The Set Up
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Set Up: Chapter 6

M - Words: 1,705 - Last Updated: May 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: May 16, 2012 - Updated: May 16, 2012
160 0 0 0 0

Blaine’s hand cupped Kurt’s face as the kiss became more and more passionate. Kurt let out a little moan and Blaine gave a breathy laugh. Blaine’s other hand found the front of Kurt’s tight trousers and he felt Kurt. Blaine laughed a little again. He let his hand feel around until he put pressure on the palm of his hand causing Kurt to moan once more. Kurt clung to Blaine’s neck kissing him again and again occasionally giving little moans. After a few minute’s Kurt let out a sigh of relief and Blaine stopped and moved his hand back up to Kurt’s face and sat up pulling Kurt with him. Kurt sat with his legs wrapped around Blaine.                                                                                                                                                      Kurt and Blaine shared a look only a couple could share. Blaine loved how close they were at this moment. Yeah, doing stuff was fun and could be exciting, but he loved this moment. Where they just sat looking into each other’s eyes.                                                   A couple more minutes passed and Blaine excused himself “I just need to go the men’s” Blaine said laughing and moving away from Kurt.                                                              “Erm Blaine?” Kurt asked blushing furiously.                                                                        “Yeah?” Blaine asked, lowering his eyebrows in confusion.                                      “I kind of…” Kurt blushed even more. “I kind of need to change my pants.” Kurt said.                                                                                                                                                            “Oh god yes!” Blaine remembered. Kurt must be fairly uncomfortable and Blaine forgot he wouldn’t have a spare change of clothes when he was… ‘taking care’ of Kurt. “Come on, I’m sure I have something that should fit you” Blaine said taking Kurt’s hand and leading him to his bedroom. Blaine opened the door and pulled Kurt in after him. His room was huge with a large double bed in the middle made of dark oak with a matching closet and dresser complete with dark blue carpet and a gold and white coloured bed spread.   Lining his room was one shelf that went all the way round covered in books. Blaine rifled through one of the draws whilst Kurt looked at some of his pictures which hung next to his bed. There was a picture of Blaine that caught Kurt’s attention. He was wearing a blue blazer with red detailing and standing with ten or so more boys all wearing the outfits. “That was me at Dalton” Blaine said behind Kurt wrapping his arms round Kurt’s waist resting his chin on Kurt’s shoulder.                                                                                                                   “Blazers?” Kurt questioned mockingly.                                                                                  “I happen to think I looked pretty sophisticated thanks very much” Blaine laughed leaving some pyjamas and some clean underwear on the bed for Kurt. “Just throw your dirty clothes in the hamper and we can wash them for tomorrow” Blaine said “If you want to stay the night” He added checking the clock, it was quarter to midnight.                                            “Sure” Kurt smiled and Blaine left Kurt to change and go to the bathroom.                       

            When Blaine came back he found Kurt had changed and was sat on the bed reading a magazine he found on Blaine’s dresser. “Hey” Blaine said walking in. Kurt smiled. Blaine went on to finding himself some pyjamas and got changed in front of Kurt. Not that Kurt minded anyway. Then Blaine went into his on suite to brush his teeth. “Need a toothbrush Kurt?” Blaine called out of the bathroom.                                                                                             “Oh yeah that would be great” Kurt called back hopping off the bed to join Blaine in the bathroom. Kurt took the spare brush, did his teeth then followed Blaine back into the bedroom.                                                                                                                                         “I’ll just lock up. I won’t be a minute.” Blaine said kissing Kurt’s hair and leaving the room. Kurt lay down on the side of the bed furthest away from the door so Blaine could get in next to him.                                                                                                                                           Blaine came back and closed the door, turning off the light as he made his way to his side of the bed. As if they had slept in the same bed millions of times, Kurt automatically snuggled into Blaine’s chest facing him and they both slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

