Cadence & Melody
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Cadence & Melody: Chapter 12

E - Words: 2,307 - Last Updated: May 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Oct 12, 2013 - Updated: Oct 12, 2013
162 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

AN: Wheew, this chapter was hard for me to write. There was a lot of information I needed to get in to support upcoming chapters, hopefully I was able to do that and keep it somewhat interesting. :/ 

Thanks again to H T Elia for being my wonderful and kind beta. And thanks to smellslikecraigslist  for talking me through some writer's block I had this chapter and just for being an over-all lovely person. They both are authors as well, you should check out their Kaline fanfic! 

Anyway, on with the show... 


Circus” seemed like to big of a word for what Puck, Tina and Kurt walked into. Kurt had heard stories and seen old photographs of actual circuses from days long gone. They had acrobats and lions and clowns and bright colors. The floating circus seemed to have gotten the colors right. 

Puck and Kurt had gone  back to headquarters for a quick meeting with Tina, Mike and Artie. Letting them know that the Floating Circus that met in the dead of night in every major WG city might be an ideal place to start recruiting. Of course they could have done so much more if Adam had agreed to getting extra help months before. But this would have to do. 

Artie and Mike had stayed behind to contact other rebel groups, and Tina had joined Puck and Kurt to the circus. Tonight it was held in a big abandoned shuttle station. It was a large area, built much like an airplane hanger, with old, rusting shuttle buses scattered throughout. At any other time it would have looked like a mechanical graveyard left to rot, but tonight there were colors. 

Kurt's heart constricted in his chest as his eyes roamed the sight before him, Blaine would love this. Everything was colorful, the people wore loud bright patterns of teal, fuchsia and gold, the booths set up were draped in vivid reds, and deep blues and electric purples, the air was filled with the aroma of grilled meats and sugary snacks that people sold and ate as they laughed and sang and went from booth to booth.

The circus was bigger tonight than it usually was, more people where in the city because of Founders Day and this was their chance to get news from other WG cities and see friends they hadn't seen in months, or even years.   

Kurt turned to Puck and Tina. "Alright, you two have your assignments. Tina, try to find that group of dancers you and Mike know and feel them out. Puck-"

"Yeah, go find my ex." Puck said and rolled his eyes. "If she is even here, tonight. We know the plan. You go find this Sam guy." 

Kurt nodded. "We meet back at the entrance at 4:00am."

"Be careful." Tina said with a smile and then walked towards a large group hooting and applauding some kind of act going on in the back corner.

Puck soon was lost in the crowds, looking for one particular, slim blond woman among all the people here.  

Kurt stood still for a moment and just looked: scattered throughout the station were numerous booths set up by various artists, all displaying their work; painters; glass blowers and jewelry makers. There were also shows and acts spread around the site; dancers; contortionist and musicians. 

Kurt's stomach twisted as he passed a young woman playing a beautifully haunting song on a homemade dulcimer. Blaine, who had never heard real music before, was missing this; Blaine would have thrived here. If only he'd found out about the circus sooner, he could have been one of the artists here displaying his natural gift for music. 

Kurt bit his lip and then gave the girl a small smile. He wondered if she was a citizen of a WG city or one of the many people who had run from the government’s control. Many gypsies and runaways made their way back secretly into the capitol during Founders Day, just for the Floating Circus.

These were some potential people who could be helpful once the plan was in action; people who already had a measure of freedom and knew how to live outside The Routine. Things were going to happen quickly on Founder's Day; if everything went as planned, the Leaders would be exposed and there would be a chance of mass confusion and fear taking over. 

The Rebels were flooding into WG cities filling up their secret headquarters to help keep order and to help people understand what was happening, but Puck was right, they needed more help. The Floating Circus was the place to find it. 

Kurt started going booth to booth looking for the painter Blaine had told him about. He stopped at one booth displaying gorgeous paintings, mostly of landscapes, rivers, woods and fields of flowers, and a whole collection of painting depicting cheery trees in bloom. One painting, a sweeping sunset over a lighted city, made Kurt want to cry and reach out for Blaine's hand. 

