July 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
Indigowaves2 and Felixfelicis asked for some of Finn and Rachel, sorry, not a lot of Finn and Rachel here, but hopefully this chapter answers some questions for everyone.
Also, I am still taking prompts. :)
Rachel griped Finns hand and looked out the window. Shed been doing that all day. First in the Taxi back in New York and then on the plane ride and now in their rented car heading towards Burt and Caroles.
When Rachel had gotten home from a long day of rehearsals Finn and been waiting for her. He had packed them both bags and said they needed to get to Lima. At first she thought something has happened to one of he dads or to the Hummels, but Finn explained it had to do with Kurt. Now Rachel just didnt know what to think.
Finn was worried his mom had... had a mental episode, that what Rachel was calling it at least. Finn hadnt put it so delicately.
"I think my mom has lost it." was what Finn had said. "She insisted we need to go home because... because Kurt is back. Is alive."
Rachels jaw had dropped, "Excuse me?"
"And Rachel." He continued. "I talked to him on the phone. Well, I talked to someone who sounded just like him. Not just his voice... but the way he talked, you know?"
""What?" Rachel said in a small voice.
"Maybe Ive lost it too." He shook his head and frowned. Rachel had taken his hand and hadnt let go since.
As they pulled up to Carole and Burts home Rachels stomach twisted. What was going on here exactly?
Finn had been in a hurry even since hed received his moms phone call. Rushing Rachel to the taxi and through the airport, but now that they were here he seemed like he wanted to delay. He slowly got there bags from the trunk and walked up to the door. They never knocked when they came home, but now Finn hesitated standing in the doorway.
"Shouldnt we just go in?" Rachel said.
Finn looked at her and didnt answer.
She squeezed his hand and smiled. "Whatever it is, we will handle it together okay?"
"Right." Finn answered and opened the door. As soon as they walked into the warmth of the Hudson home some of Rachels fear melted. There was something in the air that made her feel more at peace about whatever was happening.
"Hello!" Finn called. "Were home!"
Carole poked her head out of the living room with a huge smile, then Burt joined them from upstairs, they gathered by the door as Rachel and FInn were both swept up in big hugs.
"Welcome home." Burt said patting Finn on the back. "Thank you for coming so quickly."
"Yeah..." Finn said glancing between his mom and Burt. "Are you going to tell us what is happening here?"
Burt and Carole looked at each other and smiled. Finn was watching his mom anxiously, but Rachel saw movement behind them. She glance to the entryway to the living room and there, with a small smile on his lips and his hands pushed deep his pockets sheepishly stood her best friend.
Rachel let out a scream and then wasted no time, dropping her things on the floor she ran to Kurt and flung herself at him almost knocking them both over in the process. Rachel was small, but fierce and she didnt let go of Kurt until he hugged her back and started laughing.
"I missed you too Rachel." He said.
Finn was standing by his mom face slack with surprise.
"What... I mean... but how?"
Rachel finally let go of Kurt and turned to Finn. "Finn!" She said her face plastered in a smile. "Hes alive!"
Finn didnt understand what was going on, he suspected Rachel didnt either, but she was right. Kurt was here and alive and that was what was important, he walked to Kurt, stood there in shock for a moment and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly. Kurt hugged him back and when they pulled away there were tears in both of their eyes.
"How are you even here." Finn asked again he voice cracking.
"Long story?" Kurt said a shrugged.
"You are going to have to do better than that." Rachel said, realizing that tears were running down her face as well. "I think I am so mad at you right now, we thought you were dead. Dead Kurt. For almost 3 years!" Her immediate relief was still there but mixing with confusion and anger as well.
"I know." Kurt said quietly and wiped tears from his own face. "I promise I can explain."
Kurt laid in bed breathing deeply and counting. One. Two. Three. Four. In. One. Two. Three. Four. Out. Trying to calm himself.
The past few days of being alive had been stressful. Wonderful, magical, almost perfect, but stressful. Explaining again and again about being a ghost suck in his old house, about meeting Blaine, about waking up human again in the back yard.
His family kept asking him questions he couldnt answer and all he really wanted was for Blaine to be there too. If he had his family and Blaine then everything really would be perfect and Kurt wouldnt care how many impossible questions they threw his way. The only thing that stopped him from reaching out to Blaine was his dad and his look of utter terror when Kurt talked about leaving to find Blaine.
One. Two. Three. Four. In. One. Two. Three. Four. Out.
He knew his dad wasnt trying to be cruel. Kurt didnt think Burt fully understood how overwhelming this was for Kurt, then again Kurt didnt understand how overwhelming it must be to have a loved-one come back from the dead.
In any case his dad looked tired, and older than he remembered and Kurt was so sure he was about to have a heart-attack that night Kurt first got back that when Burt had asked for some family time before he found Blaine... Kurt couldnt find it in him to say no.
Kurt had been back home a little over a week now. It seemed a much sorter time. Finn and Rachel had flown in from New York. And the Mrs Berry had come over. It was all loud conversations and random hugs and crying. Everyone was so happy and full of emotion. It had been a little over a week, but it felt much longer.
