The Street Rat & The Prince
A Whole New World Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Street Rat & The Prince: A Whole New World

T - Words: 2,006 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jun 08, 2014 - Updated: Jun 08, 2014
247 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

For those who missed my earlier shout out, I wanted to let you all know that the wonderful artwork Im using for this story is by lilienwolf, she was gracious enough to let me post it. More of her art can be found on her Tumblr. Go check it out!

Also, comments make me smile. :) 

Blaine hopped off the carpet onto Kurts balcony and heard voices from Kurts room. He cleared his throat loudly and the talking stopped.

"Is someone out there?" Kurt called. And then both Kurt and a young woman came out to the balcony.

"Oh." Kurt said, looking unimpressed as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Its you." He turned to the young woman with him. "Will you give us a minute?" He asked and she nodded and left, but not before glaring daggers at Blaine first.

Blaine gulped as Kurt approached him.

"I do not want to see you." Kurt said with bite in his voice.

"No, no, please Prince." Blaine said feeling desperate. "Give me a chance."

"Leave me alone."

Blaine slipped his turban off nervously bunching it one hand as his other messed up his smooth hair, it was all wetted down hiding his curls, but he could feel them springing out as his worried his hand through it.

Kurt was about to turn and leave when he stopped. "Wait, wait. Do I know you?" Kurt was ready to be done with Prince Devon, other more weighty things on his mind, but for a moment there Devon looked… different, familiar somehow.

Prince Devon quickly put his Turban back on. "Uh, no, no."

Kurt took a step forward trying to see the prince in better light.

"You remind me of someone." He said, a picture of Blaines laughing face filling his vision. "Someone I met in the marketplace." His throat felt tight, could it be? Or was his heart playing tricks on him?

"The marketplace?" Devon said quickly "I have servants that go to the marketplace for me. Why I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants, so it couldnt have been me you met."

Kurts heart sunk. "No, I guess not." He turned to leave.

"Wait." Prince Devon called. "I just wanted a chance… to… to…"

Kurt turned back waiting. "To what?"

"To talk to you." Devon said.

Kurt clenched his jaw. "Really and what would we talk about? You? Your kingdom? You grant palace back home?

Devon blinked, "No… I we could talk about, you?"

Kurt lifted his eyebrow almost intrigued.

"You… youre…" Prince Blaine said a little awkwardly, which was almost endearing. "Youre so... handsome." He fished lamely.

Kurt rolled his eyes. It wasnt that he didnt want someone who would find him attractive, but if that was all this prince had to say, hed heard it before.

"Handsome?" Kurt repeated and walked closer, hed show this arrogant prince just what he really thought of him. "Mmmmm, Im rich too you know."Kurt stepped right up to Prince Devon.

"Yeah." Prince Devon gulped.

"The son of a powerful Sultan."


Kurt walked his fingers up Prince Devons chest trying to ignore the fact that Devon had a broad firm chest.

"A fine prize for any prince to marry."

Devon blinked rapidly and for a moment Kurt thought he saw something there, something different.

"Yes!" Prince Devon said quickly. "A prince like me!"

Kurts blood boiled. "Right, a prince like you. And every other stuffed shirt, swaggering, peacock Ive met!"

"What? No!"

Kurt backed up and threw his hands in the air. "Why dont you just… just jump off the balcony!"

Kurt stared him down with as much fierceness as he could muster.

"Your right." Prince Devon said quietly.

"What?" Kurt said surprised, the angry look slipping from his face.

"Youre right. You arent just some prize to be won." Prince Devon looked down and shook his head. "You should be free to make your own choices."

Kurt looked at him in disbelief; did he just hear him right?

"Ill go now." Prince Devon said meekly, sounding sad.

Kurt watched as he turned and climbed up on the ledge of the balcony and then stepped off and fell out of sight."

"No!" Kurt yelled reaching out a hand and wondering if someone could survive that fall. And then Prince Devons head popped back up over the ledge. "What? What?

Kurt blinked at him. "How… are you doing that?"

"Oh." Prince Devon smiled and Kurts heart fluttered a little bit, he had a good smile. Then he flew up in the air and over the ledge a carpet under him. "Its a magic carpet."

Kurt walked up not able to keep his eye off the flying carpet. "Thats… amazing."

"Do you want a ride?" Prince Devon said hopefully.

Kurt looked up at him, "I dont know."

"Its fun!" He said and bounced a little like a young boy. Okay, he was a little endearing, maybe just because he reminded Kurt of Blaine. The carpet lowered so Prince Devon was just a little higher than Kurt. "We could get out of the palace, see the sights."

"Is it safe?" Kurt asked, but he had pretty much made up his mind to say yes.

"Of course it is." Prince Devon held out his hand and smiled, he had wide, hopeful golden eyes that Kurt had just now noticed. "Do you trust me?"
Then suddenly it was like everything shifted for Kurt, he felt as though a blinder had fallen from his eyes and he was no longer looking up at Prince Devon, but at Blaine. His Blaine.

Well, maybe he wasnt his, but it was the same man, the one hed fallen for in the Marketplace. He was here and alive and holding out his hand and asking Kurt to trust him just like he had before. Kurt had so many questions, so many things he wanted to ask and say, but right now what was important was that, yes, he did trust Blaine.

"Yes." Kurt breathed and grabbed Blaines hand. "I trust you."

Blaine pulled him up on the carpet and within moments they were soaring through the air. Kurt sat in front and Blaine… or Devon, he supposed that was his real name, sat behind him.

