The Starring Role
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The Starring Role: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,310 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 19, 2013
1,095 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Not much to say on this chapter except it's basically kind of a filler. Things will pick up next chapter for sure. Let me know what you guys think!

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The Starring Role

Chapter 4

Blaine sat in the meeting dozing in and out of consciousness. Yesterday had been so surreal to him. Never in his life did he ever feel like this for another man. Sure, he'd had his one night stands on more than one occasion, but something about Kurt just made him want more. More of him, more of them, more of everything. It was actually a strange feeling, because he couldn't recall the last time he'd felt like that. He gazed out into the busy city, watching the rain slowly trickle down the window as it caught a few more drops on its way down. Blaine smiled as he remembered he would be able to see Kurt again tonight.


He snapped back into reality as the director and the rest of the team looked at him from their seats at the meeting table.

"Uh...sorry, Wes, I didn't catch what you said."Focus, Blaine.

"I was proposing that we hire another editor for the film because post production will take a while longer than most," said Wes with a raised eyebrow. Blaine could feel his gaze boring into him only like a best friend's does. Wes didn't have to vocalize anything, but Blaine felt his question through the air.

Blaine looked down and flipped through his binder to the budget section, ignoring his look, and quickly taking a note down while looking at the funds left for the film.

"I believe that would be possible, but if anything else changes, I'll let you know," he said, clicking his pen and looking back up.

He nodded and turned to back to the other crew members and began talking about what crews needed to speed up their pace, which ones can help out where, etc. Blaine tried to stay focused, he really tried. But everything that was said always brought his mind back to the hotel room.

Wes dismissed everyone from their weekly meeting and Blaine got up and escaped from the room as soon as he gathered his paperwork. He went over to the break area and poured himself a cup of coffee. He needed some caffeine, after spending almost all night in bed but not sleeping. Blaine sighed as he took the first sip, letting the hot liquid run down his throat and warm up his cold body.

"Hey, Blaine, you alright?" Wes came up from behind and patted his shoulder.

"What? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," chided Blaine with a smile.More than fine, actually.

"You just seemed a little...out of it in there. I just wanted to make sure things are going well."

Blaine nodded.

"No need to worry, bro, things are under control. They'll be better once I can actually wake up," said Blaine taking another sip and almost choking as he took a bigger gulp on accident.

"Well, try to take it easy. Actually, don't, because there's no such thing as taking it easy in this field. You know what I mean," said Wes, rolling his eyes and laughing as Blaine chuckled.

"I'll get my work done, Wes. No worries."

Wes nodded and lightly punched Blaine with a smile, then walked away to catch up with the set crew.

Blaine went from one crew to another, getting updates, giving people deadlines, giving people orders, and finally back to his office to finish up some paper work, but he was not into it at all today. He did his work, just not with his whole head in the game.

A few people came in with questions on stretching their budget or for guidance. The light crew came in asking about different light filters to use in the dream sequence scene and the set crew came in to ask about any detailing on the Styrofoam mountains. Blaine advised them etch in a little more here and there to give the look of depth and to smooth out other places so it wouldn't look so raggedy. It was quite a busy day, and as much as Blaine loved his job, he was more than ready for the day to be over.

Finally, it was time to head back to the hotel, and Blaine all but ran out of the building, pulling his umbrella out and walking down the street. He waved a taxi down and climbed in, telling the driver which hotel to drop him off at.

He pulled out his phone once settled down in his seat and saw that Lindsey had texted him. Quickly, he replied to her and had a small conversation about his day and asked about hers. The conversation died once she said she was going out with her girlfriends, so Blaine settled back in his seat and stared out at the soaring skyscrapers, their tops hidden by grey clouds. The city was definitely the right place for him to be. It never dawned on him why his parents would choose a place as secluded as Westerville to live because there had been nothing remotely interesting to him there.

After about an hour in horrendous traffic (perks of a busy life), Blaine finally arrived, running inside and taking the stairs up to his room because of all the extra energy he seemed to have. By the time he reached the fifth floor, though, he regretted not taking the elevator. He still had a little time before he was supposed to meet Kurt, so he would take a quick shower and change into something casual.

He swiped his key card and walked into his room and flipping on the light switch. He took a step in and heard a crunching sound. He stepped back and saw a piece of paper folded up on the floor. Someone must have slid it under the door. He picked it up and unfolded it.


