The Starring Role
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The Starring Role: Chapter 6

E - Words: 6,180 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 19, 2013
98 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: SO sorry for the delay, I wanted to have this up by Thursday. P.S. I had no clue Glee was on hiatus til the day off. Talk about bummer.Anyway, I will try my best to update next week, but I will not make promises. I'm going through some major life changing shit right now, and I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep. Sorry, guys :(Also, feel free to stalk me/talk to me on tumblr, I don't bite! I'll be updating there about what the hell is going on in my life. (

The Starring Role

Chapter 6

The airplane landed in Lima a few hours later (with much rejoicing from Kurt), and they exited the plane hand in hand. They grabbed their luggage and carried it out to the main lobby, stopping by a Starbucks to refuel.

"Everything'll be fine, Kurt, I promise," said Blaine, even though he had no idea if it would be. Even if just the words comforted him, it was still worth it to see Kurt relax at his reassuring voice.

"I hope..."

They called a cab that took them over to the Lima hospital. Kurt was a bundle of nerves the entire ride there, his leg bouncing up and down and his fingers fidgeting with each other. They finally arrived and Kurt all but flew out of the vehicle. Blaine unloaded the trunk of luggage and carried it inside.

"We're here to see Burt Hummel," said Kurt to the nurse. She checked her binder, quickly finding his name.

"Okay, Mr. Hummel is currently sedated at the moment and is not allowed to have visitors."

"Excuse me?!" Kurt's voice rose with disbelief.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can wait outside his room if you'd like, but I am not certified to let you in."

He let out a sigh of frustration, his face quickly becoming red with anger.

"Listen, I flew from Chicago to make sure that my father is alright. The least I could do is to go in and make sure he isn't dead."

"Sir, he is not dead, he is just in pain and he-"

"I don't care what state of pain he's in, I want to see him now."

"Kurt..." Blaine grabbed Kurt's elbow and pulled him away from the desk, mouthing "I'm sorry" to the nurse who gave Kurt a disgusted look.

"Kurt, we aren't going to be able to get in. Maybe we should just wait outside-"

"No! I came to see him and that's what I'll do! I want to see my dad!"

"Hey, I know you do, but it looks like we don't have a choice," said Blaine calmly.

Kurt looked around and deflated in defeat, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. Blaine took him in his arms and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"You've got me here, so you won't be alone."

Blaine dragged Kurt back to the desk and they signed their names, placing name tags on their shirts and made their way up to the fifth floor. Kurt began getting tense as they ascended, going rigid as Blaine tried to comfort him.

"You sure you're going to be alright?" he asked, rubbing his back.

"No. You heard her, she said dad was sedated...Carole told me it was a bad accident but I didn't know it was this bad..."

Blaine's heart seemed to clench at that. He hated not being able to make the worry go away, and it really unsettled him as well.

"We're almost there. We'll see soon," was all he could say.

The doors slid open and they exited, looking for Burt's room. They looked at signs and went down hallways looking for the room. Why weren't the rooms organized in a sensible manner? Who designed this?

They turned down a hall and continued looking at the room numbers.

"Kurt!" came a voice from the end of the hall.

Kurt looked up, teary eyed, and relaxed a little as he ran down to meet the voice. A woman stood there, looking just as puffy eyed and worried as Kurt did, clumped up tissues clenched in her hand.

"Carole," he said, embracing her in a tight hug. "How is he?"

Blaine followed them as they turned and walked down the hall.

"He's doing better, but he's still sedated."

"How did it happen?"

"Burt was driving home from the shop and he was passing an intersection. A car was coming from the other way and he somehow didn't realize the light was red and rammed right into the driver's side. The paramedics say that he was basically knocked out on impact."

"He'll be okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, he'll be fine, he just has some broken ribs and a gash on his head. He was so lucky to only have that...most car accidents like that can give a person traumatic brain injury. I'm just glad he'll be okay."

"So why does he have to be sedated?"

"He's in a ton of pain from the broken ribs. He's not as young as he used to be, so it's going to take a little while for him to heal up."

