The Set Up
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The Set Up: Chapter 5

M - Words: 3,704 - Last Updated: May 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: May 16, 2012 - Updated: May 16, 2012
162 0 0 0 0

Blaine woke up the next morning lying across Kurt’s chest with Kurt’s hand underneath his Tee on his back. Blaine gripped Kurt tighter. He never wanted to let go of Kurt. Of his Kurt. (Cute picture of the boys in their matching PJ’s for you! - He lay there for another ten minutes or so until he decided to get up and check the time. It was already eight o’clock and he needed to go and sort out Oscar. Oscar would be moody enough because Blaine stayed away for the night let alone if he missed his morning walk. So Blaine grabbed his stuff scrawling Kurt a note on the back of a receipt not wanting to wake him and he left closing the door behind him. Kurt woke and stuck his hand out to find Blaine but only to find there was nothing there. “Blaine?” He asked his eyes still closed. ‘Oh, no.’ He thought, ‘it was all a dream’ until his hand came across a piece of paper lying where Blaine was the previous night that read: Gone home to walk Oscar. I put my address into your phone. Come over if you can. Let me know when or if you are coming. Blaine x Kurt felt sad to not wake up next to Blaine, he had wanted to lay with him and talk with him a little while longer. He wanted to make him his favourite breakfast and stay in their pyjamas and just talk all day. But he understood and part of him was relieved, he needed to try get some work done and he also needed to shower. He fondly remembered memories of last night, he couldn't believe just how immensely comfortable he was around Blaine. Sleeping next to him felt incredible and yet entirely normal and safe. Of course Kurt had thought about the implications that may have been made when he suggested Blaine staying over, but there was no pressure or awkwardness. And despite the fact their clothes remained on the night it was still the most exciting and magical night he'd ever had, so far. They were not going to rush anything, neither of them wanted to screw this up. The knowledge Blaine was just inches away, made him feel protected and safe and free from any troubles, including Bradley. Kurt hoped for many more nights like the one he had just spent. “Oscar, calm down!” Blaine tried to control the excited dog who was jumping wildly around the park. Blaine smiled to himself as he thought about last night. He wouldn't tell Kurt but he had found it hard to sleep. Lying next to Kurt, their bodies touching so closely, Blaine felt he was already in a dream. He watched Kurt sleep for a while, he knew he probably looked quite creepy but he couldn't help himself. The soft movement under Kurt's eyelids made him wonder what he was dreaming of. The steady breathing that caused the sheets covering them to rise and fall. There was something so innocent about the boy that made him look so beautiful in the silent night. At one point he had heard a stir from outside, he assumed Rachel was home and remained as still as possible, it was at this point he finally fell into a peaceful sleep, dreaming nothing but Kurt. Blaine couldn't believe his luck to be in the same room as Kurt, let alone be lying in the same bed. Just lying next to Kurt all night he thought had been thousands times more passionate than the one night stand with Alex he had weeks ago, the thought made him cringe. The times for one night stands were long gone. This thought evoked a strange feeling in Blaine. He couldn't imagine ever not being with Kurt, for him, he couldn't see an ending. Blaine had never felt this way about someone before, strange was the feeling he felt, but good strange. Exciting strange. And Blaine did not stop smiling for the rest of the walk. “Bradley, please STOP CALLING ME!” Kurt had lost all attempts of politeness. He slammed the phone down and felt the anger rise in him once more. No, he would not let this bother him. Rachel tiptoed out of her room, it was early and she didn't want to wake Kurt. “Oh, Kurt you're up.. I thought you might still be asleep, what time did Blaine leave last night?” Rachel enquired, she was speaking rather quickly. “Umm.. well.. Rachel what's up? Did the date go alright, you seem a little anxious about something?” Kurt noticed Rachel trying to block her doorway. “Great, great, it was great” Kurt gave Rachel his famous look of derision. And then poking his sleepy head around the door, Wes stood shirtless looking down at Rachel. “Hey babe, have you seen my shirt?” A flood of pink embarrassment filled Rachel's cheeks, she turned to look at Wes and pointed shamelessly at the top of her wardrobe where Kurt could see a discarded shirt hanging from the corner. “Oh, thanks! It must of happened when you were-” “WES! That's en- that's great, come on” And Rachel pushed him back into the room where she shut the door behind him. “Oh my god Kurt, sorry you had to, you know see that...” Kurt fell apart in hysterics. “It's not funny Kurt! You know I am not one to