gaze.

“It was the entire tapestry on the left side of the common room.” Nick responded before starting to eat.

“What happened to the tapestry.” Kurt asked as he slowly started putting food onto his plate.

“I um... made it catch on fire.” Blaine looked down and started eating the food on his plate, embarrassed. Glaring at nick when he started snickering.

“While he was trying to work on a water spell.” Jeff said between bite. Kurt started laughing and Blaine pouted at him.

“I guess I should tutor you if you’re getting the opposite element then the one you wanted when practicing. We’ll just make sure that you’re far away from my wardrobe when we do.” Kurt smiled at Blaine and he returned it. The rest of dinner was spent talking about funny stories of Blaine’s numerous other Charms mishaps and Nick and Jeff’s funny prank escapades. The three boys had asked many questions about Kurt’s life back home and about his interests. After each of them finished they stood up and walked out into the corridor. Nick and Jeff turned left to go towards the library for some ‘studying’ and Blaine took Kurt towards the stairs. Again Kurt’s jaw dropped when he saw the moving staircases. Blaine chuckled to himself. Kurt couldn’t get over how incredible the castle was and the fact that he will be able to live here. Blaine led the way up the stairs until they came to a portrait. Kurt looked at the woman and jumped when she turned to look back at him.

“Password?” She asked looking at him expectantly.

“Um...” Kurt said trying to think of the words Finn had told him on their walk from the headmistress’s office to the Great Hall.

“Cornish Pixies” Blaine said. The painting swung open to reveal a doorway. Blaine led Kurt though it into the deserted common room.

“Looks like everyone is still out.” He said walking towards a staircase at the back of the room. Blaine turned to see Kurt looking around as if not sure what to do.

“You coming.” Blaine asked with a smile. Kurt jumped and followed him quickly up the stairs to the fifth floor (for all the fifth years) and to the left. Blaine had noticed that Kurt always seemed to jump when any type of noise broke silence. He frowned, wondering why that was. At the end of the hallway, he opened to door and motioned Kurt inside.

‘Alright Kurt get it together. Be confident.’

“Why thank you good sir.” Kurt said brightly smiling at Blaine as he stepped into the empty dorm room. He put a little more sway in his step as he walked to the middle of the room where the heater sat. Taking in the beds and furnishings around him, he did not notice Blaine stare at his ass. Kurt turned around to see Blaine quickly looking away from him.

“So,” Blaine cleared his throat “This one of the dorm rooms for fifth year guys. The other dorm is just next door. Jeff, Nick, Finn, and I are in this one with a couple of other guys. Everyone tries to keep their own mess to their own space.” Blaine walked over the only made bed in the room. “This one is yours. Looks like you’ll be right next to me.” A sharp tapping noise came from the window between Kurt and Blaine’s beds. Blaine walked over and clicked the lock up and opened the window. A streak of copper and white came flying through the window and perched itself on top of bottom board to Kurt’s bed.

“Hey, Pav.” Kurt walked to his bed and sat on the left side of his bed. Petting the owl while it made content clicking noises. Blaine sat on his own bed across from Kurt. After a minute Blaine reached forward to pet the owl’s wing. That movement caused a flurry of action. Kurt’s hand shot out and grabbed Blaine’s wrist as Pavarotti flew to the windowsill and hissed at Blaine with his head down and wings up, as if ready to attack. Blaine sat motionless and wide eyed. Kurt and Blaine both looked down at their hands. Their gaze lifted until they met. Slowly, Kurt released Blaine’s wrist and stood up. Blaine watched as Kurt took careful steps towards the window and owl that was still glaring at him.

“Hey... shhhh... it’s okay Pavarotti. He isn’t going to hurt you. Shhh.” Kurt cooed to the bird as he stepped closer. When He placed one of his hands Pavarotti stood up straight, but didn’t take his black orb eyes off of Blaine.

“Good boy.” Kurt said as he reached into the top pocket the suitcase on his bed. Taking out an owl treat and giving it to the owl. Pavarotti finally looked away from Blaine and took the treat from Kurt’s hand. Kurt gave the bird a small nudge towards the outside and the owl took off into the night. He shut the window and sat back down, but didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry.” Kurt said so quietly that Blaine barely heard it.

“It’s fine. It’s my fault.” Blaine said quickly.

“No it’s not.”Kurt responded quickly, looking up at Blaine. “I should have warned you. Pavarotti gets really nervous around new people.”

“Really, it’s fine Kurt. No harm done.”Blaine said. Kurt got up and started organizing his space. He took out two pictures and put them on his bedside table before sliding his three trunks under his bed with the robes left for him at the end of his bed and placed Pavarotti’s cage on the window seat. Blaine watched as he worked. Taking in the boy’s every movement.

“Who are they?” He asked pointing to the pictures.

“Oh, the one on the right is of my dad, stepmom Carole, Finn, and I at our house in Lima and the one on the left is of my mom and I when I was little.” Kurt said offhandedly as he took out his blue silk pajamas and toiletry bag out from one of the trunks then sliding it back under his bed. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“There’s one right across from us and another on the right.” Kurt walked straight across the circular room and into the bathroom. He decided to skip his skin regime so he could get plenty of sleep before his first day of classes. After twenty minutes he packed up his belongings and stepped back into the room to find it filled with the other Gryffindor boys.

“Hey Kurt.” Finn said from his bed on the right side of the doorway. “How was your first day?”

“Good. Nick, Jeff, and Blaine showed me around a bit and I ate dinner with them. Where are Nick and Jeff?” Kurt asked looking around to find two beds on the left. One was empty while the other had curtains drawn. Suddenly a head poked out of the curtains.

“Hi Kurt.” Nick said smiling. Kurt was about respond when he heard, “Nicky, come back to bed.” and Nick’s head disappeared. Kurt’s eyes went wide as he stood in shock that the two were in the same bed.

“Don’t worry Kurt, they are actually just going to sleep.” Blaine said reassuringly across from him.

“That’s what you think.” Jeff called. Laughing coming from behind the curtains.

“Jesus, you two. How many times do I have to tell you to use the Muffliato spell when you’re together. Not everyone needs to hear you.” A boy said from the bed on the right side of Finn’s. Another boy to the left of Blaine’s bed chuckled. All they heard next was Nick saying Muffliato and the left side of the room went quiet.

“Thank god. Those two can be so annoying sometimes.” The boy next to Finn said.

“Oh, shut up Peter. You’re just mad because your girlfriend won’t invite you over to the Hufflepuff common room for the night.” The boy next to Blaine said.

“At least I have a girlfriend Leo.” Peter grumbled as he shut his curtains.

“Why tie myself down.” Leo responded as he rolled his eyes and closed his own curtains as well. Finn looked up at Kurt from his bed next to him.

“Welcome to Hogwarts bro. Goodnight.” Finn closed his curtains.

“Goodnight, Finn.” Kurt walked back to his bed, put his toiletries away and climbed in.

“So, obviously now you know Leo and Peter.” Blaine said to him. Kurt laughed.

“I can already tell that I’m going to like it here.” Kurt said as he pulled his own drapping closed. “Goodnight Blaine.” Kurt said as he snuggled into his pillow.

“Goodnight Kurt.”

End Notes: Wow that was long.


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I love this!!! Its awesome :) update soon!!

I'll try to update as soon as I can and thanks for the first review!

Its even more fun to write

potter and klaine. can life get any better than this? ;)

unfare... i live in australia so il wont get to see them :( cool i can't wait

Wow. That's amazing. I never thought my writing could reach somewhere so far. Thank you so much for your reviews. You don't know how much it means to hear some positive feed back

hahah anytime anytime :)