He felt Devons hands start to move around his waist but then he paused and his soft voice tickled Kurts ear. "May I?"

Kurt just nodded and then leaned back into Blaines… Devons embrace as he looped his arms around him and held on from behind. The carpet was climbing higher and higher and Kurt couldnt believe the view, looking at the lights of his city below him and the stars sparkling above him.

"I can show you the world." Devon started singing sweetly into his ear. "Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me prince, now when did you last let your heart decide?"

Kurt was caught between wanting to just close his eyes lean against Blaine as he sang… there was no calling him Devon in his mind, and keeping his eyes open as to not miss a thing.

They looped around the city and over the gulf that separated them from another kingdom where they flew around seeing everything of beauty that kingdom had to show and they kept going.

Kurt saw more in the next few hours than he ever had in his life. Once Blaine had finished singing to him, and his voice had left Kurt only wanting more, they talked and pointed out sights and laughed.

Kurt was soaring on a magic carpet high above the ground and he had never felt so safe. Eventually they landed and sat on a rooftop to watch a celebration taking place in whatever city they were in now. Kurt scooted close to Blaine and leaned his head on his shoulder as Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist they both were quite as they watched the fireworks.

He decided it was time to get some answers. "This whole evening has been… magical." Kurt said and Blaine held him closer. "Its a shame Mike had to miss this." He said sitting up and watching Blaine out of the corner of his eye.

"Nah. He hates fireworks." Blaine said. "And he-" Then he stopped and looked at Kurt with wide eyes.

Kurt pulled Blaines turban off to reveal his head of dark curls that had lost the battle of staying flat against his head.

"Blaine." Kurt said. "I know its you. Why did you lie to me?"

"Kurt, Im… Im sorry." He said his eyes growing large and looking so scared and sad it almost hurt to look at them. But Kurt wasnt going to back down now.

"Who are you? Tell me the truth!"

"The truth?" Blaine repeated, looking nervous. He closed his eyes as his brow furrowed. "The truth is… Im a prince." He said and then opened his eyes again.

That didnt make since to Kurt, so many people had seemed to know Blaine in the Marketplace, but then he had come into town with that huge parade. It didnt fit together; Kurt knew he was missing something.

"Its just that…" Blaine continued. "I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life."

Kurt narrowed his eyes. "You do?"

"Yeah." Blaine nudged him gently in the side. Not that youd ever do anything like that, Sebastian." Kurt covered his face with his hands and groaned. Oh god, dont remind me. Sebastian is a slimy prince I hate."

Blaine laughed. "Kurt suites you so much better."

"And I guess that means youre Devon? I keep calling you Blaine in my head."

Blaine smiled. "Thats okay… you could call me Blaine, if you wanted to. Like your own nick-name for me."

Kurt smiled "Blaine does seem right."

Blaine looked a little sad for a moment and then he smiled again. "So why were you in the Marketplace?"

"For the reason I told you. My father is forcing me to marry."

"And here I am as a suitor." Blaine said looking down, "I guess that doesnt really make me any better than, what was it you called me? A stuffed shirt, swaggering, peacock?"

Kurt laughed. "Well you seemed like one for a moment."

"I was nervous and kept saying stupid things."

"You arent like the other princes." Kurt said. "I… I mean if I had to chose a suitor…" He trailed off his cheeks blushing.

"You shouldnt have to at all. I didnt come here to try and make you do anything you dont want to do."

Kurt looked up at him as his stomach swooped. Blaine was so sweet and kind. "then why did you come?"

Blaine bit his lip a little nervously, "Because once I met you I had to see you again. It didnt matter that you were a prince. I liked you were I thought you were just a streetrat like me. Um, like I was pretending to be."

Kurt couldnt find the right words to say so he just leaned his head back down on Blaines shoulder. "I liked you too." He answered eventually. "A lot. Ive been thinking of you ever since."

They stayed like that until the fireworks started dying down overhead. "We should probably be heading back." Kurt said reluctantly. "Though I never want this night to end."

Blaines eyes sparkled. "We can always do it again sometime."

"Im counting on it." Kurt said with a coy smile.

They both climbed back on the carpet and then made record time back to Kurts balcony.

Blaine helped him down as he continued to stand on the carpet on the other side of the ledge.

"Goodnight Blaine." Kurt said staring at him and not wanting to say goodbye.

"Goodnight Kurt." He breathed back. Kurt couldnt help but look at Blaines lips, so soft and inviting and close. Then the carpet seemed to scoot up a little and Blaine covered the few inches left for their lips to meet.

Kurt smiled and pressed his lips against Blaines, loving the soft feel of his lips kissing him back. Then Kurt lifted his hands and tangled his fingers in Blaines curls holding him close as Blaine gasped a little and parted his mouth, allowing Kurts tongue to slide in. They stayed like that, their lips and tongues sliding together, until they had to break apart to breathe.

Kurt backed up, his heart doing somersaults in his chest as Blaine looked at him with mesmerized, beautiful eyes.

"See you in the morning?" Kurt asked hopefully.

"Yes, if thats what you want."

Kurt smiled so big is cheeks hurt and he glanced down, a little before looking Blaine in the eye again. "I do want that."

"Then Ill be here." Blaine said, his face still a picture of awe and happiness.

Finally Kurt forced himself to enter his room. He fell back against his bed and just started to laugh. He had never been so happy.


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