sleep with guys on the first date!” Kurt felt the tears of laughter in his eyes. “It's fine! Although, what would your fathers think!?” he gave her a wink and left to sort out his breakfast. How had he not heard them last night? But then he remembered the deep sleep he had fallen in all night. He wasn't sure what the day lay ahead of him today, he pretended he might get some work done but really all he could think about was visiting Blaine. Kurt couldn't help it, he wanted to see where Blaine lived, the things he decorated his room with, the things he ate, the things he read, there were so many more things left for Kurt to discover about Blaine and he couldn't wait. Still giggling from the morning meeting with an embarrassed Rachel and a half naked Wes, Kurt went to check his phone. (08.32) So, Kurt will I be graced with your presence today, or not? (09.01) We'll have to see wont we? But yes, you totally will. (09.13) Totally? Your eloquence is slipping Kurt... (09.15) Never. But it's is early morning and I thought I'd make it more understandable for you. (09.17) If that makes you feel happier... Their text messaging continued like this for a long time until finally Kurt decided he would make his way to Blaine's for two. He still enjoyed their flirtatious texts, they reminded him of just how special Blaine was. Of all the combinations of numbers in the world Blaine could have mistyped, somehow it was Kurt's that he found. Of course it was a coincidence, Kurt had never believed in fate or destiny, but it was the best freaking coincidence he'd ever experienced. Butterflies still encircled his stomach every time he thought about meeting Blaine. He had already chosen his outfit and even though he wouldn't admit it to himself, he secretly hoped Blaine would invite him to stay over at his tonight. Whether they repeated the arrangements of last night or even went further tonight, Kurt knew he would enjoy every moment. Blaine had been to the shops already, bringing Oscar with him. He wasn't even sure what kind of food Kurt liked even though he seemed to enjoy all the food at the picnic, he wanted to make something really special. So, Blaine had bought an arrangement of ingredients so he could try and make all sorts of delicious food for Kurt and him to share when he came over. With flour on his face and what he hoped wasn't egg yolk in his hair, Blaine hastily finished arranging the glorious display of food on his living room floor. It was no picnic food but he hoped eating on the floor would be seen by Kurt as cute and endearing, also there wasn't enough room on the table... Perhaps he had made too much? Oh well, he thought, Kurt was worth it. At least they would have enough food to last them days before they would ever have to leave the house! Blaine smiled at his work and then caught a glimpse of himself in the microwave reflection. “Now, that simply won't do!” And Blaine hurried off to shower and erase all trace of dairy products from his hair. Blaine emerged from his bathroom, a towel around his waist and his hair dripping beads of water down his back. He hoped Kurt wouldn't walk in now. He probably wouldn't be able to control himself, Blaine grinned to himself, got dressed and waited for Kurt to arrive. Blaine was sat on his large corner sofa, his head laid back, a small droplet of drool lay at the corner of his mouth. His breathing was heavy until he finally rose, his eyes opened lazily as his thoughts summoned. What time was it? He glanced at his watch, it read seven thirty. Must be broken, he thought. But when he switched on the the television, he was greeted again with the same time. At this moment he looked around to see the evening sky fading to a dark light. He tried to think back to a few hours before, he remembered he was waiting for Kurt. It got to 2.40 and Blaine assumed Kurt must have got lost looking for Blaine's house. He tried ringing him but there was no answer. He must have dozed off shortly after and slept for hours, he hadn't had much sleep last night. Blaine became quickly worried for Kurt, where was he? Searching for his phone he saw he had missed nine calls and six messages were waiting for him. (15.12) Blaine, something has happened, I don't know what but I might be late. Don't worry I'm fine. (15.55) Okay, Blaine, listen, I'm so sorry but I'm not going to be able to come. (16.49) Blaine? I'm so sorry. I'll speak to you later. (17.12 ) Blaine, I'm worried about you, please text me. (18.00) Look, I'll come see you tomorrow and explain everything. (18.16) Blaine, something has happened to Bradley. Blaine hastily grabbed his phone to text Kurt back. Blaine to Kurt (19:34) Kurt, I’m not angry. I Fell asleep so couldn’t answer my phone. I hope you’re okay. Please ring me if you need to talk. I love you. (19:34) I love you too. See you tomorrow maybe. Blaine re-read the text over and over. Well at least he loves me too he thought to himself. Blaine tried to pre-occupy himself as concerned as he was; he didn’t fancy pondering over what happened to Bradley. Worrying does nothing anyway, except