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Lottery: Chapter 30

E - Words: 2,151 - Last Updated: Aug 10, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 24, 2014 - Updated: Jun 24, 2014
194 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


After his confrontation with Sebastian, Blaine left the motel and caught a bus back towards Westerville. He had no idea what to do at this point. He wanted to call Kurt, but what would he say? That his plan had fallen through and he didn't have a clue what to do now?


Blaine closed his eyes and rubbed his head. Things looked so hopeless. It had been too long and he knew Kurt would be worried about him. And, if by calling Kurt, he found out that Kurt had decided to stay in New York? Well then, at least he would know.


Blaine hopped off the bus in a familiar part of town and grabbed a baseball cap out of his bag, putting it on and pulling it low over his face; he didn't need anyone recognizing him. He walked a while until he got to his old house. It was empty and still in his and Cooper's names, he knew it couldn't be a long-term hiding spot but right now he just needed a place to crash.


He unlocked the door and went in. It looked exactly like it had when they'd left it. He wandered around downstairs for a while, sheets covered the furniture that they hadn't moved with them and all the windows were covered in drapes. He would keep things the way they were. It needed to look like he was never here.


He went upstairs to his old room and looked around, tossing his bag on the bed; it was nice, actually, to see this place once more. It was the last place he and Cooper and their parents had been a family. It was the place he'd fallen in love with Kurt. He sat down on his old bed and sighed, feeling weary and anxious. He still didn't know what he was going to do but for now he was going to rest. He curled up on top of the covers and fell asleep and dreamed of Kurt's smile and touch and warm laugh.


Blaine ended up deciding to stay in the house for a few days to make a plan. He started by figuring out how much money he had left and wondering if he'd be able to sneak across the border to Canada. Canada's Lifemate laws were less strict, but that didn't really matter, because they extradited to the U.S. If he were found out there, he'd be shipped home and still be at the mercy of the United States Lifemate Registry.


What he needed to do was get in touch with Kurt. He had a prepaid cell phone he could use and then ditch, but he needed to be ready to leave Westerville before he did that, just in case the Lifemate Registry was tracking Kurt's incoming calls.


He was getting antsy just waiting in this house, he had done enough waiting. He needed to take some kind of action. Blaine was upstairs, just having gotten dressed after taking a shower, when he heard what sounded like the front door opening and closing downstairs.

Oh god, they'd found him.

Blaine closed his eyes and steadied himself. If Lifemate officials were already in the house, there was no getting away. He was caught and he would just have to face them. He clenched his jaw and walked to the hallway. He froze at the top of the stairs. Someone was standing in the dimly lit foyer. Blaine gasped, taking in the tall, lithe outline of a person he recognized easily, someone he would recognize anywhere.  

Kurt turned around and their eyes met.

“Kurt?” Blaine called, not believing his eyes. Kurt was here, he was right here in front of him. 

Kurt didn't answer but just stared at him, his mouth covered with a hand. “Kurt,” Blaine repeated and started quickly running down the stairs. 

Kurt stood planted where he was, watching as Blaine stopped directly in front of him. 

“How…” Blaine said, looking Kurt up and down, not believing he was really in front of him. “How are you even here?” 

Kurt didn't answer, but it didn't matter. Blaine threw his arms around him, holding him close. Kurt was trembling slightly as Blaine buried his face in Kurt's neck and kissed his skin. “You're here. You're here,” Blaine said over and over. “You're here.” 

Kurt finally moved, wrapping his arms around Blaine and leaning his head against Blaine's. Kurt took a deep shaky breath before he found his voice, which was scratchy with tears. “Blaine I was so s-scared, I didn't know w-where to fi-fi-nd you or what to do…”

Blaine hated hearing Kurt so upset, he hated that he had done this to him. He pressed in closer, and they held each other for a moment, needing the assurance that they were together again. Eventually, Kurt backed up to look Blaine in the face. “Don't you ever scare me like that again. “ 

Blaine nodded, feeling guilty even as happy tears ran down his face. “Never again. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Kurt,” he said, his hand coming up to cup his face. “But you shouldn't be here. If they find us, you'll be arrested and I… I… have no plan anymore. I have nothing and this is  such a huge risk..”  

Kurt shook his head and then wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. “Blaine, I don't care about the risk, there has always been risk. I just want us to be together. If we aren't together, what has all of this been for?”  

Blaine's heart fluttered in his chest as Kurt leaned forward and pressed in for a kiss. He let out a breath of relief as their lips met. The feeling of Kurt's arms around him and his body pressed against him and his soft lips parting to kiss him deeper, it was exactly what he needed. He was never leaving Kurt's side again. All of this fear and waiting and torment, all of it was for this, for Kurt, for the right to be with the man he loved. 

Kurt broke the kiss and sighed keeping their faces close. “I thought you'd been caught or that you turned yourself in.”

“I would never turn myself in,” Blaine assured him. 

“Sebastian said that…” Kurt cleared his throat. “He thought it was a possibility.” 

Blaine narrowed his eyes and the arms around Kurt's waist tightened a bit. “You've seen Sebastian?” 

“I was trying to find you. I told you I would only wait so long.” 

Blaine smiled. “Yes, you did say that.” 

“And you took too long.” 

