Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sorry, sorry, sorry! I made so many of you upset with that last chapter. I am so sorry. I have reasons for why I do what I do, I promise!
Meanwhile MrsMusicAddict asked a really great question. "Why didnt they think to change Kurts look a bit? I mean, he was/is married to an actor. His face is known."
This is such a good question. Why didnt they? Why? Why didnt I do that? It would have been so fun, I could have given Kurt a make-over. *damn it why didnt I think of this?* Oh well, opportunity missed.:/
I hope to make up for everything by posting this chapter early today. Also, this is the last chapter and then I have an epilogue.
Kurt was led to a small holding room with hard uncomfortable chairs, a metal and vinyl table, and a clock on the wall that seemed to tick ridiculously loud. Kurt felt it was almost at loud as the beating of his own heart.
His throat was tight and his eyes stung but he was determined not to cry. He was thinking back to what he knew about sentences for running away from your Lifemate, but sentencing was so subjective. He knew if someone like Hilda got her way it would mean extensive time in prison. Kurt shivered. Either way hed probably be locked up for a few years.
In the end though, no matter what, his chances of getting away with Blaine had just become nil. He wondered if they had grabbed Blaine too; maybe he was sitting in a similar room with his hands cuffed behind him. Or maybe he got away. Kurt closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He hoped Blaine got away. At least if Blaine was okay then maybe this wouldnt all seem like such a waste.
They left him alone in the room and he knew he was locked in. Not that he could just escape anyway. His hands were cuffed and he was back in airport security. He wondered if Hilda or Addison would come when they called the Registry. Kurt swallowed down his fear at that thought. No, it would probably be someone new, someone from the Detroit office.
Kurt tried to steady his breathing, but he couldnt calm himself down. This was everything he and Blaine had been trying so hard to avoid. In a matter of moments, all of his hopes and dreams had been snatched away. What if they never even let him see Blaine again? Kurt felt nauseated and doubled over in the chair a little.
Kurt started watching the clock. Hed only been here for 15 minutes, but it seemed like hours. He sat up straighter, hearing some kind of commotion from outside the door. Was that yelling? Kurt listened more closely. Yes, it sounded like yelling and other voices trying to calm whoever was shouting. Kurt smiled and shook his head, it almost sounded like Cooper. That was impossible of course… except… it sounded distinctly like Cooper.
"I dont care what your policies are! You cannot tell me Im not allowed to see my own husband!"
Oh my god, it was Cooper.
Kurt didnt have time to process how that was even possible before Cooper came bursting into the room, security guards behind him.
"Cooper?" Kurt squeaked out, looking between him and the confused faces of the airport security.
"Kurt! They have you in cuffs?" He rounded on the nearest guard. "Uncuff him right now," he said, pointing a finger at the mans chest. "Whats wrong with you? You detain a man and cuff him just because he is trying to go on a trip with his famous husband?"
Kurt just sat quietly, clamping his mouth closed when he realized it had been hanging open in shock.
"Sir, Im sorry, but he is being detained for the Lifemate Registry, there is an APB out on him and-"
The guard didnt get to finish as Cooper starting talking over him and gesturing wildly. "Are you kidding? That APB was rescinded; it was a mistake to begin with. This has been a giant fuck-up from the start. My husband and I are trying to leave for a quiet get-away to be rid of the mess that the Registry is making about my brother who is missing.” Cooper took a deep breath as if trying to calm himself down. “The APB was put out when they saw Kurt was making plans to travel and they didnt even check to see that we are traveling together. Now, uncuff my husband."
Kurt had never seen Cooper be so frightening and intimidating. There was a beat where no one did anything, but then the guard was helping Kurt stand and uncuffing his wrists. Kurt rubbed them and decided to stay silent; he didnt want anything he said to mess up Coopers plan. Whatever it was.
"Thank you," Cooper said curtly and took Kurts elbow and started leading him out of the room.