I have to stay late tonight at the theatre, but I'll be back around 10

Come around by then if you aren't too tired,


Blaine frowned. What was he supposed to do now? He flopped down on the bed, throwing his umbrella across the room and lying down on his back. Well, now he could at least clean up the room a little and take his time with his shower. He rolled over and inhaled deeply. It smelled like Kurt. Blaine smiled and reached for the pillow, hugging it to his chest and burying his nose into it. He'd wait for Kurt tonight, there was no doubt about it. Blaine suddenly got an idea and smiled to himself. He'd surprise Kurt; nothing huge, just a small something that will hopefully brighten his day. Blaine closed his eyes and drifted off into a restful sleep as images of Kurt danced around his head.

Blaine walked down the stairs to Kurt's floor at around 10:15, and found the room he had mentioned the day before. He paused, listening intently to hear if Kurt was inside the room. He heard some shuffling around inside as well as some humming. Blaine smiled. He took in a breath and patted down his head of short curls, then sniffed himself just as a group of people walked by him. He smiled awkwardly at them as he turned back to the door and knocked.

"Coming!" came the voice from inside. After a click from the lock, the door swung open and Kurt was there, smiling in his sweatpants and t-shirt (yet he still looked like he was taken right out of a magazine), and looking extremely tired.

"Hi," he said with a grin. Blaine returned the smile, a little concerned, but still managed to breathe a greeting.

"Come in," said Kurt, stepping to the side. Blaine walked in, looking around to gather in the room. It was exactly the same as his. He didn't know why he thought it would have been different.

"What's that?" asked Kurt, pointing to the bags Blaine was carrying.

"Oh!" he said looking down, forgetting he was even holding them. He lifted them up and smiled a bit.

"I brought us some take-out from the Chinese place a few blocks down. I figured you'd be too tired to do much, so..."

Kurt smiled even brighter and took the bags from him.

"Awe, thanks," he managed to say, setting the bags down on dresser. "You didn't have to do that," he continued as he opened them up and pulling out a container of lo mein. "Although I'm not gonna argue because this smellsdelicious."

Blaine chuckled and decided to open up the other bag and pull out some crab rangoon and orange chicken. He grabbed the chopsticks and handed one set to Kurt, who smiled at him and they settled down on the bed. Kurt flipped the TV on to the news and they ate, Kurt managing to use his chopsticks like he had been raised to use them instead of a fork.

"So, busy day?" asked Blaine, making small conversation. Kurt rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Jesus, it was horrific. The things that I have to go through because we didn't have enough wood for the platform." Blaine chuckled as he bit off a chunk of his chicken.

"What about you?" asked Kurt, fishing inside his carton.

"Oh, you know, just a meeting and filing and bossing people around. Quite the normal day."

Kurt smiled at him and Blaine returned it. It had only been a few short hours that they'd gotten to know each other but Blaine melted whenever Kurt gave him that unbelievable grin.

"So, Blaine, we got down to business rather quick last night and the day before, I didn't even get to know you."

Blaine blushed and looked down at his lo mein, which suddenly became extremely interesting.

"Uh...yeah, well..."

"You went to Dalton, as I recall."

Blaine nodded.

"Yep. Graduated from there, went on to pursue my dream. Coincidentally, my buddy Wes and I ended up in the same field and now we're working on the same movie."

Kurt nodded enthusiastically.

"Huh, small world! I would've thought getting out of a small Ohio town would make it impossible for anyone to run into you, yet here you are working with your best friend."

Blaine moved uncomfortably in the bed. Did they have to talk about their past right now?

"Yeah, small, tell me about your high school. I bet being number 1 in the nation must've been a pretty good feeling," said Blaine, trying to turn the conversation around to him.

Kurt nodded sadly.

"Yeah, that was amazing. But that's as far is it goes. High school was a nightmare for me, mainly because of all the homophobic morons that roamed the halls. I never caught a break from anyone, and Glee was my outlet. It was my safe place where I felt like I belonged."

"Were...were you bullied?" asked Blaine. With downcast eyes, Kurt nodded.

"Shoved into lockers, thrown into dumpsters, slushies thrown at me."

"Kurt, I'm so sorry," said Blaine sympathetically, letting his chopsticks fall and placing a hand over Kurt's.

"It's alright," said Kurt with a shrug. "I'm here now, right? I showed them all that I could make it. Even if most of them don't know what happened to me, I know deep down that I'm living for me and not what anyone else wants me to be. They beat me down, but I came back stronger than ever."

