July 7, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 7, 2014, 7 p.m.
Thank you all who have stuck with me through this story. I have so enjoyed sharing it with you. I have a few more chapters and then an epilogue and I hope to keep to the Monday and Thursday posting. Let me know if you have questions, or just feel free to contact me, I love to hear from you all. Also, about this chapter… sorry.
Camille had left New York and for their own safety she didn't tell Kurt and Blaine where she was going, but she did leave them with a number to get in touch with her. Levi also gave them his number, but Kurt couldn't see himself wanting to get in touch with Levi, even if he the kidnapping was just a misguided attempt to keep Kurt safe.
Kurt had two days more of school before he and Blaine left for Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with their families. The Monday afternoon before Kurt and Blaine were to leave Kurt was in class typing notes and paying attention the best he could. He couldnt help it if the edges of his notebook had "Kurt Hummel-Anderson" and "Kurt Anderson-Hummel" scribbled all over them.
He groaned and shut the notebook, turning back to his laptop. He was no better than a love-sick teenager. Even with everything else going on in his life he still couldnt stop thinking about that damn ring he'd found in Blaines pocket.
Was Blaine going to propose or not? What was he waiting for?
Maybe Blaine was waiting for their lives to settle down, or be less... weird. Maybe hed changed his mind. That idea made Kurts throat tighten up a little. Or maybe Blaine sensed that Kurt might not say yes? That didnt make Kurt feel any better.
Why did everything have to be so difficult?
He had to stop this, he just needed to get through his last days of school and get to Thanksgiving break. Maybe at home in Ohio, after talking to his dad and having a chance to relax, he would know better how he was feeling.
That was it then. Don't worry about a proposal now, just focus on school. He turned back in to what his teacher was saying and actually started taking notes when suddenly his stomach dropped. He felt an icy cold chill run down his spine and his hands felt shaky.
He tried to shake it off when a vision hit him, for a moment it didn't feel like he was in class he was back at his apartment watching Blaine as he clutched his phone in his hand and scrambled around the apartment looking frantic and scared. And then Kurt was back in class as his teacher carried on about their finales.
He stumbled backwards out of his chair, knocking it over and causing everyone in the room to turn and look at him. Visions, that was something new.
The cold feeling settled in his stomach and his palms were sweaty. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.
“Is there something the matter Kurt?”
Kurt stared at his teacher, but couldnt think of how to respond. He had a feeling in his gut that he needed to get out of there, he needed to get home.
“I have to go.” Kurt said suddenly.
He tuned to leave and then remembered his bag; he quickly stuffed his notebook, laptop and other things in and started rummaging through it looking for his phone.
“Kurt.” He teacher called. “Kurt?”
Be he didn't hear her. He got to the hallway and shouted in frustration. Where was his phone? He couldnt remember if he had it with him on the train to school today, did he leave it at home?
“No. No.” Kurt groaned in frustration. He had to call Blaine, something was so very wrong. He could feel it in the trembling of his body and the cold thrill down his spine. He finally gave up his search and clasped his bag closed racing out of the building and ignoring the few people he bumped into on his way.
He had to get home, he had to find Blaine.
He tried to keep his panic down; he didnt even know what he was so worried about. He didnt bother taking the subway, instead splurging on a cab ride just to get home faster. When the cab pulled up in front of his apartment building Kurt hopped out before it had even completely stopped, throwing what was probably too much money at the cab driver before running in the building and rushing up stairs.
He could hardly get his front door unlocked, his fingers were shaking so much, but finally he got the door open and burst through with his heart pounding in his chest.
"Blaine?" He called out running to the living room and spinning around. "Blaine!” He threw his bag down and checked the kitchen, the bedroom the music room. They were all empty. Blaine wasnt here.
"Damn it!" Kurt went back to the living room trying to calm his breathing. He needed to think. Just because Blaine wasnt home didnt mean anything. He could be out with friends, or getting coffee, or groceries or any number of things. If only Kurt had his phone he could just call him.
Where did he have his phone last? He closed his eyes and tried to settle his mind as he went back over his day. He did have it this morning; he was listening to music on the subway on the way to school.
Suddenly Kurt had a very vivid memory, or more like another vision, he was walking up to FIT when a man in a dark jacket ran into him. Kurt excused himself not even really looking at the man and kept going.