"Whoa, wait," a guard said. "Im sorry, but you cant leave, we still have to wait for the Lifemate Registry Officials to get here."
Cooper laughed. "Why? We havent done anything wrong. Do you know who I am? Do you want me to tell the media how helpful you were or how you ruined our vacation? Now unless you are arresting us, we are leaving."
Cooper stormed out of the room with Kurt in tow. Kurts heart was racing; he couldnt believe this was actually working. He was waiting for the guards to stop them at any minute, but they didnt. Cooper just marched them right out of the airport.
"Cooper," Kurt said under his breath. "What about Blaine?"
Cooper looked at him with wide-eyes and for the first time since he barged in Cooper looked a little worried.
"Just keep moving, Kurt."
Kurt did what Cooper instructed, but mostly because he was still a little in shock and had no idea what was going on. They kept moving until they got to the airport parking garage where Cooper finally stopped and let go of Kurts arm.
"Oh my god. That worked!" Cooper said and started laughing so hard he doubled over himself.
"Cooper, whats happening? How are you here?"
"Blaine told me on the phone yesterday what you were going to try," Cooper said, standing up straight again and wiping at his eyes. "And I couldnt help but think that it wasnt going to work. The more I thought about it, I knew I should be here so I got in the car and drove. And when I got to the airport I saw them drag you out of line and… well I didnt have a plan really, I just started yelling and pointing, because that usually gets people's attention. "
"I… dont know what to say." Kurt was stunned. So instead of saying anything he just launched forward and gave Cooper a hug.
"What now though?" He said after a moment, backing up and looking Cooper in the face. "Wheres Blaine?"
"Wheres Blaine?" Cooper repeated. "Wheres Blaine? How do I know? I thought you knew!" He threw his hands in the air and looked on the verge of panic.
"He was behind me in line, Cooper, didnt you see him?"
"No! Just you! And then I was focused on getting back to where you were…"
Kurt started to feel a little dizzy, his palms clammy. What if security had detained Blaine, too, and he and Cooper had just walked out of there without him? Kurt was about to insist they go back when he remembered the phones Tony had given them. He quickly pulled his out of his bag and called the one given to Blaine.
Blaine finally forced himself to get up off of the chair hed collapsed into and started making his way out of the airport. He should have gone after Kurt when they took him, it had been his first thought at the time, but what good would it have done. At least while Blaine was still free maybe he could do something to help Kurt.
He needed to think, he needed a plan. Should he call Tony? No, Tony didnt want any trouble with the Registry. He should call Cooper then. Kurt was still his husband; maybe Kurt would be able to make bail? It didnt seem likely.
Blaine stopped and pressed a hand against a wall, feeling light headed. Hed lost Kurt. The Registry had him and Blaine was still on the run. He thought back to the ugly cold cellar he and Kurt had stayed in over the past week; that dank little room seemed precious now, were those his last days with Kurt? Was it really all over now?
His phone rang and Blaine jumped, forgetting he even had it on him. Who in the world would be calling him on this phone?
"Hello?" Blaine answered.
"Blaine! Oh thank god." Kurts sweet voice came through the speaker and Blaines heart leapt.
"Kurt? Where are you? Why are they letting you call me?"
"Im in the airport parking lot. I… Blaine you have to get here fast. They dont have you, do they?"
Blaine didnt understand, how did Kurt end up in the parking lot? Were they transporting him somewhere?
"The parking lot?" Blaine repeated, brain slow to process the information.
"Blaine, you havent been caught, right?"
"No. No. Im fine. Im still in the airport," Blaine answered
"Come find me," Kurt said, his voice sounded frantic. "We could still get out of here. Level 4 section G."
Blaine had already started moving towards the exit, his feet couldnt take him to Kurt fast enough. "Im already on my way."
Blaine rushed to the garage and didnt even wait for the elevator but sprinted up the stairs to level 4. He looked around until he found G and there he was. Kurt was standing in the garage without any guards or cuffs or anything and with… Cooper? Blaine rushed to Kurt and caught him tightly in his arms even as he gave Cooper a bewildered look.
