Top Shelf Sundae
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Top Shelf Sundae: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,756 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Jan 13, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
1,105 0 4 0 0

4. Backcheck

The morning after his date with Blaine, Kurt is floating. Everything had gone exceptionally well, from the conversation to the most incredible kiss Kurt ever experienced. He went to bed restless, not able to resist texting Blaine before finally falling asleep, telling him again how much he enjoyed their evening together. When he received a text back sharing the same sentiments, Kurt had to roll over to squeal into his pillow so he wouldn't wake up the house.

Kurt was able to avoid any questioning from his family when he got back. His parents were already in bed and Finn was out with some friends, so Kurt had some time to himself to process everything that happened in the previous 24 hours. He rolled his eyes at several texts from Rachel, who was eagerly awaiting details about his new "whirlwind romance". He promised her that he would tell her everything once he returned to New York, knowing full well that he should have taken detailed notes.

The next morning, Kurt regrets going downstairs for breakfast. Finn is incredibly excited for him and wastes no time in asking about his date while Burt and Carole observe carefully, chuckling to themselves and clearly amused by the entire situation.

"It was fine," Kurt answers. He doesn't want to divulge too much or release the giddy monster living inside his chest. "I don't really understand what the big deal is."

"My brother's boyfriend plays for the Blue Jackets," Finn says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "That's, like, the coolest thing that could ever happen to you!"

"We went on one date, Finn," Kurt points out, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and pouring himself some coffee before sitting down at the table and fixing his plate. "One date does not mean he's my boyfriend."

"But you can still score us some free tickets, right?"

Kurt glares at Finn, not feeling the least bit sorry for him when Carole walks by and whacks him over the head with the newspaper.

"I'm happy to hear that your date went well, Kurt," Carole says with a satisfied smile. "I've seen pictures of Blaine in the paper. He's quite the catch."

Kurt opens his mouth to agree, but is interrupted by Burt's loud grunt at the other end of the table. "Something you want to share with the class, Dad?" Kurt asks, raising an eyebrow at his father.

Burt sighs and leans forward with his elbows resting on the table and his fingers folded together. It was a telltale sign that he was about to drop some knowledge, so Kurt sits back in his chair and waits.

"I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what to do," Burt starts. Kurt, of course, knows that Burt is, in fact, going to try telling him what to do. He figures letting his father finish is the best plan of action, however, and the easiest way to avoid any arguments. "You're a grown man and you are free to make your own decisions."

Kurt nods, encouraging Burt to continue. He waits for the ‘but' to come and has a feeling he won't like whatever is going to follow it.

"I'm sure that Blaine is a nice guy," Burt says. "But I don't know if you getting close to him is a good idea." Burt puts a hand up to stop Kurt from protesting. "He's an NHL player, Kurt. He's not going to be around much, and I don't want you getting caught up in something that might end before it even begins."

It's not like Kurt hasn't thought about it. He may not know much about hockey, but he knows enough to understand that the logistics of his and Blaine's relationship, if they decide to have one, would be tricky. Blaine travels a lot, sometimes for several days at a time, and even more problematic was the fact that Blaine's home was in Ohio while Kurt's was in New York. It doesn't give them much to work with, but Kurt likes Blaine way too much to let him go without at least trying.

"I understand where you're coming from, Dad, I really do." Kurt takes a deep breath before going on. "I know that the circumstances of a possible relationship between Blaine and I are not the most promising, and I know that it would be hard to keep seeing each other, if that's what we decide to do. But, I think it might be worth it."

The way that Burt looks at him has Kurt feeling like he's being sized up, like his father is contemplating whether or not Kurt's actually serious.

"You know I'll support you either way," Burt reassures him. "I gotta tell ya, though, I never thought I would see the day when you would willingly date a pro athlete."

Finn, who had been pretending not to listen while eating his breakfast, looks up at them suddenly.

"I know, right?" Finn laughs. "Total mindblower. I didn't think hockey players would be your type, since you're not into, you know, sweaty sport things."

"Why do I get the feeling that I don't want to know what you think my type is?" Kurt asks, hoping that Finn would recognize it as a rhetorical question.

"Does Blaine know you're going back to New York tomorrow?" Burt interjects.

"Yes, he does," Kurt replies, remembering how crestfallen Blaine looked when Kurt had broken the news to him, even though Blaine himself was going out of town for a few games on the West Coast in a couple days. "He has practice this morning, but we're meeting up for coffee after. Whatever happens after that..."

