May 11, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 11, 2014, 7 p.m.
A few things:
1) Just wanted to drop all of you a little note to let you know we are nearing the end of this story. I always like a heads up when a WIP I'M reading is close to being finished, so I can mentally prepare. I think there will be 16ish chapters all together and perhaps an epilogue?
2) Huge hug to my beta H T Elia who makes this story readable!
3) If you have questions about this fic leave them in a review or come find me on Tumblr!
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, feel free to leave a review and let me know what you think, they makes me happy. :)
Blaine's head was pounding, a sharp pain behind his eyes that made him feel dizzy and more than a little nauseated. He ran from the World Government Headquarters where he had spent the last 8 years of his life; working, being loyal to the WG, keeping with the Routine and believing a lie.
His headache was getting worse, and it wasn't just from all the new information he just discovered. Other things are pressing in on his mind, trying to get loose; memories and knowledge that had been locked away somewhere.
He ducked behind a row of perfectly manicured hedges as he saw an Authority patrolling the area. Blaine squeezed his eyes closed and tried to piece together what he'd just learned with the memories that weren't quiet coming back. It just made his headache worse.
Blaine cried out in pain and frustration and quickly covered his mouth with his hand; he peaked out from behind the hedge to see the patrol had moved away from ear shot. He fell to his knees and tried to calm his frayed nerves. He couldn't just go running around Principal City in the early hours of the morning when everyone is meant to be asleep in their beds. The morning of Founder's Day no less!
But he couldn't just go home and pretend like he didn't know what he knew either.
Blaine sat down on the grass, wet with early morning dew, and attempted to still the shivering of his body. He closed his eyes again and tried to calmly arrange information in his head: Things he knew for sure; Things he thought he remembered; things that were a complete blur.
Things he knew for sure: the WG had been lying to him, his whole life; lying to everyone.
Things he thought he remembered. Kurt... was Kurt part of the Resistance? And they have espionage planned for Founder's Day. There was more to it than that, more about Kurt that he couldn't remember. It was important, but the more he focused on those lost memories, the more his headache pounded.
Blaine ran his hands over his face and through his hair. God, he was missing something.
The things that were a complete blur gave him the worst pain; tables and bright lights and machines connected to his body. Blaine shook his head to dislodge those thoughts. He wasn't sure he wanted to remember that anyway, but it did lead him to another thing he was completely sure of: He had been re-acclimated and somehow it didn't stick... not completely, at least.
The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon, casting pale light on the city around him, light pinks and soft purples. Blaine stopped trying to remember for a moment and just sat and watched the sunrise, allowing it to calm his frantic heart. Blaine took in a deep breath of the crisp morning air and closed his eyes.
He let his overworked mind just drift for a moment; pinks and purples and blues; soft light and burning reds and oranges of the setting sun... Wait, the setting sun?
Blaine's eyes snapped back open. He was remembering a sunset, not thinking about the current sunrise. A sunset he had watched with... with someone. Was it with Kurt?
Blaine's heart leaped. There was something there right out of his grasp. Like a word stuck on the tip of his tongue, or a dream he just woke up from right as it started to fade away. It had to do with Kurt, and whether or not he remembered it fully, he knew... he knew he could trust Kurt.
He had to find him; he had to tell him what he had learned. However, he realized he couldn't just wait and find him in the square. It would be too late. He needed to find him now.
Blaine got up from his spot on the glass and looked around. A few shuttles were running already. Some people were up early for their assignments to help prepare for the Founder's Day celebration. This would help Blaine navigate Principle City. Hopefully people would assume he was on an assignment, too. Blaine had to get to Kurt's apartment.
He had a very vague idea of where it was. He decided not to over think it and opted to follow his gut. It was the best plan he had.
A few shuttles and several wrong turns later, Blaine was lead to a building his gut was sure was the right place, even if his mind hadn't caught up yet. He was beginning to feel frantic again. He had wasted too much time wandering around trying to find this place. People were already leaving their homes to meet in the City Square. He had to find Kurt before things started.
He walked in to the building, hoping it was the right one because he just didn't have time for it not to be. He almost ran smack into a young woman leaving her apartment.
“Oh! Excuse me citizen!” She said in surprise. She looked up at Blaine and her brow furrowed. “Don't I know you?” She asked.
Blaine looked the woman over. She was short (shorter than him), with long, thick, brown hair and bright brown eyes. She didn't even look a little bit familiar.
“No. I'm sorry I don't think so.”
