Everything is perfect, or so it seems.
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Everything is perfect, or so it seems.: i'm not for sale.

T - Words: 2,750 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 07, 2012
975 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Most likely the longest chapter yet. Blaine gets in a fight with Sam in "Hold On To Sixteen", this is what I think would've happened had the fight not been broken up.

"It means, I'm NOT FOR SALE." Blaine shouted. He wasn't about to stand for this anymore. He'd stood idly by for too long now. In one fluid motion, his hands were on Sam Evans's shoulder, shoving him backwards. Then he felt Sam’s on his own and soon was flying back. Sam was definitely bigger than him. Blaine shook his head, trying to shake the nerves that ran through his body and he pushed up the sleeves on his striped cardigan, just above his elbows. And then Blaine Anderson did something he never thought he would do. Next thing he knew, he felt his knuckles make contact with Sam’s jaw, scraping against short stubble across the bone. He feels an odd click but thinks nothing of it. He knew he could fight, but he’d never done it before. In fact, he knew he could kick ass if necessary. But then, seconds later, rough knuckles smashed into his own cheekbone, just below his left eye.


"Really? You seriously think you can take me, pretty boy?" Sam blurted at Blaine, who was bleeding from a small cut on his cheekbone. A river of blood trickled from the wound, just as Blaine through another punch, landing a hit on the larger boy's rib cage and the boy fell to the ground, clutching his rib where the punch had landed. But the fight wasn't over yet. As Sam Evans went crashing to the ground, he threw his heel back, landing a solid hit right on Blaine's shin but the smaller boy managed to stay standing. He turned around, walking out of the choir room without a word.


He had no idea where we was going, but he knew he was getting out of here. Blaine could tell Sam's kick to his leg had broken the skin and he felt blood running down his leg, but much more than the trickle on his cheek. He walked a good 4 blocks before he couldn't take the pain in his leg anymore and he sat down on a curb, burying his face his hands and curling himself into a ball, knees-to-chest. The pain was finally beginning to set in all over.


He had closed his eyes, too zoned out from the world to notice that Kurt had sat down on the curb beside him and was watching him through watery eyes.


"Blaine..." he spoke softly, trying not to scare his obviously hurt boyfriend.”Hey. Look at me."


Blaine turned his head to the side, looking up at the familiar voice.


"Kurt... Did... Did you follow me...?" his voice cracked as he spoke.


Kurt nodded slowly, gently placing his hand on top of the smaller boy's.


Blaine looked around, noticing that he was now sitting right next to Kurt's car. How did I miss that...? He asked himself.


"C'mon babe. Please. I'll take you back to my house and get you cleaned up. Please. Just let me take care of you." Kurt pleaded, adding, "I know it's late. You can stay at my house tonight. Please, you're a mess, and your eye's swelling up like a balloon, and oh my gosh, Blaine, you're bleeding. C'mon."


"Meeh, pick me up. My leg hurts...” Blaine pleaded like the 5-year-old he is. Unexpectedly, he felt Kurt's arms underneath his armpits, lifting him up, not picking him up, but lifting him off the ground and helped him to and into the car. He tossed him a towel off the backseat.


"Wipe the blood off your face, then wrap that around your leg to stop the bleeding. Don't bleed all over my floor." Kurt tried to joke, but Blaine didn't laugh. He was in pain and honestly not in the mood right now.


Kurt leaned over the armrest, giving Blaine a quick peck on the lips. Blaine whimpered, hungry for Kurt's soft lips again, only to be silenced by Kurt pressing a single finger against his lips.


"After we get you all cleaned up. Maybe." Kurt shook his head. “What were you even thinking? Fighting Sam Evans? He’s twice your size!”


“I won, didn’t I?” Blaine asked, smirking.


“Yes. You did. But you’re not always going to be that lucky. You need to remember that you’re small, Blaine. Sure, you’re strong, but you can’t just go around taking on guys that are bigger than you!” Kurt took a deep breath, taking the bleeding boy’s hand, “You’ll get hurt...”


The last sentence was much softer than the rest of them and suddenly Blaine felt bad for fighting Sam. He didn’t know that it would hurt Kurt so much. There was suddenly a sharp pain in his shin and he grabbed at it, lacing together a string of various profanities. Kurt pulled his car over to the side over the road to help his boyfriend.


“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked, visibly concerned.


“Nothing. I’m, agh, fine. Please, can we just go home?” Kurt tried to grab at his leg and Blaine pulled away quickly.


"Just let me see, Blaine... Please." He spoke softly, as though his words alone would cause his boyfriend more pain. Blaine hesitantly offered his leg to Kurt, who slowly pushed his pant leg up. Blaine's leg quickly tugged away, or tried to, with a wince of pain as he bit down on his lip to stop himself from screaming. "You okay?" Kurt's blue eyes flashed up at the wincing boy, who watched him with now watering eyes.


