June 10, 2012, 10:16 a.m.
June 10, 2012, 10:16 a.m.
Kurt was sitting down at a small round table, coffee in hand, listing to Rachel Berry ramble on about some random musical she was auditioning for. He wasn’t really paying much attention, he never really did when it was Rachel talking. He had agreed to come for coffee with Rachel every day before work in hope that it would take his mind off Blaine. It had worked but Kurt really wished Rachel would talk about something else other than herself. Kurt thought she would have changed after high school but no such luck.
Kurt hadn’t told Rachel about seeing Blaine again. He knew she would over react, just like she always did. When Blaine left five years ago Rachel had acted like it was the end of the world. Sure, Blaine was a great addition to New Directions and they needed him for sectionals but Rachel had barely ever talked to Blaine. So Kurt didn’t really get why she acted like her best friend had died when he ran off.
If Rachel had found out Blaine was in New York she would probably hunt him down and kill him for leaving. But Kurt really had to tell someone. It was hard for Kurt to keep secrets and when anything to do with high school came up Kurt found it almost imposable not to mention Blaine. Kurt had kept quiet but he didn’t know how much longer he could.
“So how’s work? Kurt? KURT?” Rachel shouted, getting everyone in the coffee shops attention.
Kurt shook his head, realising Rachel was asking him a question and he should listen to her.
“Um. Yeah. It’s really good thanks. I’m going to go watch over a photo shoot today so that should be fun.” Kurt trailed off not really knowing what else to say. “Um. How’s your work?”
Rachel looked offended at the question. “I’ve been talking about my life and work for the past half an hour and you haven’t listened to a single word I said have you?”
“What, No, I-I was listening to you most of the ti-“ Kurt got cut off because Rachel had decided to pick up a menu off the table and had started hitting him over the head with it.
“Calm down Rachel. Everybody’s loo- Oww Rachel get off” Kurt raised a hand in hope of shielding his face from Rachel’s whacks.
“Well you deserved it. I spend my time coming here to talk to you and you don’t even listen to me. Why do you even come Kurt? Is it just to waste my time? Do you really hate me that much?”
“What. No, I like seeing you. It’s just sometimes you can ramble on a bit.”
“I do not ramble, you just can’t be bothered to listen to me.”
“Yeah whatever you say Rachel” Kurt snapped.
Rachel sat down and looked at Kurt for a while. Not saying anything just reading his body language.
“What?” Kurt snapped, noticing that Rachel was staring at him.
“What’s wrong Kurt?”
“What do you mean ‘what’s wrong’ I’m fine.”
“No you’re not. I know you. If we ever fight you never fight back. Whenever I’m talking about musicals you listen. You never used to day dream this much. What happened Kurt?”
“Nothing and if you’re going to keep interrogating me I’m leaving.” Kurt said standing up.
“No please don’t go Kurt. I want to help you. Obviously there’s something wrong and I know if you don’t talk to me then you’re going to keep it bottled up.”
“Rachel there’s nothing wrong just drop it ok”
“No, Kurt I’m not letting you go until you tell me what’s wrong.” Rachel said grabbing Kurt’s wrist and pulling him down to his chair.
“No. There’s something bugging you and you’re going to tell me” Rachel said grabbing Kurt’s hand and holding it tight but lovingly.
“Fine, I’ll tell you but only if you promise not to go crazy”
“I promise Kurt.”
“Well I was getting coffee the other month and well I saw someone.” Kurt paused not wanting to go on. He didn’t want to spill all his worries and troubles onto Rachel, she had enough of her own.
“Who was it Kurt? Tell me please.”
“It, it was Blaine”
“What? Are you sure Kurt? I know you can’t think straight before your morning coffee.”
“Ugh Rachel! You don’t even believe me. I’m sure it was him. Why would I be stressing over this if it wasn’t Blaine.”
“Ok I’m sorry. I believe you but why are you stressing over him? Surely you would be happy to see him. After all, you haven’t seen him for five years.”
“I was happy to see him. I was so pleased when I saw him. I missed him so much when he went.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“I gave him my number. He promised he would call but it’s been months and nothing’s happened. No call, no texts. What if he got hurt Rachel?” Kurt whined.
“Hey, I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just busy. He will call you soon I’m sure.”
“Rachel he’s not going to call and if he’s busy, then I don’t know what with.”
“Oh Kurt, I’m sure he just has a lot of work or something.” Rachel comforted leaning over to pull Kurt into a hug when she saw the tears building in his eyes.
“He isn’t. He said that he was in the new phantom of the opera but there’s no such thing and I’m worried. Why would he of to lie to me?”
“I don’t know why he would lie to you but I’m sure he had a good reason as to why he didn’t tell you the truth.”
“He was my best friend Rachel, he shouldn’t need to lie to me.”
“Oh Kurt don’t worry about him. If he hasn’t called you, that’s his loss. You are worth ten times of him. He was the one who ran away from life not you. Your strong Kurt you can get through this and forget about him, just like you did last time he ran away.”
“I know Rachel but I don’t want to have to forget about him.”
Rachel didn’t have a response to that. She thought Kurt would hate Blaine for running away. She thought Kurt would want to get as far away from him as possible and forget all about him. She never thought he would even want to have anything to do with Blaine let alone allow himself to worry about him.
“Rachel what should I do?” Kurt whined griping onto Rachel’s shoulder.
“I don’t know Kurt. I don’t think there’s much you can do.” Rachel admitted. Never in her life had she not had an answer for something and she didn’t like it.
Kurt gave Rachel a defeated look and slowly rose from his chair.
“I should go to work. I’ve got a photo shoot and I don’t want to be late.” Kurt mumbled as he wiped his eyes of the unshed tears.
“Yeah, yeah I understand. Look Kurt, if you need anything I’ll always be here for you.”
“Thanks Rachel”
They gave their goodbyes and Kurt left the coffee shop feeling way worse than when he went in. He was glad he had shared his worries but he couldn’t help but think that Rachel would judge him for not wanting to forget Blaine.