Pain In So Little Words.
Chapter 3 Why him Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Pain In So Little Words. : Chapter 3 Why him

M - Words: 1,938 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Feb 14, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
305 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes:

(Blaines POV)

Dear poetry book,

My poemtodayisabouthow I feel about my Love Bug. He hasn'ttalkedto me in three days,not sinceafterthatsmall fightwe hadwhile we weretextinga while ago...

(Flash back)

<3Love Bug<3: hey Blaine, want to go to the movies before Monday?

Me: i would love to but i cant, got to get unpackedbeforeMonday, first day at schooland all that.

<3Love Bug<3: but you said that yesterday.. are you mad at me? did i do something wrong?

Me: no, im just a busy, busy bee ok, gosh!

<3Love Bug<3: finewhateverI'll gowithoutyouthen~.~

Me: come on hon, stop that

<3Love Bug<3: don't call me hon. you'reso off my contacts.

Me: kurt please dont :(


(1day later)

<3Love Bug<3: ... Blaine?

Me: yes?

<3Love Bug<3: ...

Me: Kurt, you there?

Me: i know you'remad, but youcanat least say bye

Me: whatever

(End flash back)

So I was at schooltoday,and he wasn'tthere... so Ijust felt like Ihad to make this poem for my Love Bug.

'I'm So Sorry.

Cry and cry,

My tearswon't dry with him not by my side.

A frienduntilthe end is whatIneed,

But he's mad and won't see I'm sorry.

Ineed to be by his sideuntilthe day I die,

A friend till the end is all you need,

And the lovefromthe one who means the world to you.

He's afriendthatstaysand watchesyour back,

He'severythingyou can dream of.

I wish and wish this was a dream.

The boywho'smy friend,

The boywho meansthe world to me...


Hewon't see I'm sorry...'

I put my poem book away and sat on my bed, looking at my phone as it rang.

"Hello?"I said,answering.

"Hi, is this Blaine Anderson?" anolderman'svoicesaidon the phone.

"Um, yes itis–what do you need?" The voice let out a deep breath.

"...I need you to come down to the hospital. There'sbeen anaccident."

"Who'shurt?" I asked. I was getting reallyworried at this point.

"A –uh... a mister Kurt Hummel."


Istopped,unable to breathe or speak. I felt something watery running down my cheek,andrealized Iwas crying.

"Is he–is hegoing to be okay"Iaskedonce I was able to breathe again.

"We'renot sure at thispoint,but he keptsaying your name when we brought him in, and so we called you."

I hung up the phone and ran to the key-hook, praying to god that my keys would be there.And for once, they were.I grabbed themhastily, and just as I was going for the door,my dadappeared from the kitchen andstopped me.

"Where're you going, little buddy?"he asked.

I hated my dad. He was avery one-tracked-mindedman, and thought I was the worst thing that couldhave everhappen to him.I was no more than a disappointment in his eyes.His onlychildturningout gaywas one of the worst possible things to happen in his life.

"I –I'm going to the hospital" I said,hating how scared I felt.

"Andwhydoyou need to leave?"My dad wore a mocking smile as he went on."Aww..."he said in a high-pitched voice."Issomeoneyou love hurt?"

My blood was boiling.Who gave him the right?But as always I didn't say anything. As always I was too scared.

"Looks like you'lljust haveto stay here and cry like a little baby." My dad took my keys and swung them in front of my face.

"I need to go, they asked for me!Please dad,I'llbe home soon, I just need to go..." I pleaded with him as he taunted me.

"Blaine'sgonnahave tocryandkiss my feet like a good little fag, andthen maybe I'llthink about it." as he said this I looked at him. Then I did as he said,because what did I have to lose, really?I kissed his feet, feeling disgusted with myself for how much I let myself be controlled by him.As I got up, he kicked me in the face.It hurt like hell but I refused to show my pain.

"Fine, take your gay car and getthe fuck out of here."he growled.

As I walked out, I could hear my dad breath out andmutter something under his breath,"i love you.." as if. He would hurt me when ever he could and called me namesbut this was going to have to wait, I needed to get to Kurt. My Love bug needed his Blaine.

Drivingdown what seem to be a never ending street, Ifinallyreachedthe hospital. I parked and ran inside.

"Whereishe? I need to find him, please –someone help!"I yelled.

A man came to me,and after helping me to calm down enough, I managed to explain who I was searching for.To my reliefheknew were Kurt was, andhetoldmefollow him.

As I walked behind himthrough the big building, I was feeling so scared... What was Kurt going to look like? Was he stillalive, even?

The man turned the next corner,and a sign hanging from the ceiling told me thatwe were in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). My eyes got wide ashe walkedme to a door that said that this wasroom BA 785.

"He'sin there;we gave him a privet room, thought it was the best thing to do with the state he's in.I'lllet the doctor explain the rest."

The man walked away,andat that point I was crying. I took a deep breath andenteredthe room to see Kurt with a cast on one leg and a bandageoverhis head.

"Hi there,are you Blaine?" a soft spoken voice came from behind me.

"Yes that's me." I said through my tears. It was the doctor, she was about 5'2 and as little as she could get.

"My name is Miss Jackson, but you can call me Mars."the woman said.Ijustlooked at her,silently asking her to tell me what was wrong with Kurt.

"He can hear you when you talk to him. He's in amedicalinducedcoma. He has coded on usabout fivetimes and he'sbeen stable for abouttwo hours."

"For how long have he been here?" I asked.

"SinceSaturday night."the doctor answered. Shestopped and looked at me, and I wastrying my best to keep myself frombreaking down. I couldn'tbelievewhat was happening.Wasthat what he'd beentryingto tell me when he texted me this Saturday?