“What's your name?” She asked forcefully and Blaine began to feel fidgety, he honestly didn't have time for this. The woman must have noticed his distress. “Don't worry.” She said. “I always stay on routine. Always. I have a citizenship score of 125!.” She said proudly lifting her chin in the air. “But on Founder's Day we have a little time to stop and talk. I'm just trying to figure out where I've seen you-”
She stopped and looked Blaine up and down. Blaine wasn't feeling any more clam after her little speech and kept glancing to the stairs feeling like he should go up there.
“I know you!” She said, almost like an accusation. “You were here... weeks ago. After curfew! You were looking for a friend of yours.”
Blaine, who had started to tune her out and edge towards the stairs, stopped and looked at her. “Wait? What? I was here?”
“Don't pretend you weren't,” She said. “I called the Authorities!”
“You called the Authorities on me?”
“Sorry,” She said biting her lip, she actually did seem sorry. “It was just... odd. But I guess if you are here again, it must have been alright.”
“Who was I here to see?” Blaine asked.
The woman tilted her head and looked at him funny. “The new recruit. He lives upstairs in the forth apartment to the right. Kurt, I think his name is.”
“Thank you!” Blaine said and turned to rush up the stairs. “Thank you!”
“Happy Founder's Day!” The woman called after him, but Blaine couldn't wish her a happy Founder's Day back. He just couldn't.
Blaine hurried to the forth apartment on the right and knocked loudly on the door. He waited a moment, heart in his throat, but no one answered. He knocked again... but still nothing.
“No. Please Kurt.” Blaine said and knocked again. He didn't have a plan outside of “find Kurt”. He couldn't remember enough to know what else to do. If Kurt wasn't home, what was he supposed to do next?
Kurt spent the night before Founder's Day restless and woke up early. He couldn't get back to sleep so he got up and showered and got ready for the day. As he was eating breakfast and feeling nervous, he decided to leave early and go to Sam's. They could go to the Square together.
Or he could go to Rebel HQ and find Adam... confront him about the other program running underneath Kurt's. But would Adam tell him anything? He wouldn't tell Artie and Artie was in on everything. So why would he tell Kurt?
Kurt sighed and cleaned up his kitchen. He probably wouldn't be coming back here. No reason to live like a model citizen after today.
Kurt's mind was jumbled, he didn't know what to do, and he trusted Adam... right? Nothing was going to go wrong. They had all worked too long and hard for this. So, no, he wouldn't go to the Rebel Headquarters; it was too risky today anyway.
What he really wanted to do was go find Blaine. Even though Blaine didn't remember him, he could keep tabs on Blaine today. Make sure he was safe. Things weren't going to be easy after this morning, not really. Revolution was never easy, but at least he could be with Blaine, just... watching out for him.
“Ugh!” Kurt groaned and leaned his head down on the counter. He was a mess. So much was riding on today, so many lives, so much freedom, and all he wanted was to make sure one person was safe. How could he be that selfish?
But it was Blaine...
No. Blaine would be fine. The fact that he didn't remember anything and didn't know what was going on would keep him safe. Kurt would go see Sam and they could go to the Square together, make sure everything was set up once they got there. He would find Blaine later, he would help him remember. But for now Blaine's ignorance was his safety and Kurt had to trust that.
He left his building just as the sun was rising and set out for Sam's place. Sam was awake and edgy when he got to his apartment, and just as ready as Kurt for the day to be over. They decided to walk to the Square together instead of taking a shuttle; it gave them a chance to talk.
“Puck is going to introduce me to a guy he knows who has information about the holding facilities,” Sam said his hands in his pockets and shoulders a little slumped as they walked. Kurt already knew this, and Sam knew that, but it seemed like Sam needed to talk about it. “I'm just going to start with the closest one. Maybe Mercedes will be there.”
“I really hope so,” Kurt said sympathetically.
“And if she's not...” Sam let out a long sigh that seemed to come from deep within him. “Then I’ll just keep looking. I'm not going to give up until I find her.” He turned to Kurt and gave him a small smile. “Thank you, by the way.”
Kurt was confused; he looked at Sam and lifted an eyebrow. “Thanks for what?”
“For making this possible. For giving me a chance to find her. I... I was going crazy, I think I might have done something stupid if you hadn't found me at the floating circus... just, thank you.”
Kurt smiled back even as he felt his eyes sting a little. “You're welcome. And I know you'll find her. Just like I know I'm going to get Blaine back.”
“How do you know?”
“Because neither of us is going to give up until we do,” Kurt said with determination.
