July 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
AN: This is from chapter 11 & 12 of TGoY from Kurts POV.
"I have to go now." Kurt said leaning against Blaine.
Blaines embrace was warm and soft and the only thing that was keeping Kurt from falling apart right now. His dad hadnt been his unfinished business. So what was? Kurt was terrified at the thought of being a ghost here forever. Eventually Blaine would leave and hed be alone again. But for now, Blaines arms were a comfort so it was hard to pull himself away.
"Dont go." Blaine whispered his breath tickling Kurts cheek.
"But I have too." Kurt said, he could already feel the tightening of his stomach that meant it was almost time.
"I... I dont know..." Kurt answered slowly, hed never actually thought about it before. At a certain time he always felt the tug, then hed drift for a moment, and hed be in bed with Sebastian. He hated it, but it had worked this way every night since hed been killed.
"I just have too."
"Dont" Blaine pleaded. "Just dont. Stay downstairs with me."
Kurt moved off of Blaine and sat back down on the couch. Kurt didnt want to leave and really there was no way he could say no to Blaine when he looked at him with those eyes. Big and sad and begging him not to go.
"Okay." Kurt said, knowing he was making a rash decision. "Okay, Ill stay."
As soon as the words left Kurts mouth there was a loud bang against the window. Blaine didnt seem to think anything of it, he lifted Kurt hands and kissed one of his palms, sending a rush of warmth through Kurts whole body. Kurt was always cold, but when Blaine kissed him he didnt notice it as much.
Kurt curled up against Blaine forgetting about everything else as he kissed him softly, Blaine hands spread out on his back as he held him close. Kurt thought he heard some creaks and noises from somewhere in the house, but chose to ignore them in favor of tasting Blaines lips.
He stayed in Blaine arms as the sun started to set and the room grew dark, just the pale glow of the lights illuminating the room. The lighting made Blaines skin golden and Kurt couldnt help but trail his fingers up and down Blaines arm. Kurt froze as the TV started to static, it blinked and then the picture came back.
Blaine grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
"Thats weird." Blaine said. "I wonder-" Blaine froze as the TV turned itself back on.
The TV was static again, louder than before. Kurt felt a soft tremble come over the house and he knew it was because of him. He was trying to change things that werent meant to be changed. The tugging came back to his stomach, almost making him feel sick.
"Blaine." Kurt said trying to stay calm.
"Its an earthquake." Blaine whispered. "Its California."
Kurt knew it wasnt an earthquake and as if to confirm Kurts fears the lights started to flicker. Then several of the lights on the wall popped loudly, breaking the bulbs. The broken pieces of glass sparked and flew through the room. Kurts instant reaction was to protect Blaine, but Blaine immediately curled himself around Kurt who found he was too afraid to move.
Then the light fixture on the ceiling in the middle of the room started to sway casting eerie shadows on the walls and the whole room started to tremble.
It was coming for him.
Kurt didnt know how he knew, but he did.
"Hold on to me Kurt." Blaine said. "Dont let go."
Kurt held on, knowing it wouldnt help. There was a loud wail somewhere in the house and doors started banging open and closed.
"Oh my god!" Kurt shouted fear gripping him with icy hands. This was because of him, he should have gone to the bedroom. What had he done?
The windows started rattling and the few lights that still had light-blubs kept flickering. There was a loud noise from the hallway.
It is coming.
Kurt couldnt move, he couldnt think. Then without any warning the tugging in his gut became so strong it physically pulled him out of Blaines arms and onto the floor towards the hallway.
"Blaine!" He screamed as he tried to fight of whatever was dragging him across the room. He flipped himself over and tried to crawl back to Blaine but it was no use, what ever had hold of him just dragged him out kicking and yelling and terrified.
Then Kurt felt a tug from the other direction and looked to see Blaine, his eyes were wild with fear, but his hands griped Kurts own. "Dont let go." Kurt begged.
It didnt help though, soon both Kurt and Blaine were being pulled out of the room and down the hall towards the stairs. Whatever it was, was taking Blaine too. No, Kurt wouldnt let that happen. He let go of his hold on Blaine and slipped out of his fingers.
"Kurt!" Blaine yelled as the lights continued to flicker, doors banging and windows rattling.
The house was trembling and almost growling as Kurt was force up the stairs and towards the master bedroom. He shouldnt have tried to stop it, this was so much worse. He was flung into the bedroom and the door slammed behind him.
Kurt could hear Blaine banging on the door and yelling his name desperately, but it didnt matter. It had started. Everything went pitch black and then there was candle light and a squeaky big bed and Sebastians face filled with rage.
Kurt fought back like he always did but then... no something was different. He was trying to fight Sebastian off but it was somehow new, he was actually choosing to fight Sebastian instead of just going through the motions.
Kurt shouted in fear and frustration and then he looked over and... Blaine. Blaine was standing right there, face pale and eyes wide. Blaine was here and... then he was gone and it was just Sebastians tight grip and angry words.
Kurt blinked and then Blaine was back, he looked right at him and called his name, "Blaine!"
Then everything went horribly, horribly wrong. Blaine sprang forward as if to help Kurt but before he could reach him his mouth opened in shock or pain and his body was rocket backwards, torn out of the room by some unseen force.