He wasn't going to lie, he was touched that Kurt cared so much, but this was so painful. Obviously though, the wound needed to be looked at by someone. Soon, he felt Kurt's soft hands tenderly re-wrap the towel around his calf. Blaine sighed in relief as he felt Kurt roll his pant leg back down. Next thing he knew, Kurt's hand was slid into his, their fingers intertwining perfectly.


"Kurt, can we go home now?"


"Yes, Blaine." He squeezed his hand. "Yes we can."


The next few minutes passed rather uneventfully and Blaine occupied the time by staring at Kurt, calmly driving back home. Soon, Blaine saw the unmistakable form of Kurt's house. He sighed, glad to finally be here. He was zoned out and didn't notice Kurt open his door for him, so when he felt the boy's thin arm reach around him and underneath his arm, helping him stand, he jumped a little. Once Blaine recovered from the shock, he took Kurt's hand, following him into Kurt's bathroom and sitting on the counter. Kurt gave him a look, but just laughed and continued searching for the bandages. Finally, he turned around and chucked a roll of medical tape at Blaine, who caught it one-handed, then Kurt bent down and grabbed a gauze pads to cover the wound that had finally stopped bleeding. In a matter of minutes, Blaine had a thick layer of tape wound around most of his calf and Kurt was taking his hand, pulling him to his bedroom.


“Sit.” Blaine raised an eyebrow at Kurt’s sudden request, but obeyed except instead of sitting on the bed, the smaller boy sat down on the crisp white carpet of the younger boy’s floor, leaning against the soft bedspread. “What are you doing?”    


Kurt raised an eyebrow at the goofy kid sitting on his floor, legs spread apart, now patting the floor between his legs.


“You sit.” Blaine giggled at Kurt’s face in response to what he had done, but Kurt also obeyed, sitting down between his boyfriend’s legs, pressing his back harder against his chest probably harder than necessary and he heard Blaine make some noise in response to the new weight now leaning against him. Then Kurt felt Blaine’s face burrowing into the crease between his neck and his shoulder. At first, he just assumed the older boy was being a puppy like he usually does, then he became aware of the wetness on his neck and the fact that the boy was crying. He turned himself around, now sitting on his knees between his boyfriend’s legs.


“Hey...” Kurt spoke softly, trying to make eye contract with Blaine, who kept looking away. He put his hand on Blaine’s cheek, feeling the scratch of stubble against his palm. “Look at me. What’s wrong?” Blaine tried to turn away again. This was weird, but then again, he was just now starting to see the real Blaine, the Blaine inside that rock solid exterior. It was just within the last few weeks that he had seen the boy without perfect composure.


“I... I don’t know anymore, Kurt... I just don’t know. I miss Dalton, I miss the Warblers. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love being able to be with you all the time. But McKinley, there’s just... there’s so much drama over really nothing. Dalton didn’t have stuff like that... I mean, those guys were my friends. And obviously, it’s not like a don’t have friends at McKinley; it’s just not the same. It seems like everyday, someone hates someone for no reason or for just really dumb reasons. I’m sorry, Kurt... I just... I...” The tears he had managed to stop earlier were now flowing freely down Blaine’s cheeks.


Kurt didn’t know what to do, so he figured he probably looked like a complete idiot sitting there staring at this boy who had just thrown out something that was obviously really hard for him to admit. All he could do was throw his arms around the boy’s neck, rubbing mindless circles on his back, trying to comfort him.


“Blaine, you know you can go back to Dalton anytime you want, right? You don’t have to stay with me... I’m safe here now... Karofsky’s gone, and with the exception of a few jocks, I can walk down the halls without fear.”


“Kurt. You still jump every time a locker slams.” Blaine looked at the younger boy seriously, “Plus, I can’t stand to be apart from the person I love.” He pulled Kurt’s hands away from his neck, holding their hands together. “And Kurt, just because I miss those goofballs at Dalton... doesn’t mean I'm leaving you. I love you so, so much.” Putting extra emphasis on ‘so much’. Their eyes were locked on each other now; Blaine leaned in, pressing his lips to Kurt’s. He couldn’t imagine it was possible to even have lips that were softer than Kurt’s. “I promise. I... will... never... leave.” Blaine whispered into his boyfriend’s ear, then leaned back against the bed, smiling and closing his eyes.


“I love you, Blaine.” Kurt whispered, turning back around, and leaning himself back against his boyfriend’s warm body. He immediately felt two strong arms wrap themselves around him, soon accompanied by the feeling of Blaine’s hot breath steadily hitting his neck and his lips leaving a warm spot just between the bottom of his ear and the bottom of his neck.