They were getting closer to the square and started hearing a crowd already gathering there. Founder's Day was the one day out of the year that people got a little loud and a little rowdy, which, of course, was one of the reasons for extra security around the city.
People were gathering around City Squares all over the World Government. The Leaders might make their speech here in Principle City, but it would be broadcast throughout WG Cities.
Kurt and Sam turned a corner and entered the Square. White and silver banners were strung up everywhere, bearing the WG insignia. The sun flashed off of the silver banners and the glinting windows of WG Headquarters beemed in the background, the Square was built right outside its doors. People were everywhere. Talking to each other and milling about. Trying to find a good spot to watch the speech.
Kurt couldn't help but look at these people and smile. He resented WG citizens when he first got here, with their perfect timing, and blind obedience. Now, they just seemed like people, people who had been lied to, people who were too scared to rebel, people like Blaine who just needed help.
Seeing them like this in the square talking and laughing almost looked normal, besides the fact that they were all dressed the same, tan on tan with silver ribbons pinned to their shirts. It made Kurt believe the Resistance was doing the right thing. It would take a lot of rebuilding after they debunked the Leaders, but at least these people would be able to find this kind of happiness and freedom in their new lives.
Kurt's eyes continued to scan the crowd. Blaine was here somewhere, or would be here soon.
“Kurt?” Sam called out. Kurt paused his search for a moment and looked at his new friend. “Are you ready for this?”
Kurt nodded. “More than ready. It's time thw WG ended.”
They started to make their way through the crowd, looking for Puck, Tina and Mike before they took their designated places. Mike found them first. He clapped Kurt on the shoulder and gave him a huge grin when he turned around.
“Founder's Day!” He said in mock excitement. “My favorite day of the year!”
Kurt laughed. “This one will be. Sam this is Mike. Mike this is Sam, he is heading up our... citizens in the city.” Kurt said. There wasn't much chance of them being over heard in the middle of this crowd, but still Kurt didn't want to take any chances.
Mike gave Sam's hand a strong shake, “Tina has a lot of confidence in you.”
Sam smiled. “I hope I give her a good enough reason to.”
Kurt was looking around the crowd again, partly for Puck; he wanted to just check in on things. Or for Adam, it would be good to talk to him before the speech. But mostly, he couldn't lie to himself; he was looking for a head of dark curly hair. Why did Blaine have to be so short? He'd never find him in this crowd. Kurt's stomach twisted a little. Maybe he should have gone by Blaine's apartment; he hated the thought of him out there in the crowd when things got hectic.
“You don't need to worry about Blaine,” Mike said as if he could read Kurt's thoughts.
“I can't help it.”
“No I mean, you don't have to worry about Blaine,” Mikes repeated and nodded to Kurt's left.
Kurt looked in that direction and couldn't help the wave of relief he felt or the big smile that spread across his face when he saw Blaine forcing his way through the crowd towards him. Though, Kurt's smile dropped when he took a better look at Blaine. His hair was unruly like he hadn't even tried to style it, his eyes were wide and frantic, and as he drew closer, Kurt noticed his pale skin and his apparent grimaces, like he in pain.
Kurt moved forward to meet him, and as soon as he was close enough Blaine grabbed his shoulders.
"Kurt!" he said, his voice strained.
“Blaine,” Kurt breathed his heart tightening in his chest a little. “What is it, what's wrong?”
“I found you,” Blaine said and his voice sounded scratchy. “I went to your place, but you weren't there, and I thought I'd never find you in this crowd.”
“Blaine, why did-” Kurt stopped as Blaine's words hit him. “You went to my place?” He rushed out. “How? I mean, you know where it is? Do you remember?”
Before Blaine got a chance to answer Kurt felt Mike come up behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder. “Not here.” He said and glanced around.
Kurt followed Mike's eyes a noticed a few people in the gathering crowd looking towards them. Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him aside, walking out of the crowd and into a small alleyway between two buildings. Mike and Sam followed.
Now that they were in the quiet, Kurt could see that Blaine was hyperventilating, like he'd been running scared.
“Blaine,” Kurt said softly, trying to sound collected to help Blaine feel more at ease. He lifted a hand and cupped Blaine’s cheek, smiling a little and looking him in the eye. “What's wrong?”
Blaine didn't answer he just looked nervously between Mike and Sam.
“You remember Mike, right?” Kurt asked, “And of course Sam.”
“I..” Blaine looked confused, he squeezed his eyes shut and took a step away from Kurt until he reached the wall and leaned on it, bringing his hands up to hold his head.
