Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Thanks everyone for reading I so appreciate it. Id love to hear what you think if you want to leave me a little review it would be appreciated. :)
Cooper got back from California and the first thing he did when he got home was run through the house shouting Kurts name. Blaine was at school and Kurt was upstairs working on an online class.
When he heard Cooper yelling Kurt immediately tensed. Was something wrong? He rushed down the stairs, it wouldnt be his dad. His dad was fine because if something had happened Cooper wouldnt know about it first. Kurt stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Then it must be Blaine. Kurts heart thudded painfully, what if something had happened to Blaine?
When he found Cooper in the living room though all of his worries vanished, Cooper had on the biggest most sincere smile that Kurt had ever seen him wear.
"Kurt!" He shouted happily and then rushed forward wrapping Kurt up in his arms. "I got a call back! They liked my audition. They really liked it!"
He pulled back laughing and looking like a young happy kid. "I could actually get this part." He said. "Wow, I could actually get this part." He seemed surprised by that fact.
"Thats great Cooper." Kurt said feeling a little out of place with Coopers happiness. "Really, congratulations."
"I still have to do well on the come-back audition. So it isnt set in stone yet, but…" He sighed happily. "You and I should celebrate. How about we go out to a big fancy dinner?"
"Okay." Kurt said glad of the chance to spend some time with Cooper. "I can text Blaine and tell him to meet us."
"No, no. I texted Blaine already to tell him to hang out with friends or something this evening. Id like to take you out Kurt, what do you say?"
Kurt pushed his hair back from his head nervously taking in what Cooper had just said. "Out? Like… a date?"
"Yes. A date."
Kurt let out a tense laugh. "Really? Because… I... I would really like that."
"Good. Then pick out something sexy to wear because you have a hot date tonight Kurt."
Kurt laughed again and played nervously with the hem of his shirt. Was Cooper actually trying? Kurt didnt know where this was coming from, but he wasnt going to turn down the chance to spend some time with the husband that he hardly knew.
Kurt put on a pair of white and black patterned pants that he knew for a fact looked good on him and then a black short sleeved button up shirt and a black and gold bowtie. It was simple but fancy and, per Cooper request, he felt like he looked sexy.
Blaine stayed out with some Dalton friends instead of coming home so Kurt didnt get a chance to see him before he left for dinner. Kurt was a little disappointed because he was feeling really nervous and wanted to get some advice from Blaine first. It didnt matter though, Kurt could do this. It was just dinner, right?
Cooper looked stunning as usual in a pair of nice dark wash jeans, a navy cardigan and tie and a light blue shirt. Kurt couldnt actually believe he was about to go out on a date with someone as good-looking as Cooper. In fact he couldnt believe he was going on a date at all, this would be his first.
He hadnt mentioned to Cooper that hed never been on a date before though; he didnt want to make it weird.
Cooper whistled and winked at him when he came down stairs and Kurt laughed. "You dont look so bad yourself."
Cooper took them to a nice Italian restaurant and he was perfect gentleman on the drive over, not talking only about himself and complimenting Kurt regularly. He was all charm.
"You dont have to do say those things you know." Kurt said after Cooper told him again how amazing he looked.
"I know." Cooper smiled sitting down across from him. "Just trying to make up a little for what an ass Ive been, plus its true."
Kurt looked at him in surprise. "Ah, so you know youve been an ass?"
Cooper laughed and shook his head. "Listen Kurt I didnt think I was ever going to be paired. Im almost 30 you know… and well, lets just say you came as a bit of a shock."
Kurt nodded, feeling even more nervous for some reason. Did Cooper not expect to ever get a husband, or did he not want to have one?
The waiter came and they ordered some appetizers and Cooper ordered a bottle of wine for them.
"A bit of a shock?" Kurt asked after the waiter left. "Are you saying I was a bit of a shock or getting a Lifemate was a bit of a shock?" Kurt asked.
"Yes." Cooper answered with a smile. "Yes to both."
"Oh." Kurt wasnt sure what to make of that, but didnt get to pursue it further as Cooper launched into talking about his audition and the role he was up for.
