Eyes Down
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Eyes Down: Chapter 14

E - Words: 6,295 - Last Updated: Aug 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 01, 2012 - Updated: Aug 15, 2013
110 0 0 1 0



When Blaine woke up the next morning, Kurt wasn’t there anymore. For a brief moment, Blaine wondered if he had imagined Kurt coming to his house last night, as his subconscious’ way to try and comfort him after the events of the previous day, but then he rolled over and saw a small scrap of paper lying on his nightstand.

I Love You it read, with a small heart scribbled next to the words. Blaine smiled as he traced over Kurt’s writing.

He got up and got ready for school, with the paper tucked safely in his pocket. It gave him a strange sense of comfort whenever he could reach in his pocket and feel it sitting there.

He was walking through the kitchen to get to the garage when his father stopped him. Blaine hadn’t even noticed him sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper, he was so caught up in his own head.

“I don’t want to put any pressure on you, Blaine, but have you given any more thought to what we talked about last night?”

In truth, he hadn’t. If he had, he might have actually talked to Kurt about it last night, sought out his advice. But the choice was obvious right? He couldn’t leave McKinley. He just couldn’t bring himself to leave after he had formed such strong connections there. Not just Kurt, but also everyone else in that group of rag-tag detention goers that had become his friends.

But still…

“No, I haven’t made a decision yet. Sorry,”

“That’s okay,” his father replied. “We just need to make a decision sooner rather than later, because if you do choose to stay at McKinley then we are going to want to take our case to the school board as soon as possible.”

Blaine nodded. He really didn’t like the idea of getting the school board involved with all of this, but he doubted that he would be able to convince his parents, or Mr. Hummel for that matter, of changing their minds.

“I’ll let you know soon.” Blaine assured his father.

He wanted to talk to Kurt about it. Not so that Kurt could make the decision for him, but just so Blaine could have someone to talk it out with. Someone who he could discuss the pros and the cons with, and Kurt seemed to know him better than anyone at the moment, and so he just wanted to be able to talk to him. To let him know what was going on and to come to the best decision possible.


When Blaine arrived at school, Mercedes and Artie were waiting at his locker.

“OH MY GOD, BLAINE.” Mercedes exclaimed grasping both of his shoulders.

“Dude, give us the deets!” Artie added to her harassment.

“What? What are you talking about?” Blaine looked back and forth between the two of them.

“We heard that you and Kurt got into another fight with Karofsky yesterday and that Kurt almost died, and that Congressman Hummel was here and that the school is going to be shut down!” Artie reported.

Blain blinked at them in confusion.

“Are you serious? That’s absolutely not true!” Blaine brushed Mercedes off of him.

“None of it?” Mercedes asked, looking slightly disappointed that there wasn’t any juicy gossip to be had.

“Well… I mean, Kurt and I did get into a fight with Karofsky, but Mr. Johnson showed up and ended it really quickly. And yeah, Kurt’s dad showed up, but that’s because the principal called all three of our parents. And no, the school isn’t going to be shut down. At least, I really doubt it is.” If Figgins’ attitude yesterday was any indication, such drastic measures wouldn’t be taken.

“Hmph.” Mercedes huffed, crossing her arms. “Well still, I can’t believe that Karofsky attacked y’all again. Did he get in enough trouble to get him to leave y’all alone at least?”

“Well, not really. Figgins said that the whole thing was his word against ours, even though Johnson saw the end of it, so he couldn’t really do anything about it. My parents want to go to the school board about it though.” He opened his locker and fidgeted with his things as he said this. He didn’t like talking about it that much, he didn’t want to bring more attention to what was going on. He started to understand how Kurt felt like about all of this. He just wanted it all handled quickly and quietly.

Mercedes patted his shoulder. “Well, we’re glad you are both okay. Let us know if we can do anything, okay?”

Blaine smiled and nodded, and waved as they went off to their classes.