"Is he going to make it?" I asked her,feeling how I was getting closer and closer to falling apart again.

"At this point he has a 85% chance ofsurviving,so it is pretty good if you look at the fact thathe was at 50%when he first got here. He'simproved quite a bit."

She left the roomand Isat down next to Kurt.I took his hand in mine, so scared he would never wake up.

"Oh Kurt... please make it. Stay here with me."I took a deep breath, then, in a little whisper, I said;

"I love you Kurt. Ireallydo."

(Kurt's POV)

It wasdark, andto my reliefIcould feelthatthepain wasn't as intense as before. I could hear Blaine. I could hear his voice ever so softlytalking to me somewhere far away.It sounded sad,and for a moment I wondered why,then it cameto me what had happened.


Me: I'll be back later, going to movies alone.

Dad: Ok, be safe

I walked out the door of the school.I was the last student to leave; the rest had gone home hours earlier.I'd stayed behind, deciding touse thechoirroom topractice singing asong I wanted to sing to Blaine.

Walking over the nearly completely empty parking lot,I realized I'dforgottenmyhomeworkand turned to walk back to the school to get it. Only, something stopped me. Isaw Hank,the new school bully, and turned around instantly, praying for all that was good that he hadn't seen me.

What was he even doing at the school this late?I'd been so sure it was only me and the janitors left. I hurried my steps, running the last bit tomy car.

As I drove to the cinema, I drove just a little quicker than I was allowed to. I couldn't help it. Seeing Hank always made me feel so uneasy.

Iwatchedmy new favorite movie,Pitch Perfect,and as I left the cinema I'd been able to relax my nerves. That proved to be a big mistake. Before I'd reached my car, someonepushed medownthelittlealleywayjust a couple of feet from the safety of my car.

"Hey Princess Pay-Pay, thought you couldoutsmartthe Hank?" I lookedupat him, instantly horrified. It was Hank,he'd followed me, and this time he was accompanied withDavid, my first,and before Hank the meanest,bully.

"What do you want?" Isaid, trying my best to keep my voice steady.

Hank laughed and pushed mewith all his might over my chest.I fell to the ground.And like that wasn't enough, hekicked me in the side.I strangled a whimper in pain, the worst thing I could do in that moment was to show them how much pain I was in and how scared I was.

Their laughter echoed between the walls and when I'd finally regained enough power over my body,I stood up and ranas fast as I could, trying to get as far away from the jocks as possible.

My head was still spinning, and my heart sank even further when I realized I'd run the wrong way. I was further away from my car now than I had been before. Looking around in panic, I found a ladderand jumpedupin an attempttograb it.Butas I put my hands on the ladder,two pairs of big handsgrabbedmy legsand they pulled me down.

My headhitthe ground andIfelt blood runningdown my face. I kickedand kicked in desperate attemptsto get awayfrom them.My effort was to no use,theywere way too strong. I gotdragged away and thenpushed forward and I hit what had to be a wall.I fought to get loos,but still to no use. The two of themjust kicked and hit me and then I hearda crack, and pain shot through my leg as it snapped.

(Blaine's POV)

I sat there sobbing next to Kurt's lifeless body, just wanting him to move.

"Kurt –please come back to me... I have so much I want to tell you and –I can't..." I kissedKurt's hand and then laid my head on his bed and cried.I didn't even try to hold it back anymore. There was no use anyway. Then suddenlyI heardthe most beautiful sound in the world.

"Bla... Blaine?" Kurt spoke andI shot my head up from where it was resting on his bed. After smiling at him in pure relief,I ran to the door.

"Jackson–Miss Jackson!" I yelled, looking for her frantically

"Yes?" a voice from behind me said and I swung around.

"Miss Jackson–Kurt–he...he said my name–he said something!" she looked at mefor a second,then walkedpast me into room 785.

"Well, then let's go look at him and see if anything has changed."I followed her eagerly, hoping that he was still awake.

Kurt's eyeswereopen, looking at us with a big smile as he saw me.I sighed in relief once more and beamed back at him.

"Well hello Kurt, I see you have woken up."Miss Jackson looked at the patient."how are –"

"Kurt, oh my god, baby, you'reokay."I burst, cuttingofftheDoctorand ran to Kurt's side.

"Blaine,"he smiled weakly, and it almost looked like he tried to roll his eyes at me."let her speak." Kurt whispered to me, and with a little nod, Miss Jacksoncarried on

"How are you,Mr. Hummel?How're you feeling?"

Kurt looked at her, thenback atme and thenswept his eyes quickly aroundthe room.

"I'm okay. Looking at what happened, I guess I'm lucky to even be here, so I'm grate." Kurt said,holdingmy hand and looking at Miss Jackson.

"Okay, well, we'regoing to keep you in here in ICU fortwomore days, then send you down to recovery and then we'llgo from there. But you beingawakeand talking to us it agoodsign. You'regoing to be just fine." the Doctor finished and walked out the room.

That's when Kurt looked at me and said;

"How do you love me?" he asked me, as if it was the most important thing for him. Ididn'tknow how to answer this at all.

"Um...Idolove you, Kurt.Of course I do, we're friends, right? Friends love friends all the time, don't they?" I asked him,not able to look him in the eye. Because if I did I might not have been able toavoid saying thatI was in love with him and his beautiful self.

"Yeah, yeah, fine, I'm not in the mood to pick any bonestoday. But just watch it Mister Anderson,I'llfind out your secret." Kurt said, then fellbackto sleep.

What was I going to do? He meant the world to me, but I could never tell him how I felt. I didn'twant to destroyour friendship.

"Good night Kurt, sweet dreams." I kissed his forehead and fell to sleep next to his bed.

End Notes:

ok so chapter three tell me what you think


Sohpia DM ^,^


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