Kurt was awoken by mumbles and shaking from the boy sitting behind him and quickly turned around to make sure he was okay. Unfortunately, that didn’t appear to be the case. It then occurred to Kurt that they had fallen asleep on his floor, leaning against his bed from the night before. He focused on Blaine, his face an unusual ashen white, his entire body trembling, his brow and thick, curly, ungelled hair coated in sweat. A single curl had fallen down into his face and was stuck to his forehead by the sweat and Kurt brushed it away gently. Blaine jerked away as though someone had just taken a swing at him. Without even thinking about what could happen next, soon Blaine’s arm came swinging at Kurt’s face, who somehow he managed to duck away before the hit landed square on his cheek. Kurt couldn’t watch anymore. He grabbed his boyfriend’s shoulders and shook him gently.

“Blaine. Blaine. Blaine!” He found himself yelling at the sleeping boy, trapped in what was quite obviously a nightmare. “It’s okay, baby. It’s Kurt. I’m right here. You’re safe...” When he still couldn’t wake him up, Kurt found himself doing the next thing he could possibly think of, even if it wasn’t his brightest idea ever. He leaned forward, connecting his lips to his boyfriend’s, who was quick to bite his lip in return, before waking up. Kurt jumped back quickly, landing a good five feet from the now awake boy, who stared at him confused, and Kurt realized he could taste blood, so obviously his lip was bleeding. Blaine’s eyes were glazed over and he absently looked around the room, then to Kurt, then to Kurt’s lip.

    “Oh my god. Kurt. What happened?” Blaine cocked an eyebrow in curiosity and Kurt couldn’t help but note how cute he looked, even sweaty and disheveled. By instinct, Kurt threw his hand over his mouth. “Wha-- No. Did I do that to you?” His eyes finally had unglazed and they were now filled with concern. Kurt hand to bite back tears, the look in Blaine’s eyes was so heartbreaking.

    “N-N-No...” He immediately noticed how unconvincing his lie had been. Blaine now had a knuckle in his mouth and his was biting down on it, obviously trying to force back tears of his own.

    “Don’t lie... When did I do that..?” His voice was soft now and he was on his hands and knees, crawling towards his frightened boyfriend. “Kurt, please. I don’t know what’s going on. I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear. You know I’d never ever hurt you on purpose.”

    “O--okay. Just now. I- I woke up and you were having a p-p-panic attack an-and I tried to wake you up and you wouldn’t wake up, so I- I don’t know why, I just kissed you. An-and you bit me, and now I’m--” He was cut off by his boyfriend wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. Kurt knew he was crying now.

    “I- I’m so sorry Kurt. I didn-- I was sleeping and I jus-- these nightmares an--” Blaine stuttered out, at a loss for words. “I can’t believe I did this to you. Can I see?” He asked, gently placing a single finger underneath Kurt’s chin, tilting his face up towards his to get a closer look at the bleeding lip. “Can I kiss it and make it better?” He looked at him with puppy dog eyes, which he knew he had, and good ones at that. He also knew that he had probably just used the cheesiest line in the history of cheesy lines. “Please?” He begged, desperately wanting to make the pain go away, though he knew a simple kiss wouldn’t do that. Kurt nodded slowly, and Blaine tenderly pressed his lips against his boyfriend’s, hoping not to hurt him. Both boys felt fireworks between them, stronger than usual. “I’m sorry I hurt you, baby. But thank you for helping me... I love you so much, Kurt Hummel.”

    “I love you too, Blaine Warbler.” The pair laughed at the seemingly long forgotten nickname, their lips finding each other's again. Next thing he knew, Blaine had jumped up, and taking a running start, leaped onto Kurt’s bed. Kurt laughed at Blaine as Blaine tapped the bed next to him, urging Kurt to come lay with him.

    “Cuddle with me? It’s cold, and I’m still sleepy, and I love you, and I feel cuddly, and I promise I won’t bite you this time...” Blaine pleaded, using the puppy dog eyes again.

    “You’re so lucky you’re cute.”
    “Psh, you know you love me.”

    “Nope. You’re a puppy. Deal with it.”

    “What does that have to do with anything...?”

    “Just shut up and hold me.” The two boys laughed, Kurt laying down and curling up in front of Blaine and Blaine happily wrapping his arms around Kurt’s waist. A few minutes later, Blaine rolled his boyfriend over so they were now nose-to-nose, tangling them up in the blankets in the process, eventually, the pair found themselves tightly wound in a sea of blankets and rolling off the bed. Kurt shrieked and Blaine held onto him tighter, if that was even possible. They hit the floor laughing and Blaine was staring at Kurt, smiling stupidly.

    “What? Is my lip bleeding again..?” Kurt asked worriedly. Blaine wiped a drop of blood off of his soft lips, his finger lingering longer than necessary.

    “A little. You’re so beautiful, Kurt. I love you.”


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