Cadence & Melody
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Cadence & Melody: Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,140 - Last Updated: May 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Oct 12, 2013 - Updated: Oct 12, 2013
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Author's Notes:

THanks to everyone who is reading, following and leaving reviews! It means a lot to me. Thanks also to Klainelove and gleeker1985 who have helped me so much with this story. I love you all. xo

Kurt felt a nervous chill go through his body when they got outside. He was being stupid. He shouldn't be doing this. He'd been making himself miserable staying away from Blaine all week trying to keep him safe and now he was taking him to the Resistance?

Blaine squeezed his hand as they ducked behind a building to avoid a patrol of Authorities. Kurt looked at him to see that he didn't look nervous at all. He trusted Kurt to keep him safe. Kurt gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile and then tugged him forward again. Soon Kurt led them into the building with the store room and headed towards the large crate in the corner.

Kurt leaned against it and it moved, he knelt to lift the manhole cover and looked up at Blaine who was staring at him with large round eyes. “Kurt?” he said.

“Blaine... I... I didn't transfer from another city.” Kurt's throat felt dry but he knew Blaine needed to understand.

“You... you're a... You are a rebel aren't you?”

Kurt closed his eyes and braced himself for Blaine's reaction. “Yes.” He opened them to find Blaine standing there with a relatively calm look on his face.

“Alright.” he said and nodded towards the manhole. “Let's go.”

“Are you sure?”

Blaine smiled and knelt down next to Kurt. “Kurt I said I trust you.”

Kurt looked at Blaine's steady golden eyes and how his perfect lips were tilted up in a slight smile and Kurt wanted to kiss him, right then and there. Instead he flipped on the light pack on his belt and started down the ladder.

“Follow me and close the cover behind you.”

Blaine nodded and followed him down.

Blaine felt his stomach knot up as he followed Kurt down the ladder. What he said was true, he did trust Kurt, but still he'd never done anything even remotely like this in his whole life and it made goosebumps rise on his flesh. When they reached the bottom Kurt grabbed his hand again, causing his nervous feeling to melt into warmth. 

“I only have the one light pack. Just stay near me.”

Blaine didn't trust his voice so he just nodded. They walked down a dark tunnel that must run underneath Principle City. Kurt didn't say anything until they reached an old rusted door. Kurt slid away a panel and pushed in some numbers.

“The Resistance has a presence under the city?” Blaine asked

Before Kurt could answer a voice rang out. “Password.”

Blaine jumped and Kurt squeezed his hand. “Pavoratii” Kurt said and the door slide open.

They walked through the door and a big guy stepped out of a room nearby.

“So you came after all and brought a plus one?” He said sneering at Blaine. “I don't think I can let him through.”

“He's with me.” Kurt said in a cool voice.

“Yeah, but he's not with us.”

Kurt stepped closer to the man and stood at his full height, but he still looked small next to the man. Blaine swallowed nervously.

“He's with me.” Kurt repeated.

Kurt and the man stared at each other for a long moment arms crossed and backs rigid, some kind of silent conversation going on between them. “Fine Hummel, but if the boss doesn't like it, this is on your shoulders.”

Kurt nodded and then turned and took Blaine's hand again. “Come on.”

“You won't get in trouble will you?” Blaine asked as they headed down the hallway to another door.

“No, Azimio just doesn't like me. But we're fine.” Kurt turned and smiled at him before pushing the door open. “Don't worry.”

Blaine was about to respond when his voice caught in his throat, they had entered a long hallway, red bricks walls illuminated by lights and painted with bright swirling colors and designs. They walked down the hall and the paintings became more vibrant and alive.

Blaine stopped and smoothed his fingers against the brick, tracing a bright orange line that curled into purple and blue. He glanced around to see that the paintings were a hodgepodge of depictions of people in colorful clothes, of trees and waterfalls and things he didn't recognize. There were also loops and swirls and just splashings of color, everything was intense and saturated and Blaine had to lean up against the wall for a moment as he took it all in.

Kurt stepped up to him concern on his face. “Are you okay?”

Blaine wet his lips, his eyes dancing around the walls before they landed on Kurt. “Who did all of this?”