Blaine smiled at him, admiring his courage. It was also extremely inspiring to hear someone being suppressed and finally rising to the top.

"Did they anything to you?" asked Blaine curiously.

Kurt hesitated, using his chop sticks to poke around at some chicken in his carton.

" don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I was just wondering..." said Blaine. After another moment's silence, Blaine cleared his throat.

"I, um...had an incident in elementary school. I asked a guy out to the Sadie Hawkin's dance and he said yes. So, excited as I was, I chose the perfect outfit and was so thrilled to be going to my first dance," Blaine recalled the memory, staring down at the bed while speaking, "and I just couldn't wait. We got to the dance and had a good time, though we'd gotten some looks from the people around us – what else would you expect in Ohio. Anyway, afterwards we were waiting outside and some idiots beat the shit out of us. It was...a moment I'll never forget."

It was Kurt's turn to put his food down and hold onto Blaine's hand. His eyes looked sad, and Blaine didn't want his sympathy, he just wanted to be with Kurt.

"I was taken to the hospital. I didn't have anything major, just a stitch or two by my eyebrow," he said pointing at a scar on his face, "but my date...well, he got the worst end of it. He basically had his ass handed to him."

"Was he okay?" asked Kurt, enthralled in the story.

"Yeah, he ended up being fine physically. But emotionally, he was scarred. He stopped talking to me, put on a mask and continued on with his life trying to blend in with the crowd so he wouldn't have to deal with coming out-"

Blaine stopped short. He was talking about this guy like he was did something wrong back then. Isn't that exactly what he was doing in his liferight now?Wasn't he hiding himself just so he didn't have to deal with living the life he really wanted that would be tied up with so many problems? Blaine was disgusted with himself. Here he was, trash talking his date at the time without turning a mirror on himself.

"Blaine?" asked Kurt.

He shook his head and looked at Kurt's hand, holding onto his with a reassuring grip.

"Sorry, I, um..."

"No, no, you don't have to talk about it."

Blaine shook his head again.

"But, like you said, I'm here now. Nothing can stop me. My parents switched me over to Dalton and I was finally in a friendlier environment. I graduated, went off to college, and bam. Here I am," smiled Blaine. Kurt patted his hand and looked down.

"At McKinley, there was a bully there who harassed me from day one. He shoved me against lockers, threw slushies at me, threw me in the dumpster...the works. Then one day, I snapped. I ran after him into the locker room and went off, calling him out on his bullshit that he can never beat the gay out of me and he will never change who I am. Then he kissed me."

Blaine gasped and knitted his eyebrows.

"Wait, seriously?"

Kurt nodded.

"Yep. He tried going after me again, but I shoved him off and ran. Then he threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone."

"Wait, you told someone, right? Tell me you didn't go through the rest of high school cowering," said Blaine.

"Well...yes and no. Eventually my dad badgered me about it because he knew something was up, so I told him he threatened to kill me. He arranged a meeting for all of us, but I lied about what he threatened me for."

"Kurt, you should have said something, that wasn't right for him to do," said Blaine. "Imagine how things would have turned out!"

"Like, what? Revenge? What would that have done? Nothing at all. Outing someone against their will is...wrong. I haven't done it and I'll never do it, even if it's for revenge."

Blaine sat there stunned. Was he serious? Kurt had a lot of courage, and Blaine would never be able to hold something in like that, especially if someone threatened tokillhim.

"Wow...that's incredibly brave."

Kurt shrugged.

"It's in the past. I've moved on and hopefully he has, too."

Kurt played with his food a little while his lips were parted, like he was thinking of something to say. A long moment of silence went by and Blaine felt uncomfortable because Kurt wasn't looking quite happy.

"Blaine...I've got to be honest."

Blaine's heart stopped. Oh, no. He knew what was coming, so he held his breath.

"Yeah?" he finally said.

"It's just...I don't know, I kind of really like you. And I just don't know...where we stand I guess. I mean, we've only known each other for a short time, but I just feel different around you. Even if most of the times we were completely naked. far I like being around you, and this just feelsright."

Blaine let out his breath in a chuckle. He internally sighed in relief. Good, Kurt didn't want to break this off.

"But, I just don't know how this is going to work, I guess. I'd like to keep in touch even when I have to go to a different city to help set up their stages."