Blaine laughed a little and then leaned his head against Kurt's. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Nothing has gone right… and I… I messed it all up and then I started worrying that maybe you would have second thoughts and I mean… What do I even have to offer you? I have no plan. No place for us to be safe, nothing. I was just so-" Blaine didn't get to finish his rant, though, as Kurt crashed their lips back together.

Blaine moaned and leaned his weight onto Kurt, relishing the kiss. 

“Sometimes,” Kurt said, breaking the kiss to speak before kissing him again. “You. Drive. Me. Crazy,” Kurt breathed between kisses. 

Blaine smiled and pressed a light kiss to the corner of Kurt's lips before pulling away. “So we're still in this together?”

“We always were,” Kurt said seriously. 

Blaine blushed a little, feeling foolish about doubting Kurt. “How did you know I was here?”

Kurt shook his head, arms still looped around Blaine like he was afraid to let him go. “I didn't, this is just where I ended up.” 

Blaine closed his eyes and breathed Kurt in; he should have never left him behind in New York, but now that they were together again, he felt like maybe they had a chance. “I love you.” 

“I love you,” Kurt echoed in a whisper like the words held magic in them. 

“So what now?” Blaine asked. “I still have a good amount of cash left, I was thinking of maybe trying for the Canadian border, but I don't know.”

Kurt smiled and stepped back, his arms dropping from Blaine's shoulders, but he grabbed his hand instead. “Well your plan might not have worked, but that's okay, because now it is time for my plan.” 

Blaine lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “God I really love you.”

Kurt laughed and it looked like the tension in his shoulders was finally falling away. 

Blaine hadn't eaten anything all day and when Kurt heard his stomach growl he insisted they make lunch with some of the provisions Blaine had in his bag. Chili from a can and some crackers, it wasn't the best meal Blaine had ever had, but it was enough to get them through the day.

“When you didn't call me for over a month,” Kurt said as they ate, “I decided to take things into my own hands and got together with Brittany.

Blaine lifted an eyebrow in surprise. 

“You remember how she was when we were talking about Santana. She knew something. So I thought I'd flat out ask her for help.”

“You…” Blaine started and blinked at him. “Wait, are you saying that Brittany is going to help us somehow?”

Kurt smiled and it made Blaine's heart skip a beat. He was so gorgeous even when he looked smug like he did right now. 

“Even better.” Kurt lifted an eyebrow. “I know how to get in touch with Santana.”

Blaine's eyes grew round. “Your friend Santana who has been missing for months?” 

“Not missing. She ran, like you did. But she hasn't been caught in all this time. Brittany says she can help us get out of the country.”

“Out of the country?” Blaine repeated, the idea settling over him. He had started to feel desperate in the last couple of weeks, but this could mean a chance to actually get away, to start a new life together. 

“How?” Blaine asked, his pulse quickening. 

“We'll have to get the information from her,” Kurt said with a bright smile. “But I really think this could happen.” 

Blaine looked at Kurt sitting in their old living room, eating canned food and looking happy and hopeful, and Blaine's heart swelled; he surged forward, leaning over their bowls of chili, to kiss him. 

“We could be together, like together,” he said as they pulled apart. “Without pretending?”

“I think so,” Kurt said, a sweet smile on his face. 

Kurt explained that Santana was going to meet them at a bar in Toledo the next day. They didn't know if she had been in Ohio all this time, but they would take any lucky breaks they got.  However, they didn't have to go anywhere right then and they spent the rest of the day packing up things from the house they thought they'd be able to take with them and making sure they had plenty of cash. 

Kurt also texted Cooper to let him know everything was okayCoop! Still enjoying my time in Lima. He sent. Meeting up with old friends.

“Meeting up with old friends?” Blaine asked, reading the text over Kurt's shoulder as he came up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around him. 

“It is a code we came up with so I could let him know I found you.” 

Blaine fought back a chuckle. “A code, Kurt?”

“Hey. Those Registry people mean business, Blaine. I'm actually afraid of what they'd do if they ever got their hands on you.” 

Blaine held him a little tighter and nodded; Kurt was right. It didn't hurt to be careful. 

Blaine had been able to say goodbye to Cooper over the phone when Cooper was still in California, but he wished he could have had a goodbye in person. But at least Coop knew that he and Kurt were together.

Glad to hear it!!!!!!!Cooper texted back and Blaine could picture his excitement perfectly. Say hi for me!

Blaine smiled and hid his face in the crook of Kurt's neck. He wasn't going to cry. 

Kurt turned in his arms and kissed his temple. “Its going to be okay.”

“I know,” Blaine murmured. Kurt captured his lips in a sweet kiss that quickly became heated. Now that the shock of finding each other again had dissipated and the necessary plans had been made, they had a moment to realize just how much they had missed each other. 

It didn't take long for them to end up upstairs, clothes strewn about and bodies pressed against each other, as they tangled together on the bed, hot skin and wet lips and gasping breaths, the relief of being in each others arms once again crashing over them.

Kurt slid his hands down Blaine's body, making him shiver. “I missed you so much,” He breathed into his skin and Blaine groaned in response. He nipped at Kurt's ear and down his neck until Kurt was a quivering mess beneath him.

“I don't think we should ever be apart that long again,” Blaine said in a husky voice, and Kurt thrust his hips up making Blaine's skin heat up and his eyes flutter closed. “I love you I love you I love you.” Blaine panted, determined to do whatever it took to keep them together. He was never saying goodbye to Kurt again.


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