March 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
AN: Sorry about the wait between chapters, I usually like to update faster but Im working on this story a little differently that normal. Anyway, I hope you enjoy thi next part, we get to learn more about Kurt! and congrats on those of you who guessed what moved this is very losly based on!
Kurt woke up with his stomach feeling heavy and his mind clouded. Today was the first day of the festival and he should have been excited. He should have been bouncing out of bed and rushing downstairs to have breakfast with his father and then hurrying to the square to finish up decorations with Mercedes. He should have been happy like every other person in Folaigh today. Instead he felt like a lead weight had settled in his stomach. He was antsy and couldnt make himself get out bed, repeating the events of the night before over and over in his mind.
Hed been out in the meadows, enjoying the fresh air and the quiet, hoping to do some stargazing, when hed heard a thud from the edge of the forest.
His first thought was that it must be an animal, but as his eyes scanned the nearby line of trees his curiosity pushed him forward. Hed crept slowly just beyond the trees, his knuckles white on the strap of his bag and his heart beating fast. This was as far as he was allowed to go, as far as he had ever been from the town.
Kurt's eyes searched over the area as he wondered if maybe his imagination had run away from him, it was just the forest. He turned to go when his eyes landed on something and he took in a sharp breath. There, lying sprawled in the soil and foliage was a man, dirt and leaves smeared over his face, he wasnt moving and his eyes were closed. For a terrifying moment Kurt thought hed come across a dead body, but then Kurt saw the mans chest slowly rising and falling.
He crept forward, taking in the mans appearance; tan skin, even in the shallow light of the moon, curly dark hair, and strange clothes. As he looked more closely Kurt realized he was hurt. His temple had a deep gash on it and blood was trickling down the side of his face.
Kurts hands were shaking and he licked his dry lips knowing he shouldnt be there. Hed never met an outsider before and his instinct was to turn and run. Hed been taught that outsiders were often mean, evil, cruel people. Glancing behind him back towards the safety of his little village and then back down at this man. Kurt let out a frustrated sigh; he knew he couldnt run, even though he was itching to. The man was hurt and unconscious and in obvious need of help.
Swearing under his breath he knelt down next to the unconscious figure; his hands hovered for a moment, scared to touch him, but the man was helpless; he was at Kurts mercy. He groaned a little and shuffled but his eyes didnt open. Kurt noticed the trail of blood at his temple was getting thicker and he was shivering in the cold as he laid on the hard forest floor.
Kurt bit his lip and then took a blanket out of his bag tucking it around the man to try and warm him. His shivering died down some, but on closer inspection, the wound was even worse than Kurt thought. He moved the mans head to rest it on his lap, his fingers lightly brushing over the mans forehead, pushing dark thick curls out of his face.
Taking a breath to clear his head, Kurt looked the man over; he was beautiful, a strong face with full lips and smooth dark skin. He sighed, knowing he was verging on creepy staring like this. Kurt took off the vest he was wearing and dabbed the blood from the mans head. His vest would be ruined, but he needed to see the wound better.
Once the mans head was cleaned Kurt softly circled his fingertips around the injury feeling his energy hum inside him as some flowed out of his fingers and into the stranger, a faint blue light stringing from Kurts fingertips to the mans wound. Soon the gash stopped bleeding and then slowly grew smaller until it disappeared altogether. Kurt wiped the mans blood away with his vest again. There was just a little bruise left where the cut in his head use to be, but Kurt could feel his energy thrumming through the mans body, it served to close the mans wound, but now it would be left flowing through his veins for a day or so. There was nothing Kurt could do about that though, it was the price of healing someone, Kurts residual energy.
He needed to decide what to do next. Should he bring him back to town? He couldnt just leave him here alone. As he considered his options, the mans eyes fluttered, then opened and wearily blinked at Kurt. The light of the moon shone down on him, and, oh, he was quite beautiful. His eyes round, golden, and expressive.
"Sam?" The man asked and tried to get up.
Kurt shushed him and softly coaxed him back down. Hed still be dizzy for a moment and Kurt felt like he should check for other injuries before he let the man stand. Kurt spoke softly to the man as his hands gently roamed looking to see if there was anything else Kurt needed to repair.
"Im sorry about the money." The man mumbled. "We didnt mean to steal from you."