"How… what… whats going on?" Blaine said, looking at his brother but still holding Kurt.
"Cooper stormed into security and dragged me out," Kurt answered, arms looped around Blaine while Blaine just glanced back and forth between Kurt and Cooper.
"I dont understand," Blaine said, his mouth feeling dry.
Cooper clapped Blaine on the back. "Well let me explain." He smiled. "I saved the day!"
Blaine stared at him for a moment. "But how?"
"He just burst in saying they were ruining our vacation. Like Cooper and I were going somewhere together and then he said if they werent arresting us we were leaving and… we just left," Kurt explained, looking as stunned as Blaine felt.
Blaine shook his head and felt ready to cry or laugh. He leaned his head against Kurts, he honestly hadnt known when he was ever going to see Kurt again and now he was right here. "Now what?" He hung on to Kurt, having no idea what was going to happen next.
"I dont know," Kurt said, and for a moment Blaine didnt care. He held Kurts face with his hands and kissed him, bringing their bodies close as Kurt leaned in towards him.
"Now we get out of here," Cooper said, tugging on Kurts hand and pulling them apart, "before they realize what happened."
Cooper opened the door to the SUV and Kurt and Blaine climbed in the back. Cooper hopped up front and drove them away from the airport, a tense silence in the vehicle. Finally, once they were several miles away, he pulled off at a rest stop and turned in his seat to look at Kurt and Blaine.
"I have no idea what to do next. Im kind of just making this up."
Blaine licked his lips and knew he must look a little shaken by the way Kurt lifted a hand to softly rub the hair at the nape of his neck. "We could try the border," Blaine suggested. "Getting into Canada doesnt solve everything, but its a start."
Kurt shook his head. "How? They have pictures of me up. And if my picture is out there, then you know yours is too. We wont get across."
Blaines heart sunk.
"Listen, Kurt isnt missing; the Lifemate Registry is just being an ass having his picture out there like that," Cooper said. "No one has reported him gone. As far as they know, he really could just be visiting his family in Lima. I say, Kurt and I go to France together on vacation and then… I dont know, Blaine… you could… Who helped you get this far? Could they smuggle you into Canada?"
Blaine was considering the idea; could Cooper really get Kurt out of the country? It would be somewhere to begin, and even if Blaine couldn't find a way out, it would mean Kurt was safe.
"No," Kurt said, interrupting Blaines thoughts. "Im not leaving without Blaine. We tried the whole do this separately thing and I hate it. Besides, there is no way the Registry is letting me out of the country, officially missing or not."
Blaine groaned, knowing Kurt was right; they might not be able to charge Kurt with anything, but they could restrict his international travel. "Then what do we do?" Blaine asked.
They were all silent for a long moment. Blaine crossed his arms around his chest feeling small and useless. "This is my fault," Blaine eventually said. "Im the one that ran, Im the fugitive. Kurt should be fine."
"Stop," Kurt said, turning in his seat to face him fully. "I didnt have to leave New York to look for you, but I did because I wanted to that was my choice and I dont regret it. We just have to… figure something out from here. We still have all of our papers with our new names, we can make this work."
Blaine gave him a side-long look and then let out a breath of air, his shoulders relaxing and his arms unwinding. "Right. We need a plan."
"It seems to me that Im the only one who can really travel freely," Cooper said. "I could get into Canada."
Kurt furrowed his brows. "Okay…"
"So I say lets just go to Canada. Its what? A 30 minute drive to the border?"
"And what do we do?" Kurt asked. "Hide in the trunk?"
Blaine smirked at the suggestion until he saw Coopers face. He was smiling widely.
"Cooper, dont be insane," Blaine said.
"You know I actually have a really big following in Canada? They love me there," Cooper replied. "What if I was on a publicity trip with a bunch of boxes of my headshots to sign for people in the trunk?"