They stopped in front of a room and Kurt looked inside through the small pane of glass on the door. Tears streamed down his face at the sight and he took in a calming breath. He reached up and touched the door, sliding his hand down the glass. He was so, so close to his father and he had to wait behind a chunk of wood and glass. Still, he was closer here than he was in Chicago.

"Okay, I just want to be sure he's fine...and we can't go in?"

Carole shook her head.

"Not right now, but I'm hoping that they'll let us in once he wakes up and has enough medicine in his system to ease the pain."

He nodded in understanding.

"Come on, sweetie, let's go sit down." She motioned towards some chairs and they slowly walked over. Blaine peeked inside the room once they had moved out of the way. Kurt's father laid there, eyes closed and a soft expression on his face. The IV tube was placed in his arm and his head was wrapped in a white bandage. Blaine's heart fell. He looked back over at the two chatting more about his father and he slowly walked up, careful to be out of hearing distance so he wouldn't interrupt them. But Blaine was curious, so he stepped closer to listen in.

"He's definitely stable, but like I said, the pain level was high when they got him to wake up in the ambulance. They ran tests on him to check for brain injury, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't comply. They got him here and finally put some medicine in his system."

" least he's being taken care of now. I just wanted to be here to make sure he'll be okay."

"Sweetie, you know I'm here."

"I know, I know, but after his heart attack...I just wanted to be sure myself."

"I understand," she nodded.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce you guys," said Kurt, finally turning over to Blaine.

Carole looked up at him and her expression lightened.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I was so distracted I forgot to ask."

She stood up and Blaine walked over to her, taking her hand in a firm handshake.

"I'm Carole, Kurt's stepmom."

"This is Blaine. My...boyfriend," he said, smiling and wiping a tear from his eye.

"Boyfriend?" her face lit up even more, looking at Kurt with a sly smile.

"Nice to meet you, Boyfriend Blaine."

Blaine chuckled and released her hand.

"I'm so sorry about your husband, Mrs. Hummel."

"Hummel-Hudson," said Kurt. Blaine's face reddened and his mouth formed into an O shape.

"Please, call me Carole," she said. "And thank you. I'm just glad he's going to be alright."

"Me too," said Blaine, looking over at Kurt who looked more at ease now that he'd seen his father with his own two eyes.

They sat down together this time, and Kurt and Carole let out a relieved sigh.

"So Blaine," she said after a few moments, "what is it you do?"

"Oh...I'm working on a movie with my friend Wes."

"Don't be so modest," Kurt said, turning to Carole, "he's a producer for a movie. So he's really up there in the business."

"Kurt," snapped Blaine.

"What? You worked hard for that title, might as well use it!"

"A producer! Oh my, how thrilling!"

Blaine could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"What do you do?" asked Blaine, turning the conversation around on her. "Oh, I'm a nurse here, but I'm on my lunch break."

Blaine nodded and sent a smile her way. "Very nice," he said.

"So how did you two meet?" she asked.

"Oh-well," Blaine said. Kurt looked at him with wide eyes and turned back to Carole.

"We actually met in the hotel we were staying at. We were having dinner and I decided to talk to this handsome, devilish man sitting next to me." Blaine blushed and laughed nervously. Was it appropriate to embarrass your boyfriend when he meets your parents?

"Oh, how sweet," she said, eyes glinting at them.

"He actually grew up in Westerville," exclaimed Kurt. Carole gave him a bewildered look.

"Wow, so you guys weren't far from each other at all! What a coincidence that you met in Chicago of all places!"

Luckily, she didn't ask how long they've been together. That would definitely have been a lie at this point.

"Well, boys, my lunch is about done. I have to go back to work, but I'll be checking in on Burt every so often. Are you guys going to hang out here?"

They nodded.

"Okay, if I hear anything else about your father, I'll let you know," she said, leaning down and planting a kiss on Kurt's forehead.

"Thanks, Carole," he said, taking hold of her hand and giving it a squeeze. "We'll be here."

"It was nice to meet you, Blaine. I hope we see more of you around," she said with a big smile, rubbing his shoulder.

"See you boys later."

She walked off down the hall to the main desk and they were left alone.

"What a sweet lady," said Blaine, turning to Kurt.

"Yeah...funny story how they met."