Kurt trails off and waves his hand in the air to convey that he and Blaine would just have to take it one day at a time. Nobody says anything else about it for a few minutes and they focus on finishing up their breakfast instead. Kurt is pleased that he only had to wordlessly remove the salt from his father's reach once, which is progress. Of course, Finn is the one to break the comfortable silence.

"So, back to those free tickets - "



Blaine: Hey I just got out. Do you know where the Lima Bean is?

Kurt: I do. When would you like me to meet you?

Blaine: An hour? Can't wait to see you.

Kurt: An hour it is. And likewise.


Their coffee date goes much the same way as their dinner date. They talk more about each other, both trying not to repeat anything from the previous night and laughing when they fail. Blaine tells Kurt that he would teach him about hockey and Kurt giggles at Blaine's enthusiasm, but, for some reason, agrees. They're both more comfortable with each other than the night before, the nerves typical of a first date less apparent. Kurt finds that Blaine is extremely easy to talk to. He really seems to understand a lot of the things that Kurt had gone through growing up and Kurt wishes that he had someone like Blaine around back in high school.

Once their coffee cups are empty, Kurt isn't ready for their date to end. Blaine is apparently on the same page, offering for them to drive back to his place and promising to make Kurt some lunch. Kurt agrees, naturally, and only freaks out a little bit in the car as he follows Blaine back to his house. Kurt doesn't want to get his hopes up or set himself up for disappointment, and he definitely isn't ready for them to do anything... risqué. It will be the first time they are alone together, after all, and Kurt is both thrilled and terrified at the same time. He just hopes that Blaine doesn't expect more from him than he is able to give.

While Blaine gets their food ready, Kurt looks around the kitchen and living room, both of which are the size of his apartment in New York, and he shares that space with another person. The décor is nice, if a little cold, like a luxury, pre-furnished condo reserved for businessmen passing through town on their way to bigger and better places. There are several shelves full of trophies, all with hockey players in different positions sitting on top. Kurt also notices a few framed photos of Blaine in different uniforms, some showing a much younger Blaine with a happy smile on his face and floppy curls across his forehead. Kurt smiles at the images, at how adorable Blaine had been, and how much he has already accomplished in life.

As it turns out, Blaine's lunch for them consists of boxed macaroni and cheese with canned soup, but Kurt appreciates the effort and the presentation. Blaine had arranged everything on their plates as if he was executive chef at the finest restaurant in Ohio, and Kurt thanked him with a quick kiss on the cheek as Blaine set the food in front of him. They continue to talk about nothing in particular, mixing their conversation with quick glances and shy smiles. Once they are finished eating, they move over to the living room and make themselves comfortable on the couch, both of them sitting sideways facing each other with their knees touching and their hands tangled together loosely.

"I really want to kiss you," Blaine says suddenly during a lull in their conversation, his eyes shining and so gorgeous that Kurt can't look away.

"I really want you to kiss me," Kurt replies, slightly breathless and sure that his face is a bright shade of red. He has wanted to kiss Blaine since they met up at the coffee shop, but he wasn't sure if he should, or even if he could. He vaguely wishes that there was some sort of protocol for when it's okay to kiss a potential boyfriend after the first kiss was done and over with.

Blaine leans forward slowly, cautiously, giving Kurt time to back out. Kurt decides to speed things up, because there was no way he's going to change his mind. He wraps his hand around the back of Blaine's neck and pulls him in, muffling Blaine's surprised gasp as their mouths crash together.

Kurt doesn't believe in heaven, but if he did, he imagines it would be a place where he can kiss Blaine for eternity. Blaine is incredibly responsive, sliding his lips across Kurt's in a smooth rhythm. Kurt traces his tongue along Blaine's bottom lip, flicking at the soft skin and pulling back when Blaine tries to move in closer to deepen the kiss.

"Tease," Blaine whispers between short, wet kisses that Kurt thinks are much sexier than they should be.

Kurt slides his hand up to the nape of Blaine's neck, playing with the short curls he finds there. His other hand rests on Blaine's thigh with his thumb tracing along the inseam of Blaine's jeans. Kurt sucks at Blaine's lip gently, surprising even himself at his own boldness, and lets go with a soft pop, pulling away just enough to whisper, "I have no idea what you mean."