There were also a few portraits of a young, lovely dark skinned woman with a radiant smile. He was inspecting one of the portraits of the woman laughing and holding an armful of flowers, when a young blond man walked up to him.

"Do you like it?" He said in a hushed tone. 

"It's beautiful." Kurt responded. "She's beautiful." Kurt turned to look at the man who seemed very solemn against the revelry of the Floating Circus. 

"She is," The man said.

Kurt thought he'd probably found Sam. "Are your paintings for sale?" 

He man tried to put on a smile, but it didn't seem to be working. "Yes, but not these. Not her."

Kurt nodded towards the picture of the sunset. "What about that one?" 

Sam pulled the painting down from the side of his stall and brought it to Kurt to look at more closely. 

"I know someone who would like it," Kurt said his fingers lightly brushing down the edge of the painting. "How much?"

"I trade really," The man said. "Most of us do. We used to take food and clothing vouchers for payment, but anyone with too many of those is inviting the attention of The Authorities. You want a painting to hang in your tired, boring WG apartment? Then make me an offer."

"Actually, it's for a... friend." Kurt said and looked up from the painting to catch the man's eyes. "For my friend Blaine."

The man lifted an eyebrow. "Blaine?"

"I think you might know him?"

"Anderson, B." The man said. "Yeah, I knew him."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the guy aren't you?" 

"Excuse me?" Kurt asked, not able to follow the conversation.

The man made another sad attempt at a smile and stuck his hand towards Kurt. "Sam. My name is Sam."

Kurt took his hand and shook it warmly. "I'm Kurt. Blaine told me about you, and about Mercedes." He said glancing back to the painting of the smiling woman. 

Sam sighed, "I hate to be the one to... I mean, do you know?"

Kurt was starting to feel nervous. "Know what?"

"Blaine was re-acclimated." Sam said bluntly. "I went by his place earlier this evening to see if he'd like to come to the circus tonight. He was home... but not really, there."

"I know." Kurt said briefly, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Mercedes said she thought her friend Blaine had met someone. I'm thinking you're the guy." 

"I... guess I am." Kurt said. 

"And you aren't from around here." It was a statement not a question.

"No, I'm really not."

Sam nodded and then took a step back and clapped his hands together getting the attention of the little crowd around his booth. "I'm closing for a little while." He called. "You should all go check out the acapella group over by the kid who makes those bird pins, they are great!"

He turned back to Kurt, "Let's find somewhere quieter to talk." 

They ended up in a darkened corner of the station, set up with makeshift chairs and tables. A man in the corner was playing a guitar while everyone else sat or stood around, talking quietly and sipping on moonshine and other homemade alcohols. 

"So, Kurt," Sam said as he ordered two drinks. "You aren't from here and I am guessing you aren't from any WG city."

"I'm not," Kurt said. This wasn't the time for secret identities, not if he was here to ask for help.

"You a runaway? Or are you actually part of...The Resistance?" Sam lowered his voice saying the words, even in a safe place like this. 

"I'm a Rebel," Kurt confirmed. "I'm here... working."

"And Blaine?" Sam asked his face growing hard. "Is that you're doing?"

Kurt's eyes grew wide for a moment before he could speak. "I... I mean." Kurt closed his eyes just as their drinks came by; he rubbed his forehead with his hand and took a sip of the fiery liquid. It made him cough and sputter.  

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to," Sam said easily downing his own drink. "Blaine?"

"Yeah, yes, what happened to him wouldn't have happened if I’d never met him." Kurt said brokenly "I didn't mean for it..." Kurt paused before he put his glass down and looked Sam in the eye. "I'm going to get him back. I don't know how, but I will."

"I know the feeling," Sam said breaking eye contact and looking lost for a moment. "Can you help me find her?" He asked turning his glass around in his fingers nervously.