            Silence filled the house, the soundproofed walls blocked out any distant sounds of the evening's song. Kurt stirred in his sleep and as he slowly remembered where he was and who he was with, his heart fluttered in his chest as he looked at the sleeping boy who lay so peacefully besides him. Kurt propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at Blaine. He had fallen asleep in Blaine's arms but must have shifted apart during the night as Blaine lay on his back his arm still resting under Kurt's shoulder. Kurt moved Blaine's arm to rest beside his body and delicately stroked his palm making his fingers dance up to the crook of his elbow. He looked at the boy's soft, dark curls and long eyelashes and noticed an innocence about him he had not yet seen. With his eyes shut and the soft purring of his breath, he looked so young. Kurt thought how he would love to see a photo of Blaine as a child; he could imagine how adorable he would look. Contrastingly, the strong and sharp line of his jaw appealed to another side of Kurt, his large and muscular arms did too. Just as Kurt started to admire Blaine's chest, a small clearing of a throat jumped Kurt.                                                     “You wouldn't be watching me sleep now, would you Hummel? Because, I'm not sure about you but that's a little creepy...” murmured Blaine as Kurt slammed his face into his pillow. Muffled and slightly inaudible, Kurt replied.                                                                        “ I wasn't..” Blaine chuckled and pulled his body up to tickle Kurt. Shamelessly, Kurt giggled like a child as he tried to wriggle free. “Blaine! Blaine! St..stop it!”                               “Aha” Blaine stopped tickling him but held onto him just as tight, lying above him, faces just inches apart Blaine whispered, “so you're ticklish!” Kurt looked up at Blaine, and Blaine looked down at Kurt. The laughing stopped and they remained silent and still.             “Blaine, thank you.” Kurt said.                                                                                              “What for?” enquired Blaine.                                                                                                “Today, everything, being so understanding when I was such an idiot and -” Blaine pressed his finger against Kurt's lips.                                                                                                  “Ssshh.. Forget it, forget today, forget Bradley, and forget it ever happened. It's just you and I, Kurt. You and I” Blaine whispered the last three words and Kurt replied with another.                                                                                                                                               “I love you”                                                                                                                            “I love you too” and Blaine leant down and Kurt leant up and their mouths met and they kissed. Blaine traced his tongue down to Kurt's neck and kissed him softly causing Kurt to let out a little moan. Kurt lifted his hands to Blaine's neck and swept his fingers through his hair. Blaine finally stopped kissing Kurt's neck and he sat up a little to pull off his t-shirt and as he did he looked deep into Kurt's eyes. Kurt looked back and without words they both understood exactly what they were thinking. Kurt leant up to grace Blaine's lips again and as he did Blaine dug his hands around Kurt's top and lifted it over his head. They met each other’s lips once more and Kurt rolled Blaine onto his back. Kurt couldn't help but yearn to be held by Blaine's arms and Blaine didn't hesitate to pull him closer. As Blaine fumbled with the strings of Kurt's pyjama bottoms Kurt giggled and helped him out. They smiled at each other and fell back into another deep and long kiss.                                                                           Blaine pulled Kurt’s trousers down to his ankles and Kurt shimmied them off. Blaine broke off from the kiss but only to grab something from his dresser then his lips reunited with Kurt’s and they picked up where they left off. Clothes of various descriptions were scattered around the room and Blaine could feel Kurt against him. “Lube” Kurt said. And sure enough Blaine had it to hand. Blaine squirted some delicately out of the bottle into his hand and he stroked it all the way along Kurt’s length. Kurt moaned into Blaine’s mouth begging Blaine for relief. Blaine palmed Kurt for a second then handed the lube over to Kurt who spread it onto his fingers and stretched Blaine. Blaine made a noise Kurt had never heard before and Kurt wanted him more than ever. “Blaine” Kurt whispered. “Now” Blaine begged turning over onto his side. Kurt lay down beside him pulling him closer to his bare body now covered in sweat. Kurt kissed Blaine’s neck once before going inside Blaine. Blaine tensed. “You okay?” Kurt asked. “Yeah, yeah” Blaine breathed out. “Okay” Blaine said. Kurt pushed in harder knowing he had hit the spot when Blaine moaned loudly. “Faster” Blaine whispered. The smell of sweat filled the room and both the boys were one. Kurt moved in and out of Blaine smoothly his own moans matching Blaine’s. “So close” Kurt whispered to Blaine then he came inside him.                                                                                                                 Blaine fell backwards against his pillow whilst Kurt lay beside him, his head against Blaine's pulsing chest. Panting a little, Blaine weaved his fingers through Kurt's hair. Kurt felt ecstatic with happiness and Blaine shared the feeling. They lay together, their chests rising and falling in unison, the beads of sweat from their bodies fused together and they found themselves a little speechless.                                                                                                  “Kurt” Blaine finally said, his voice deep and low and echoing in the room.                       “Blaine” Kurt replied still a little breathless.                                                                               “I'm glad this house is soundproof” Kurt fell into fits of laughter and Blaine joined in. Kurt turned over on his front to look up at Blaine. Blaine's eyes were sparkling in the dark room and he swore he saw a mark on his cheek that looked like the journey left by a tear.      “Seriously, Blaine, you're amazing, I love you” he said once more and Blaine had just been thinking the exact same thing.  
            Blaine glanced over to his clock to read it was half two in the morning. He nestled into Kurt’s chest and fell into a deep sleep.                                                                   



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