Lost With You
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Lost With You: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,359 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: May 01, 2012 - Updated: Jun 13, 2013
2,420 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: sorry i know i'm a day late, but i had lotsa stuff going on this weekend. anyway, enjoy! :)


Holy shit...did Kurt just...did he just...what just...did that actually happen...he just kissed my cheek...Kurt just kissed my cheek...oh my God...why does my face feel like it's on fire...why can't I move...oh dear God Blaine...move...move...yes...left foot...then right foot...left...right...there you go...now you've got it!

Blaine probably spent five whole minutes glued to the ground. To say that he was taken by surprise was a bit of an understatement. First, the entire afternoon with Kurt had been wonderful, they hadn't even seen it when it had gotten dark outside. Then, Kurt was wearing his cardigan, which had done all kinds of funny things to Blaine's heart. Because seeing Kurt, probably the most attractive, good, no, not even good, great-looking man alive, in his clothes was overwhelming and amazing. And when Kurt had kissed him, he just stood there, too happy to even say anything, not like he had even trusted himself to say something. He probably looked like an idiot with his grin that almost ripped his face apart, but it was so worth it. Kurt was so worth it.

He didn't even remember leaving and walking back to his own hotel, his mind was a little too otherwise occupied to even give a crap, frankly. His thoughts were solely focused on Kurt's lips on his cheek. They felt so soft, he couldn't help but wonder how they would feel on his and what they would taste like and...oh God, he needed to know what it felt like to kiss him properly before he lost his mind. His mind wouldn't shut up about it. He just wanted to know what it felt like to kiss Kurt, to have only his lips and Kurt's matter, to let the rest of the world fade away completely.

He went straight up to his room upon his arrival at the hotel, far too eager to go to sleep to even tell Wes and David what had happened, they would find out soon enough anyway.



Kurt and Blaine met up at the café the next morning, both thrilled and excited. They easily settled into their comfortable conversation and soaked up each other's presence. They ended up doing this every morning for the next week or so, both boys craving something more, but neither of them were confident enough in themselves to speak up and say so, until Blaine did one Saturday morning.

"Let me take you out on a date tonight?" he asked as they were about to get up to throw out their cups and leave, mustering up all of his courage to finally ask him.

Kurt's head snapped up, eyes wide, "Really?" he said on first instinct, not even able to believe that Blaine would want to take him out at all.

"Yeah," Blaine smiled, finding Kurt's disbelief unbelievably endearing, "We can go out to dinner togrther, if you would want to do that," he offered.

Then Kurt smiled, one of those huge smiles where you can see his dimples and everything, it's a smile Blaine has come to associate with a pang deep in his stomach, and said, "Yeah, I'd-I'd like that."

"Great," Blaine responded, internally shrieking like an over-excited fangirl, standing to throw his cup out, "I'll meet you at your hotel at 7?"

Kurt nodded, "Sounds good to me," he giggled at Blaine's adorable attempt to tone down his happiness. He had come to learn that, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, Blaine always wore his heart on his sleeve. You'll know when he's happy, when he's interested, when he's having a particularly bad or stressful day, even if he tries to not let it show. Blaine's emotions were all in his eyes, even if a smile was on his lips, a frown in his eyes always gave away how he truly felt underneath the surface. He couldn't help but wonder why Blaine couldn't say outright if he was ever unhappy, but he figured he would have a lot of time to learn why.

"See you then, Kurt," Blaine said, still not wanting to leave, even if he knew he would be seeing him that night.

"Bye Blaine," Kurt said with one final smile, with which, Blaine spun around and was out the door, dropping his cup in a garbage can on the way out.

His head was spinning. He had a date with Kurt, a real, sit-down date, not just the two of them getting together for coffee. Tonight, he could possibly find his opportunity to kiss Kurt. He had been literally dreaming about kissing him for the past week, since the moment Kurt's lips touched his cheek. Blaine's lips had almost been aching to press themselves against Kurt's, to feel the pressure of Kurt's lips on his for the first time.

Before he realized it, he pulled his head out of the clouds and barged into Wes' room with the grace of an elephant, turning all on the lights on and shaking him vigorously to wake him up.

Wes shot straight up, "What's goin on?" he asked, holding his pillow out in front of him, as if to defend himself from someone.

"Hey Wes! How are you doing on this fine morning? I'M GREAT! Thanks for asking! My morning has been lovely...fantastic even! Best morning ever! I love mornings! Why, might you ask? Well because-"

"Blainers?" he cut in.

"Yes Wesley?"

"You're rambling," he pointed out, his eyes still half-closed, the room a bit too bright for his liking.

"Oh, am I?" Blaine asked sheepishly, his cheeks flushing.

"Yes you are, which leads me to my next question. Did you wake me out of a sound sleep to tell me something or...?"

"I asked Kurt out!" Blaine blurted before his brain could even stop him.

"Oh another platonic coffee date? Very nice B," he said sarcastically, "Now that we've got that recent development out of the way, I'll just be going back to sleep," he buried himself under all of his covers.

"No, no! Like a real date! I asked him if wanted to go out to dinner with me!" Blaine clarified. The next thing he knew, Wes was flailing and kicking uncontrollably, sending himself right off of the bed.

He shot back up, his eyes comically big, "No you didn't?!" he exclaimed.

"But I did," Blaine attempted to say coolly, but ended up giggling instead.

"Ah! B, that's so awesome! Ah! What time? What are you wearing? What did he say? Are you excited?" he wondered all at once.

Blaine laughed at his excitable friend, "7, I have no idea yet, he said that he would like to, and absolutely," Wes stopped right in his tracks, alarming him, "What?"

"We have to tell David!" Wes said in his best ‘Duh Blaine' voice.

"Oh, yeah, yeah," Blaine agreed, and the two of them went to go and wake their other friend up.

One could say that David was happy, but ‘apocalyptically excited' would probably be much more accurate. He literally started screaming and tackled Blaine to the ground, knocking over everything that got in his way. Blaine wondered sometimes if he was actually best friends with two teenage girls, but he knew that he wouldn't have them any other way.

They spent the entire day planning what Blaine would wear on his date. They decided upon his navy blue polo, matched with a mustard-colored cardigan that "made Blaine's eyes pop" as Wes put it, earning identical, quizzical glances from David and Blaine as he said it, to which Wes just shrugged, as if picking out clothes for Blaine to wear was the most natural thing in the world. He would wear dark-wash skinny jeans that hugged his ass and thighs extremely well, cuffed at the bottom, and his navy boat shoes. His hair was left without any gel, his curls acting uncommonly yet pleasantly tame for not having any gel in them. They looked perfectly imperfect and unruly, which was the look he would try to achieve anyway, so he just left his hair the way it was.

When he passed the "Best-Friend-Pre-Date Inspection," he departed and walked to Kurt's hotel, waiting outside. His heart was fluttering so fast that he thought it would fly away, and his stomach was in about a million and one knots. He was going to kiss Kurt tonight. He would finally kiss him tonight.



End Notes: okay so i know this chapter is considerably shorter than the last few, but the next chapter is kind of a very important one, so get ready...:)


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Update soon! I love this fic!! :"> Wooh Paris!! Have you been in Paris? :)

Thanks! :) and no, sadly i've never been, but i've always wanted to go

L-O-V-E I-T-! Cant wait for the next chapter(:

L-O-V-E I-T-! Cant wait for the next chapter(: