Lost and found
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Lost and found: Chapter 11

T - Words: 925 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: Jun 10, 2012
998 0 0 0 0

Kurt was having a troubling day, after seeing Blaine and having coffee, he eventually went to work and had to stay late to make up for extra time. It had been a long and stressful day and all he wanted to do was go home and sleep.

He was making his way home taking the shortcut he had used this morning, not really paying attention to where he was going just letting his feet take him home.

As he was about to turn the corner he heard an animal like groan, wondering what it was he sped up his walking pace. Then he saw the blood that had dried on the floor, and then he heard the moan again. He quickly turned the corner and saw somebody curled up in a ball. The injured man was wearing a red jacket which he couldn’t tell if it was red from blood or not.

Kurt quickly ran over to the pained man and pulled his hands away from his face, he let out a gasp when he saw who it was.

“Blaine, Blaine wake up.” Kurt shouted, shaking the smaller boy’s shoulders.

How had this happened, what had Blaine got himself into? Kurt lifted Blaine up by his shoulders and dragged him into a sitting position against the wall.

“Blaine you need to wake up, please.” Kurt begged, crouching down in front of Blaine and looking at his face intently. He had a huge graze on one half of his face and a deep cut on his forehead.

Kurt pulled out his cell phone a dialled 911, asking for an ambulance, then gave his attention back to Blaine.

“Blaine can you hear me?” Kurt asked, still shaking his shoulders.

“Hmm.” Blaine mumbled. “Wh- what happened?”

“I don’t know, I just found you like this.”

“Ku-Kurt? What are you doing here?”

“I found you lying here, what happened?”

Blaine tried to lift himself up but failed a landed in a heap on the floor.

“Blaine, you are no going anywhere, sit back down.”

“Kurt leave me alone, I’m fine.”

“No you’re not, I called an ambulance, it should be here soon.”

“What, no, I’m not going to hospital, I’m fine look.” Blaine said as he tried to stand up, but his legs turned to jelly once he was finally up.

“Blaine just sit down and wait for the ambulance, please.” Whined Kurt, pulling Blaine down so his head was resting on Kurt’s shoulders.

They waited there, Kurt keeping Blaine close to him, not even caring about getting blood on his work suit.

When the ambulance arrived the paramedics set about getting Blaine onto a stretcher, while one of them asked Kurt questions about what had happened.

When Blaine was all strapped up they wheeled him into the back and Kurt followed behind.

The whole time they were in the ambulance Blaine would slip in and out of consciousness but one thing didn’t change, throughout the whole Journey his grip on Kurt’s hand never weakened.

When they got to the hospital there were doctors rushing around, all trying to help him. They took Blaine down a long corridor, off the waiting room, which Kurt wasn’t allowed down. So instead he sat himself down on one of the small plastic chairs and waited till they had finished with Blaine.


When Blaine woke up he was greeted with bright sun light in his eyes. He turned his body away from the bright light but instantly regretted it, his body ached all over and every muscle in his body was tight.

One thing had changed, he was lying on a bed. This defiantly wasn’t the place he had fallen asleep. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a sleepy looking Kurt sat in the corner, watching him.

“Hey there sleepy head.” 

“Wh-where am I?”

“You’re in hospital.”

“What? Why are you here?”

“You got into a fight and I found you a called an ambulance.”

As Kurt’s words reached his ears the previous night’s events flooded his mind, the drug dealers, the punches, the pain, lying there helpless, Kurt coming to his rescue, the ambulance journey, never letting go of Kurt’s hands.

“Kurt, thank you.”

“Hey, it’s fine, it’s not like I would have just left you lying there on the street to bleed to death.”

“You should have, I’ve treated you so badly, I don’t deserve your kindness. I’m so sorry for everything I’ve put you through.”

“Blaine, I never would have done that to you, I care about you too much.”

“You care about me?”

“Of course I do, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Thank you.” Blaine whispered.

“You should go back to sleep.” Kurt suggested, smoothing Blaine’s hair back.

“What, no. I have to get out of here, I hate hospitals.”

“Blaine, you can’t just go and even if you did where would you go?”

Blaine fell silent, he had no where to go and the longer he stayed here the bigger his bill would be, a bill which he couldn’t pay.

“No I have to get out of here now, I can’t even afford to pay the bill as it is let alone after a few days.”

Blaine tried to sit up, failing, his arms crumbled underneath him and he fell back onto the bed.

“Lay back down.” Kurt ordered. “Don’t worry about the bill, I’ve got it covered, also will you please come and stay with me when you get out of here?”

“Kurt, I can’t take up your space like that.”

“Blaine please, at least in till you recover properly.”

“Ok, fine, I’ll come and stay with you, but only for a bit.” Blaine gave in, too tired to argue.

Blaine settled back onto his bed and relaxed, everything was going to be fine.


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