Glee Love
The Klainetitany Show Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Glee Love: The Klainetitany Show

E - Words: 3,681 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 30/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
713 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: one of my favorite chapters...Klaine/Brittanaagain, sorry for butchering her name. It was so long ago...Anyway, The boys get a little drunk and invite the girls over for fun. They begin a live chat and give the audience a show to remember.


"I thought he loved me, Sanny," Brittney sobbed into Santana's neck.


Santana felt rage and hope all in one moment as she stroked Brittney's blond hair soothingly. "Sweetheart, he's just a douchebag. No matter how sweet he seemed, he's just a dumb guy."


Brittney nodded and sniffed, her shining eyes lifting to meet Santana's. An instant message popped up on Santana's computer.


Hey sexy. Me and Kurt are soooo toasted XD.


It was from Blaine. Santana got a warm feeling in her stomach at the thought of the two boys. She smirked and placed a hand on Brittney's cheek.


"You know what we need? Drinks."


"I finished my Dr. Pepper, though," she looked over at the empty can sitting on Santana's bedside table.


"No sweetie...booze."


"Oh...that would be nice," Brittney sat up straight and wiped her eyes.


"Blaine and Kurt are drinking...let's see if they want company," Santana smiled and walked over to her computer.


Hey Frodo. Need some help putting a dent in those drinks?


After a moment, she received a response and the level of the boy's intoxication was shown.


Fuck ya! Com on ovr! Kur'ts dancing to pcock on the table! My house bitchez!


Santana laughed out loud.


I'm bringing Britt. Artie broke her heart.


We can fix that 4 her ;)


Santana blushed and typed out her conformation.


Want us to bring anything?


Just ur sexy asses...we got prlnty of fun stuf to play with


Brittnay giggled. "Ooo, toys!"


"Yeah, toys," Santana said breathily. She changed from her jeans and t-shirt and slipped on a short skirt, knee high boots and a tight t-shirt with horizontal rips.


"Oo, can I dress up too?"


"Sure, Brit," Santana eyed Brittney as she changed out of her pajama pants and put on some short tight shorts, a flowy tank top and some red heels.


"Wow, we look hot," Santana stood next to Brittney in the full-length mirror. The message tone on Santana's phone rang out and Santana rolled her eyes. God, those boys are horny.


She picked up the phone and opened the photo. Blaine was letting Kurt pour vodka into his mouth, Kurt's hand holding the bottle only inches from Blaine's lips. We're starting back without you. Hurry up, ladies


Santana typed that they were coming and they hurried down the stairs and out to the car.


"Oh my god, you're so tall!" Kurt squealed.


Blaine giggled as he swayed on the couch cushion, bracing himself on Kurt's shoulders. The boys were shirtless and drunk.


"Mmm, I could just suck you off. Right here," Kurt ran his finger down Blaine's abs and traced the outline of his erection.


"Uuuungh, don't!" Blaine whined and crawled over to the corner of the couch, curling up into a ball and hiding his face.


"You look like a puppy!" Kurt laughed out loud, doubling over in laughter.


"You're mean," Blaine pouted.


"You're sexy," Kurt growled. Blaine quirked his eyebrow and smirked. Kurt crawled up the couch and pulled Blaine's legs open, pulling a groan from his lips.


"You should be naked. Why aren't you naked?" Kurt asked, licking and nipping at Blaine's chest. Blaine giggled again and pushed Kurt up into a sitting position and stood in front of him. The music was still playing in the background- Rude Boy by Rhianna. Blaine gave Kurt a wink before seductivly swaying his hips, his intoxication seeming to disappear as he starts to dance. Kurt felt his heart pounding hard against his chest. Blaine ran his hand down his abs and over his jeans button, stopping and looking up to Kurt innocently.


"Take 'em off," Kurt growled. Blaine's eyes grew dark and he grinned before slipping open the button on his jeans. He never broke his eye contact. After unzipping his jeans, he slipped them down and crawled toward Kurt. Blaine placed his hands on Kurt's thighs and rolled his hips seductivly to the music.


"Damn, Blaine," Kurt groaned as Blaine's hands slipped up Kurt's thighs further and he ducked his head down to breathe heavily against Kurt's crotch. He kissed up Kurt's stomach and chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and biting gently.