Blaine had been looking for Kurt all day. He had skipped his first class that they shared together, but that wasn’t uncommon since Kurt tended to arrive to school late anyway, but by lunch when he hadn’t even caught a glimpse of him around the halls, he decided to go out to the bleachers to see if he was hiding out there.

But he wasn’t. He wasn’t in the detention room either. He finally checked the parking lot, and Kurt’s motorcycle wasn’t there either. He must have skipped that day, which confused Blaine.

Since they had gotten together, Kurt hadn’t skipped a single day, even if he didn’t come to all of his classes, he was still there to see Blaine in the hallways, during lunch, and during detention. Kurt hadn’t seemed sick last night, so Blaine doubted that was the reason he was absent, and even if he was sick, he would have texted Blaine, right?

The whole thing was puzzling, but unable to come up with another solution, Blaine convinced himself that Kurt had gotten sick somehow and couldn’t come to school.

It wasn’t until later that afternoon that he would find out the truth.

He reported to detention, just like he always did, but when he arrived, he noticed the others giving him weird looks. Even Mike and Tina were watching him with sad looks, almost as if they pitied him. At first he assumed it was because of the rumors about what had happened between him, Kurt and Karofsky, but then he saw that Mercedes and Artie were giving him the same look, and they knew the truth about what had happened.

Blaine started to get a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Puck walked up to him then. “Dude, I’m sorry, man,” he said, clapping him on the shoulder.

Blaine shook his head, “About yesterday? It wasn’t as bad as everyone is saying.”

Puck looked at him blankly, “No, about Kurt leaving. Man, that really sucks.”

A cold sensation ran down Blaine’s spine. What? Kurt leaving? What was he talking about?

“What are you talking about?” he managed to get out.  

Puck was looking at him with his own confused expression. “You don’t…” he looked back over his shoulder. “Quinn said that…”

Quinn was sitting across the room in her usual seat, pointedly not looking toward the two of them. Blaine didn’t like the feeling that was spreading through him. Something had happened—something with Kurt – and he had no idea about it. He needed answers. He was starting to panic. He stood abruptly from his chair, which caused it to scrape back with a loud noise, making a few others in the room jump.

He strode across the room in a few steps until he was standing in front of Quinn. She ignored him, still not looking toward him.


“What?” she snapped, as if his presence was a personal offense to her.

“Quinn, please. What’s going on? Puck said Kurt left? Left to go where?” His confusion was becoming replaced with worry and fear. Tears started to form behind his eyes.

She glanced up at him, and as soon as she made eye contact he deflated a little. She sighed, “Blaine… I really shouldn’t be the one to tell you…”

Blaine fell to this knees in front of her so that he wasn’t standing over her anymore. Also, he just couldn’t keep himself on his feet anymore. He was beginning to feel dizzy with the emotions and unanswered questions running through his head, his heart was beating a mile a minute, and it was becoming all too much.

“Quinn… please…” all he wanted was answers.

She looked at him for a few silent moments before she sighed again.

“Kurt came into the school this morning to sign transfer papers. He… he and his father left on a plane around one. They moved to Washington.”

Suddenly the scrap of paper in his pocket didn’t feel like a comfort anymore. It felt like a goodbye note.

“He… he’s gone?” Blaine asked.

Quinn didn’t say anything. That was enough of an answer for Blaine to know it was true. He looked around the room at the rest of the group, trying to find any clue that this was all a lie. What he saw instead was everyone looking at him with looks of sadness and pity. This wasn’t some elaborate cruel joke. Kurt had left, without telling him, without saying goodbye, and everyone knew.

Mr. Johnson walked into the room then.

“Mr. Anderson, if you would please, find a seat that is not on the floor.”

The words seemed fuzzy in the back of his mind, although his body responded and he stood to walk dazedly to a nearby chair. The only words that were rattling around in his head were Quinn’s.

Kurt signed transfer papers… Left on a plane… Moved to Washington.

Left to move to Washington.

Kurt left.

He didn’t hear Mr. Johnson’s usual monologue about turning their lives around before he left the room. He was staring into space, trying to figure out what was going on.

