Timer One-Shots
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Timer One-Shots: You Brought Me To Life

T - Words: 1,960 - Last Updated: May 06, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Apr 25, 2014 - Updated: Apr 25, 2014
188 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

TW: Some swearing and homophobic language.

Blaine was sitting in the living room on a stiff leather couch. His parents sitting across for him. His mom had her hands folded in her lap and a small smile on her face as if she was trying to tell him with her facial expression, "I want to hear from you Blaine."

His dad was another story. His face was stony as if he already knew he wasnt going to like what his youngest son had to say. He looked ready to say no to whatever request Blaine was about to make.

Blaine closed his eyes for a moment wanting to choose his words carefully and remembering why he was doing this in the first place.

He remembered Kurts face when he told him about what had happened with Karofsky. His blue eyes round and still a little panicked as he explained Karofskys threat. This had gone far beyond bulling, but Kurt still didnt want to tell anyone, he was convinced no one would do anything anyway.

"And my dad Blaine. His heart. I cant... I dont want to hurt him." Kurts voice was soft and small as he spoke and Blaine could feel some of the fear flowing through Kurt.

Beautiful. Stubborn. Brave. Loving Kurt.

If Kurt didnt feel like he could tell anyone and if Kurt was working on shielding some of his emotions from Blaine, than Blaine just had to do something himself.

Thats what brought him to this, sitting in his living room with his parents.

"Well, Blaine." His father said, disrupting Blaines thoughts. "What is it you wanted to talk to us about?"

Blaine felt a swarm of nerves flutter in his stomach and did his best to fight it down, for his sake and Kurts. "I want to talk to you about transferring to McKinley High."

His mothers smile faltered and his dad leaned forward his face stern. Blaine let out a long breath. He knew this was a fight he was going to win in the end, but that didnt mean it was going to be pleasant.

Kurt knew it was a bad sign when he was counting down the hours until the school day was over on his way to school on a Monday morning. Finn was hyper and happy beside him. He and Rachel were having some big date that evening and Finn was excited to see his Soulmate at school.

Kurt pulled into the parking lot of McKinley High and gave Finn a smile. He was happy for him, for both him and Rachel. He knew what it felt like to find your Soulmate, there was nothing in the world like it, and he was glad his kind of brother and one of his best friends had that.

In fact he was a little jealous of Finn and Rachel.

Blaine was wonderful. More than wonderful. Blaine was perfect, perfect for him at least. Just the thought of his Soulmate made Kurts heart flutter and his face break out into what Mercedes called a "love struck smile"

The problem wasnt Blaine. It was... it was everyone else. Well, not everyone, but it felt like that sometimes. Like the whole world was against them. Blaine and Kurt had timers just like everyone else, timers that went off the moment they met. So why did people think that what they had was wrong or backwards?

People said that gay Soulmates were a mistake, that their timers were set wrong somehow. That they made a mockery of "real Soulmates". Kurt knew not everyone felt that way, but with Karofskys threat hanging over his head and the teachers at school turning a blind eye, Kurt was jealous of Finn and Rachel and their connection that the worlds thought was beautiful and right.

He walked into school with Finn, who was asking if Kurt thought Rachel would want to go somewhere fancier than Breadsticks tonight, when Rachel herself saw them. She ran up to Finn and pounced on him, hugging him tight as his spun her tiny frame around and planted a kiss on her mouth.

That was another thing. They got too see each other a lot more than Kurt got to see Blaine.

After they were done "greeting" each other, or after Kurt had loudly cleared his throat to get their attention, Rachel turned to him and gave him a tight hug as well. She linked her arms in his and Finns and they walked down the hall together.

"Between my two favorite guys." She said with a little skip in her step. "Today is going to be a good day."

Kurt chuckled at her levity. In all honesty he was just going to try to get through the day with as little contact with Dave Karofsky as possible. And hopefully with the chance to call Blaine during lunch.

Things with Blaine had been... weird over the past couple of days. It was almost like Blaine was avoiding him, and he knew Blaine was using some of the techniques hed taught him to mask his emotions from Kurt. Whyd he ever teach those damn exercises to Blaine in the first place? He didnt like feeling as though something was going on with his Soulmate that he didnt know about it.

Not that he didnt trust Blaine. He did, but he had enough on his plate to worry about without wondering if there was something going on with his Soulmate.

They needed to find away to not block each other out while still not interrupting each others day with every little thing they felt. It was going to be a hard balance to find.

Kurt parted ways with Finn and Rachel to head to his own locker and was surprised when he didnt find Mercedes nearby at hers. They usually talked to each other at their lockers fist thing every day. Kurt looked around for her and then opened his locker and started arranging his books. He jumped as someone slammed their hand against a locker near him.

Kurt held his breath and looked up to see Karofsky standing there. His eyes narrowed and his face dark. Kurt was about to open his mouth to ask Karofsky what he wanted when he heard a bright, chipper voice behind him.