"I… dont even…" Blaine started, not following what Cooper was saying.
"Listen, you two have tried your way, now lets try mine." Cooper seemed excited again, like he thought the plan was brilliant.
Blaine glanced at Kurt and then they both agreed, what else was left to do?
Cooper tried to keep everything light and like it was a big joke, but Blaine could tell he was nervous. And frankly, his plan was a little ridiculous, but they were out of options. The longer they waited, the more likely the Registry would find them.
The first thing Cooper did was stop by a local print shop and get a bunch of copies of one of his headshots that he “happened” to have on him. They also stopped to get a plywood board from a hardware store, and then they set to work making the trunk of Coopers SUV look like it had boxes of headshots in it when really it was just a kind of lid that Kurt and Blaine were going to hide under.
"You should call and make a hotel reservation for someplace in Canada, in case they ask you where youre staying," Kurt said, and Cooper got on the phone to a nice hotel in Nova Scotia hed stayed at before.
"This really is such a bad idea. Things like this only work on TV," Blaine said.
"Hey! Ive been through the border crossing before and usually they just ask you a few questions and dont even look in your car. Were going to be fine."
Kurt reached over to Blaine, pulling his hand up and pressing it against his heart. Blaine could feel it beating against his palm, he looked up at Kurts clear blue eyes as he smiled. "Blaine. I know its a risk, but Im willing to take it if you are. It means we get to be together, and honestly we reached the point of no return a long time ago."
Blaine felt a little calmer at Kurts reassurance and then pressed a soft kiss to Kurts lips. "I think I passed the point of no return when I met you," he said softly.
Kurt smiled brightly but Cooper just groaned. "Oh god, its only been a little over a month but I forgot how sappy you two are together. Now are we doing this or not?"
Blaine nodded, and he and Kurt climbed into the truck, their carry on suitcases in the backseat looking like Coopers things. Cooper looked down at them and then winked before he fit the plyboard on top closing them in like a secret compartment. They could still breathe through thin slots at the sides. This was it then. They were going through with this crazy plan.
Kurt crawled into the trunk of Coopers SUV with Blaine. It was a tight fit, but they made it in, Blaine behind him and curling his arms around his middle like they were spooning in bed. If this didnt work, at least they would be caught together. Kurt shook that thought out of his head; it wasn't actually very comforting. Instead, Kurt tried to focus on positive thoughts and settled into the feeling of having Blaine wrapped around him.
Cooper started the car and then they were moving. Kurt didnt even realize he was counting until Blaine mentioned it.
"What are you counting?" He whispered into Kurts skin, making him shiver in the dark warm trunk of Coopers car.
"Every time we hit a bump. I have a nervous habit, counting things."
"I know," Blaine replied, kissing his neck. Just that little kiss, and the knowledge that Blaine knew his little idiosyncrasies and didnt tell him he should stop, was enough to reinforce that they were doing the right thing.
They didnt speak again, feeling more and more tense as they neared the border. They could tell that they were going through the Detroit Windsor Tunnel connecting the US to Canada because the sound in the car changed. Then, things slowed down. It was awful not being able to see what was going on. Were they at the border crossing yet?
Eventually, after some stopping and starting, the vehicle came to a complete stop. They heard the window roll down and then Cooper was talking to someone. Blaine held Kurt a little more tightly.
"Good afternoon!" They heard Coopers cheerful voice ring out.
The border crossing guard didnt seem to have the same enthusiasm. He asked a few questions, which Cooper gave short direct answers to. He was here for business and would only be staying a couple weeks, he was booked at the Waterfront Hotel in Winsor, and yes he had that number if they wanted to call.
Kurt wasnt sure if they called the hotel or not, but they heard the back doors to the SUV open and it seemed like someone was going through Coopers bags. Hopefully, they would just see a lot of guys clothing and some knick-knacks and not think much of it. Kurt couldnt think of anything incriminating in those bags. He knew his snow globe was in there and a picture of his family. Oh god, that might be hard to explain.