Was Kurt breaking up with him again and just didn’t want to say it to his face?

Did he not want to deal with the whole Karofsky situation anymore?

Did he… did he not love Blaine anymore?

He had been sitting there a few minutes with the others throwing worried glances at him before he was once again abruptly out of his chair and running from the room.

He heard someone yelling after him, but he paid no mind to them as he ran across the hall to the bathroom. He locked the door behind himself and slid to the floor, fishing his phone out of his pocket with a shaky hand.

He almost didn’t fully register that he was calling Kurt until he heard his voice on the other side of the line.

“Hey Blaine!” he greeted cheerfully.

Blaine was still trying to comprehend how his idea of Kurt could, within a matter of seconds, go from being someone who was nearby who he could go to at any time, to suddenly being someone that was hundreds of miles away and completely out of his reach.

“I—I… Kurt, I… wh—what… I don’t—“ he was panicking, but he couldn’t gather his thoughts enough through all of the emotions running around his head.

“Blaine?” Kurt sounded worried, “Baby, what’s wrong?”

His question snapped Blaine out of his daze quickly, and suddenly, of all of the emotions swirling around his head, his anger was the one that made itself most prominent at that moment.

“What’s wrong?!” he practically yelled. “I just found out that you have moved to fucking Washington DC, and you didn’t even bother to tell me? Or to say goodbye? What the hell Kurt? I thought… I thought… “

He heard Kurt sigh almost angrily on the other end of the line, “Who told you?” he asked.

“Who…? That doesn’t fucking matter, Kurt! What matters is that you didn’t tell me! I shouldn’t have had to hear it from someone else in the first place! I thought… I thought that I meant more to you than that…” Blaine’s anger was slowly running out and was being replaced by feelings of confusion, and heartbreak.

“You do Blaine! Of course you do! Please, I—“

“I don’t understand what is going on. Why would you… Why would you just leave like that? Without telling me, and you are just… You’re just gone…”

He was close to sobbing now, trying to catch his breath in between his words. He knew he should be keeping up his angry resolve as he was confronting Kurt, but his brain just wouldn’t shut up, and it was telling him that Kurt had left him forever, and that Kurt didn’t even love him enough to say anything about it, and he was losing Kurt again. 

“Blaine, please… Please, I promise you I can explain all of this, I swear, but I need you to calm down, please. You are scaring me and I can’t be there to make sure you are okay. Please, just breathe. Please…” Kurt was trying to be comforting with his words, instructing Blaine to take deep breaths in and out, and as much as Blaine wanted to still be mad at him, his need to calm down was greater, so he listened to Kurt’s soothing voice.

A few minutes later his breathing was returning to a regular state, although it was still interspersed with a few sniffles as Blaine couldn’t seem to completely stop his tears.

“Blaine, please let me explain.” Kurt sounded concerned, as if he was worried that Blaine wasn’t going to give him the chance to do so.

Blaine nodded, because he couldn’t bring himself to form words, even though he knew Kurt couldn’t see him.

Kurt must have taken his silence as permission, because he started to speak a few moments later.

“When I came to your house last night, I had no idea this was going to happen. I didn’t find out until this morning when I went home.”


Kurt walked in the front door, intending to go change his clothes for school and then leave shorty after. However, when he walked past the living room, his dad was there.

“Kurt.” He stopped him before he could go upstairs. “Come in here for a sec.”

Kurt got an uneasy feeling from the serious look on his father’s face. He moved to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

“Kurt, I need you to pack a suitcase. We have a flight to Washington at one this afternoon.”

“What? Why am I going?” Kurt didn’t usually go with his dad when he went to Washington. He’d been a few times, but it had been a while since he had gone.

“Kurt I’m… I’m selling this house. You’re gonna move to Washington with me.”

Kurt was silent for a minute as he processed what his father had just said. He couldn’t move. He just couldn’t. Was this because…?