Kurt froze. A thief. This man was a criminal. He clenched his jaw, disappointed in himself, of course the man was dishonest, he was an outsider.
"I dont think youre badly hurt." Kurt said, ignoring the comment about the stolen money and wanting to get away from him as soon as he could. "Hit your head, though."
The man just blinked up and him and then tried to lift himself again, which Kurt let him do. He groaned and leaned forward holding his head in his hands.
Kurt gently placed a hand on the mans back and started to rub it comfortingly. What was he doing? This was an outsider. Outsiders couldnt be trusted. Outsiders didnt belong here. They didnt come here. Kurt should just leave but instead Kurt kept rubbing the mans back softly.
"How are you here?" Kurt asked the question echoing in his head.
The man didnt answer but instead just stared at Kurt, his gaze making Kurt want to blush. Then there was a commotion from above them and together they looked up.
"Blaine! Where are you?"
The mans name was Blaine and he wasnt out here alone. Kurts heart sped up. One injured outsider he could deal with, but if there were more of them… Blaine called back and Kurt knew it was time for him to leave. He stood, grabbing his blanket and vest as the man looked up at him.
"Your friend will help you?" Kurt didnt want to leave until he knew that Blaine would be okay. He didnt heal someone just to leave them in danger; even if the guy was a thief and an outsider.
"Yes." Blaine said looking up at him with wide eyes that made Kurts heart twinge for reasons he didnt understand.
Kurt nodded. "I have to go."
He wanted to be gone before anyone else came down the hill, turning and quickly walking away, moving faster and faster until he was running through the field between him and his home. Kurt skidded into town and then ran down the street to his house. Back home he ran up to his room, panting and scared. What had he done? He should have never involved himself. What if the outsider came looking for them now that Kurt had exposed himself? Hed been so stupid.
But still… he couldnt have just left someone unconscious and hurt. Kurt moaned and fell back onto his bed. He wouldnt ever tell anyone about this and hope that he never saw an outsider again. Kurt curled up in bed and tried to sleep, but all the ways things could have gone wrong kept him awake late into the night.
Now in the bright light of morning Kurts nighttime encounter seemed almost unreal. If not for the slight stinging feel of using his energy, and the bloody vest he tossed nearby, he might have been able to convince himself it was all a dream. He finally crawled out from bed and readied himself for the day, trying to work up some excitement about the festival and forget about the strange happenings of the night before. Then he went downstairs to find his father making breakfast.
"Good morning!" Burt said cheerfully. "I thought you were out already."
"Slow start to the day." Kurt said as he sat down at the table.
Burt looked at him questioningly. "Didnt sleep well? Too excited about the festival?"
Kurt smiled. "Yeah, something like that." Burt served them both breakfast and they ate mostly in silence Kurts mind drifting to dark curls and golden eyes.
He didnt know if he should tell his dad about last night, but eventually decided against it. The outsiders had to be gone by now and there was no reason to worry his dad, besides he didnt want his father angry at him. He had been so foolish last night.
"Todays the Centennial." Burt said breaking the silence. "A hundred years. Can you believe it?"
Kurt nodded, he knew that today was the Centennial, everyone did, but still the thought filled him with a sense of awe.
"A hundred years since the miracle began." Kurt said clearing off the table.
Kurt finally started to feel excited, but couldnt completely shake the uneasy feeling he had, like maybe what he did last night was following him around. Something felt wrong, there was a heaviness in the air, like things were about to change.
He spent the rest of the morning in the square with Mercedes finishing up decorations. The festival didnt officially start until noon, but already the square was full of vendors with sweet smelling foods and people excitedly milling around.
"This is going to be the best festival weve ever had!" Mercedes said elated as they raised a bright golden banner over the archway that led to the town square.
"A hundred years," He paused, taking a breath, the golden banner nearly blinding him in the morning sunlight, "A hundred years have passed and we have this."
"You dont sound excited," Mercedes said turning to face him.
"I am! I love the festival... its just that, do you…" Kurt looked down, toeing the ground before he built up his courage and looked Mercedes in the eye. "Do you ever wonder what life is like outside of Folaigh? I mean this town is all weve ever known and I cant help but wonder what else there is."