“It hurts,” He whispered through his fingers. “And No, I don't know them.” He looked up and Kurt felt a twinge in his heart. Okay, he didn't remember everything, but he must remember something.
Kurt glanced at his friends and they got the idea without him having to say anything.
“We're nearby if you need anything,” Mike said. “And the speech starts soon.”
Kurt nodded as Sam and Mike left the alleyway, he glanced back at Blaine who was breathing easier now, but still pale, his hands shaking. Kurt stepped forward and held Blaine's hands in his own.
“Blaine,” He said again. “Do you know who I am?” Kurt held his breath and searched Blaine's eyes, afraid of what his answer would be.
“No,” Blaine said finally, but he seemed saddened by the answer. “But I know that I should.”
Kurt didn't speak for a moment unable to trust his voice. He just nodded.
“I...I know I can trust you,” Blaine said. “At least I know I want to trust you and I have no one else to go to... Kurt.”
“Okay,” Kurt said. “Okay. You can trust me, Blaine. Please, tell me what is going on.”
Blaine glanced back towards the crowd when he heard them quiet down as announcements rang out from the stage.
Kurt kept his eyes on Blaine.
“I have these dreams, very vivid,” Blaine said and closed his eyes again as his legs swayed a little. Kurt moved closer, anxiously holding his arms to help him stay upright.
“I can't talk about that... it hurts,” He said. “But I woke up last night and I had to find out the truth... I went to World Government Headquarters. I... I know about Comminisco.” He said like the word hurt him. He stood up straight and took a deep breath. “The Leaders aren't real. They aren't even real!”
Kurt was speechless for a moment, holding on to Blaine and looking at his determined face. Kurt bit his lip and then answered. “I know.”
Blaine looked taken aback by that answer and shook his head. “You know? You know?”
“But... did I know? Did you already tell me this?”
“No, I never did... I would have before today, if... if things had gone differently, but Blaine, the whole world is about to know.”
Blaine was shaking his head again, he moved his arms out of Kurt's grasp. “How? Or why? I mean... how do we have leaders that aren't even real people?”
It was now Kurt's turn to nervously glance towards the crowd. The Leaders would be announced and brought up on stage soon. There wasn't much time.
“Blaine...” Kurt started, trying to think of the quickest way to explain. “Years ago, generations ago, there was a huge war. It killed so many people and almost destroyed civilization." He began. "Once it was over the people remaining had to pick up the pieces. Three people, The Founder's, became Leaders, they thought the only way to keep peace was to keep people in the dark, about why the war happened, about history... about everything.
They also thought that if everyone had the same purpose and the same goal they wouldn't fight. So they lied to the people about the war and started The Routine. To keep people focused, to keep them in line.
They knew they wouldn't be around forever though, to keep The Routine going. So they... they made complex hologram program versions of themselves, a program called Comminisco. When The Founder's died, or got too old to lead they turned the World Government over to holograms, to computer programs.
We've been following the leadership of computers ever since. Now, we don't even know about the war, or any history, art, music or books that came from a time before The Leaders. We have only been thaught things we needed to do know, to our job and keep The Routine. We aren't allowed freedom or creativity or... love.” Kurt voice cracked on the last word.
“Why?” Blaine asked
“Because those things would bring rebellion,” Kurt glanced back at the crowd and then at Blaine's face, trying to gauge his reaction. “We've lived this way so long we've forgotten life with freedom and we do everything we are told to do by holograms who don't actually care for people. Because.... well they can't!”
Blaine was quiet, his breathing even and his face blank. “You are about to tell everyone this aren't you?” Blaine asked in a hushed voice. “You are giving people back their freedom, right?”
“Yes, of course.” Kurt said.
“You aren't trying to set up a new Leader?”
Kurt shook his head, “No Blaine. We are just trying to stop the WG and The Routine. After that... some kind of government will have to form, but only one that gives people the freedom to be themselves. We aren't looking to just give them some new Leader.”
Blaine was silent for a moment before he smiled and let out what seemed to be a little laugh and a sigh of relief. “You aren't part of it then.”
Kurt scrunched his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“I was afraid that you... but you aren't…and...” Instead of explaining himself Blaine just smiled brightly, a sight that made Kurt's heart melt, and then he quickly leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Kurt's shoulders and brought their lips together in a kiss.
Kurt was too shocked to do anything for a moment and then he leaned into the kiss, grabbing on to Blaine's waist as he sighed and parted his lips allowing Blaine in. Blaine's body was warm and pliable against his own and it felt so right; it felt perfect.