“We did. The rebels. We like to... show our rebellion against the World Government in colorful loud ways I guess.”

“It's amazing.” Blaine said. He looked at Kurt as if he'd never really seen him before. This was the world that Kurt came from, how boring Blaine must be to him. He shook his head to get rid of the thought. He realized that he could hear, no… more like feel, a rhythmic vibration coming from somewhere down the hall. “What's that?” he asked.

Kurt glanced down the hall where Blaine was looking. “The noise? That's just the music from the party. Every year a little while before Founder's Day we hold our own celebration. It is an anti-Founder's day kind of thing.”

Blaine gulped down some of the nervousness he felt. He didn't really understand the concept of a party full of music. Music was just chimes and short melodies you heard before announcements or waiting in line. Music that caused the walls to vibrate? Blaine didn't understand that.

“We don't have to go if you don't want to.”

“What?” Blaine said looking back to Kurt who seemed worried.

“No please. I want to. Kurt, there is music.”

Kurt smiled and bounced on his feet a little. “Okay, but come with me. I need to change my clothes first I can't show up like this.”

They continued down the hall until it split three ways. The middle passage was obviously where the music came from, but Kurt led Blaine to the left. They arrived at a passage lined with doors and Kurt opened one and walked in. Blaine studied the room. It had a bed, a couch and a desk. Everything draped in colors and cloth, pictures on the walls and pillows heaped on the bed. It was chaotic and somehow went together perfectly.

“Whose room is this?” Blaine asked as Kurt went to a closet and opened it. “Mine.” Kurt answered. “When I'm not living above ground.”

Kurt was pulling some clothes out of the closet he then turned around to face Blaine his cheeks and the tips of his ears a little pink. “Um... could you... could you turn around? I'm going to change.”

Blaine paused for a moment and then his eyebrows shot up as his realized what Kurt was asking and then he quickly turned around. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as Kurt changed.

“I want to introduce you to some of my friends.” Kurt said behind Blaine’s back. “But if at any point you get over-whelmed or just want to go back, tell me.”

Blaine couldn't really find his voice, he nodded but realized Kurt probably didn't see it. The strange swooping feeling in his stomach that had started when he first met Kurt had turned into a storm. The thought of Kurt behind him changing clothes made he feel a little dizzy. Blaine didn't understand this reaction at all, but it was... pleasant and he hoped that somehow he made Kurt feel the same way, even if just a little bit.

“Okay. I'm done.” Kurt said and Blaine turned back around. He could feel his eyes grow large and his mouth fall open and knew he must look dumbstruck but he couldn't help it. Kurt looked... Kurt looked like what a song would look like if you could see it. Blaine knew that thought was ridiculous, but he couldn't help but think it. Kurt wore tight, tight purple pants, a crisp white v-neck shirt that hugged his chest and showed off his broad shoulders and muscled arms and a dark purple vest with some kind of metal pin shaped like a bird. He was breathtaking.

“Are you okay?” Kurt asked his brow furrowing in concern.

“Yes.” Blaine said hoarsely and then cleared his throat. “You look... you. Amazing Kurt. You look amazing.”

Kurt grinned and looked a little smug before answering. “Thanks.”

Blaine looked down at his tan slacks and untucked tan shirt. “I'm not going to fit in am I?” He asked.

“Oh. We could find you something.” Kurt said turning to the closet. Blaine kept his eyes from staring at Kurt's ass, but barely. “Uh... no. I don't think I'm ready for that.” Blaine said.

Kurt turned back around. “Don't worry Blaine. You always look wonderful anyway.” Kurt said with a little blush. “Ready?” He said and then took Blaine's hand again, Blaine could really get use to this, and headed towards where the music was coming from.

The room was dark with colorful lights flashing and moving around. The music was loud and Blaine could feel it vibrating through his chest. People were everywhere. Standing around eating and drinking, dancing together in the middle of the huge open space. Everything was full of color and life. They hadn't gotten very far before a young woman came running up to Kurt throwing her arms around him, “You came!” she said hugging him.