Blaine cocked his head. "Do tell."

Kurt blushed furiously and turned away with an embarrassed smile. "Uh...I don't think so."

"Oh, come on, Kurt. I want to hear it! Did they stumble upon each other in the grocery store? Or did they meet in a hotel and fuck the first night?"

Kurt glared at him sarcastically.


"Please?" begged Blaine, making his eyes wide and giving a pouty face. "I'm just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Can you be anymore cliche?"

"I can try."

Blaine looked at him with some more with sad eyes.

"Okay, fine!" he gave in and Blaine nodded in victory.

", I can't believe I'm actually going to say this. Remember when I said that the male lead of the New Directions was my step-brother?" Blaine nodded, recalling the first time they met in the bar, how they talked about their high school competitions.

"Well, that's his mom. I had...I had a crush on him, and I thought that by getting our parents together, that maybe he would start developing feelings for me."

"Oh." Blaine kept a straight face.

"Yeah, I know it was a really stupid thing of me to think of. It's exactly like straight people thinking they can turn gays. It just doesn't work."

"It wasn't stupid, Kurt, you can't help who you fall in love with." That statement couldn't be anymore true.

"Yeah, but plan worked on getting them together. They've basically been impossible to separate since."

Blaine nodded again.

" you still have feelings for him?" he asked.

"What? Oh, no, no not all. Trust me. He's my step-brother now, and I got over those feelings a long time ago. Incest just doesn't appeal to me."

"It technically wouldn't be incest," countered Blaine, receiving a disgusted look from Kurt.

"Ew. I didn't know you were into that."

"What! I didn't mean it that way, asshole," said Blaine, hitting Kurt in the shoulder.

They laughed and play-hit each other for a few moments. After a fit of giggles, Kurt settled down and leaned his head against the wall.

"So your plan failed, but at least your parents got married!"

"Yeah...even though it wasn't the intended thing, I'm so happy that it happened. I've never seen my dad like this since my mother."

Kurt looked in the distance, reminiscing on his past with a small smile on his face. Blaine wanted to hold him tight, because even though his mother was gone and no one could replace her, Kurt was putting that aside to see his father's happiness.

"You're a great son," Blaine said softly.

"Mmm, I'd like to think so," he replied, sliding down in his chair and placed his head on Blaine's shoulder like he did in the airport.

"You might get to meet Finn tonight when we go back to my place."

"Oh...don't mention anything about..."

"About you calling him a male lead that couldn't take two steps without tripping over his clown feet?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that."

Kurt chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry, Blaine, I don't want my family to hate you."

Hours passed with the two talking about Kurt's past and funny stories from their high school and college experiences. The notion to cheer Kurt up seemed to be working since he was laughing more and visibly more relaxed. Carole came back a few times, checking in on Burt and chatting a little bit with the boys. She came around one last time to them.

"Alright, boys, visiting hours are almost over. I don't think you'll be able to see your father until tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure he'll be much better by then."

Kurt sighed sadly, but understood that this was probably going to happen anyway.

They said their goodbyes, and Carole informed them that she'd be home a little later after her shift. She assured Kurt that the nurses were going to take care of him ("Yes, Kurt, I know the ladies that are caring for him...they'll call...don't worry!").

They headed outside and called a cab (literally called for a cab to pick them up. They aren't as plentiful in Ohio as they are in Chicago) which took them back to Kurt's place.

"Feeling better?" asked Blaine. Kurt turned to him from looking out of his window.

"Yeah...hopefully he'll be alert enough to talk tomorrow. But I'm glad you came with me." Blaine's heart expanded and he rubbed Kurt's knee, letting him know through that small gesture that he didn't want to be anywhere else.

The driver pulled down a street lined with houses that all resembled each other and pulled into the one about five houses down.

"Home, sweet, home," mumbled Kurt, looking at the house from the window. "As much as I hate this town, it's alway so nice to come back here for a few days."

They paid the driver and stepped out of the car, carrying their luggage up the concrete steps.

"Maybe Finn's home," said Kurt, knocking on the door loudly. After a few seconds of waiting, Kurt dropped his bags and bent down to one of the plants on the porch. He lifted a small, potted one and revealed a key hiding underneath.