making things worse. He went over to the floor where he had laid out all the food, picked it up plate by plate and threw it all into the trash. It was ruined anyway. He knew it wasn’t Kurt’s fault, but Blaine felt a bit bitter that Bradley had managed to get in the way of his and Kurt’s plans. After Blaine had tidied up a bit, he went into his room to put his phone on charge, changed into some old sweats and went for a run with Oscar in Central Park. Kurt was sat in his car outside the hospital willing himself to go in but he just couldn’t. “F#%K!!” he shouted smashing his fist into the steering wheel. Why was everything his responsibility!? He was only 21 for God sakes. Kurt got heavily out of the car slamming the door behind him and kicking the front tire before collapsing down to the floor leaning against the driver’s door. Maybe he should ring Blaine, he thought to himself. But Blaine had already seen him an emotional wreck once and Blaine really wasn’t the touchy feely emotional type however hard he had been trying. Blaine was more the work out, go running and have a laugh type. Maybe Blaine and he weren’t as suited for each other as he’d thought originally. Kurt groaned and put his head in his hands. After about twenty minutes, Kurt finally decided it was time to go in and see what had happened. All he knew was that he was at the hospital; he didn’t even know what was wrong. Kurt got up onto his feet, clocked his car, and headed towards the entrance. “Hi I’m looking for Bradley Morris?” Kurt asked the blonde lady sat at reception. “Okay give me on second” Said the lady punching Bradley‘s name into the keyboard. “I’m sorry but there is no one here under that name, I can check with the hospital across town if you’d like?” “No, no, he defiantly said this one. Can you check again?” Kurt asked confused. “Sure I guess” The lady shrugged and punched the letters in again. “No luck, sorry Sir.” “Oh.” Kurt said taken aback. “Okay…” Kurt walked out the Hospital, opened his car door and sat down Incoming Call from ‘Kurt xxx’ (20:01) “Hey Kurt” “Bradley what’s going on?” “Why?” “You know why!! You told Rachel you were in Hospital! You could have been dead!!” “Well I’m not!” “I gathered that!! I just made a fool of myself at reception asking where you were!” “You came?” Kurt could here Bradley’s satisfaction. “Of course I fucking came you idiot! Why the hell would you tell someone that if it wasn’t true?!” “I wanted to know if you still cared.” “You know what Bradley? You are sick. You’re a sick twisted individual. Delete my number; I never want to hear from you again.” Kurt hung up. Kurt threw his phone into the back of the car and took off towards Blaine’s house. Blaine unlocked his door letting Oscar in first. He pulled his headphones out throwing them onto the couch as he went to grab a towel. After rooting threw the hamper for a clean enough towel, he went into the spare room where he kept his weights and exercise machines, took off his shirt so he was only in his shorts and shoes, and began to work out for a good half hour. Twenty minutes in, Blaine heard a knock at the door. He lay the weights down and threw his towel over his shoulder leaving the room. “Kurt!” Blaine said surprised to see Kurt at his door. It was almost ten o’clock. “Hey sorry if I’m inter-“ Kurt stopped in his tracks. Blaine was topless, covered in sweat standing in front of him. “Interrupting me? No, no it’s fine. Is everything okay?” Blaine said folding his arms across his chest. “Erm yeah” Kurt was blushing furiously. He knew Blaine was physically fit and all, but Jesus, Kurt couldn’t have imagined him looking any better if he tried. “Erm listen, I can just come back tomorrow I shouldn’t have just dropped by univit-“ “Kurt shhh. It’s fine seriously I was just working out, I was almost finished anyway.” Blaine ushered Kurt in through the door. “I’m just going to go take a shower!” Blaine called from another room “I won’t be long!” Blaine pulled off his clothes and stepped in to the cold water allowing it to cover him entirely. He washed his hair and shaved his stubble off for the first time in a week. He then went on to turn the shower off and he stepped out tying the towel around his waist. Meanwhile, Kurt was just stood in the door way, so he closed the door behind him and took it upon himself to look around Blaine’s apartment. For starters it was massive. Like, huge. The living/kitchen area as you first walked in was bigger than Kurt and Rachel’s whole apartment. Then a corridor lead off to three more rooms. ‘How much bigger can one apartment get?’ Kurt thought to himself. The flooring throughout the whole apartment was the same; Dark wood. It matched the modern reds and blues on the walls and furniture. Kurt thought it was best to just stay in the main area. He didn’t want to walk in on Blaine having a shower. Well actually, he wouldn’t mind, but he thought it might be a little inappropriate, so kept to himself by sitting on the large corner couch that dominated most of the living space. Kurt heard a noise from down the corridor and looked up. “Sorry” Blaine apologised coming out of the bathroom with just a towel round his waist. “Don’t be” Kurt joked. “You get changed. I actually need to go and fetch my phone from my car; I’ll be back in a minute.” Kurt said getting up and leaving the apartment allowing Blaine to get changed. He didn’t want to make anything uncomfortable or awkward between them anyway. Kurt returned to the apartment piecing his phone back together as the battery had fallen out when he had thrown it. When he opened the door Blaine gave him a questioning look, pointedly looking at the phone. “I might have thrown it” Kurt tried to explain. “Why on earth would you throw your phone causing it to break?” Blaine laughed putting his hands around Kurt’s waist, kissing his forehead. Kurt felt Blaine’s still wet hair brush his. He felt so at home in Blaine’s arms. “Well you know what I said about Bradley …” Kurt trailed off. He felt so stupid to have believed him in the first place. “Shit Kurt! I am so sorry! I completely forgot!” Blaine said pulling Kurt over to the sofa taking his hands. “Is he okay!? Are you okay!?” Kurt looked at Blaine for a second. “He made it up.” Kurt said quietly. “I got all the way to the hospital to find he had made the whole thing up just to see if I would care. And I believed him!” Kurt said throwing his hands in the air standing up. “Jesus!” Blaine started “What the hell is wrong with that guy?” “I really don’t know” Kurt said sitting down again unlocking his phone. 17 Missed Calls. 13 Messages – All from Bradley. Kurt sighed and held his phone up to show Blaine. Blaine took the phone off Kurt and turned it off. “Ignore him” Blaine said laying Kurt’s phone on the coffee table. “He’s an ass anyway.” “Amen!” Kurt laughed. “Your apartment is lovely by the way it’s so big an-“ “Unnecessary?” Blaine laughed. “My parents chose it. I had no say but I guess I like it. It’s quite lonely living in such a huge apartment.” “But now you have Oscar” Kurt pointed out although he was secretly thinking how he could make it less lonely for Blaine. “And now I have Oscar” Blaine confirmed. “So what are you doing here anyway?” Blaine asked, getting up towards the kitchen. “Drink?” He asked. “I don’t know. I just wanted to see you I guess.” Kurt blushed “Yes please” He added. “Good, I’m glad. I wanted to see you too.” Blaine said giving Kurt a kiss on the cheek as he went towards one of the many cupboards. “Is wine okay?” Blaine asked “Please.” Kurt said. Blaine poured them both a reasonable glass of wine and went to the couch taking the remains of that bottle, and another on with them. Both the boys sat down next to each other, both leaning in towards the other with the legs bent and up on the couch too. “So” Blaine Started “You want to talk about it or…?” “Nah” Kurt said. He wanted to forget Bradley entirely. He wanted to put that chapter of his life into a different book to this new chapter and never look at it again. “I didn’t know you worked out” Kurt said changing the subject. “Really? That’s usually the first thing I tell a guy” Blaine winked and laughed at his own joke. Kurt joined in with his soprano laugh. “Well then I’m surprised you’re single!” Kurt said. Blaine felt a little taken aback. He knew Kurt and he weren’t an ‘item’ or anything but he didn’t really class himself as single anymore either. Kurt saw the look in Blaine’s eyes and realised immediately what he said. “Yeah…” Blaine said trailing off. Kurt didn’t know what to say. He refilled his glass with more wine and filled Blaine’s up too; they were through their first bottle already. “What I meant was…” “Don’t worry about it” Blaine said looking into his glass. He felt like he was on the brink of tears and he couldn’t really decide why. God he was turning into a girl, he thought to himself. “Blaine” Kurt said lifting up Blaine’s chin to look into his eyes. “I didn’t mean…I just…I don’t want you to be single.” “What do you mean?” Blaine asked cautiously. “I mean, we kiss, we hold hands, and we act like we are together, so what I’m trying to say is…” Kurt put his glass down on the table. “I really like you Blaine. I love you even. The way you look when your hair is all messed up, the way you smile, the way you smell when you wear your cologne. Everything about you is perfect. Will you be my boyfriend? Please?” Kurt asked not breaking away from Blaine’s eyes. “Of course I will baby” Blaine said almost immediately putting his glass down on the coffee table and cupping Kurt’s face. “Of course I will.” Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine and their lips met. They shared a long kiss with Blaine’s hands retracing Kurt’s face and going down to wrap around Kurt’s back whilst Kurt had his arms wrapped around Blaine’s neck. Kurt leant back into the corner of the sofa and Blaine crawled on top of him. Their kiss became deeper and the boys only broke for breath. “I love you so much Kurt” Blaine breathed. “I love you too” Kurt whispered beneath Blaine leaning back in to kiss him.


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