Mercedes eyes widened and she stood closer to Kurt speaking under her breath. "You mean on the outside? With outsiders?"
"What if they arent all so bad?"
"Kurt! How could you,of all people, ask that? After what they took from you?"
Kurt sighed, a heavy feeling tightening in his chest as his shoulders sagged. He thought of his mother and didnt need to be reminded of what hed lost.
"I know. Youre right." Kurt set his jaw, outsiders couldnt be trusted, they were murderers and power mongers and… and thieves.
Kurt glanced across the square as it filled with more and more people. They were happy, smiling, laughing, but he knew under it all was the fear of outsiders. The festival was a joyous time, but it was also the only time of year they were vulnerable to the outside world. Once their festival had been interrupted by outsiders, and while Kurt was too young at the time to know all of what had happened, he knew it had shaken everyones sense of security. As he watched the people hed known his whole life ready for the celebration he wondered what theyd do if they knew how close outsiders had come to finding them again last night.
He looked back at Mercedes who was talking about something Kurt had completely missed. Kurt wished he could forget the outsider form last night., Blaine, part of him reminded, but his name didnt matter, Blaine wasnt from Folaigh, and Kurt wouldnt ever see him again. He should have never gone out last night at all.
Kurt focused on the festival. He followed Mercedes to the cart they were manning, flower wreaths, bouquets, and boutonnieres made of all colors, flowers that grew wild in the field surrounding Folaigh and some from the garden he shared with Mercedes. The flower cart was always popular at the festival.
Everything started at noon with music and a speech from the town leader about the miracle of Folaigh and their hundred years of peace and unity. That was something the people of Folaigh did that Kurt could never understand, even though he did it himself sometimes, talk about the hundred years of miracle like it had been a hundred years for them. It hadnt really been a hundred years, not in Folaigh at least.
After the speeches the music picked up and there was dancing and eating and drinking. Mercedes and Kurt kept busy; everyone wanted flowers and wreaths to wear while they danced. Both Kurt and Mercedes were giddy, the tension of the morning finally falling from Kurts shoulders, as they enjoyed themselves, the music and the smiling faces of people hed known his whole life. Joy fluttered through the air almost like a tangible object.
"We should close down for a little while and go dance!" Mercedes said bouncing on her toes, her dark hair springing around her face. "Come on Kurt!"
Kurt laughed, "You go ahead, Im going to stay a little longer and then we can open again tomorrow."
Mercedes smiled. "Okay, Im going to keep you to that. You owe me a dance!" She said and then spun around, her skirt twirling before she got lost in the crowd of dancers.
Kurt watched, enjoying the flashes of color and the laughing and singing that rose above the bands music. This year the festival was going to be greater than any other year, instead of a week they had a whole month here and they were going to have events and parties throughout that time. This was just the first day; Kurt knew there was plenty of time for dancing.
Standing at his stall and watching the crowd Kurt probably noticed before anyone else that there was a shift in the energy of air. Not bad, but different. Slowly, others started to notice it too. Everyone seemed aware that something was happening and the dancing slowed and the voices died down. Kurt looked around trying to find out what was going on when the music came to a halt.
People turned to look up the street and Kurt followed their gaze. Two young men walked into the town square, stopping as everyone stared at them.
The word floated through the air, slipping off the tongues of everyone in the square.
Kurts stomach dropped as he immediately recognized the tan skin and dark curls of the man called Blaine.
"No" Kurt looked around at the stunned faces of everyone else in town. They were on the verge of an all-out panic.
Before anyone could do anything one of the town leaders walked up to the stage where she had made her speech earlier that day.
"People of Folaigh!" She said her voice booming over the sudden silence. "Why have we stopped the music and the dancing? This is a time to celebrate Centennial day!"
People were hesitant to turn away from the strangers, but slowly they began looking back towards the stage as a feeling of ease and comfort drifted over the crowd. They all knew the feeling was radiating to them from their leader, but it took hold none the less.
"There is no reason to fear guests," She said and Kurt narrowed his eyes at the word choice. They werent guests, they werent meant to be here. "Please! Please enjoy yourselves everyone! Start up the music!"
It took a moment of murmuring, but then the music started again and slowly the dancing as well. They had outsiders among them, but their leader was sending out strong vibes of peace and assurance and she had told everyone not to worry, so they werent.