"God, I'm glad they still have this here."

He unlocked the door and pushed it open to a small hallway. They stepped inside and Blaine shut the door behind him as they took their shoes off.

"Want anything to drink?" asked Kurt, walking into what he assumed was the kitchen.

"Just water," he replied.

He walked over to the wall by the stairs where several pictures hung, all organized around a single word painted on the wall: Family. There were several with Kurt when he was much younger, his hair still perfectly done and his skin even. One of them was a picture of his dad and his mother holding him as a baby, the faces of his parents ecstatic as they welcomed their new baby into the world. Blaine smiled at the one with Burt swinging Kurt around in his arms and the sheer joy that radiated off of their faces. The picture next to that one was of Carole and Burt with Kurt and Finn in their red graduation gowns, parents smiling proudly at their two sons. Another one pictured Carole and Burt in their wedding, sharing an intimate kiss, their faces lit with joy and excitement but calm enough to convey their expressions of love to each other.

"Here." Blaine jumped at Kurt's voice. He turned and saw him, an arm extended with a water bottle in hand.

"Oh. Thanks." Blaine took it.

Kurt looked at the pictures that Blaine was just observing and smiled as he reminisced.

"Isn't it crazy?"

"What?" asked Blaine confused.

"To think that 9 years ago, that was me, ready for my life to begin and so optimistic about everything." He pointed to the picture of him in his graduation gown.

" will do that."

"Yeah, life does that, but I feel like there's still so much to accomplish in's almost as if I haven't accomplished anything."

"What are you talking about? You're designing sets for Broadway. How is that not accomplishing anything?"

"That's the thing. You take these steps in life and some seem minor, some seem huge, but in the end they're still just steps. It's not until you lean back from painting the portrait that's your life and look at it all that you begin to realize just how much you've really done...and just how much white is left on the canvas."

Blaine shuffled on his feet. He didn't like thinking much about his past or his future...he'd rather live right there in the present when things were seeming alright. Reminiscing was never on his schedule.

"Well, now that I'm thoroughly depressed, let's go watch some TV," proclaimed Kurt, snapping out of his trance and grabbing Blaine's hand to drag him into the living room.

"What are we watching?" asked Blaine.

"Whatever's on. My DVD collection is currently in storage until I find a permanent place to live."

Blaine nodded and plopped down onto the couch with a sigh. It had been a long day and he was really exhausted.

Kurt sat down, leaning his back against the arm rest and stretching his legs over Blaine's lap. He flipped the TV on and switched it over to reruns of Project Runway, where both of them judged their opinions vocally on the designers.

A couple of hours later, Blaine was dozing off and falling asleep on the couch. It had been a terribly long day and Kurt's stress seemed to rub off on him, and now that they were completely relaxing, Blaine found it difficult to keep his eyes open. Kurt lifted his legs and stretched, patting Blaine's knee to wake him up.

"Come on, let's go to bed."

Blaine sleepily got up, eyes drooping heavily with sleep. He got up, Kurt grabbing him by the arm and led him to the basement door.

"Grab your bag."

They carried their bags and made their way downstairs to the spacious room where, Blaine assumed, Kurt spent most of his days.

"Where am I sleeping?" asked Blaine, dropping his bag and dragging his feet to the middle of the room.

"With me, of course."

Kurt pulled back the comforter on his bed. Blaine lifted his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall on the floor as he stepped out of them. He felt Kurt's eyes watching him, but in all honesty, he was too tired to even function at this point.

"Like what you see?" he asked lazily.

"I do," blushed Kurt, slipping out of his own clothes. Blaine walked over to the bed and flopped face first onto the bed.

"You must be so exhausted," said Kurt with a chuckle. He climbed over Blaine to the left side of the bed and slipped his legs into the sheets. He reached over and pulled Blaine into his arms, forcing him to half crawl, half drag himself.

"You must be exhausted. I don't know how you're staying awake."

"I'm used to long nights," he smiled at him.

"Sweet dreams," Kurt mumbled as he switched his lights off. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, enveloped in the warmth that his body radiated and nuzzled his head into the crook of Kurt's neck. Kurt pulled the sheets over them and Blaine let his eyes close. He fell asleep to the sound of Kurt breathing.

