June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
Blaine is almost asleep on his bed in his dorm at Dalton, his mind racing with the events of the previous night and his ass still throbbing. His door flies open and slams shut, the lock clicking.
"Get up, sleepy head!" Kurt's excited voice breaking the haze of Blaine's half-consciousness.
"Kurt? What are you doing here, it's almost midnight." Blaine sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.
"Sleep over," Kurt placed a bag down on the floor next to Blaine's nightstand and sat down on the bed. "Come on, it's Friday night and you're sleeping?"
Blaine chuckled and turned his light on. Kurt was wearing Blaine's favorite Men's Express jeans and a deep red polo shirt.
"Mm, I love that outfit," Blaine smirked, wrapping an arm around Kurt's waist.
"I know," he smiled. "I brought something and I want to talk to you about something...but...never mind, you're tired," he blushed, tilting his head shyly.
Blaine knew that look. It was meant to be an innocent little tilt of the head, but there was something cooking in that pretty little head of Kurt's and Blaine suddenly found himself suddenly wide awake and half-hard in his boxers.
"Tease, tell me," Blaine nudged Kurt's shoulder.
"Well, after you left this morning, I went to school and Santana spanked my ass really hard when she walked by me."
Blaine quirked an eyebrow.
"I...I got really turned on by it," Kurt blushed again. Blaine's dick twitched in his lap.
"You think...you may have a spanking thing?"
"Well, yeah, but that's not it," Kurt turned to face Blaine, tucking a leg under him and placing a hand on Blaine's thigh. "I think I want to be...dominated."
All Blaine could answer to that was 'guh'. Kurt giggled and looked down.
"You would let me do that? Like...safe words and stuff?"
"Dirty talk, spanking...I have some toys in my bag," Kurt said softly. Blaine groaned and palmed his erection, which was pulsing with anticipation.
"Oh, fuck, Kurt," Blaine gasped. "I may get a little carried away."
"That's what the safe word is for, silly," Kurt smacked Blaine's thigh, causing him to hiss with pleasure.
"How about 'Redvines'," Blaine suggests.
"You and your Redvines," Kurt laughs. "Ok, that's good. Whenever your ready, we'll do it."
Blaine fists the collar of Kurt's shirt and pulls him in for a hard kiss, Kurt moaning against their lips. Blaine lightly shoves him back and stands up.
"Get up and strip," he commands, his voice strong and forceful. Kurt's eyes cloud with lust and he stands to obey. Blaine sits back on the bed and watches as Kurt slowly slips off his polo, his skin glowing in the lamp light. He traces his fingers down his own chest and to his stomach, resting on his belt. He looks up at Blaine, a playful glint in his eye.
"Take them off, baby," Blaine growls, his hand around his erection, barely moving up and down it. Kurt undoes his belt and whips it from the loops before dropping it on the floor at his feet and working the button of the jeans open. He's teasing and Blaine knows it. All in good time, he'll pay for it.
Kurt slips his jeans down with his boxer briefs.
"On your knees, gorgeous," Blaine commands. Kurt quickly falls to his knees, looking up into Blaine's eyes as he approaches him. Blaine strokes Kurt's face with his fingertips.
"You're such a good boy, Kurt, but you're a fucking tease," Blaine leans down and picks up Kurt's black leather belt from the floor. He caresses Kurt's cheek with the curve where the belt is doubled in Blaine's hand. "You need to be punished."
"I do, Blaine, I'm so bad," Kurt's voice comes out needy but strong. Blaine feels his cock twitch at the desperation.
"I want you to go over to my desk and bend over for me, love," Blaine watches as Kurt does what he's told. Blaine reaches over and looks down in Kurt's bag. He finds a motherload. Kurt has bought a cock ring, a bullet, a large red vibrator and warming lubricant. Blaine pulls the things out and lays them on the bedside table before taking the cock ring over to the desk with him. Kurt has his hands firmly grasping the desk. Blaine didn't say he could touch himself. He's a good boy, so he doesn't.
"You look so beautiful, Kurt, standing there waiting for your punishment. Ten with the belt, then ten with my hand. Sound fair?"
"Anything you want, Blaine," Kurt breathes heavily.
"I'm your master, Kurt, and you'll address me as that, do you understand?" Blaine runs the belt down Kurt's spine and over the swell of his ass.
"Yes, master, I'm sorry."
Blaine smiles and, without warning, brings the belt back and forward onto Kurt's left cheek. Kurt hisses and whines deep in his throat.
"Count, baby," Blaine commands, his voice sending shivers of pleasure down Kurt's spine.
"One," he hisses out. Blaine continues the strikes, each one counted in a higher and higher voice. At ten, he tosses the belt and runs his rough hands gently over the whelp marks over Kurt's ass. Kurt hasn't said the safe word, so Blaine pulls his hand back and smacks him again. Kurt thrusts forward, looking for some kind of friction. Blaine can tell he is very close. Blaine takes the cock ring from the desk and pulls Kurt flush against his chest, the heat from Kurt's ass causing unimaginable pleasure against his crotch.
"Kurt, I'm gonna put this on you, ok?" Kurt's eyes grew big when he saw the ring in Blaine's hand. "You aren't gonna come until I let you, you hear me?"
"Y-yes, Master."
"Good," Blaine smiles, rubbing Kurt's sore ass and sliding the ring down onto Kurt, clipping it shut at the base. Blaine collects the precome on the head of Kurt's cock on his finger and licks it off.