"You know what?" Cooper said excitedly. "You could help me with my lines. Youre a performer right? I could use some feedback. I mean not right now, but before I go back next week?"
"Sure. Id love to help." Kurt said honestly, happy with the change in Cooper. Working on lines with him would mean spending extra time together.
Kurt started to feel more and more relaxed as the evening went on. He found himself laughing and joking with Cooper who seemed to be on cloud nine. Kurt wondered if this would be a good time to bring up the New York vs. California problem or if he should let them have one nice evening together first.
The question was chased from his mind though as they got through dinner and Cooper ordered them dessert, Kurt felt Coopers foot start to move up his leg.
"Oh my god." Kurt said under his breath as Coopers foot moved further up. Cooper kept talking like nothing was going on except he had a devilish smirk on his face. Kurt didnt know if it was the wine or just that Cooper was in a really good mood, but soon Kurt was squirming in his chair with Coopers foot between his legs.
Kurts breath started to come faster and he glanced down at his plate rubbing his neck and playing with his collar. It had suddenly gotten really warm in here. Cooper just kept grinning, obviously pleased with himself. Kurt drew in a sharp breath as Cooper pressed slightly against him and was surprised to find that he was getting a little hard.
"I... Cooper..." Kurt stuttered out not knowing if he wanted Cooper to stop or not. Cooper chuckled when he pressed his foot against the growing bulge in Kurts pants and chuckled when Kurt leaned over the table and drew in a sharp breath.
Cooper winked and then a young couple walked by them on their way to their table and Kurt watched as Coopers eyes followed them. He wondered for a moment if Cooper knew them, but then realized that no, Cooper was just checking the woman out.
Cooper turned back to Kurt like nothing had happened. "So hows school?" He said, his foot rubbing against Kurts thigh. "What classes are you taking?"
Kurt just stared at him the question not registering at all, any arousal he had been feeling quickly fading "I... what?”
"Youre taking classes this fall right? I mean Blaine mentioned something about-"
"Did you just check out that woman?" Kurt interrupted scooting back so Coopers wondering foot couldnt reach him.
Cooper seemed surprised, "Did I... what woman?"
"The one that just passed us."
Coopers foot dropped and he sat back up again glancing behind him. "I, uh, yeah, maybe. I didnt mean too."
Kurt didnt know what was going on but suddenly he felt a little sick. "You are sitting there playing footsie with me and... and... Oh my god." Something Kurt hadnt even considered before dawning on him. He leaned forward. "Are you straight?"
Coopers smile was gone and he looked more flustered than Kurt had ever seen him. "I... well. I dont really like labels."
Kurts eyes widened and his stomach dropped. "Are you into women? Its an easy question."
Cooper sighed. "Yeah, I am."
"Oh my god. Oh my god." Kurt moved to get up but Cooper leaned forward and grabbed his hand. "Wait. Kurt. That doesnt mean that Im not also into guys."
Kurt paused for a moment and then set back down his heart pounding in his ears. Okay, this was unexpected, but if Cooper was bi or something, it wasn't the end of the world, just a shock. "What did you mark on your Lifemate Registry?"
"Kurt what does it matter?"
"What did you mark?" Kurts voice was high and tight and Cooper looked around to see if they were drawing any attention to themselves.
"I marked a preference for females." Cooper answered sounding resigned.
Kurt could feel tears forming in his eyes. He felt humiliated and lied too. "Oh god." He wanted to leave, but Cooper was still holding his hand across the table and Kurts legs felt a little wobbly.
"Kurt. I had to choose one or the other." Cooper said. "And yeah, I lean towards an attraction to women."
Kurt let out a choked noise of distress.
"But." Cooper continued. "I like guys too I really do. And I personally find you very attractive."
Kurt tried to calm his breathing. This was something he had never considered when he was paired with a guy; he had just assumed it was a gay guy.
"But… you… youre not just saying that, you really like g-guys too?" Kurt asked shakily.
The waiter come to their table with their dessert, he could tell something was wrong and almost backed away when Cooper stopped him.
"Could we get those to go and the check?" He asked and the man nodded and turned away.