"Fuck, baby," Kurt's head fell back against the couch. Blaine chuckled against his neck and moved awkwardly to straddle Kurt. He captured his lips openly, their tongues clashing and battling with one another as Kurt slid his hands down into the back of Blaine's black boxer briefs, squeezing his ass firmly. Blaine moaned and thrusted against him. Kurt took Blaine and lay him back against the couch, hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling his boxer briefs off, leaving Blaine naked and spread beneath him. Kurt didn't hesitate one second before taking Blaine fully into his mouth.


"Oh, god!" Blaine grabbed the back of the couch and gripped hard. He knew Santana and Brittney were on there way and he couldn't lose it just yet. Kurt swallowed against Blaine before moving back up the shaft, his tongue dragging along the sensitive vein.


The doorbell rang and Kurt groaned, sitting up. "That's them."


Blaine smirked and picked up the bottle of vodka before standing and walking, naked, to the door.


Santana stood outside Blaine's massive house, knocking on the door.


"I think I heard moaning," Brittney peaked into the window.


"Bastards started without us," Santana rolled her eyes. The door flew open and she saw a very drunk and very naked Blaine Anderson standing there.


"Took you two long enough," he smiled brightly. Kurt appeared behind shirtless and unsteady on his feet.


"You two are a sight," Santana smirked before pushing past the naked boy to enter the house.


"Oh my god, Blaine, I didn't know it was so big," Brittney stared, wide eyed. "You're so short."


"Um...thanks?" Blaine gave her a questioning look before Kurt huffed.


"Brit, get in here before the neighbors see Blaine," Kurt pulled the blond inside and Blaine shut the door. Santana had already opened a bottle of wine and was sipping it while flipping through Blaine's CD case.


"You just gonna walk around like that, hobbit?" Santana smirked.


"Nah, it's cold in here," Blaine threw his boxer briefs back on and Brittney whimpered a bit when his erection was covered up.


"Oh don't worry, doll," Blaine kissed her cheek then whispered in her ear. "We have all night."


An hour later found Blaine and Brittney grinding to Low by Flo Rida on the coffee table and Kurt pinning Santana's wrists against the wall. Kurt rolled his hips against Santana's, causing them both to groan against each others lips. Santana slid her hand over his ass and pulled him agaisnt her again.


"Mmm, I want you, Kurt," she moaned, the wine on her breath making him dizzy. "You're so hot."


He responded by growling deep in his throat and moving one of his hands down from her wrist over her shirt, stopping only to squeeze one of her breasts and nip at her collar bone.


"OH, touch me, Hummel," she breathed in his ear. His body shivered as he ran his hand farther down and up the short skirt she was wearing, fingering her while squeezing again.


"Ungh Kurt!" she cried out. Her fingers curled in his hair and tugged, earning a backward toss of the head from the boy. Brittney and Blaine had stopped dancing and were watching Kurt finger fucking Santana against the wall.


"That's so hot," Brittney said against Blaine's ear, who just nodded as he watched. Kurt looked back to see them watching and got an idea.


"Wanna put on a show?"


Santana's eyes glazed over and she nodded. Kurt slipped out of her and licked his fingers and moaned at the taste.


"So good," he moaned before picking her up and carrying her to the couch. He lay her down and began pulling at her shirt. He was pretty drunk and couldn't seem to make his fingers work.


Santana giggled and sat up, slowly slipping her shirt off over her head. Kurt ran his eyes over her chest as Blaine and Brittney sat down on the coffee table, both breathing heavily and watching intently. Blaine suddenly remembered that his condoms were in his room. He ran up the hall, tripping over every now and then before he reached his room. He grabbed the box and ran back to the living room quickly, not wanting to miss anything.


Blaine came around the corner to see that Santana had pulled Kurt's jeans off and her bra and underwear were lying on the floor next to the couch. Kurt was braced over her, licking at a nipple.


"Kurt, please," Santana whined.


"Tell me, Santana, I wanna hear you beg me for it," he hissed against her chest.


"Kurt, please fuck me! Pound me!"