Blaine sat down in his office, working tiredly away at the huge stack of papers that had piled on there the previous week. He was nervous, though he didn't know why. He would catch up soon enough, and the deadlines for them were way in advanced.

He sat back in his chair with a sigh and rubbed the sleep from his tired eyes. Maybe he'd stop for a small break.

Blaine stood up, the sliding of the chair making an ear splitting noise on the concrete floor. He walked around his desk to the door and opened it up. He made a turn and walked over to the break area where the coffee pots sat on warm burners. It wasn't until about halfway there that he noticed something....

Where was everyone?

He looked around. Usually the halls were littered with people running to and from meetings or workspaces, but it was entirely empty.

Confused, he looked in the costume department. The lights were on and fabric was littered everywhere, but no one was there. He checked the stages to see if Wes had called a meeting and forgot to inform him.

How could he forget? Blaine was the damn producer!

No one.

He felt around in his pocket for his phone. Was it a Sunday? Was everyone taking the day off? Maybe there was a huge storm and nobody came in?

He shook his head. Of course there wasn't a huge storm. He'd definitely stay in if he couldn't get to work.

He continued to walk to the break area, realizing that he was just going to have to continue his work and not worry about anyone else.

Suddenly he heard shuffling in the janitor's closet. Blaine turned to the door, tilting his head to listen. There was definitely a rustling in there.

He tip-toed ever so quietly towards the door. Maybe it was past hours and the janitor was the only one left.

He put his hand on the door handle, hesitating slightly. Should he knock? He didn't want to scare the janitor.

He shoved the thought out and turned the door handle-

And fell back with a scream as he stumbled backwards and fell on the floor. The door flew open and a swarm of bugs came crawling out, hundreds and hundreds of the same creature. Blaine screamed as he backed up frantically, trying to get on his feet before they got to him. Panic struck him and he felt sweat beading on his forehead, his throat seemed to be closing up and he was paralyzed with fear. Another scream erupted from his lungs as he tried to calm himself down long enough to get a grip and stand up.

It was no use, he seemed glued to the spot and he yelled "STOP!" at the insects that were crawling towards him at phenomenal speed.


They gained up on him and several crawled onto his legs. They were centipedes, their tiny legs working to move up the fabric of Blaine's pants.


He kicked and kicked, trying to flip them away as quickly as he could as more and more swarmed from the closet.

This was it. He was dead. Death by centipedes.

Blaine shut his eyes and covered his entire head in his arms, waiting for the insects to crawl down his back and find any opening. He waited...and waited...and waited...

He took a chance peek by squinting his eye open slightly. Then he shot up quickly.

They were gone.

The millions of centipedes were all gone. Vanished into thin air.

"What's wrong?"

"SHIT!" Blaine yelled as a voice came from beside him.

He looked up at the young woman sitting next to him, dressed in black with long, flowing blonde hair. She was thin and had blue eyes, a black church hat perched on her perfectly round head.

"Lindsey?" he asked credulously.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you okay?" she asked, helping him up from the ground.

"Umm...yes, I think."

"You're going to kill yourself by working so much, honey."

"Uh, yeah, but it has to get'd you even get here? More importantly, why are you here?"

"Because you can't spend your life alone, Blaine. Look, there's no one around."

Blaine turned around to look at his surrounding. The bugs were gone, and the only two people were him and Lindsey. No one else was around. He turned back to her.

"When did you-"

Lindsey was now gone, this time replaced with Carole.

"Jesus- Carole, you scared the hell out of me!"

Carole looked up at him.

"...wait what's wrong?" he asked as panic struck him once again. Tears flowed from her eyes as she, too, was dressed in black, a tissue in one hand and a card in another.

"Carole, what happened?" he asked in a panic. She simply shook her head and began crying harder as she leaned into Blaine. He wrapped his arms around her in comfort.

"'s okay, everything's alright."

She sobbed some more before wrapping her own arms around Blaine, squeezing him tighter. He rubbed her back soothingly trying to relax her.