She was shorter than Kurt and wearing a black and bright red outfit. Her hair was dark, streaked with red and purple. Blaine had never seen anyone like her before. She let go of Kurt and turned towards Blaine her eyes growing large.

“Oh my god. This is him isn't it?”

“Uh... Yeah. Um...” Kurt seemed flustered for a moment. “Blaine, this is my friend Tina. Tina this is-”

“Blaine!” She said and giggled before throwing her arms around Blaine's neck. “I am happy your here.” She pulled back looking him over. “And look at you.” She turned to Kurt and started giggling again. “Nicely done Kurt.”

In the colorful lights of the room Blaine could just make out a blush to Kurt's cheeks. “Tina.

“Sorry, sorry. I may have had a little too much to drink.” She said holding her fingers up to show that it was just a little too much. “Does Adam know you're here? Does he know you've changed your mind?”

“Changed my mind?” Kurt asked.

“About Blaine.”

“Tina. No. It isn't like that.”

Blaine was having a hard time following the conversation. Between the strobe lights, the pumping music and the colorful people Blaine was feeling a little over-whelmed and he must have looked it.

“Are you okay?” Tina asked, “You look a little pale.”

“I... I am fine. It just... a lot.” Blaine said.

Kurt scooted closer to him and said in a soft voice, “We can go if you want.”

“No. No, I don't want to go this is all just, Kurt it is amazing.”

Tina grinned and looked back and forth between them for a moment. “You should dance.” She said. “Kuuuuuurt. Why haven't you asked Blaine to dance?”

“Tina, don't you think you should go find Mike? He must be out there dancing himself.” Kurt said and Tina smiled at him and winked.

“Sure. Got it.” She said and then gave them each another hug and twirled off into the crowd.

“Sorry she’s not usually so... much.” Kurt said. “We don't get to party like this that often. It's a big deal.”

Blaine just nodded and smiled, he looked out at the dancing crowd and felt a little giddy watching people dance close to each other, hands on each other, faces close. Blaine hadn't ever seen people do anything like this, he had sometimes danced around his apartment making up songs, but this? This was so much more than anything he could have imagined. He wanted to dance with Kurt. He may never have a chance like this again.

Blaine turned to Kurt who was watching him with a concerned expression, like he was afraid Blaine was about to break. “Kurt.” Blaine said and smiled, “Do you want to dance?”

Kurt looked surprised for a moment before his whole face lit up. “Yes.” he said, but the word seemed to get caught in his throat “I would love to dance with you Blaine.” He said with more confidence.

“I don't really know how to though.” Blaine said watching the dancers again.

Kurt grabbed both of his hands and led him out to the dance floor. “Don't worry, there's not a lot to it, just listen to the beat and move.” Kurt seemed to hesitate for a moment before placing Blaine's hands on his hips and then reaching his arms to loop around Blaine's neck. “Is this okay?” He asked his face only inches away from Blaine's.

Blaine swallowed and nodded, his stomach flipping happily at being this close to Kurt. Kurt started swaying with the music smiling and never looking away from Blaine's eyes. Blaine tried to mimic Kurt's movements, he could feel the beat of the music thrumming through him.

He felt stilted at first but after a little while it was like the music was in his veins and he started moving with Kurt easily. He felt light headed and happy, he closed his eyes to keep the bright lights of the room from spinning. When he opened his eyes again he found that he had leaned his forehead against Kurt's, he could feel Kurt's soft breath on his cheek. Blaine's hands had also moved to wrap around Kurt, spreading across his back and drawing him in close until there was no space between them.

“Is this okay?” Blaine breathed. “Am I doing it right?”

Kurt leaned his face in closer so that when he answered his lips brushed against Blaine's cheek. “Perfect. You are doing this perfectly.” He said.

Blaine felt a pleasant chill go down his body, his heart was beating so fast it felt it would burst. He had never felt so at ease with the world, like everything had clicked into place and in that moment he was exactly where he was meant to be.

He wanted to tell Kurt how he felt, but he didn't have the words. Instead he continued dancing close to Kurt until it felt like there was only the two off them and the music.