Blaine dropped the box at the floor next to the couch and sat back down by Brittney, whose hand was down her shorts. Blaine slipped his boxer briefs down and took himself into his hand, pumping lazily. Kurt picked up a condom from the box and ripped it open and slipped it on. He lifted one of Santana's legs and placed it on his shoulder before slipped inside her, bracing his other hand on the arm of the couch.


"Oh, fuck, Kurt, harder!" Santana's hand came and her nails dragged from his neck down his chest, red marks rising on his pale skin. He moaned at the pleasurable pain and picked up his pace, sweat beginning to drip down his chest. Blaine was pumping furiously by now, seeing Kurt, his love, his everything, his sexy fucking boyfriend, thrusting furiously into the latina.


"Ungh, say my name, Kurt. Scream for me!"


"Aaah, Santana! Feels so fucking amazing," Kurt's head fell back and his body responded to the vocal request by thrusting harder and faster. Santana was writhing and clawing at his chest and the back of the couch, her orgasm fast approaching.


Brittney's hand rested against Blaine's bare thigh. She was gripping him hard as she fingered herself. Blaine can't think of anything past Oh fuck, so hot, and mmm so close. He lets out a cry and comes over his own stomach and hand, his hips thrusting forward into the circle of his hand. Brittney's hand tightens on his thigh and she cries out in a high pitch, her eyelids fluttering and lips parted.


"Kurt, oh god, so close!" Santana panted, thrusting her hips forward to meet Kurt's.


Kurt sped up, his hand gripping hard against Santana's thigh, eyes squeezed shut and like a wave, his orgasm hit him hard and he was cumming in the condom, his stuttering thrusts sending Santana over the edge.


Kurt collaped, shakily bracing himself over Santana and letting his head fall forward into her shoulder. Her hands slid up over his heated back and rubbed soothing circles. "You ok?"


He nodded and sat up, sliding out of Santana and looking over to Blaine.


"Well...looks like you two enjoyed yourselves," Kurt smirked and stood up. He walked over to Blaine and took his boyfriend's hand and licked up the cum on his fingers.


"Mmm, fuck," Blaine groaned. Kurt opened his eyes and winked at him.


"I really like it when you watch," Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine, his taste still on Kurt's tongue.


"I like watching," Blaine smirked.


"Britt's wearing too many clothes," Kurt tilts his head and looks at Brittney thoughtfully. Brittney smiled and slipped off her shirt.


"Santana, why don't you help her," Kurt looked over to the couch. Kurt gave her a wink. She knew what he was doing. Santana loved Brittney. This was her chance to show her. It was a rebound, but right now, she wanted her so much that she didn't even care. Santana walked over and knelt in front of Brittney, her hand cupping her cheek. Santana brought her lips to Brittney's softly, their mouths moving together beautifuly. Santana moved her hand around to unhook Brittney's bra and slipped it off, their breasts brushing together. Brittney and Santana hissed against their kiss.


Blaine hummed and stroked at the back of Kurt's neck absently as he watched to beautiful girls making out in his living room. He laughed out loud.


"What the hell is so funny?" Kurt asked.


"My dad...I just thought about this and my dad would be flipping out right now if he knew I was getting off watching two girls making out."


"Ok, daddy talk, over," Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him up. "Let's move this up to the bedroom, ladies."


The girls broke apart and Blaine grabbed the box of condoms and Kurt and Santana grabbed the remainder of the booze. They stumbled, giggling, down the hall, bumping each other and the wall along the way. A baby picture of Blaine slipped off the wall.


"Sshh," Blaine held his finger to his lips, making Kurt laugh out loud. They got to the bedroom to see that Blaine's computer was open, Skype pulled up on the screen.


"Who were you talking to?" Santana asked.


"Wes. I told him Kurt was coming over and he looked just slightly disappointed when I let him go," Blaine laughed. "Everybody wants us."


"I want you," Brittney raked her eyes over Blaine's naked backside. He winked at her.


"What if we started a chat?" Santana sat down at Blaine's computer chair.




"Video chat."


Blaine, Kurt and Brittney exchanged looks. "What would we do?" Kurt asked.


"Whatever they want," Santana smiled. The idea made the blood rush south down both boys bodies. Kurt and Blaine nodded and Brittney looked confused.