Cooper looked at Kurt and squeezed his hand a little. "I like guys too Kurt. I wouldnt lie to you."
Kurts heart rate had started to calm and he nodded and wiped his face. "So you werent disappointed when you got your Lifemate letter?" That was Kurt's biggest fear. That Cooper had been disappointed to be paired with another man.
Cooper opened his mouth and then closed it again.
"Oh my god!" Kurt stood up. "You were!"
Cooper stood up too. "No Kurt, not like that. It wasnt you. Youve never been the problem. I just didnt want a Lifemate at all!" Cooper said desperately.
Kurt knew people were watching them, but he didnt care, Coopers words felt like a blow to the stomach. Kurt closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. He opened them again and looked around the restaurant and suddenly felt claustrophobic.
"Ill… Ill wait in the car." He said and then all but ran out of the restaurant.
Cooper met him in the car a few minutes later. A to-go box of dessert in his hand. How had everything gone so wrong so fast? They were silent on the drive back and as they walked into the house.
"Ill just get some things and sleep in the guest room." Kurt said.
Cooper let out a heavy sigh and stopped Kurt by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Kurt, what do you want from me?"
Kurt turned to face him and Cooper seemed truly upset.
"I could have told you all of that more gently, I know." Cooper said "But I wanted to be honest with you. Would it have been better if I lied?"
"No." Kurt shook his head. He had his arms wrapped protectively around himself. "It explains a lot actually."
Cooper took a step forward and placed a hand on Kurts neck. "Listen Kurt, Im sorry that all of this isnt… well its obviously not what you wanted. But I want to do better, I really do."
Kurt just nodded as Cooper stepped even closer. He gulped down the lump in his throat as Cooper leaned forward. "Kurt." He said his lips inches away from Kurts own. "Give me a chance, okay?"
Kurt wasnt sure what to say, but it didnt matter, any opportunity to answer was gone as Cooper pressed his lip against Kurts. Kurt just stood there for a moment, the only other kiss he had ever had was an unwanted one, and honestly he didnt know how he felt about this one.
Cooper was gentle though; the hand on Kurt's cheek moving to his neck and finally Kurt sighed and let himself kiss Cooper back. Their lips moved together and Cooper added a bit more pressure and it was… nice. Kurt lifted himself up on his toes and placed his hand on Coopers shoulders as Cooper deepened the kiss. Okay this was really nice.
They broke apart and Cooper stayed close as he smiled. "Youre a good kisser Kurt."
Kurt could feel himself blush. "Um…" He cleared his throat. "You too."
"Dont stay in the guest room." Cooper said. "Come to bed with me."
Kurt stiffened, his eyes growing round.
"No. No." Cooper laughed. "Not like that. Just… dont sleep in another room tonight? Okay? Im not saying there is going to be any hanky-panky."
Kurt laughed still feeling tense from this whole evening. "Hanky-panky?"
"Not yet." Cooper said and smirked.
Kurt rolled his eyes and nodded following him upstairs.
Blaine had been in the living room watching old reruns of I Love Lucy when he heard Cooper and Kurt get home. He hopped up from the couch to see how dinner had gone, but then stopped by the entryway when he saw them. Something was wrong. Kurt looked like hed been crying and Cooper looked equally miserable.
Blaine was about to turn away even though he didnt like to see either of them looking so sad when Kurt turned to face his brother and both of them started moving in closer to one another. Everything within Blaine was telling him to leave, but for some reason he couldnt get his feet to move.
And then they were kissing. Blaine didnt have a voyeuristic bone in his body, but still he couldnt make himself move.
Cooper and Kurt were kissing and suddenly Blaine felt… he felt… sick.
He finally made himself turn away and retreated to the backyard breathing heavily, his chest tight and painful. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel like this? He took a few deep breaths of the cool evening air and tried to steady himself. He rested his hands on the back of a patio chair to brace himself and swallowed down the tears that threatened to choke him.
Oh god no, this couldnt be happening. How did he let this happen? What was wrong with him? Because as much as he hated to admit it, his twisting stomach and aching heart told him the truth. He was falling, and falling hard for Kurt. For his brothers husband.