Kurt knew what 'her' Sam was talking about and he wanted to say yes, but he knew he couldn't do anything for Mercedes, not yet at least. "I can't. Not now." He added quickly. "Something big is happening on Founder's Day and The Resistance could use your help. After that, then yes I know people who could help you find her. 

"So, you’ll only help me, if I help you?"

"What? No! No!" Kurt said quickly and then brought his voice down when he noticed the glances of those around him "I'll do what I can to help you find Mercedes. I can't imagine what it's like..." He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I'll help you find her, whether or not you want to be involved with our plan for Founder's Day.” 

"I think you can imagine what it is like to lose someone you love because of a government who wants to control everything," Sam said still looking down at his glass. "You still have Blaine though, or at least what is left of him."

Kurt's heart thudded in his chest and he tried not to picture Blaine's empty eyes or cold voice. 

"Mercedes might be dead," Sam said. 

"I hope that's not true." Kurt answered quietly. 

Sam ignored him and continued on. "So you can understand why I would be more than willing to do whatever The Resistance needs me to do on Founder's Day, to hurt the WG in any way possible. You came to the right man." Sam's expression and voice had grown angry as he looked up at Kurt. Kurt recognized the fire in Sam's eyes, he'd felt the same way when he'd seen what the WG had done to Blaine. 

"Alright then," Kurt said and leaned forward. "We need people; people who can be trusted to keep their heads. People who want to help the citizens of Principle City as much as they want to bring down the WG and we need someone to lead them, to organize them, so they can help people when the system they've known their whole lives crumbles." He leaned back in his chair.  "What do you say?

Sam smiled. "Like I said, you came to the right man."

Puck and Tina were already waiting for him when he met them at the entrance hours later. The people of the Floating Circus were already packing and cleaning up and they would be gone without a trace by first light. 

"So? You must have found him?" Puck said.

"Yes. Sam's in, and there are others too, others who will help. He knows a lot of people."

"Awesome," Puck said and fist pumped the air.

"My contacts are in too. They are eager to help and they know a lot of runaways and gypsies." Tina said. "But they need a leader; someone already living in the city. Do you think Sam is up for it?"

"He is." Kurt said. "In the next couple of days we'll need to make sure they are all in contact."

"I can do that." Tina volunteered. "I wish we'd started his earlier, but better late than never, right?" 

"Right." Kurt sighed. If they had started his earlier Blaine might have been heading this up, but then again he sill probably would have been arrested and Sam would have taken over. 

"And what about Quinn?" Tina asked pulling Kurt out of his musing as they both turned to Puck. 

"Uh yeah..." Puck said rubbing the back of his neck. "She's a no go. She said she's retired from The Resistance and doesn't want back in." 

"That may be the case, but just watch Puck," Tina said placing a hand on his arm. "When things start to happen, she's going to step in and help people, she won't be able to help it, it is in her nature."

"Whatever," Puck said with a shrug as if he didn't really care. "She did introduce me to a couple people we can also put in contact with Sam. It isn't much but every bit helps."

"Yes, it does." Kurt said. "I think tonight was a success. Now you two need to get back to headquarters. Update Mike and Artie and see how things are going from that end."

"Yes sir!" Tina said and gave Kurt a mock salute and a smile. 

Kurt rolled his eyes fondly as they started to make their way back, he walked close to Puck and said in a low voice. "And if you find anything else about the tampering of the motherboard, let me know?"

"Yes sir." Puck said and winked. 

Kurt got back to his apartment exhausted, he took the package he'd been carrying under his arm and unwrapped the brown paper wrapping and stared at the sunset painting, light blues and vivid reds and soft purples. He could remember all these colors dancing off of Blaine's skin as they watched the sunset together, Blaine with a look of pure awe on his face. 

He was going to get that Blaine back, he was. He hugged the painting lightly to his chest and laid down on his bed. God, he needed all of this to work out, he had more riding on this mission than he'd ever imagined, the future of a nation and the life of the man he loved. 


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