“I’m sorry that I got into that fight yesterday, but I was trying to—“

“This has nothing to do with that,” his father waved his hands. “Well, I guess it partially does, but I had been thinking about this move before all of that happened. My work in Washington is becoming more and more of a full-time commitment and requires me to be there more and more. And I don’t feel right, as a parent, leaving you here all the time by yourself. This only partially has to do with yesterday because it just helped me realize that I don’t really know what is going on in your life. You aren’t telling me anything, and I should have known about something this serious. If I had been here, I maybe would have been able to see what was happening to you. Also, I don’t think I want you in that school if students like that Karofsky kid are going to get away with behavior like that.”

“But I can’t!” Kurt said leaping from his seat. “I only have one more year left before college, can’t I just finish the year here?”

“Kurt, didn’t you just hear what I said? I do not feel comfortable with you being here all by yourself and I can’t be here as much as I need to be.”

Kurt sunk back down to the couch. “But… Blaine.”

His father sighed, “Look… that was one of the reasons why I was hesitating on this. I know you have friends here, and you now have a boyfriend, but I, as your parent, have to do what I think is best for you. I promise that you can still visit often. But this is my final decision.”


“He didn’t want to discuss it any further, and he wouldn’t budge. I didn’t tell you right away because I thought that I could come up with another solution and that I could convince him to let me stay. I figured that I would be gone a few days at most, that I could fix all of this, and that I would be back soon enough. I guess it was a bit naive of me to think that I could do such a big thing without anyone noticing, huh?

They were quiet as the explanation hung between them, Blaine trying to process it all.

“Blaine, I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you what was going on. I honestly thought that I could fix everything and that I wouldn’t have to needlessly worry you.”

“Kurt, I just… I had to hear it from Quinn.”

“I know, I know… I’m sorry, I promise, that won’t happen again. I will tell you everything from now on. Promise.”


They were both quiet again.

“So… what now?” Blaine tenetavily asked to break the silence.

“So now I try to convince my dad to let me move back to Ohio until college.”


More silence.

“Blaine, I promise, I am going to do everything I can to fix this.”

“I know you will. I know…I get it now…”

Blaine had a weird feeling settling over him. Like he had been cut loose and was now just floating, directionless, pointless.

“Listen, I have to go. God, I really don’t want to, not like this, but I…” Kurt said, voice full of regret.

“Yeah, no, I get it. I’ll, um… I’ll talk to you later?”

“Of course.” He paused. “Blaine?”


“I love you. So much. I hope you know that…”

Blaine didn’t realize that he had been waiting for those words their whole conversation until he heard them. Those words in themselves were like their own promise. That everything was going to be okay. That they were going to be okay. Kurt still loved him.

“I—I love you, too.”

“I’ll call you later, okay?”



When he got back to the choir room he sat back in his original seat, staring at the tabletop, trying to sort through his thoughts.

Kurt was in Washington, but he was trying to come back. That was good. But really, it didn’t sound like there was going to be much negotiating with Kurt’s father. Blaine wished there was something he could do to help, but how could he? He was still stuck here. In Lima.

What was he supposed to do now? Since the first day of school, when Blaine had seen Kurt leaning up against the lockers in the hallway, his thoughts were almost consistently on him. Trying to figure him out, trying to convince him that he could trust him, figuring out that he was in love with him, dealing with those feelings. Blaine’s world had pretty much been revolving around Kurt during his time here at McKinley. And it sounded silly for Blaine to admit this, because it seemed foolish to let himself be so dependent on one person, and after only a few short months.

But he couldn’t help it. Blaine was slowly coming to realize that when he falls in love with someone – with Kurt – that he inhabits his entire being, occupying his every thought. And he didn’t regret it one bit.

He had no reason to regret it in the first place. He and Kurt hadn’t broken up, they were just going to be apart for a little while. Long distance.

Blaine could do long distance.


Of course he could. He didn’t need constant reassurance that they were still together and still in love. He had to trust Kurt. That’s what relationships are about. Trust. He had to trust Kurt.

Even though he had just lied to him.