Blaine shifts so he is sitting against the back of the couch. Kurt pouts for a second at the increased space between them, but then Blaine is grabbing underneath Kurt's thighs and lifting him up and over to straddle his lap. The movement seems so effortless for Blaine, like Kurt's weight is nothing. Kurt steadies himself by gripping Blaine's arms and oh. That's why. Kurt's stomach twists hotly as he recalls exactly how he and Blaine met in the first place.

Right. Hockey player. Sports. Muscles.

"Kurt, you still with me?"

Kurt snaps his eyes up to look at Blaine, willing the blush creeping along his cheeks and neck to recede. He bites his lip and looks off to the side, feeling self-conscious about being caught ogling the heartbreakingly handsome man in front of him, who is now under him, between Kurt's legs, and that line of thought is really not helpful.

"Yeah, I'm good. I guess I'm just a little... overwhelmed," Kurt explains, speaking quietly and suddenly not quite able to meet Blaine's eyes. If he does, Kurt is sure he would be lost to the world.

Blaine grins at him, the smile fading as he cups Kurt's cheek and leans up to press warm, barely-there kisses to Kurt's chin, his jaw, his neck. Kurt's eyes slide shut and he arches into Blaine's touch, his hands wrapping around Blaine's shoulders to bring him in closer. Kurt tingles all over from the heat of Blaine's body against his and Blaine's breath ghosting over the fine hairs of his skin.

Kurt realizes then that he wants it. He wants Blaine and his mouth and his touch, not just in that moment but for the entire night, the next week, even the next decade and many after. He wants exciting nights out and romantic nights in. More than that, Kurt wants to let himself fall, truly and completely, and Blaine is definitely someone he could fall for. It could be perfect, if it wasn't for one huge problem.

"Blaine, wait." Kurt reluctantly pushes at Blaine's shoulders and there's that damn distance between them again, but this time there is a purpose to it. Namely, to avoid letting things get out of hand before Kurt can say what he needs to say. "What are we doing?"

"I think the kids still refer to it as making out," Blaine teases, trying to pull Kurt closer and furrowing his eyebrows when Kurt doesn't budge. "Is everything okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No, no. Nothing like that." Kurt leans back onto Blaine's thighs, and he really should move off of Blaine's lap entirely, but for some reason it makes him feel more at ease and in control. It's also rather comfortable. "It's just - I really like you, Blaine."

"I really like you, too, Kurt." Blaine slots their fingers together and rests their hands against his stomach.

"Well, that's good then," Kurt laughs lightly and tries to figure out how to say what he's thinking without sounding like a complete idiot. "I want to know if this is really happening, because, I mean, I know it's happening, but I guess I'm just trying to figure out where we stand. I'm not really sure where we go from here." Blaine nods and squeezes Kurt's hands, urging him to continue. "I live in New York, and you live here when you're not all over the country. I don't want us to move too quickly and then become resentful of each other because we won't be able to spend time together, but I also think this could be amazing, if we let it be."

Kurt pauses to gauge Blaine's reaction. He hopes he didn't come off as too pushy or like he was expecting more than Blaine was. He has only known Blaine for a couple days, and maybe he is reading too much into things. Blaine sits up, letting go of Kurt's hands and winding his arms around Kurt, his fingertips gently rubbing the tension out of Kurt's back.

"I am, without a doubt, one hundred percent smitten with you, Kurt Hummel," Blaine says softly. "I don't want this to be some little fling that we both forget about in a month. I actually don't think I could forget about you if I tried. It sucks that we won't see each other often, but that will just make it even better when we do." Blaine kisses Kurt's jaw quickly before he continues. "I think we should take things slow and just get used to all this." Kurt nods dumbly, his brain fizzling out slightly because Blaine seems to understand exactly where he's coming from. "And I could really get used to having you in my life."

"So we're going to give this a shot?" Kurt asks, dropping his head down to press his forehead against Blaine's. "Even with the distance?"

"Even with the distance."

They spend much less time talking after that, save for occasional comments about when they can see each other again. They don't go any further than kissing and they laugh at how they feel like teenagers, shy and unsure, learning what to do and where to put their hands. By the time Kurt leaves, his mouth is swollen and well used, his pants seem a little too tight, and his heart feels full to the brim with happiness.



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Your story is so good! I love that you keep updating! Keep up the awesome work, i can't wait to see more :)

I love Blaine playing any type of sport but I think that hockey player Blaine might be my new favorite! I can't wait to see where the guys take this!!! Awesome job so far :)