Blaine.” Kurt sighed, his lips tickling Blaine's skin. Then Kurt moved an inch and his lips were on Blaine's. Softly at first just a whisper of a touch and then a little firmer. Kurt pulled back slightly and then pressed his lips against Blaine again. Blaine stood still and breathed Kurt in. Kurt started moving his lips lightly against Blaine's mouth, parting them to fit perfectly with Blaine's lips. Before Blaine even understood what he was doing he parted his lips as well, sliding them against Kurt.

Kurt moved his hands down to Blaine's shoulders and pressed him in close and then they were dancing and walking backwards until Blaine's back hit against a wall. Kurt braced his hands on the wall on either side of Blaine and pressed his body against him. Blaine let out a moan that Kurt caught in his mouth. He felt Kurt's tongue gently move across his lips and he parted them more, Kurt's tongue slowly found its way into Blaine's mouth. The wet slide of their lips and tongues together made Blaine feel like he was floating, his own grip on Kurt's back increased as they gasped and breathed the same air. Mouths moving together, noses bumping, tongues searching.

Blaine was so warm he could feel sweet dripping down the back of his neck and his heart rate and breathing sped up. It was like he couldn't get enough of the touch, feel and taste of Kurt. Kurt let out a deep groan and Blaine felt a hot stirring in his belly that he didn't understand and couldn't place.

Eventually Kurt pulled back for air, he stared at Blaine, his pupils blown dark and wide. His face was flushed and his lips red and wet. Blaine surged forward at the sight of him and pressed their lips together again. After a long while Kurt pulled back once more.

Blaine.” His voice was deeper than Blaine had ever heard, rough and perfect. “Blaine. We have to, we can't. Not here, not like this.”

Blaine could barely register Kurt's words with the thrumming of his own heart in his ears. “Kurt.” Blaine said. “What was that?

Kurt's eyes grew round and then he covered his mouth with his hand as he let out a half laugh half gasp. Finally he smiled and said, “Kissing Blaine. That was kissing.”

“I like kissing. Very much.” Blaine responded by leaning forward to kiss Kurt again. Before he had a chance they were interrupted by someone loudly clearing their throat nearby, very loudly to be heard over the music.

Blaine looked up to see a tall, broad tan skinned man standing there. He had dark hair that went down as a tips in the middle of his head. The sides of his head were shaved and the tip of his hair was dyed green and blue. He looked very intimidating.

Kurt turned to the man but slid one hand down to lightly hold onto Blaine's waist. “Puck. Why would you think right now is a good time?” Kurt said his voice even and measured.

“Sorry dude. You know I am the last one to get in the way of...” He nodded at Blaine. “But Adam knows you're here, though he doesn't know you brought him. He wants to see you. Now.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and turned back to Blaine. “I'm so sorry, but I need to go take care of this. I'll send Tina over to keep you company until I get back, okay?”

Blaine didn't want Kurt to move even an inch more away from him, but he nodded. “Okay.”

“I'll be right back. Just wait for me.” Kurt said and then walked off with the man called Puck.

Blaine did what he was told to do at first. He leaned against the wall, his heart rate slowly returning to normal and waited for Tina. After a while he got distracted watching the people at the party. Every once in a while one of them would give him a strange look, but no one bothered him.

Blaine had been standing by himself for a little while before he decided Tina must not be coming. He started to feel nervous and the music was getting to be a little too loud for him. He decided to go back to the hall and get away from the heat and the lights and the noise.

He waited in the hall for Kurt, but he'd been gone for a while. Blaine heard voices coming down from the third hallway, the one he hadn't been down yet and he took a few steps in that direction. He heard the voices again, one of them was definitely Kurt's. Blaine didn't want to interrupt, but he was beginning to feel anxious, like he was trapped in a new and unknown world all by himself. He moved down the hall until he could make out what the people were saying. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but then he heard his name.

“Blaine could be the key to this entire mission.” An unknown voice said. “You're really thinking of not asking him to work with us?”

“I just don't know if it is a good idea to ask him” Kurt's voice said. “I mean, it is so much to put on him.”

“Do you think he couldn't handle it?” That was Puck, Blaine was pretty sure. What were they talking about. Did they... did they want Blaine's help for something?

