Glee Love
Latin Lovin' Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Glee Love: Latin Lovin'

E - Words: 2,217 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 30/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
869 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Now they're getting popular!! Santana decides it can't be a sex-a-thon without her...Kurt and Santana go to Dalton.


"Guys, I'm telling you- Their fucking animals!"


The glee club sat in the corner of the lunch room, watching Kurt talk on his phone the following Monday, giggling and blushing at something Blaine has said on the other line.


"They just seem so...adorable," Mercedes quirks her head, watching her best friend poke at his salad and continue his conversation on the phone.


"Oh, their painfully adorable," Puck smiles, "But damn, they can be wild. I've never come so hard in my life. All over Hummel's face."


They all turned and watched Kurt with their eyes burning with slight desire. No one in the club, even the boys, could deny that Kurt was good-looking. Most of the girls seemed to think about the boy as a carved statue in flesh form- poised, sharp and strong. The boys saw Kurt as more of a doll- a porcelain, breakable figure who could be fiery and resourceful when he needed to be, but no less vulnerable. What Puck was telling them made them see Kurt as something different but they all agreed on one thing- Kurt was a sex fiend and they had to know what it was like.


Glee club came around and Kurt was the last to come in, texting expertly without walking into anyone with his head in his phone. They all watched him sit and he looked up, feeling all eyes on him.




They looked away and tried to not pay him any attention. Kurt smirked and shot Blaine a text.


-I think we're notorious, now- K


-How so?- B


-The glee club is acting really weird...I think Santana is undressing me with her eyes.-K


"Damn right, princess," Santana's voice ghosted his ear, causing him to shudder. "I want in on this sex train."


-Mm. I'm ready to undress you...-B


Kurt gulped hard and met her harsh brown eyes. He smirked.


-Santana wants in. -K


A moment later, Kurt's phone buzzed.


-Meet me at Dalton at 4. Bring Santana. My dorm. - B


Kurt's blood pulsed in his groin and Santana's lips played into a seductive grin. "Can't wait."


Kurt and Santana pulled into the Dalton parking lot at 3:45, hoping that no teachers would notice Santana sneaking into Blaine's dorm room. Kurt rarely saw teachers around the dorms, anyway, so he figured they were safe. They made their way up to the third floor of the dorm building, Kurt's hand holding Santana's, and he led her to room 322.


Blaine must have seen them through the window, because before Kurt could knock, Blaine threw open the door and pulled them in, locking it securely behind him.


"You guys are early," Blaine smirked, his shirt half unbuttoned and his blazer tossed carelessly on the bed.


"Blaine, I told you you should hang that up when you're done with it," Kurt groaned and walked over to get it off the bed.


"Really? Leave it to Hummel to be fashionable at a time like this." Santana smirked.


"He's always like that," Blaine rolled his eyes and took her hand. "So, you know about our little kink, huh?"


"Puck spilled in the lunch room today. I have a feeling I won't be the only one offering my services."


Blaine shrugged. "I have no problem with that. It's just...thrilling, I guess."


Kurt walked back away from the closet and wrapped an arm around Blaine's waist, nipping at his earlobe. "Mmm, missed you today."


Blaine gasped, his hand tightening in Santana's. Santana felt herself getting turned on just by the sound of Kurt's needy voice.


"Missed you too, babe," he growled back. Kurt glanced up at Santana and, while Blaine's eyes were closed and his head was thrown back against Kurt's shoulder, beckoned Santana over. She smirked and approached Blaine, the space closing between them. Blaine's warm breath ghosted Santana's forehead as Kurt's hand slipped over his clothed erection, brushing Santana's crotch.


"Oh," Blaine and Santana gasped simultaneously. Kurt's other arm wrapped around Santana's waist and pulled her closer, massaging her and Blaine at the same time.


"Fuck, Hummel," Santana's head fell forward onto Blaine's chest.


"What do you want, baby?" Kurt growled into Blaine's ear. "Want me to fuck you? You wanna fuck her? Talk to me, baby."


"Oh, Kurt," Blaine draped an arm around Kurt's neck, lacing his fingers through Kurt's hair. Kurt let go of them and pulled them toward Blaine's bed. Kurt put Blaine between them and Santana took Blaine's lips, biting at his lower lip. Kurt began unbuttoning Blaine's shirt, kissing down the newly exposed skin with hot, open mouthed kisses.