No. He can’t start doubting now. Kurt explained his reasons, and Blaine gets it. He cannot start this off by doubting Kurt. He loves Kurt. And Kurt loves him. He just has to remember that, and he can make it through this. For… however long.

Suddenly, Blaine was jolted out of his thoughts by Quinn sitting down beside him rather abruptly, and jostling the table as she did so. Blane couldn’t help but look at her in confusion. Why was she here? She never sat anywhere else besides the table where she and Kurt sat.

She held the box of cigarettes to him, as and offering.

“Oh. Uh, no thank you,” Blaine said, even more confused. She just shrugged and put her feet up on the table, and stared off into space, to mind her own business, like she normally did.

Was she trying to comfort him? She had an odd way to go about it, but he supposed that it was the thought that counted. In fact, he was touched, and the fact that she put forth the effort actually did comfort him a little bit.

Artie and Mercedes came over then. “Yo, Blaine,” Artie said, as he would in any other regular conversation, “Mercedes and I are having a discussion about a new album that just got dropped, and I think she is vastly overlooking the trail blazing that it is going to do.”

Mercedes rolled her eyes. “Oh please. You are just saying that because you think any song that has a new technique in it is going to revolutionize the music industry.”

“I still think you are underestimating it. You see…”

He could see what they were doing. They were trying to distract him. And he was grateful for that. He needed a good distraction. His thoughts had started to run away with him, and as much as he could keep his mind off things, the better.

Puck came over too, giving a light punch to Blaine’s shoulder that was probably also supposed to be comforting. He sat next to him, on his side not currently occupied by Quinn, and joined in on Mercedes and Artie’s debate, mostly just getting them more riled up and heated in their discussion.

Blaine realized that Kurt was not the only person that had impacted his time here at McKinley. The people around him—the friends around him, here in the detention room, were there for him when he really needed them. He hadn’t realized how lucky he was in meeting this rag-tag group of misfits until that exact moment. Despite what had just happened, he couldn’t help but smile.


When Blaine walked into his house later that day in a bit of a daze, the events of the day and all of the new information buzzing about in his head.

“Hey, Blaine.”

He almost jumped two feet in the air, he didn’t notice his father sitting in the living room.

“Oh, sorry. Hey.” He replied, trying to calm his frayed nerves. He didn’t really know why he was so jumpy.

“How was school?” His father asked then.

“It was…” he didn’t really know how to answer that question. He didn’t really want to re-tell the whole story with Kurt, but he also didn’t think he could just reply with a, it was fine.

“It was complicated.” A lame response, but it was the best he could come up with in his current state.

His dad suddenly looked worried. “Did something else happen with Karofsky?”

“No, no. Nothing to do with him…” that reminded him about the whole conversation he and his father had yesterday, and suddenly, his decision seemed so clear.

“Actually though, I have made up my mind about the whole transferring thing,” he said, re-meeting his father’s eyes.

“Oh? And what have you decided?”

Blaine thought about all of his friends that had comforted him today and distracted him today, when he needed them most, and he hadn’t even known that he needed them. Kurt wasn’t at McKinley anymore, but that still didn’t make him want to transfer back to Dalton. He still missed what he had had there before, but there is no way he could go back now. Not now that he has felt his new group of friends at McKinley that seem to know him better than he thought they did.

“I want to stay at McKinley.” He said with as much conviction as he could gather, in order to convince his father that he was confident in his decision.

His father nodded in acceptance. “Alright. That is fine, but if that is the case, your mother and I want to do something about Karofsky. We are not comfortable with him getting away with what he did.”

“I understand that. Um… Dad, I’m kindof tired. Can I…?” he pointed in the direction of his bedroom.

“Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Sorry, didn’t mean to ambush you right as you got home.”

Blaine smiled. “You didn’t. Thanks.” He turned to leave the room, but then his father called out to him once more.

“Blaine, if you ever need to talk about anything, your mother and I are always available to listen. Okay?”

Blaine nodded and smiled again, “Okay. Thanks.” Blaine was so grateful that their relationship was improving.