"People wanna watch us do stuff?" she asked.


"Maybe. We don't have to if you don't want, Brit," Blaine placed a hand on the small of her back.


"Let's do it. I want more booze," she skipped over to Blaine's bedside table and grabbed the bottle.


"Can I wear your tie? It's pretty," she twirled the tie between her fingers. It was hanging on his closet doornob.


"That's kinky," Kurt quirked his eyebrow. Blaine nodded and she slipped the tie over her neck and it dangled over her naked chest. Santana brought up the chat and they all sat around her. She typed out the message:


Four drunk, horny teenagers- tell us what you want and we'll make it hot


"Wow, really? Sounds like a personal ad for a pizzaria," Kurt scoffed. Santana smacked his bare chest. They started seeing people messaging.


Helloooo sexy blond

Jailbait! nice

are you guys gay or something?


Santana rolled her eyes. We said we'll do whatever u pervs want. Doesn't matter what we are?


Kurt smirked at Santana's message. Then the requests start pouring in.


Ooo! I want the boys to make out!


Really? tame!



Kurt and Blaine laughed and Blaine took the back of Kurt's head. He plunged his tongue deep into the cavern of Kurt's mouth. Kurt slid his hand up and fisted Blaine's curls.


Fucking HOT!

Yep...their gay

fuck that, their sexy!



"You guys have fans," Santana laughed and typed out a message: Their whining like horny cats over here ;)


Brittney rested her hand on Santana's upper thigh. Santana's gut swirled with warmth.


hmmm...latin chick, suck the curly haired guys dick

lap that shit up!


"Blaine, they want me to suck your dick," Santana said to the shorter boy, who was still passionatly making out with Kurt.


"What's the fucking hold up?" he asked against Kurt's lips.


make him sit in the chair! gotta see those sexy eyes


Blaine rolled his eyes and sat down in the chair, turning it sideways for a better view.


holy fuck he's hung!

mm he can plow me anytime


Santana knelt between Blaine's legs and looked up at the camera when she licked a stripe up Blaine's cock before sliding down over him.


"Oh, shit!" he gripped the side of the chair. He tangled his fingers in Santana's hair and brushed it from her face for a better view.


Blaine lay his head back and let out a shuddering moan as Santana lapped at the head of his cock then dove back down, the back of her throat meeting the head.


fuck that's hot

angel face needs to make out with the blond one!


"Angel face? Really?" Kurt quirked an eyebrow.


"They said make out with me," Brittney took his cheek and kissed him hard on the mouth. They both moaned against the kiss and Kurt slid his hand over her chest.


"Mmm, you're hands are so soft," she mumbled against him. He smiled and kissed down her neck, pulling her close to him and pressing his erection against her. Brittney whined and let her head fall back. Blaine had his hand on the back of Santana's head as she bobbed up and down on him. She pulled off quickly.


"I have an idea. You said you have toys, right? You have a double-ended dildo?"


Blaine nodded and she leaned up and kissed him quickly before standing.


"Where are they?"


"Bedside table drawer," he said heavily. He looked over at the screen.


where'd she go?

mmm i'm a dude, but that pale guy? I'd wreck that shit

I wanna ride that cock right now

babe, can I lick ur abs? de-lish


Blaine smirked. Santana came back and whispered in his ear. To the audience, there was no noise, just silent mumbling. Blaine groaned and got up off the chair, moving it and placing the laptop to his dresser directly across from his bed, giving a perfect view. Santana dragged Brittney over to the bed and began making out with her again, her fingers dancing over her chest and stomach. Kurt and Blaine were sitting back against the headboard, loosely fisting their cocks and exchanging kisses, leaving the focus on the girls for now. Santana lay Brittney back and slid her fingers inside her, scissoring them.


"Mmm, Santana," Brittney arched her back. Santana kissed down her neck and over her breasts. She took her nipple and sucked and lapped at it, swirling her tongue around it before diving back in. Santana moves back up and whispers the plan in Brittney's ear, a smile spreading across Brittney's face. Santana leans over and grabs the dildo and they mirrored each other, Santana's legs draped over Brittney's and Brittney's underneath hers. Santana slid one end of the dildo into Brittney, watching the blond let out a moan and buck her hips, pushing it further in. Santana moved her hips forward and slid down on the other end, pleasure coursing through her. The girls start slowly fucking themselves on the dildo.