"Thought about what you want yet, Anderson?" Santana nipped at his chin.


"Mmm, wanna taste you," he groaned into her lips. Santana smiled and nodded. Kurt slipped Blaine's shirt off and Blaine turned to capture his lips as Santana started to strip. Kurt unbuttoned Blaine's pants with one hand and slipped his hand into Blaine's boxers, jerking him lazily.


"Oh, shit," Santana gasped, slipping her underwear off, leaving her fully bare. Blaine growled and pulled her back down to the bed. He lay her back and climbed between her knees.


"Wait," she placed a hand to his arm and pulled him back and switched positions. She whispered to Kurt and he smirked, standing up to strip. Santana straddled Blaine's chest and he figured it out quickly. She leaned up and he began fucking her with his tongue, her knees resting on each side of his head.


"Oh fuck!" She grasped at the wall behind Blaine's head, trying to keep herself up.


"His tongue is fucking amazing," Kurt whispered into her ear before nibbling her ear lobe and moving her hair to suck her neck.


"Yours ain't half bad either, Hummel," she chuckled before gasping again as Blaine curled his tongue inside her.


He bit down gently on her neck, sending chills down her spine. Blaine's hand slid up her ass to her hips and up to her breasts, squeezing gently as he swirled his tongue expertly. Kurt slid a hand over Blaine's and they squeezed together.


"Oh god, so close!" Santana thrashed backward. Blaine only sped up his attempts, thrusting his tongue even deeper and moaning against her.


"Oh, Blaine!" she cried out, Kurt catching her as she came, her body convulsing with pleasure. She lay down next to Blaine to catch her breath as he wiped his mouth smugly.


"Good?" he asked.


Santana moaned and kissed him, tasting herself on his breath. It was intoxicating and making her horny again.


"God, Blaine, I want inside you so bad," Kurt crawled up, placing nips and kisses from Blaine's crotch to his lips.


"Santana, ride me," Blaine said in a voice that was pure sex. "Ride me while he fucks me."


Both Kurt and Santana's eyes dilated quickly. "I fucking love you," Kurt groaned, kissing Blaine quickly before reaching for the condoms and lube in the bedside table.


Santana had never been so turned on in her life. Puck was right, they are animals. Sexy, fucking animals.


Kurt dropped them next to Blaine's hip and kissed the boy with fire. Blaine pulled Kurt's hips against his and ground into him.


"Giving her a show, are we?" Kurt smirked.


"Yep," Blaine growled before slamming his hips back upward, making Kurt whimper needily.


"Baby, if we don't stop this I'm gonna cum," Kurt breathed into Blaine's ear.


Blaine pushed Kurt away. "Sorry. Now fuck me."


Santana couldn't resist touching herself at the exchange. Kurt slid back on the mattress and pulled Blaine's knees up to where his feet sat flat on the bed.


"You wanna help me, Santana?" Kurt asked, uncapping the lube and pouring some on his fingers. Santana knew exactly what Kurt was about to do and couldn't resist the invitation to finger Blaine. She crawled over and Kurt lubed her fingers, too. Blaine was loosely fisting his cock. Kurt slapped it away with his clean hand.


"No one said you could do that, did they?" Kurt said in a frighteningly calm voice. The glint in his eye told Santana there was more to what he was doing than she knew.


"N-no, sorry," Blaine stammered, a knowing smile on his lips. Kurt returned it. Is this some kind of game? Santana thought. Hot.


"You see, Santana, Blaine here loves being told what to do. Loves being dominated. He can give as good as he takes, and, man, can he take it," Kurt chuckled, slipping a finger into Blaine with no warning. Blaine moaned and arched his back, thrusting his hips back against Kurt.


"See? Already fucking himself against me. Go ahead. Right next to mine."


Santana steadied her breathing and slid her finger in next to Kurt's, feeling the warm heat around them. She had fingered Brittney before, but it was nowhere this tight. Her finger brushed against something inside Blaine.


"Ohfuckingshit!" Blaine cried out, his hands flying to cover his face, his fingers tangling in his own hair.


"Oh, you found it," Kurt chuckled again. Kurt moved his finger in and out before adding another and scissoring.


"Oh, god, please, I'm ready, Kurt!" Blaine was whining and thrashing against their fingers.