Then as suddenly as the vision started it was gone and Kurt was back in his living room, his stomach flipping over fiercely. The man had taken his phone. He knew it in his gut.
Great. This was a perfect time to discover another part of his "gift". Visions so he could what, try to start catching pick-pockets now? Kurt shook his head and tried to focus on calming the steady fear in his stomach when he noticed that there, on the table by the door, was a cell phone.
It wasnt his though, it was Blaines. Why would Blaine leave his phone here?
He picked it up with shaky hands feeling like somehow it held answers for him. He flipped through the resent text messages. Blaine had received a flurry of messages from "Kurt" earlier in the afternoon. Kurt hadnt sent him any though. Kurt started to read the messages, they all sounded fanatic, things like.
"Please Blaine Im scared." and "Come quickly" "Leave your phone behind it could be traced"
Kurt covered his mouth with a hand holding in a whimper. He hadnt sent these, meaning whoever had stolen his phone had lured Blaine somewhere.
Kurt was scrolling up to find out more information when a new text message came in the "ping" making Kurt jump.
It was another a text message that came from himself.
From Kurt 4:35pm: Kurt, I have something you want.
Oh god.
Whoever was using his phone was sending messages for him now.
Kurt wasn't sure what to do, so he texted back, "Who is this?"
Another message pinged.
From Kurt 4:36pm Come to the Newsstand on the corner of 84th St. & Dumont. If you call the police hes dead.
No, no, no. Kurt let out a choked out sob, everything around him going quite as a flooding sound filled his ears. This couldn't be happening.
The phone pinged.
From Kurt: 4:36pm "Come quickly Kurt or lose your chance to say goodbye."
"No, please no." Kurt cried and his knees felt weak, he pressed a hand down on the table to keep himself on his feet.
After a long moment where Kurt felt like everything had slowed down and his mind wouldnt work he snapped out of it, everything rushing back and hitting him full force. His heart was pounding so loud he could hear it in his ears. Then he moved, rushing out of the front door and down the steps.
Running into the street and yelling for a cab.
"84th Street and Dumont." Kurt told the cabbie breathlessly.
"Sorry kid, thats Queens and its almost the end of my shift. I dont go out of Manhattan this time of day."
"Please." Kurt begged feeling that every moment he was getting further and further away from Blaine. "I... Its an... an emergency." He couldnt get his voice not to shake. "Ill pay you double or whatever you want... please!"
The man studied him for a moment taking in his pale face and trembling body.
"You okay?" The man asked.
"I just have to get to 84th Street and Dumont!"
"Okay, fine." He said with a shake of his head.
Kurt had kept the phone gripped in his hand he dialed his own number and held it to his ear. It went immediately to voice mail, but pinged again with a message.
From Kurt 4:41pm: Are you on your way? Youre running out of time.
Kurt quickly taped out a message. "Im coming! Please, dont hurt him. You want me."
There was no response.
Kurt stifled anther sob as tears pooled in his eyes. What had he done? He thought they were safe in New York, but even if he had considered the danger he would have never thought Blaine was in the line of fire.
This was about Kurt, not Blaine. Kurt was the one whod come back, Kurt was the one with these strange gifts. Blaine was innocent and now he was the one in danger.
"Please, please be okay." Kurt whispered to himself gripping the phone to his chest like a life line. "Please, please."
The cab driver glanced back at him but didnt say anything.
The phone pinged again and Kurt looked down at it in fear. It wasn't from his own phone though. It was a group text from Levi sent to him, Blaine and Camille.
From Levi 4:48pm: A contact of mine got a picture of the man who has been asking around about Cindy. It seems he was also in Wyoming recently looking for us. This is probably the man hunting us.
Kurt felt his stomach turn as he slowly scrolled down to see the picture, somehow knowing that this information was about to change everything.
When the picture pulled up Kurt let out a sharp cry startling the cab driver. He clutched the seat with one hand and covered his mouth with the other, He felt sick, like all the air had been punched out of his lungs. He blinked his watery eyes hoping the picture would go away, that he'd wake up and this wouldn't be real.
There in the picture was a tall man with a dark coat, he blended in with the people on the street around him, but Kurt would recognize him anywhere.
Kurts mind swirled with panic as he looked down at a picture of Sebastian Smythe.