"Good morning fellas!"

Kurts eyes widened and he turned slowly, he knew that voice, but couldnt believe he was hearing it. Sure enough though, there he was. Khaki slacks, a blue button-up shirt and red cardigan finished off with a blue and red check bowtie and a charming wide smile stretching across his face.

Kurts heart did the little somersaults it always did when he saw Blaine. But then it seemed to skid to a stop as he turned back to look at Karofsky. Daves eyes were shifting back and forth between Kurt and Blaine.

"Whos the fairy, Kurt?" Dave said between clenched teeth "He your fuck buddy?"

Kurts face flushed red as he felt anger and embarrassment boil inside of him. Blaines smile didnt flinch though. He held out his hand to Karofsky.

"Im Blaine. Kurts Soulmate." He said. "You must be David. Right?"

Karofskys eyes widened a bit at the fact that Kurt must have told Blaine about him. He looked down at Blaine outstretched hand and then pushed roughly pass him down the hall. A few people looked over, but no one said anything.

"Well, hes charming." Blaine said brushing himself off. He then turned to Kurt a sparkle in his eyes. "Hi." His smile softened and he bounced on his toes a little.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked in surprise. "You didnt cut class again did you?"

Blaine had snuck out of Dalton twice now to see Kurt at school. Once after the Karofsky kiss and then again randomly just to have lunch with him one day.

"You have to stop doing that." Kurt smiled as he said it, not a lot of conviction behind his words.

"I didnt skip school."Blaine said, his own smile growing. "Im here for school."

Kurt stood dumbstruck for a moment just blinking at Blaines happy face. Did Blaine mean what Kurt thought he meant? He shouldnt jump to conclusions or get his hopes up.

Blaine lifted an eyebrow and then glanced down while gesturing at his clothes. "Do I look Dalton ready?"

That was when Blaines outfit really hit him. He wasnt wearing the blazer.

"But... how..."

"I transferred." Blaine said, his smile slipping a little as Kurt gaped at him, still too surprised to respond much.

Kurt felt a surge of emotions swell up in him. Too many to really sort out at the moment, but before he knew it a laugh was bubbling out of him. He looked around noticing a few glances from the students around them. He covered his mouth with one hand and then grabbed Blaine by the collar and started to drag him to an empty room just as the bell rang.

Kurt flipped on the lights and shut the door behind him. Leaning back on in as he looked at Blaine with big eyes. "You did what?"

Blaine shrugged a little sheepishly. "I transferred. I go here now."

Kurt couldnt help the excitement he felt, but held it back as best he could as he looked Blaine seriously in the eye. "But why? Not for me, right? I mean I never asked you too, and yes it is such a romantic gesture, but really I dont want you to have any regrets, and what if you resent me latter, and McKinley isnt as good of a school as Dalton."

"Kurt." Blaine said with a smile. "I dont think I could ever regret transferring to be with my Soulmate."

"But Blaine."

"Besides, that isnt the only reason I did it. You know that after the Sadie Hawkins dance... I ran Kurt. And Ive always regretted it. Dalton has been amazing, but I think it is time to join the real world. And if Im going to do that, I might as well be in the same school as you."

"What about the Warblers?"

Blaines face fell a little at that. "Theyre still my friends, but I had to do this. You arent angry are you?" He asked his brow furrowing.

Kurt wasnt sure what he felt, so it was no wonder Blaine couldnt sense it. He was excited and confused and a little sad, but was he angry? If he was it certainly wasnt directed towards Blaine. Mostly though he was just happy. How could he not be happy to have Blaine here?

"I should have told to you first." Blaine said looking worried. "I just wanted to surprise you. I even told Mercedes so that youd be alone at your locker and I could come up and surprise you. I thought youd be glad."

Kurt couldnt even find the right words to respond. Instead he was thankful hed dragged Blaine into this empty classroom, because he couldnt help himself from flinging his arms around Blaines neck as his laughed a little as he brought their lips together.

Blaine hung onto Kurts waist steadying himself for a moment before he pressed back meeting Kurts kiss with enthusiasm.

They broke apart but stayed close, Kurts arms still around Blaine. "We go to school together." He said a little in awe.

"We do."

"We get to see each other every day."

Blaines smile was so bright it could put the sunshine to shame and Kurt feel light and happy in his arms. "Yes, we do."

Kurt sighed and pulled back a little holding Blaines hand. "But right now you have to get to class. Youre already late on your first day."

Blaine bit his lip and looked up at Kurt through his eyelashes a little shyly.

"Have lunch with me latter?"

Kurt leaned forward and pecked his lips. "Latter and everyday if you want."

Blaine sighed in relief and Kurt felt a little tug on his heart. He wondered what Blaine had gone through with his parents and the Warblers to get here. He squeezed his hand, determined to make sure Blaine never regretted it.


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