"Ssh, ok baby," Kurt soothed, rubbing up and down Blaine's side. He slid up Blaine's body and whispered into his ear.


"We're gonna make you come so hard you see stars," he said simply. Blaine groaned and Kurt pulled Santana up to Blaine's side. Kurt slid the condom onto Blaine then another onto himself, coating his with lube. He positioned himself at Blaine's entrance and pulled Santana up to straddle Blaine's hips.


"Ready, babe?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded and Santana slid down while Kurt slid in. The effect of being stimulated on both ends sent Blaine into a blubbering mess of writhing pleasure.


Kurt thrust quickly into him while Santana impaled herself on his large cock. Kurt slipped Blaine's legs tightly around his waist and wrapped an arm around Santana, his fingernails scraping down her stomach to her entrance and he slipped a finger in alongside Blaine's cock.


"Kurt, fuck!" she cried out, grasping at Blaine's chest, her nails digging into his pecks. He was mumbling curses and mixtures of both of their names, sweat dripping down his forehead and neck.


"Like that, baby? God, you're so sexy right now, falling apart like this," Kurt growls, his voice deeper than Santana had ever heard it. It was amazing and right in her ear. She never would have imagined Kurt being so dominate in a relationship. "Ungh, talk to me, Blaine, what do you want?"


"Harder, Kurt, harder! Fuck me senseless!" he cried out, gripping Santana's hips and thrusting up as Kurt thrust in. Kurt sped up, faster than he thought he ever had before. He felt Blaine clenching around him, indicating he was close.


"You wanna come, Blaine?"




"You know what we always say? Can't come 'til I let you."


"Please, god, let me come, baby!" Blaine grinds out through his teeth, fucking Santana with earnest now. Santana fell over the edge, hearing the boys being so filthy. She cried out in orgasm, spasming around Blaine and making it almost painful for him.


"Come, Blaine," Kurt throws his head back and releases into his lover a millisecond before Blaine cries out in orgasm, his eyes rolling back into his head and his hips arching up into Santana. He blacks out for a few seconds, unable to move due to the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling. He hears Santana kissing Kurt and moving off of him. Kurt pulls out and slips in next to him. He finally opens his eyes to see his blue-eyed angel brushing his curls from his forehead. Santana traces circles against his hip.


"You ok?" Kurt smiles, kissing him.


"Yeah," Blaine breaths. "You fucked me senseless."


Santana laughed. "I helped."


"You did. Fuck, that was hot," Blaine throws an arm over his eyes and closes them, trying to regain his full consciousness.


"Fucking animals," Santana mumbles.


"What?" Kurt asks.


"It's what Puck said about you two. I don't doubt it, now."


Kurt laughed and lay his head against Blaine's hot chest. "We just like to share."


"Well, don't get too comfy with just each other, because I have a feeling that every one of the gleeks is gonna want a piece of this," she pointed between Kurt and Blaine.


Blaine rolled his eyes. "Why not have a perfect record?" he lamented.


Santana's phone rang. It was Brittney.


"Hey, love...No, I haven't seen him...sweetie, he weighs about 70 pounds, how could you lose him?...OK, I'll be there in a bit."


Santana hung up and rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Brittney lost Lord Tubbington, so I have to go help her. This has been interesting." she kissed each boy before getting dressed quickly.


"Def wanna do it again sometime, you know, if you can handle more of this," she indicated her body.


"I think we got it," Kurt winked at her.


She blew them kisses and walked out. Kurt settled back down next to Blaine, wrapping an arm around his waist.


"That was mind-blowing," Blaine ran a hand through his hair.


"Just hope this doesn't mean that when it's just us..." Kurt started, but Blaine put a finger to Kurt's lips.


"I'll always be head over heels in love with you, no matter who of your sexually-starved friends wants to sleep with us," Blaine smirked. "I love you, Kurt, and I will always enjoy it just being us. If I hadn't just come my brains out, I would show you exactly what I mean." He kissed Kurt sweetly.


"Me too," Kurt laughed, burying his head into Blaine's chest and breathing him in. Blaine hugged Kurt and kissed his hair.


"Love you, angel," Blaine murmured into Kurt's hair.


"Luyoo," he said sleepily in return. Blaine giggled and and closed his eyes, letting his lover snuggle deeper into his arms.


End Notes: eek again


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