Kurt moved one of his hands up to tangle in Blaine hair as Blaine moaned and bit gently on Kurt's bottom lip. Kurt let out a little whimper and then licked into Blaine's mouth keeping him close and holding him tight. Kurt's body sagged against Blaine's as his arms held him and all thoughts of Revolution, and the Leaders and Founder's Day fled his mind, because he had Blaine, and Blaine was everything.
At least for a moment.
He heard someone clear their throat nearby. He kept his hold on Blaine and turned his head slightly to see Puck standing at the entry way of the alley.
“Could we save the celebration for after we've brought down the WG?” He said in a stern voice, but there was a smirk on his face.
“Oh god,” Kurt said and straightened up. He looked at Blaine and smiled. “You... remember me?”
Blaine, had been smiling as well but at Kurt's question his face fell. “I remember something...”
Kurt nodded. It was enough for now. “I love you Blaine,” He said. “In case you don't remember that, you should know.”
“Kurt.” Puck called. “I'm sorry, but the Leaders are being introduced. We don't have time.”
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand again and started walking out towards the busy square.
“Wait! Kurt!” Blaine said. “There is more you need to know!”
The three of them got to the Square just as one of the Leaders took the platform.
She was a petite redheaded woman with large round eyes. Her clothing was immaculate, a soft salmon colored cardigan over a perfectly matching shirt and pencil skirt. She wore a string of pearls and not a thread or a hair was out of place. Kurt shook his head; once you knew she wasn't real it wasn't that hard to tell. Behind her stood the other two leaders, a tall blonde female with short hair and a pant suit and a man in a button-down shirt and vest, with a head of light curly hair.
The redheaded woman cleared her voice, “Good morning citizens!” She said and her voice echoed across the square. People all around them started to shout and cheer.
“Kurt!” Blaine yelled and Kurt turned towards him trying to hear. “There's more! More that I found out. Your plan... it isn't going to work!”
“What?” Kurt shouted back among the din.
From the platform the Leader held her hands up and a quiet fell over the crowd. “It is such an honor to be here among you today.” She said in a crisp clear voice. “We are so privileged to lead you.”
Kurt was half paying attention to Blaine and half waiting for his computer virus to strike and end the Leader's speech.
“Kurt, please listen,” Blaine said coming close. “Someone tampered with everything you did, they aren't going to expose the Leaders today.”
“What do you mean?” Kurt said giving Blaine his full attention as his heart-rate speed up.
The Leader's voice rang out, “So it is with a heavy heart that I announce today that myself and my fellow Leaders.” She glanced back at the man and women behind her. “Are stepping down from our roles.”
There was an audible gasp from the people in the Square and Kurt looked back up at the stage and the huge face of the Leader being displayed on large screens on either side of the platform. This wasn't right, what was going on?
“He lied to you,” Blaine said and Kurt looked back at him feeling lost and confused. “He doesn't want to free the people, he wants to lead the people.”
“But don't worry citizens.” The Leader continued. “We have chosen a new leader for you, a grand leader, one who will rule on his own, with fairness and justice and a vow to keep The Routine.”
“Oh god,” Kurt said, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper, as he started to realize what was about to happen.
“That's what I'm trying to tell you,” Blaine said and he sounded near tears. “You can see the whole plan from the motherboard in the WG Headquarters...”
“So please welcome your new Supreme Leader...”
Kurt looked at Blaine in desperation. “Please, no.”
“It's Adam,” Blaine said sounding broken.
“Adam Crawford!” The woman shouted and turned to a man walking up on the platform, she started applauding him immediately as did the hologram Leaders behind her. There was shocked silence in the Square for a moment, before everyone's indoctrination kicked in. If the Leader's said this was good, then this was good.
By the time the redheaded Leader stepped down and Adam's tall form took the stage the people had irrupted into an almost deafening cheer.
Kurt felt the blood drain from his face as he turned cold and was rooted in place. He felt Blaine squeezing his hand. He couldn't think straight. This couldn't be happening. Adam set himself up as the Leader. Adam had betrayed them all.
“Oh god no.”
Before Kurt even knew what he was doing he'd let go of Blaine's hand and started pushing his way through the crowd and towards the stage.
“NO!” He shouted, fury blazing in him, but he couldn't be heard over the noise and cheers around him. “NO!” He yelled again tears stinging his eyes and burning he throat. NO, NO, NO.