"No!" Kurt screamed. "No! Blaine, no! Blaine! Blaine!" Whatever had Kurt in its grip all these year now had Blaine too. Oh god no, this couldnt be happening.
Kurt screamed and cried Blaine name, almost forgetting the pain of Sebastians assault, until everything grew fuzzy and faded to black.
Kurt woke up on the floor of the master bedroom like he did every morning. He slowly got up and looked around the room. It wasnt the master bedroom anymore, it was the music room. Kurt loved the music room because it was Blaines room and... Blaine!
Kurt rushed out of the room into the hallway and stopped short when he saw Blaines body curled up on the floor and not moving. Kurts heart cought in his throat. Blaine wasnt moving, Blaine was on the ground and he wasnt moving.
Kurt rushed to his side and choked back a sob as his hand hovered over Blaine, afraid to touch him.
"Blaine?" He called.
Blaine groaned and stirred a little and Kurt wanted to cry with relief. He gently placed his hand on Blaines shoulder. "Blaine?"
Blaine snapped up and pressed his back against the wall, scooting away in fear. Blaine seemed frozen for a moment and Kurt felt frozen too before suddenly Blaine hurtles towards him.
"Oh my god." Blaine said wrapping his arms around Kurt and holding on to him for dear life. Kurt put his arms around Blaine and buried his face in the curve of his Blaines neck unable to hold back his tears.
"Kurt" Blaine says voice sounding raw. "Are you okay? Oh god, Kurt. I am so sorry. So sorry. I shouldnt have made you stay. I didnt know. I was terrified Id lost you and... Kurt. Are you okay?"
Kurt doesnt understand. Cant understand. Cant process what Blaine is saying. Why is he apologizing? This is because of Kurt, this is his fault.
"Im okay Blaine. I am." Kurt says and he just has to kiss him, he thought that Blaine was dead. He thought he was dead. Blaine leans into the kiss and holds Kurt firmly against him.
"I was terrified." Kurt sobbed out as he pulled back from the kiss. "I thought something had happened to you."
"Kurt, you were dragged through the house and to the music room. It was... you. How could you be worried about me?"
Kurt scooted over to sit next to Blaine against the wall, and grabbed Blaines hand needing to feel his warmth. He would explain. He would explain that hed seen Blaine last night and that it was his fault something horrible could have happened to Blaine. He would explain and then he would tell Blaine to leave. He had to go, it wasnt safe for him anymore. This was Kurts burden and his alone.
"...youre supposed to be safe." Kurt finished.
"I am safe. Im fine."
"Of course youre not fine." Kurt snapped, fear bubbling up in him again. "I just found you curled up on the floor in the hallway. When I saw you laying there... I... I..." I thought Id lost you, Kurt thought, but couldnt finish. He swipes his thumbs under Blaines tired eyes. "Look at you. You barely sleep anymore. You look tired and scared. You have put your whole life on hold for me. You dont even work on your music anymore. You arent fine. This is hurting you. I am hurting you."
Even as he said the words the truth of them hit him. Blaine couldnt go on this way. Blaine wasnt convince, but Kurt was determined. Blaine needed to leave.
"Like hell I should go." Blaine said sounding scared. "Im not leaving you."
"But Blaine..." He had to make Blaine understand.
"No." Blaine said and his eyes narrowed, ready for a fight. "Im not going anywhere. Dont you understand? I love you Kurt. I love you so much I feel it in my bones. Im not leaving you here alone. Im not."
Kurts arguments died on his tongue. Blaine loved him? Suddenly all the fear and anger and confusion Kurt felt melted away and he was left feeling light and warm and full of wonder.
Kurt stared at Blaines earnest face. "You love me?" He asked barely daring to believe it was true.
"Of course I do!" Blaine said and he looked so affronted that Kurt would ask that Kurt couldnt help but let out a startled laugh, he covered his mouth with his hands and watched Blaine
Blaine met his gaze and smiled. "You make me happy…and brave. You make me a better person." Blaine said in a soft voice. "Ive never been in love before so I dont know how to tell you what I feel. What to say. I... Id do anything for you Kurt. Anything but leave."
Kurt knew he should argue, insist that Blaine leave, but he couldnt. Blaine loved him. Kurt surged forward and wrapped his arms around Blaine kissing him fiercely . Blaine kissed him back and Kurt was left in awe that he could go from feeling so miserable to so perfect this fast.
"I love you too." Kurt whispered, when they finally broke apart. "Ive never been in love before either." What he had with Sebastian, that was never love. "I thought I knew what love was. It was selfish and jealous. It held on too tight." Kurt continued. Blaine was nothing like Sebastian he didnt take, he gave. "But you... you love like, like it is a gift. And I love you Blaine." Kurt felt himself tearing up, if he really loved Blaine then he couldnt be selfish. "Thats why you should go. Itd be selfish for me to make you stay."
"No." Blaine said simply with a smile. "I am staying here as long as youre still here."
"What if I cant find a way to move on?"
"Then I stay with you."
"And what happens to you if I do move on?"
"Then at least Ill know I spent as much time with you as I could."
Every argument Kurt had Blaine knocked down, and Kurt couldnt find it in his heart to mind. Because what else could possibly matter if Blaine loved him. Everything else would have to be worked out latter, because if Blaine loved him, Kurt couldnt give up, he would show Blaine how much he loved him back. Somehow being stuck here didnt seem as terrifying as it had before.