"Carole, what happened?" he asked, afraid of what she was going to say. Had Burt...died?

"She pulled away, wiping her nose with the tissue and handed him the card. She patted Blaine on the shoulder and walked around him. He turned to see her go down the hallway that was lit at the end, her silhouette growing smaller and smaller as she made her way.

Blaine looked down at the white card in his hand, folded neatly.

He opened it up and his heart fell three stories. Someone had died. But it wasn't Burt.

"In Loving Memory

of Kurt Hummel"

Blaine screamed and let the flier fall out of his hand. Kurt was dead. He was gone forever and Blaine didn't even get to say goodbye. His body went completely numb and his stomach lurched painfully as his heart was torn in two.Tears flowed from Blaine's eyes as he backed into the wall and slid down to the ground, vision blurred. Kurt was gone. He was no longer on this earth.

Blaine brought his knees into his chest as he screamed in frustration.

"NO!" he yelled again and again.

Kurt wasn't gone. He couldn't be. Not after everything. Not after making him feel so different. Not after what they went through.

"NO!" He fisted his hair and let out another scream.


Why did this have to happen? Why to him? Why now when things were so great?" He sobbed into his knees, pulling at his hair and shaking his head over and over again, saying "No, no, no."

"Blaine, wake up!"

Everything seemed to go alright, and now Kurt's gone, probably because of him.


Blaine woke up, panting heavily and sweat pouring from his face. His face felt sticky with tears and he sat up, trying to collect himself.

"Oh my god, Blaine, are you okay?"

Blaine looked at his surroundings, trying to register what had just happened. He was pulled from one world to another, and in this one he was sweating and panting. Kurt kneeled next to him, both hands on his shoulders, a look of worry scratched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked again when Blaine didn't respond. "You just kept saying 'no' over and over again."

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, making sure he was real, feeling the warmth radiate from his skin.

"Oh god," said Blaine, shaking slightly. He squeezed tightly, never wanting to let go of him, making sure that he was protected and in his arms.

"It's okay, it was only a dream," said Kurt, rubbing at his sweat-damp curls. Blaine looked up at Kurt and planted a firm and desperate, long kiss on his lips. He let Kurt go and cupped his face with both hands.

"Blaine, Blaine...Blaine," said Kurt against his lips. He refused to let go, not after he had that dream. He was never letting him go. Finally Kurt pushed him firmly.

"Wow! What was that!"

Blaine settled in the bed, still panting heavily as he finally calmed down. His body was damp, and he took in a reassuring breath.

"I just had a really awful nightmare."

"What about?" asked Kurt.

"I was alone at my office and nobody was there and I was trying to figure out why, but I didn't have time to worry about it because I had way too much work to do and then bugs were flying out of the janitor's closet, then Li-"

He stopped short. Lindsey. Shit.

"...uh, I mean, then Carole came out of nowhere and handed me a funeral invitation."

"Carole was in your dream? Whose funeral?"

Blaine looked up at him, slightly scared and slightly embarrassed that he was admitting this.


Kurt's eyes widened, then he smiled genuinely.

"Aww, you were crying because I died?"

"What? I wasn't crying..." said Blaine.

"Yes you were...and it was sweet. In a weird sort of way."

"Well I personally don't ever want to relive that dream again."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's arm and pulled him close.

"It was the worst..." he cupped Kurt's face again and kissed him, softer this time, but still firm with possession.

"Mmm...maybe you should...have these kinds of nightmares...more often," joked Kurt between kisses. Blaine chuckled, the tension finally easing from his body as he gained full consciousness in the real world again.

"Maybe you should...let me wake up...before climbing on top of me," replied Blaine as Kurt lifted himself onto him.

"Maybe you should...shut up and take it."

"Now whose the one trying to get in my pants?" laughed Blaine as he pulled away, refusing to give Kurt any kisses.

"Well...we are alone, Carole's probably in the shower and we have a few minutes."

Blaine didn't need anymore persuasion.

They crashed into a hungry kiss, lips pressing firmly together as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. Their legs tangled together as they writhed, trying to feel as close as possible to each other. Blaine's lips parted and Kurt's tongue immediately began to explore his mouth, teeth clacking together. Blaine could feel Kurt's erection growing harder in his briefs and Blaine was about just as hard as him. Kurt moved his thigh between Blaine's legs and rubbed it against Blaine's crotch.