He was pulled away from that thought, though, when a voice very close to them called out. "Hey, pop the trunk for us will you?"
"Of course," Cooper said, and then there was a little more light in the little space they were crammed in as the border crossing guard lifted the trunk open. Kurt was so still he was barely breathing, Blaine rigid and quiet behind him.
There was some shuffling and then, "Whats with all the pictures?" The guard asked.
"Oh, headshots. In case people want autographs."
There was silence for a minute before the guard spoke again. "You famous or something?"
In any other circumstance Kurt would have laughed and wanted to see Coopers facial expression over someone not recognizing him.
"Yeah. I act. Im an actor," Cooper said, and then he asked them if theyd seen the blockbuster hed been in.
"I knew you looked familiar!" The guy said, and shut the trunk without even really looking back there.
Still, Kurt didnt move until Blaine started nudging him with his head, and then Kurt realized his chest hurt and that he had actually stopped breathing; he let out a quiet breath and felt Blaine sigh in relief behind him.
Then the car doors closed and the voices moved further away from the back of the vehicle while Cooper started the engine again.
"Is that all you need?" He asked.
"Yes. Have a nice day," The guard said, and then they were moving again.
Kurt had to suppress a sob of relief; did they actually just make it through?
Cooper kept driving for a little while longer and Kurt held tightly onto Blaines hands that were wrapped around his middle. When they finally stopped and Cooper lifted off their little partition, Kurt blinked as the sun hit his eyes and found he couldnt move. Blaine sat up with a groan, stretching his arms.
"Holy shit," Cooper said, and helped Blaine out of the car. "Holy shit. Holy shit! We did it."
Blaine looked down at Kurt and reached out a hand. "Come on, Kurt," he said with a smile, his eyes sparkling and Kurt finally made himself move, grabbing Blaines hand and climbing out of the SUV.
The day was turning out to be bright and warm and beautiful, but of course, Kurt admitted he might be feeling that way because they made it. Not all the way to France, but they were out of the states!
They stood still for a moment and then Blaine surprised him by practically tackling him with a hug. "Oh my god I thought for sure they were going to find us! Oh my god." He laughed.
Kurt hugged him back, still in shock a little, before he started laughing as well and pressing a long kiss to Blaines lips. He sighed as they parted. "Were in Canada! And now on to France?"
Blaine grinned and nodded before looking at Cooper who was watching them with a pleased look on his face; he wiped his eyes a little.
"Are you crying Coop?" Blaine asked.
"Shut up," was the only response they got from him.
Cooper pulled up flight schedules on his phone and started looking for a way to get them out of Canada. They still couldnt be caught in this country. It didnt take long for them to get everything in order to fly out of Windsor International Airport.
Cooper brought them to the airport, parking and then walking them in. "Okay… once you get on the plane, text me, alright? Im going to wait here until I know youve made it through."
Kurt nodded and hugged him. “Thank you for everything, Cooper. You've been so good to me.”
Cooper smiled and looked teary-eyed again.
Then, Blaine approached his brother and squeezed him tight. "Goodbye, Coop. I love you," he said into his neck, sounding a little teary.
"Goodbye, Blaine," he said. "Go. Be happy? Okay?"
Blaine backed up and nodded, laughing a little through his tears. "You too," he said, and Kurt took his hand as they walked away, Cooper watching them as they went.
They had lost their check-in luggage in Detroit so they just went through with their carry-ons. They stayed together this time, because either they got through or they didnt.
Security looked at Blaines ID and then Kurts and didnt say a word as they walked through. Kurt tried not to show on his face the absolute relief he was feeling. They made the gate just in time to get on the plane. Once on board, Blaine texted Cooper before shutting off his phone.
They looked at each other and held each others hands. 15 minutes later, the plane took off and they were leaving North America behind and heading towards their new lives, together.