Santana turned her gaze to Blaine and beckoned him and Kurt over for their part of the job. Kurt moved to place a passionate kiss on Brittney's lips and straddled her. Blaine did the same to Santana. Kurt and Blaine were literally back to back, skin to heated skin. Almost on cue, Santana and Brittney took each boy into their mouths. Blaine's shoulder fell back against Kurt's and he let out a groan of pleasure.


Brittney moaned around Kurt, sending his blood pumping toward his painfully hard erection. He placed his hand on the back of Brittney's head and gave an experimental push. She groaned and looked up at him, her eyes telling him to continue. He growled and pushed her head down on him in a rhythm, fucking her mouth. Blaine's eyes were squeezed shut and he was digging his nails into Santana's shoulder, fighting the urge to come too soon. Santana's hand reached up and cupped his balls and squeezed them gently.


"God, Santana, FUCK!" he screamed out. Kurt reached up and turned Blaine's head so they could exchanged a hot, sloppy kiss. Blaine let out a high pitched cry against Kurt's lips as Santana slipped a finger into his entrance, remembering where his prostate was from the last time and hooking her finger inside him.


Brittney's hand slid up and scraped down Kurt's chest and stomach and around his hip. She gripped his ass and forced himself deeper into her mouth.


"Oh god!" Kurt moaned.


"Come on me, Blaine," Santana pulled off him to say, her lips brushing the head before she took him back and regained her pace. Blaine couldn't fight it back anymore. He pulled quickly out of her mouth and pumped himself through his orgasm. He cursed loudly and came on Santana's chest and stomach, his head falling back against Kurt's shoulder agian. Kurt was just on the edge when Brittney rolled her tongue under the head one good time and he unloaded down her throat. She was crying out in her own orgasm, intensifying his further. Blaine was basically holding him up as his body gave out. Brittney's hips shuddered, angling the dildo just right in Santana to send her over the edge. She felt back against the bed, back arched and fingers digging into Blaine's thigh. The four sat boneless for a moment before getting up to cut off the camera. They looked at the comments quickly before doing so.


goddamnit that's hot

i just came in my pants

holy shit, angel face is fucking the blond's mouth!


did he just cum on her!

he can cum on me

damn, anderson, get it!


Blaine raised his eyebrow at the comment. Who knew it was him? He saw there was a text on his phone from Thad.


The Warblers are all crowded in my room right now...we're watching you have sex...get it!


Blaine dropped his head and shook it before answering back on the chat.


Go to bed, Thad


They closed the laptop and Blaine joined the three of them on the bed, pulling the covers up and slipping themselves under them. Brittney snuggled against Santana and closed her eyes. "I'm dizzy."


"Sleep, pretty girl," Santana kissed Brittney gently on the lips and rested her cheek against Brittney's hair, quickly falling asleep.


Blaine pulled Kurt against his chest and kissed him. The kiss was beautiful, slow, and very them. They did some crazy things but at the end of the day, they were Kurt and Blaine- Blaine and Kurt. Kurt broke away slowly, looking into Blaine's eyes and smiling.


"I love you, angel face," Blaine smirked.


"I love you too, curly haired guy," Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine's.


"I wanna be with you forever," Blaine said lazily. The alcohol was slurring his speech slightly.


"Mmm, me too."


"Marry me," Blaine said against Kurt's lips.


Kurt backed away slowly. "Blaine?"


"I don't have a ring, Kurt. I didn't make it romantic or too entirely special, but it's how I feel Kurt- I wanna marry you. We still have this year to finish out and all that, but I couldn't spend another night without saying it..."


Kurt's eyes swam, a surprised smile spreading across his face. "Of course I will, Blaine. I love you so much."


Blaine smiled widely and kissed Kurt deeply, throwing every ounce of love for the boy into one kiss. "I love you, too, baby."


jesus that was long and steamy. yumyum klainetitnay! yeah, i just realized i spelled brittnay's name wrong... fail



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