"Mmm," moaned Blaine against Kurt's mouth. Blaine clawed at Kurt's back, his arousal growing and his need to feel all of Kurt made it worse.

He was never letting Kurt go. This is what he enjoyed, not having sex with Kurt (although it was very nice), but being with him, and being close and being intimate. He was never letting Kurt out of his life.

Blaine slid his hand in between their bodies and into Kurt's briefs, grabbing hold of his cock. He pumped what he could grab and elicited noises from Kurt that went straight to Blaine's stomach.

"Shit," moaned Blaine, thrusting upwards into Kurt's thigh.

They panted as they continued, exploring every part of their bodies. Blaine pumped Kurt frantically, hoping he would get up and tear his briefs off completely so he had more room.

Kurt ran his hands through Blaine's hair, fisting at it as he fucked up into Blaine's hand.

"God, you're gorgeous," said Blaine, mesmerized by the look of pleasure on Kurt's face. He moaned and locked his lips against Blaine again, rubbing his thigh on Blaine's full blown cock just enough to-

"Boys!" called Carole as the door to the basement opened.

Kurt flew off of Blaine and landed next to him, pulling the covers over them again and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. He laid his head down on his pillow and Blaine turned over to the other side, pretending to be asleep as he tried not to notice his throbbing dick.

Carole reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning," called Kurt, voice way higher than normal.

"Good morning," she said with uncertainty as she noticed his heavy breathing. Blaine stirred in his pretend-sleep and blinked his eyes open.

"Er...breakfast soon," she said, turning awkwardly. "Take your time," she mumbled and ascended the steps as Kurt called out an "okay" in a voice much lower than usual. Her footsteps disappeared and they heard the door close.

"Fuck," said Kurt. "That was close."

Blaine turned to him.

"Were you?" he smirked. Kurt smacked his shoulder. "Not even. Talk about ultimate cock-block."

They walked upstairs after (unfortunately) getting dressed, Kurt with a bounce in his feet and Blaine smiling because he was with Kurt. Carole was in the kitchen making breakfast for them in her uniform already.

"Good morning, boys," she said to them, flipping pancakes onto the plate stacked high with them.

"Morning," they said together.

"Kurt, honey, could you get the orange juice out for everyone?"

He walked over to the fridge, leaving Blaine standing awkwardly. He fiddled with his fingers as he looked around the kitchen, finding any single little detail interesting.

"C'mere," said Kurt, motioning for Blaine. He walked over to him and placed on a hand on his lower back.


"Nothing, just wanted you close to me," he smiled. Blaine caught Carole glancing over at them, pressing her lips together to keep from grinning.

"Oh. Well, here I am."

They set the table up together and Carole brought over the pancakes, setting them down in the middle and taking her seat. The boys did the same and Kurt scooped pancakes onto each of their plates. Blaine hugged his mug of coffee in his hands, taking little sips to occupy himself.

"You boys visiting Burt today?" Kurt nodded, his figure slouching as he was reminded of his father.

"Don't worry, sweetie, he should be tons better today."

Blaine rubbed Kurt's knee under the table.

"He'll be fine. I promised he would be," said Blaine. Kurt looked over and smiled sadly. "I hope so."

They finished their breakfast, talking about their lives and generally just making small talk. Blaine tried to make them laugh to lighten up the mood, and it worked for a little. Carole talked about the hospital and told some unimaginable stories that only nurses would know. ("Who does that in a hospital?!")

Carole left after a little bit of chatter and Kurt and Blaine were left alone.

"So what time are we going to the hospital?" asked Blaine.

"Soon. I want to be able to talk to him." He nodded and set his plate down into the sink, running water over it to release the sticky syrup.

"You'll get to meet him finally," said Kurt. "Not in the best circumstances, but meet him nonetheless."

Blaine gulped. Meeting someone's dad was always nerve wracking, no matter how easy going he may be. But Blaine would put on his best persona. After all, he'd been doing it for years.

"Okay. Let's go."


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