One. Two. Three. Four. In. One. Two. Three. Four. Out.
Kurt turned over in his bed and hugged a pillow to his chest, wishing it was Blaine. He and Blaine had never really slept next to each other. Kurt didnt really sleep, plus during the night time Kurt had always been... Kurt shivered, that was something he didnt want to think about.
Kurt hadnt told his family yet about his nightly visits from Sebastians echo. He didnt know if he ever would. Knowing how Kurt had died was more than they could handle anyway. They already knew how Kurt had died and he hadnt had to tell them. Better for them not to know it had happened over and over and over...
Kurt turned over again trying to get comfortable. One. Two. Three. Four. In. One. Two. Three. Four. Out.
He closed his eyes tight and pictured Blaines sweet smile and how it squinted up his beautiful honey-colored eyes. He thought about how Blaine would wrapped him up in his arms and hold him like Kurt was the whole world. He thought about Blaines soft lips on his own, the press of his tongue and the weight of his body. Kurt closed his eyes and thought about the man he loved and slowly fell asleep, not needing to count his breaths anymore.
It hand been sixteen days since Kurt had come back. Sixteen days since hed seen Blaine. It had been too long. Kurt and his dad had, had a long talk the evening before about Blaine. About how Kurt would never do anything to hurt his family, but this was too much. He had to talk to Blaine. He had to at least tell him that he was okay.
If Kurt was honest with himself, and he was, it wasnt just his dad that had stopped him, he was scared of what would happen now that he was alive. Scared that things between him and Blaine wouldnt be the same. But neither his own fear or his dads could keep him from Blaine any longer.
He and his dad had talked and decided it couldnt be that hard to get in touch with Blaine, even though he didnt have a land-line and Kurt didnt know Blaines phone number, they had his name and where he lived.
Kurt was in the kitchen making lunch when Burt came in. He cleared his throat and Kurt turned and smiled at him. "Im making grilled cheese. Theyll be done...Kurt slowed looking at his Dads face."...soon. Whats wrong?"
"Sit down Kurt. We need to talk." Kurt took the skillet of the burner and joined his dad at the counter.
"What is it dad?"
"Kurt, I looked up Blaine. In your old address and well..."
Kurts throat grew dry. "And..."
"Hes not there."
A beat. Not there? Kurt heart speed up. "What does that mean?"
"The house is on the market and Blaine has moved. I spoke to a Realtor. She was happy to talk to me about that house, but couldnt tell me anything about the owner."
"But... I..." Kurt sat there and stared at his dad trying to process this.
"I cant find an office or anything, a place of work."
"He.. he works free-lance. He works from home" Kurt said his mind spinning. "So... he moved?"
"Looks that way kid, really recently at that."
"We could get a forwarding address." Kurt said.
"The Realtor didnt have one."
"But... but dad!" Kurt said growing panicky. "How am I suppose to find him!"
"Burt grabbed one of Kurts hands. "Its okay buddy, dont worry. Well find him. You said he has family in Lima, right?"
"No, uh... in Westerville. His parents. In Westerville." Kurt said his heart pounding. Blaine had family here, Blaine could be anywhere, but he had family here. Kurt hadnt lost him.
"Right, we start with that then." Burt said. "We find his parents and then we find him. Okay?"
Kurt nodded. "Yes. Okay."
Burt squeezed his hand. "Im sorry kid. I messed up. I should have never made you wait... I just... it was a guy that took you from me the first time and I was... scared Kurt."
"I know dad." Kurt said. "But Blaine isnt some guy. He... hes... he saved me. He is everything dad."
Burt smiled. "I think Im slowly getting that. And I promise well find him."
It was over a full month after Kurt got back that he and Burt had found Blaines parents (they were almost certain they were the right Andersons... how many Andersons with a son named Blaine could live in Westerville?) and gotten a cell-phone number from them. Blaines cell phone.
Burt and Kurt sat on the couch together. Carole was at work and Finn and Rachel had, had to go back to New York a week ago. Kurt clutched the phone in his hands. "We have his number." He whispered.
"Are you gonna use it?" He dad asked with a smile.
"Yes, of course!" Kurt said nervously . "I just... I dont... how do I tell him... I mean he is here in Ohio, but I dont know how to say..."
"I could call him for you." Burt said.
"I feel like a coward." Kurt answered.
Burt laughed. "Kurt you are the bravest person I know. You can let me do this for you. I can call and tell him-"
"Tell him what?" Kurt asked.
"Well..." Burt thought about it. "I could tell him nothing and just invite him over. Then he could see you and you could explain in person."
Kurt was quiet for a moment and then handed the phone to his dad. "Good. Yes. Good, lets do that."
Burt took the phone and dialed and then waited
“Uh... hello.” Burt said to someone on the other end. "Is this Blaine Anderson?
A pause. Kurt scooted closer.
“Blaine Anderson who recently moved here from San Francisco?”
Kurt closed his eyes and held his hands together tight.
“Good I got the right one.” Burt said and smiled at Kurt as Kurts stomach swooped in joy and a grin spread across his face.
“Yeah, its Burt." Burt continued. "I had a little trouble tracking you down..."