Blaine nodded, feeling his heart sink a little bit. He didn't think this conversation was going to happen so soon.

"Of course we'll keep in touch. Kurt, I honestly have not stopped thinking about you all's really embarrassing to admit," Blaine said, rubbing at the back of his head, "but I enjoy your company. We're both adults, we can officially claim this as a date, right?"

Kurt smiled as he licked some sauce off of his chopstick, making Blaine ache at the way Kurt wrapped his tongue around it.

"Why, yes," exclaimed Kurt. "This could be a date of sorts. You chose a good night to be cheap."

"Oh did I?" asked Blaine leaning over to Kurt. "Well, maybe if you're good I can take you to a place that doesn't involve the use of two twigs as utensils." Blaine planted a soft kiss on Kurt's lips, making him shiver at the touch. He pulled back and Kurt smiled brightly.

They picked up their food again and continued eating while watching the late news. They chatted a little about nothing in particular, just small talk here and there. Blaine finished his food and set it down, leaning back on the bed with a sigh.

"Oh my god, I'm stuffed," he said, rubbing his aching belly.

"Me too," said Kurt, getting up and wobbling over to the trashcan. "I can hardly walk," he laughed as he threw the empty box away.

Blaine chuckled as Kurt made his way over to him and climbed back onto the bed. Blaine gasped as he straddled his hips like he'd done the previous night and planted a deep kiss onto Blaine's lips. His breath tasted strongly of orange and grease from the food, and Blaine took it in hungrily. Not because of the food, but because he had missed Kurt's lips and fantasized about this all day.

"Thanks for the dinner," said Kurt softly.

"Anytime," said Blaine, equally as soft with a smile spread across his mouth. Kurt kissed him again, slow and delicate and comforting as Blaine sighed into him, relaxing into the bed further.

"Is there a part two to this date?" asked Kurt, swiping his tongue across Blaine's bottom lip. He moaned into Kurt, trying to formulate some words, but Kurt's tongue was making him go insane.

"Uh – well, we...yes," he got out as Kurt pulled away. "Let's go down to the hot tub."

They met in the pool room 15 minutes later, both in their swimming trunks, t-shirts and sandals as they exited the building to the pools outdoors. Kurt shivered at the chilly air as they set their towels down on a nearby chair and kicked their sandals off.

"You chose a hell of a night to be outside," complained Kurt.

"Well, that's the point of the hot tub, smart ass," laughed Blaine as he took his shirt off. Kurt did the same and threw his shirt to the side. Blaine couldn't help but stare at Kurt's fit body, the way his body slimmed down into tight muscles at his stomach. His pale skin seemed to glow outside underneath the artificial lighting that comes with any big city. Kurt crossed his arms and shivered again as the cold air brushed across his skin.

"Can we get in now?" he asked. Blaine shook his head, snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go."

Blaine toed the steaming water to test the temperature then stepped down, feeling his skin prickle at the intense heat, yet it felt completely calming at the same time. He flopped down on the stone bench in the water and sighed as his body quickly became accustomed to the temperature.

"Feels great," he mumbled as he rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep on me," said Kurt, climbing in quickly after Blaine. He sat across from Blaine in the small, circular tub and sunk down until his head was the only thing above water.

"Oh, yeah, this is it," he mumbled, a small smile forming on his lips as he warmed up.

"Not bad for a first date, huh?" joked Blaine, kicking Kurt's leg.

"Not bad for a first date," mimicked Kurt as he brushed his leg against Blaine's. He'd missed this all day, feeling Kurt's skin against his. Blaine looked around. No one else was around. Suddenly, Blaine became extremely aroused.

Kurt kept rubbing his leg with his own while he closed his eyes. Blaine grew hard beneath the water, looking around one more time. Definitely alone. And with a half hour until the pools closed.

Blaine wrapped his legs around one of Kurt's, locking onto it and attempting to pull him forward, but Kurt just sat there, eyes closed and leg still brushing against Blaine's. Blaine grabbed himself over his shorts and tried to calm himself down, willing his erection to go down. As much as he wanted sex again, he just didn't want to make it all about it. They'd officially called it their first date, but Blaine didn't want to keep at this every night. He didn't want to make Kurt feel used.

Why now, Anderson?

Blaine closed his eyes, trying to think of things that didn't involve sex (which was all he could think of at the moment).

Calm down, Blaine. Think of kittens, some music, even iced tea, for God's sake.

