Everything is perfect, or so it seems.
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Everything is perfect, or so it seems.: perfect.

T - Words: 1,273 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 07, 2012
698 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Blaine being a puppy, Kurt learning what really makes Blaine... Blaine. Storys, tears, cuddling, etc. I still suck at author's notes.

Blaine was lying face down on his stomach when he felt his phone vibrate beneath his arm. Today was the first day after his recovery was officially finished and he finally felt like himself again. He slid the phone over to his ear, picking up the call.




"Well good morning. I take it someone's feeling better?"


"Ah, yes, wonderful. And how are you this lovely morning, my dear?"


"I'm good now that I know you're okay." Kurt smiled, though he knew Blaine couldn't see him. "Hey, do you mind if I come over today?"


"You know I never mind, right? In fact, you should come over here now. You don't even have to get dressed. I’m still not supposed to do anything, so we can just hang out and watch TV in our pajamas all day. If you want, of course."


"Fine, but you better pretty special, Blaine Warbler. You know I never leave the house in pajamas." His voice was serious, but he knew Blaine knew he was kidding. It occurred to Kurt just how long it had been since he'd called him Blaine Warbler. Definitely a while, considering Blaine wasn't even a Warbler anymore.


"Oh, Kurt Hummel, I do feel special. I love you. You're adorable." Blaine knew Kurt was probably blushing on the other end of the line and he smiled.


"Fine, I'll be over in five."


"Yay! Bye!" Blaine hung up his phone excitedly.


Exactly 5 minutes later, Kurt arrived to a completely dark Anderson household with the front door wide open, as usual. He stepped into the doorway, noticing how pitch black the house really was.


"....Blaine?" Kurt called out into the empty house. "Blaaaaine....?"


Suddenly, Blaine came flying out of a doorway and tackled Kurt to the floor, rolling around on the floor with him before gently kissing him while giggling.


"God, Blaine! You scared the hell outta me!" He yelled, but he couldn't hold in his laughter. Blaine was really just a big kid, all the time. It was fantastic he was feeling better though. He yawned, his eyelids suddenly feeling heavy again.


"Tired? C'mon." Blaine smiled as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand, pulling him up the stairs and onto the smaller boy's bed. Soon he found himself wrapped around Kurt, being the big spoon though he was the smaller of the two. He really didn't mind though, he felt like he was protecting the love of his life and he loved it. He buried his face into his boyfriend’s neck, planting a few gentle kisses on his soft porcelain skin. Kurt rolled over towards him and then they were laying nose-to-nose.


"Blaine... Can I ask you something..? You don't have to answer it if you don't want, I'm just curious."




"Okay," Kurt took a deep breath, "What made you... You? I mean, there's something different about you, but I'm not sure what."


"What do you mean?"


"Like, I know you were bullied, but I was just wondering what else have you.... Been through?"


Blaine's face scrunched up, obviously confused by the question.


"You want to hear my back story?" Blaine asked in disbelief.


"Of course...”


"Well, you asked... Okay, so you know all about the bullies and the Sadie Hawkins incident... Here's what you don't know. There was about a month period between when I stopped going to school and my first day at Dalton. When I was being bullied, every day my will broke down with every harsh word. I wasn't strong like you. I got really depressed, and by the day after the Sadie Hawkins incident, I was at the end of my rope." Blaine was now rolling up his pant legs, and Kurt realized he'd never seen the other boy wear shorts. He heard Blaine emit a low sound of defeat and he let go of Kurt's hand, getting up off the bed. He raised an eyebrow at Kurt. "May I? I need to show you something, put I can't roll my pants up high enough. It's not dirty or anything... I've got boxers on..."


Kurt giggled, nodding a 'yes' at his now blushing boyfriend, encouraging him to go on. Soon, Blaine had dropped his pants and was sitting cross legged next to Kurt, who hadn't even looked down at Blaine's legs yet.


"Well, this was how I dealt with it. I felt like it gave me control over something..." He shamefully looked down at his thighs and calves, scars now fully exposed and the lines he had etched into his own legs during day after day of unmentionable torment. Tears ran down Blaine's cheeks and Kurt placed a hand over a huge patch of scars on Blaine's thigh.


"...Blaine..." he said softly, gently placing his other hand on his boyfriend's cheek, tenderly wiping a tear away.”You... Are... Beautiful." Adding extra pauses between each word. Blaine closed his eyes, tears falling faster. Blaine peeled Kurt's hand off his face.


"One more thing..." Blaine slowly pushed his sleeves up his arm, revealing a scar that ran 3/4 of the way up his arm, starting at his wrist. Kurt's eyes were wide and now he was crying too. Blaine felt awful for making him cry. "I just... I felt so scared and so lonely and so unwanted and I was so... just... done. I didn't want to hurt anymore. I didn't want to be afraid of EVERYTHING anymore... Kurt," he took a long pause, "I tried to kill myself." His voice was low and quiet now.


Now Kurt was sobbing. All he wanted to do was hold Blaine in his arms, but he didn't know if that was the right thing to do. He decided to just do it and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly as they sobbed into each other's shoulders. Blaine had wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt, almost to the point Kurt thought that he might break in half.


"I love you, Blaine." Kurt whispered in his boyfriend's ear. "...Do you still feel that way....?" He pulled away, looking into Blaine's tearful eyes.


"No. Kurt, I'm in a safe place now. The bullies are gone, I have the most fantastic boyfriend in the world, and I can finally truthfully say that I love my life. And you. I love you, Kurt. I love you, I love you, I love you." Blaine knew he was rambling now, but he couldn't help it. "I'm happy now, Kurt."


Kurt couldn't help it; he was crying tears of joy now as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.


"I'm so glad. I'm so happy for you Blaine. But there's something you're not telling me... Isn't there?"


"Fine.  After I came out... My dad, he hated it. But you know that. But what I haven't told you, is that my dad, after he found out, he would just... Call me all these names and he told me I was worthless and I was a failure and how disappointed he was... And he wished I didn't exist..."


Kurt took Blaine's hand.


"Blaine, I love you. You're perfect. I'm so glad you're here. I'm proud of you. And those scars? They're beautiful. And you're beautiful. And agh, I just adore you."


Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand now, pulling him down so they're both lying on the bed, chest to chest.


"Kurt Hummel, I'm so far from perfect. I'm broken. Sometimes I do still feel that way, I lied earlier, but I am getting better. Slowly."


"Blaine, I don't care how broken you are. I will always be here for you. You're perfect to me."


"... You're adorable." Blaine whispered, pressing his lips to his boyfriend's, sliding his hands around to Kurt's lower back, holding him close. The two boys closed their eyes, arms wrapped tightly around each other, legs intertwined. Obviously deeply in love, the boys drifted off to sleep, teary-eyed and smiling.


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