His father nodded again before going back to his book, and Blaine went to his room to collapse on his bed as his energy drained out of him.


When he next woke up it was dark outside. He glanced at his clock which told him that it was a little after ten thirty. He looked over to his desk and noticed a sandwich and a bottle of water sitting there. Blaine smiled. His mother was amazing.

After he retrieved his sandwich and returned to his bed, he checked his phone and saw that he had a text from Kurt.

I’m free now if you want to talk.

Blaine immediately went to his address book and hit call. Kurt picked up after the first ring.

“Hey, Babe.” Blaine could tell he was smiling, but he could also tell that he was a little hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure about his words.

“Hi. God, I already miss you, and it’s only been a day since I’ve seen you?”

Kurt laughed nervously on the other end of the line.

“What’s wrong?”

He could hear Kurt sigh and pause, trying to gather his thoughts. “I guess I’m just worried that you are mad at me. Which, I would completely understand because you have every reason in the world to be exactly that, and I’m such an idiot for starting this whole thing off by lying to you, and I don’t even know what I was thinking by doing that. What in the world made me think that was a good idea? That was the worst possible way to go about it and what was I even—“

“Kurt, hey, hey, stop, listen to me.” He had to cut of Kurt’s downward spiral of thinking. Kurt was silent on the other end of the line, waiting.

“Look, I was mad earlier. I was confused and didn’t know what was going on. But I know now, and while I might not like the situation, but I’m not mad at you for it. I get that you are trying to change it.”

Kurt sighed again, a mix of relief and frustration. “Yeah, yeah I am…”

Blaine could guess what the frustration part of it was about. “So… how’s that going?”

“I really wish I could give you good news, but so far no luck. But I’m not done yet. I’m not giving up yet.” Kurt sounded resolute in his goal of getting back to Lima. Blaine was glad that he was confident that he could still change his dad’s mind. However, there was the other end of the possibility, that he wouldn’t come up with a way to change his dad’s mind and he would stay in DC.

“Should we talk about the other side of this though?” Blaine asked.

“The other side?” Kurt sounded confused.

“That if you can’t convince him, and you have to stay in DC, do we want to have a… a long distance relationship?”

“Oh.” Kurt sounded like the idea was just now clicking with him. “Yes, yes of course. I still want to be with you, even if I can’t live in Lima. Unless… unless you don’t want to do long distance.”

“No!” Blaine was quick to stop that train of thought. “I mean, yes. I mean, I would want to do the long distance thing. I want to be with you, no matter what.”

He heard Kurt breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay, good. God, I think we both keep thinking that any second now one of us is going to break up with the other,” he said, chuckling a little.

Blaine laughed too. “We should really stop that, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Kurt agreed.

“We have to trust each other.” Blaine continued.


“We have to stop expecting the worst to happen.”


“We… we just have to remember that we love each other.”

“Yes, of course. Absolutely. I love you so much, Blaine.”

“I love you too, Kurt. This situation is a little unexpected, but we can make it through it.”

“Yeah. Yeah, we can.”


The next few days passed very slowly. The only time that Blaine was able to distract himself from thinking about Kurt was when he was hanging out in detention with everyone. Otherwise, he was thinking about him. Or texting him. They would text throughout the day, and call each other at night. They tried to stay in as much contact as they could. But it was still hard.

Blaine missed him. Kurt was gone so suddenly that he had not had time to prepare for the long distance of their relationship, and he consistently felt like he was missing something. A part of himself. He tried to snap himself out of his love-sickness, because he really didn’t want to be moping about all day, but it was hard to find things to do that could distract him enough to keep his mind from wandering.

But he would try. Because he and Kurt were going to make this work.

That night when he called Kurt he didn’t sound very enthusiastic when he answered the phone.


“…Hey? What’s wrong?” Blaine hated this. Whenever Kurt was still here, he could at least see him and maybe read his mood better. Over the phone he had to rely on sighs and the sound of his voice.

“Blaine… I can’t do it. My dad is as stubborn as a mule. I’ve run out of ideas, and he just won’t listen to anything I have to say and I just… can’t. I can’t move back to Lima.” He sounded so defeated.