"God, you taste so good," Blaine whispers against Kurt's ear. Kurt whines and grinds backward into Blaine.
"Oh, I'm not done with you yet," Blaine pushes Kurt back forward and leans down, his hand on Kurt's ass.
"Where were we, gorgeous?"
"E-eleven," Kurt replied, his voice starting to shake with lust.
"Good," Blaine kissed down the back of Kurt's neck and top of his back before bringing his hand back down nine more times, each one counted perfectly.
"Ungh, t-twenty," Kurt counts the last one, his nails digging into the desk. Blaine rubs soothing circles over Kurt's ass, feeling the heat and rising whelps on each cheek.
"You're such a good boy, Kurt," Blaine kisses right beneath Kurt's ear. Kurt's breathing is ragged and his arms are shaking.
"You ok?" Blaine asks, softer in tone this time.
"Oh, yes," Kurt answers.
"Oh, yes, what?"
"Master," Kurt moans.
Blaine smirks and pulls Kurt toward the bed, tossing him unceremoniously onto it. Blaine inspects the red vibrator Kurt has brought with him.
"It's smaller than me...how kind of you," Blaine smiled smugly. Kurt smiled a nervous smile and fought with his hands to keep them from touching himself.
Blaine took the vibrator and warming lube and placed them next to Kurt on the bed. "Show me how to use it."
Kurt groaned and nodded. He sat back against the wall and spread his legs, giving Blaine a full view. Blaine slipped off his boxers and sat down on the bed across from Kurt. Kurt lubed his fingers and inserted one inside his entrance. The warming sensation made his throbbing erection twitch and ache, but he wouldn't say so. He was absolutely loving this and knew the orgasm that would result would be mind-blowing. He worked the finger in and out before adding a second and scissoring them.
Blaine is a mess. He tries to keep his dominating composure by raking his eyes over Kurt as he fingers himself, but Kurt's eyes kept locking with his, the pure raw lust and hunger tearing at his own hazel eyes and sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body.
"Mm, Kurt, you look so fucking beautiful right now," Blaine took himself into his hand and began pumping. "I wanna see you fuck yourself, baby!"
Kurt moaned and pulled his fingers out and lubed up the red vibrator, turning it on medium and sliding it into his entrance.
"Oh, fuck," he threw his head back as the vibrator rocked his prostate. Blaine pumps his erection harder at the sight of his lover falling apart, wanting desperately to just fuck the smaller boy into the wall.
"Oh, M-master, please fuck me!" Kurt whines, his nails clawing at the sheets as he slams the vibrator in and out of him quickly. "I wanna come so bad, please!"
"You sound so pretty when you beg," Blaine crawls up to him, his voice starting to falter a bit. Blaine stills Kurt's hand and takes the vibrator and slides it in and out a few more times, moving it around to stretch Kurt a little more.
"P-please, Blaine," Kurt whimpered. Blaine slid the vibrator quickly out of Kurt, flipped him on his stomach then smacked his reddened ass.
"What did I tell you to call me, Kurt?"
"M-master, I'm sorry," Kurt thrusts forward into the mattress.
Blaine pulls Kurt up on on his knees and back into Blaine's lap. Blaine pulls Kurt flush against his chest and guides his cock into Kurt, pushing in swiftly.
"Oh my god!" Kurt throws his head back, his hands flexing with nothing to grip on to. Blaine wraps his arm around Kurt's chest as he fucks him roughly.
"God, Kurt, you're so fucking sexy. I could pound your ass all day. You're so tight and hot. You like it when I fuck you hard, baby?"
"Ungh, YES!" Kurt cries out.
"Say my name, Kurt. My real name, say it!"
"B-Blaine," Kurt whimpers, his cock throbbing to a point to where it feels like it will burst.
"Louder, baby, scream it!"
Blaine pulls the cock ring off Kurt's cock. "Come for me, Kurt. Come for Blaine."
Blaine slams hard into Kurt's prostate one more time before Kurt's crying out in orgasm, his load spilling out over Blaine's hand and Kurt's stomach. The clenching of Kurt's ass caused Blaine to come hard inside of his boyfriend, shivering at pleasure coursing through his body. Kurt collapses on Blaine, blacked out from the intensity. Blaine slips out of Kurt and lays him back on the bed, pulling the covers over them both. Blaine smiles and traces the outlines of Kurt's face gently, watching the moonlight and soft lamp light lay shadows across his face. Blaine kisses both of Kurt's eyelids and lays back down next to him.
Kurt groans a moment later, coming around.
"I'm here, baby. That was quite an orgasm," Blaine smiled. Kurt smirked dazidly.
"That was the most intense thing I have ever experienced," Kurt tried to sit up, but his head spun a bit.
"Hey, back down, Casanova," Blaine lay him back and pulled him close. "You're ass is gonna hurt so bad tomorrow. I thought I'd made you bleed."
"That was so hot, though," Kurt replied. Blaine tightened his grip around Kurt's chest and Kurt snuggled farther into Blaine's.
"I love you, angel," Blaine kissed Kurt's head.
"I love you too, master," Kurt giggled. "Really, I do love you, too."
Blaine smiled and Kurt turned over in his arms, pressing his forehead into Blaine's chest and snuggling in. "Goodnight, baby."
"Goodnight, Kurt."