Blaine heard the water move a bit and he opened his eyes to see Kurt gliding over to him, eyes blown.

"Kurt, what..."

He got his answer as Kurt put his own hand on Blaine's crotch. He gasped in relief as Kurt straddled his legs, palming Blaine with force.

"Oh, god," he moaned softly as he threw his head back. "K-Kurt, you don't –fuck – have to do this."

Kurt shh'ed him began pecking at his jawline.

"I'm repaying you for this morning."

"You d-don't have to repay me," managed Blaine as Kurt slipped his hand beneath the elastic of his swim shorts.

"Want to."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's arm that was rubbing his cock and pulled it down to create more friction against his cock. Kurt attached his lips to Blaine's neck and began sucking.

"Fuck," moaned Blaine, rocking his hips up into Kurt's hand. He looked around, but they were still alone. Kurt pulled his hand out of Blaine's shorts and he whimpered at the loss, but was quickly returned when Kurt pulled his trunks down to his thighs. He grabbed Blaine's hard cock tightly as he slowly pumped him.

"Mmm," moaned Blaine as he slid his arms down Kurt's back and into his shorts, cupping his incredible ass. He kneaded and squeezed them as Kurt continued to rub Blaine in a slow rhythm. Kurt rocked his own hips back into Blaine's rough hands as he still sucked on Blaine's neck. He knew he was going to have to cover it up tomorrow, but right now he couldn't give two shits.God,Kurt made him want to do things he normally wouldn't with someone. Like jack him off in a public pool.

"So close already," said Blaine. Kurt tightened his grip and began pumping faster as Blaine did the same on Kurt's ass. Blaine chewed on his bottom lip as the familiar buildup began in his stomach, the coiling sensation beginning deep inside his stomach.

"You're so fucking hot when you're needy," said Kurt, finally pulling away from Blaine's neck and staring right into his golden, lustful eyes.

"Make me come," demanded Blaine through gritted teeth. Kurt's eyes darkened as he pumped as fast he could. Blaine's breathing quickened as he felt his cock twitch, his head becoming foggy as his orgasm built in intensity. He closed his eyes and leaned back, his hips bucking uncontrollably as it took over him. His grip on Kurt's ass tightened as he fucked into Kurt's hand, his gasping becoming harsher and harsher. Kurt pumped harder, using his other hand to play with Blaine's balls, kneading them in his hands. Blaine's vision went blurry around the edges as he came and yelled out into the night.


Kurt swept his tongue over Blaine's neck as he slowed his tempo down, tasting the chlorine and sweat off of his skin while pumping Blaine through his orgasm.

"Oh my god," said Blaine as he came down from his high and stared at Kurt. "I've never done that before," he laughed.

"You've never gotten a handjob before?"

"Not in a hot tub," remarked Blaine, still panting and smiling.

Kurt smiled. "First time for everything," he winked as he let go of Blaine and wrapped his arms around his neck, planting a firm kiss.

"Mmm, you give the best kisses," complimented Blaine. He could feel Kurt's smile on his lips and they sat there for a good while, just exchanging soft kisses to each other and basking in the warmth of the hot tub. Finally, Kurt pulled back, his cheeks flushed red from the heat and stood up.

"It's really hot now," he said, climbing the steps. Blaine pulled his shorts back up and followed him, adjusting his still softening cock. He stepped out and Kurt greeted him by wrapping his towel around Blaine and leaving another kiss for him. He smiled as he dried himself off a bit.

Blaine was really happy now. He felt like he was on top of the world. Nothing could knock him down from this feeling of being wanted. Kurt wanted him and even initiated it, and it just felt completely mind blowing.

They walked back to their rooms, kissing goodnight as the elevator opened up on Kurt's floor. Blaine watched as he trotted away in his shorts and sandals, looking absolutely adorable.

Everything seemed like it was in place and going in the right direction, but Blaine knew deep down that this was just the beginning of a world that had to fall apart in order to be right.


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A filler? No my dear, that was not a filler. That was awesome. I know the shit's gonna hit the fan soon- and although I don't want to have all the angst, I kind of do! Love this story :)

No worries for the angst just yet.I like to get everyone's hopes up first, then crush their hearts! (I know, I'm so evil) All in good time, my dear!

Omge they're perfect. Blaine's wife gots to go. Bitch gots to go. Klaine is perfect. This. Is. Such. A. Good. Fan. Fiction.