“Oh…” Blaine didn’t really know how to handle this. Neither of them wanted this, there wasn’t really a bright side or a silver lining to look for.

“Well… We both knew this was a possibility. We just know that it is for sure now. It’s okay, Kurt. We’ll make it through.”

Kurt let out a short huff of a laugh, but it sounded more like a disbelieving scoff. “Yeah. I hate this though. I miss you so much and I just wish I could do something, anything, but I couldn’t…”

“I miss you too. And don’t think like that. This isn’t your fault. It’s nobody’s fault. You had to move because of your dad’s job. And him wanting to be responsible. Can’t really change that.”

Kurt did let out a small laugh at that. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

The silence stretched between them, each listening to the other’s breathing on the other end of the line, just pretending, for the moment, that they were there together, lying side by side.


Blaine had made it a few weeks since then. He had settled into a state of apathy. He still certainly wasn’t as happy as he had been when Kurt had been there, but he wasn’t living in complete misery or fear of his relationship ending anymore. He went about his day, texting Kurt and talking with his friends when he could, but mostly just going about life like everything was normal. He couldn’t dwell.

Blaine was walking into school, just about to send Kurt his first message of the day when someone shoulder checked him from behind and caused him to drop his phone. He looked up and saw Karofsky sending him a scowl as he walked past him.

Blaine’s parents had contacted the school board with their case, and they already had a court date lined up in a few weeks. Karofsky had mostly been leaving him alone, save for these glares and occasional bumps that he would get.

Blaine ignored him, bending down to retrieve his dropped phone. However, the phone was unresponsive in his hands, refusing to turn on. Great. Now Blaine would have to go without talking to Kurt until he could get a replacement. Perfect.


Blaine walked into detention that afternoon after an incredibly long and dull day. Mercedes approached him immediately.

“Blaine! Where the hell have you been?!” She yelled, which surprised him. What happened? He hadn’t done anything had he?

“W—what do you mean? Going to class?” he answered uncertainly.

“Where were you at lunch?”

“With Quinn and Puck?” he did that occasionally, since he had done it when Kurt was around. He liked hanging out with them too, and sometimes it was nice not to be in the overly crowded room with a bunch of his yelling classmates.

“And why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

What was with this interrogation? “It broke this morning. Why are you asking me all of these questions?” he moved to go sit at a table, but she stopped him and pulled him back in front of her.

“Because. Kurt. Is. In. Ohio.” She said looking him dead in the eye.

For some reason, that sentence did not compute to him. It made no sense. Kurt wasn’t in Ohio, he was in Washington.

“What are you talking about? Why would Kurt be in Ohio?”

“He and his dad came back for the day to finish packing up everything in their house before they sell it. Blaine. Kurt is here. He’s been trying to contact you all day, and when he hadn’t heard from you he started contacting me. Blaine, are you listening to me?”

He was staring off in space, he couldn’t believe it. Kurt had been here all day and he hadn’t even known it. He should have been with him. He should be with him now! Why the hell is he still standing here?

“I… I have to…”

“Go!” She yelled at him “Yes! Go, go go!” She turned him around by the shoulders and shoved him out of the class room.

Luckily he didn’t run into any teachers on the way out of the school that would try and stop him, and he let his legs carry him as fast as they could to his car. He didn’t really remember the drive to Kurt’s house, or if he even obeyed traffic laws, the only thing he was thinking the whole way was Kurt, Kurt, Kurt.

He pulled onto Kurt’s street, vibrating in his seat. He could see his house, and as he got closer, he saw him. He walked out of the house carrying a box to the moving truck parked in the drive way. There he was, in the flesh. Real, and alive, and here.

He quickly parked in front of the house in the street, and leapt out of the car. Kurt put the box in the truck, and when he turned to go back into the house, his eyes connected with his.

Neither of them said anything. They just ran to each other, and soon, they were grasping each other in a hug, in each other’s arms once again.



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