“Kurt.” The first voice spoke again. “We only sent you to Principle City to get this done before Founder's Day to begin with. If we don't use Blaine, what was the point of any of this?”

Blaine's heart froze up. Kurt was on some kind of mission for the Resistance in Principle City. Of course he was, that made a scary kind of sense to Blaine. And what? They needed Blaine? He was the key to all of this? Blaine felt cold, the warmth from earlier suddenly gone and a shiver ran threw him.

“I know. I know!” Kurt said. “I just... I don't think I can ask him.”

“You're the only one who can.” Said the voice. “You've established a relationship. He trusts you.”

No. No no no no. Blaine thought to himself. Please no. Had Kurt come to Principle City just to meet Blaine? Was it even Blaine that he needed or could it have been any one working at World Government Central? Was Kurt just using him for whatever mission he was on?

Blaine felt sick, his stomach dropped and his hands started shaking, he couldn't even listen to what was being said any more. He took a step forward and entered the room. The first thing he saw was himself. Large screens hung on the walls, his picture plastered to each of them. Then he caught sight of a man he didn't recognize, Puck and Kurt. They all stopped talking when they saw him.

“You need me for your mission?” Blaine said, voice small. “You just need me for your plan? You used me?”

Kurt stood frozen for a moment eyes wide and mouth open before he took a few quick steps towards Blaine. “No! No, it's not like that.” He said.

Blaine felt tears filling his eyes and he couldn't even look at Kurt. He glanced at a tall blonde man who somehow looked to be a leader in the group. “Do you need me?” Blaine asked. “Were you planning on using me for this... this mission?” Blaine's voice shook.

The man didn't answer him instead he turned to Kurt. “You brought him here? You brought him here?”

Blaine closed his eyes for a moment before something in him snapped. Kurt had betrayed him. Kurt was just doing a job, winning Blaine over so the Rebels could use him. Kurt had never felt the way Blaine had felt. Blaine wanted to cry, but he wouldn't let himself. He felt so stupid.

“Blaine please. I can explain.” Kurt said.

Blaine snapped open his eyes and glared at Kurt who took a step back in surprise. “No Kurt. I understand. I understand perfectly.” With that Blaine spun around and started almost running down the hall. He had to get home, he had to get home. Away from this. Away from Kurt. Away from his heart breaking and falling to pieces on the ground.

Blaine followed the hall until he got to a door, he wrenched it open and found himself in the entry way, the big man from earlier stepped out of a nearby control room, crossed his arms and stared at Blaine.

“What are you doing?”

“Let me out.” Blaine said. “I... I have to go.”

“Good.” The man said. “You should have never been here in the first place.” He went back to the room and pressed a button, the door slid open just as Kurt came bursting into the entry way.

“Wait!” Kurt pleaded. “Blaine wait. Please.

Blaine ignored him and marched out into the tunnel on the other side of the door.

“Let me pass right now! Or I swear to god!” He heard Kurt shouting behind him as the door slid close again.

It was pitch dark in the passageway, so Blaine put a hand against the wall and began walking forward. He tripped and fell a few times before he got to the end and felt the ladder in front of him. Every moment he expected Kurt to catch up with him, but he didn't.

Blaine climbed the ladder and felt for the manhole cover at the top but he couldn't seem to move it. He heard a noise from below him and glanced down to see a bright light.

“Come on down.” Someone said. “I'll go up first and get that open for you.”

Blaine didn't want to do what he was being told, but he couldn't just stay stuck there on the ladder either. He climbed down to find Puck standing there, light pack shining brightly from his belt. “I've been told to make sure you get home safely.”

“Not Kurt?” Blaine asked, and hated himself for sounding disappointed.

“No Kurt has... some things to deal with.” Puck said. “I can help you home, but you can't tell anyone about us. Kurt trusts you, can we?”

Blaine’s stomach knotted up. He felt so used and empty and devastated, but yes, they could trust him. He would never do anything to risk this place.

“You can trust me.” Blaine answered.

“Good. Then let's get you out of here before Adam changes his mind.”

Puck started up the ladder and Blaine followed him feeling like he was leaving his heart behind. 


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