Nov. 12, 2012, 6:35 a.m.
Nov. 12, 2012, 6:35 a.m.
Kurt finishes work early the next Monday and decides to go visit Blaine at his job. They haven't seen each other since The Phone Call and Kurt knows how hard Blaine has been taking the whole thing. They spent the weekend texting, distracting themselves by getting to know each other better.
Kurt knows, from their texts, that Blaine has a short break in the afternoon for lunch, and that he usually just stays at the theater and eats a bagged lunch that he takes with him, rather than spending money on food. Kurt brings him a fresh sandwich and a nice hot coffee (medium drip coffee with a little cinnamon, as Blaine told him he liked) to surprise him and maybe make his day a little brighter. And, to be honest, he misses Blaine, a lot. Even after only a few days. (Toby is starting to get sick of it, and has taken to knocking Kurt's phone out of his hands whenever he makes the mistake of texting Blaine instead of petting his feline friend.)
Blaine is emptying a dust pan into a trash can in the hallway leading to theaters 7-12 when Kurt finds him. Another worker in a black polo and a stupid-looking visor hat with a manager name tag stands behind him, giving him a hard time, and Blaine looks about ready to give up on existing.
“Seriously, Blaine, it isn't that hard to clean the theater in fifteen minutes-”
“Charlie, I'm just trying to do a good job-”
“People aren't going to be eating off of the damn floors, Blaine, they just don't want their feet to get stuck to them, okay? You work at a fucking movie theater, not a goddamn five-star restaurant-”
“I'm sorry for caring, okay!”
“Don't snap at me, Anderson! Just because your brother is-”
“Hey, honey!” Kurt cuts in brightly. Both men turn and Blaine's eyes soften with relief. “Sorry to interrupt.” He hasn't called Blaine a pet name before but he shoots Blaine's manager a dirty look for being so rude to Blaine for working.
“Hey you,” Blaine says with a grateful smile. “What are you doing here? I thought you worked today.”
“I got let off early,” Kurt explains, holding up the tray with their coffees and the bag he brought their lunches in. “I brought you lunch. I know you've been having a really hard time lately and I thought you deserved a treat for a change.” Blaine's manager looks guilty.
“You're the best,” Blaine sighs, leaning over to kiss Kurt's cheek. “Let me just take this trash out-”
“I've got it,” Charlie sighs. “Go. Enjoy your lunch.”
“I... Thanks,” Blaine says, surprised, and sets down the dust pan he'd still been holding. Kurt smiles and takes Blaine's hand, entwining their fingers. As they walk away from Blaine's boss, Blaine leans over and whispers, “You are my savior,” and squeezes Kurt's hand. Kurt ducks his head and blushes.
“Your boss is a jerk,” he tells Blaine. “You should never feel bad for caring about something, even if it's something small.” Blaine shrugs.
“It's whatever. I'm used to it.”
“You shouldn't be,” Kurt argues. “I love that you care so much.” He pushes open the door so they can go sit on a bench outside of the theater.
“Thanks,” Blaine says. “ I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that to me before.”
“You're undervalued, then,” Kurt insists. They sit and he hands Blaine his coffee and sandwich.
“You remembered my coffee order,” Blaine notes.
“Of course I did,” Kurt says, like it's nothing.
“No one ever seems to actually listen to what I say. It's nice.” Kurt gives him a sympathetic look.
“What was he saying about your brother, before?” Kurt asks, not knowing how to respond to Blaine's comment. Blaine looks down immediately and Kurt feels like he's made a mistake.
“Nothing, just... My brother, well, we aren't talking right now, but... he has... connections. I don't like talking about him because I don't want things to be handed to me, I don't want people to judge me based on him, but the people at work figured out who he is and they kind of act like I think I'm better than them because of it. I don't. I really don't. He just... visited me at work once and it was a whole ordeal. I don't like talking about it, or him.”
“You don't have to. Sorry I asked. I just didn't know you had a brother.” Blaine shrugs. “My brother, well, step-brother, works for my dad's tire shop. My dad owns a shop in Ohio and Finn took over, since Dad knew it wasn't my thing.”
Blaine's grateful that Kurt didn't push the subject of his brother.
“Your family sounds great,” he tells Kurt.
“They are.” Blaine wonders if he'll meet them. He wonders what his status with Kurt is, at this point.
“You called me honey,” he says. “Before, I mean.” Kurt's face turns a little red.
“I... yeah. I wanted to make him feel bad for being rude to you. Knowing that someone who cares about you a lot heard him doing it. You're a person, you should be treated like one. Sorry if it was...”
“No, it was cute. I liked it,” Blaine insists quickly, ducking his head. He glances up at Kurt through his lashes to find Kurt smiling fondly back at him.
“I like you a lot,” Kurt says. It should've sounded childish, but something in his voice was so genuine that Blaine couldn't help but feel like flying.
“I like you a lot, too.” Kurt feels a pleasant sense of contentment settle over him. “I'm really glad you stopped by.”
“I missed you,” Kurt admits. “After having you over, my apartment is starting to feel lonely again with just me and Toby. I think he's getting sick of me moping around.”
“You mope around without me?” Blaine teases, grinning.
“I do,” Kurt says, his voice soft and not teasing at all.
“I'll come over today,” Blaine promises. “Right after work. I'll go home and shower and I'll bring dinner, to make up for lunch.” Kurt beams.
“I'd like that.”
Aaw, they are so cute!I love this story, can't wait for more!!!