Kurt could feel the inklings of calm drifting over him, but he had more to be anxious about than everyone else. It was his fault these men were here. He quickly pulled a tarp over his cart, and started making his way through the crowd keeping his eyes on the outsiders. He didnt recognize the taller blonde boy, but assumed it was Sam; the one who had come looking for Blaine last night.
Surprised, Kurt watched Quinn already approached them and was offering them mugs of mead to drink. Kurt wanted to rush forward and hit the mugs to the ground. Why would Quinn be so willing to offer them something to drink? To make them want to stay? Kurt stopped in his tracks wondering why was he walking towards them? Shouldnt he want to be as far away from outsides as he could? However, there was a pull in the pit of his stomach telling him to move.
He stood still, not letting his feet bring him closer despite the tug telling him to, and he couldnt help but stare. Blaine turned letting their eyes met and Kurt stood frozen for a moment with the air around him shifting, feeling warm like summer sun. Kurt couldnt do this. He quickly ducked away and back into the crowd. Something about the intensity of Blaines eyes made his skin sing and he didnt like how his knees felt a little wobbly.
Kurt made it to the other side of the square before he felt a little silly. There was no reason for a stranger to have this effect on him. Setting his jaw, he decided he wouldnt be afraid of two outsiders when he was surrounded by his people.
He took a mug off the tray of a passing waiter and chugged the mead down quickly before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and walking determinedly through the crowd. Kurt saw the man from last night again but his blonde friend was nowhere to be seen. That was alright since Blaine was his target. Kurt knew what the buzzing under his skin was urging him to do. He just… he had to be near Blaine.
Blaine and Sam had followed a road towards the center of town, to the sound of music and laughter. Blaine couldnt believe what they found. The city square was large and bustling with people, food and drinks passed out all around them and everyone was dancing, a band in the rear and vendor stalls set up around the edges.
"What is this?" Sam said, "Some kind of Irish Holiday? And look at what everyone is wearing. Its like October fest!" Sam grinned brightly, "Except not German. Or October."
Everyone was dressed in old fashioned styles. Skirts and petticoats, waistcoats and cuff links. Everything was old fashioned; the buildings, the decorations, there were no electric lights or cars. It all looked like Sam and Blaine had walked backwards in time.
It was beautiful.
Blaine turned to Sam to point out a maypole in the middle of the dancers when the music abruptly stopped and everyone in the town turned to look at them with shocked and almost scared expressions.
"Uh… oops." Sam turned to Blaine. "Do you think this party is by invite only?"
Blaine didnt answer, as the people in the square continued to just stare at them. It was creepy.
Then a tall blonde woman stepped up on the stage, her voice carrying over the crowd. She encouraged the people to keep celebrating, saying something about their Centennial. Then the music started up again and the people slowly started to continue their dancing, like nothing had happened and Blaine was struck by a strong feeling of peace that he couldnt quite understand.
Sam didnt seem affected, or maybe he just didnt notice because a pretty young woman came up to them, shyly offering them each a mug of something that smelled like beer. Sam took it gratefully and Blaine didnt want to be rude so he took one as well, though he still didnt understand what had just happened.
"Welcome to Folaigh." The girl said with a thick Irish lilt to her voice. She licked her lips and pushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "It is the first day of our Centennial festival."
"Oh? Like the towns anniversary?"
The girl smiled brightly, biting her lip a little like she had a secret. "A hundred years of miracle."
Sam smiled and leaned forward, "Is that right? Folaigh is a miracle town?" He winked and pronounced the name of the town incorrectly.
The girl laughed and Blaine started to tune out their banter. He looked up from his drink and his breath caught in his chest as he locked eyes with a man at the edge of the dancers. He was tall and had pale skin that looked almost pearl-like in the light of the sun. His hair was swooped up perfectly over his angular face and his eyes… his eyes were so blue and looking directly at Blaine, he made his skin tingle. They both seemed to stand frozen for a moment and then the man turned quickly and dashed away through the crowd.
Blaine put down his mug on a nearby table, and dropped his bag near Sams feet as he started after the man with the blue eyes. He knew him; it was the man who had helped him the night before. He recognized those eyes and Blaine wanted to stop him, to thank him for his help, but he couldnt find him in the crowd. So much movement and color with people twirling and dancing and getting in his way.
Blaine sighed in frustration and then made his way back to where hed left Sam. Sam wasnt there though and as Blaine looked out into the crowd he saw Sam dancing with the girl whod brought them drinks.
That was okay. They were leaving today, so it didnt hurt to have a little fun first. Blaine leaned against a cart as his eyes scanned the crowd, the feeling of peace and happiness in the air swirling around him. He stood up straight when the crowd seem to part before him and the young man from last night came striding through the dancers. Their eyes locked and Blaine noticed the determined look on the man's face,his blue eyes sparkling. It was as if time froze. Blaine couldnt move. This man had run from Blaine only moments ago, but now his jaw was set and his eyes flashing as they burrowed into Blaine. As Blaine swallowed nervously, the man strode right up to Blaine and before Blaine could even speak he grabbed Blaine by his shirt collar and started dragging him away from the dancers.
"What are you doing here?" The man hissed and Blaine was too surprised by his harsh tone to answer. "You shouldnt be here, I knew it, I knew I shouldnt have-" He was cut off as a young woman with dark skin and curly hair approached them.
"Kurt?" She arched her eyebrows and folded her arms across her chest. "What do you think youre doing?"
Kurt, that must be this mans name, looked quickly back and forth between Blaine and the woman before he grabbed Blaines wrist ignoring the young woman and pulling Blaine into the dancing crowd.
"Uh… hello." Blaine said as Kurt placed his hands on Blaines shoulders and started to dance.
Kurt didnt answer; instead he lowered his hands to Blaines hips and turned them around so they were moving towards the center of the dancing throng, where it was the most packed with people.
"I know you." Blaine tried again feeling breathless, he swayed with Kurt and his throat felt a little dry at the closeness of this stranger. "We… we almost met last night. You helped me when I fell."
The man wouldnt meet his eyes but Blaine saw a small smile twitch over his lips and then disappear again. He pulled Blaine closer, his arms moving to circle around his back making their chest touch.
"We cant talk about that here." He said his voice less harsh than it was before.
Blaines heart started picking up speed, and his skin started to tingle. This guy was absolutely gorgeous and was holding Blaine close. his breath brushing against Blaines skin. Blaine could hardly even dance he was so overcome, but it was okay because Kurt was taking the lead.
"My… My name is Blaine." He stuttered out as he settled his hands on Kurts swaying hips and they danced and spun around in the crowd. Blaine felt a little dizzy and he didnt know if it was from the dancing or from having Kurts warm body pressed against his own.
Kurt leaned in bringing his lips close to Blaines ear. "I know your name," he whispered and Blaine felt a shiver run through him.
Blaine smiled and held Kurt tighter and they pressed their bodies even closer together. Kurt smelled sweet, like flowers; maybe it was the purple wreath he was wearing like a crown in his hair, setting off his blue eyes and making him look almost elfin.
"Its nice to meet you Kurt." Blaine said earnestly with his heart beating fast. Kurt finally lifted his eyes to look at him and Blaines heart jumped in his chest while his skin tingled.
They kept dancing, not saying anything else, but their eyes remained locked. Kurt was swaying their bodies together and Blaine was feeling almost drunk even though he hadnt even finished the drink hed be given. It was something in the air. Maybe it was just the happiness of the celebration. Maybe it was the smile that curved over Kurts lips.
Blaine and Kurt were snug in each others arms, no space between them as they moved around the other dancers and Blaine could feel the beating of Kurts heart against his chest. Kurt stared at him intently and Blaine blinked rapidly as he took Kurt in. He was so beautiful; pink lips and his flushed cheeks, a fine splattering of freckles, a perfect upturned nose and of course those eyes that seemed like they could look through you.
Blaine would have just kept dancing, swept up in the music and the warm press of Kurt against him, but then the music changed and Kurt took a deep breath looking at Blaine like he was seeing him for the first time.
"I… I have to go." His arms moved from around Blaine.
Blaine stood alone as Kurt slipped quickly through the crowd again and out of sight. Blaine didnt understand any of what had just happened, but he needed to understand. He needed to find Kurt again, talk to him, really meet him. He looked around at the almost dizzying colors of the square. Maybe he and Sam didnt have to head back to the states so soon after all.