The First Time
Infinity Previous Chapter Story
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The First Time: Infinity

E - Words: 1,701 - Last Updated: Oct 19, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/5 - Created: Oct 04, 2011 - Updated: Oct 19, 2011
652 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Kurt's POV. This is possibly my favorite chapter to date. Thanks to Courtney for beta-ing!

Days turned into weeks, and the seasons shifted. Summer slowly but surely turned into the blustery days of fall, the leaves on the surrounding trees transforming from vibrant greens to crisp shades of crimson and gold. An indecipherable feeling of change, of the unknown, begins to make itself present, filling in the gaps of spare time and silence.

Kurt and Blaine, however, do not forget their promise.

On the contrary, it was the only thing they thought about for days after their reconciliation in Kurt’s bedroom. It was what kept them up at night, unable to sleep. And when they were finally able to close their eyes and drift off into oblivion, it was the very thing that ruled their dreams, loomed in their subconscious. During school, Kurt would catch Blaine glancing at him, a familiar expression in his eyes; his stomach would flutter nervously with a thousand butterflies, his face filled with a lovely blush.

It seemed as if losing their virginities to each other was the only thing they could and, quite frankly, wanted to think about.

This, however, passes as time progresses. Not to say that the boys don’t think about it still. It was as if it became less of a need, a requirement, and more of a gift, and right of passage.

They partook in heated make out sessions, all hands and ragged breathing and heat; but it never escalated further than that. For the very same reason that stopped them both times before, Kurt and Blaine refrained from having sex; it simply wasn’t the moment. That spark, that bolt of electricity just wasn’t there yet.

Soon, though.


And so Kurt and Blaine carry on with their lives, bearing all these new feelings and thoughts in their adolescent minds.

They walk to class together, sing duets in Glee club, attend Rachel’s outrageous Glee parties, and go on dates. The latter was definitely their favorite thing to do.

One date in particular found the two of them on a moon lit picnic, courtesy of Blaine. A red and white checkered blanket was laid neatly underneath their huddled bodies, a bottle of sparkling cider gleaming in the moonlight.

Arms wrapped around each other, legs tangled, Kurt and Blaine were stretched out across the blanket, looking up at the vast and indigo-colored sky.

The stars twinkled, few clouds obstructing their way. It was truly a clear, beautiful autumn evening.

A slight breeze swept through, ruffling their hair and bringing a chill to their skin. They snuggled closer into each other, basking in the warmth and intimacy of the moment.

For a few minutes they were silent, simply looking up at the stars and marveling at their beauty.

Kurt turned his head to look over at Blaine. The glow of the moon cast an eerie yet stunning gleam over his small face, making his eyes look as if they were as big as the moon itself.

He looked beautiful.

Kurt gasped at the view before him, awestruck by…by the sheer and utter perfection of the moment. He, Kurt Hummel, out of all people, was having a moonlit picnic with his adorable boyfriend, who loved him, who understood him. It was as if all those seemingly impossible years of suffering and bullying and…crap…had dimmed in comparison to now. To Blaine.


He…he had strolled into his life and turned everything absolutely upside down. Nothing would ever be the same, and, quite frankly, Kurt wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Blaine’s eyes were closed, his long eyelashes resting against his smooth skin. His hair, for once, was ungelled, in its natural curly fashion. Kurt had the sudden urge to reach over and run a hand through it. And so he did.

Upon realizing the contact, Blaine turned his head and opened his eyes. He focused his dark, sweet gaze on Kurt’s.

Kurt just stared back, his eyes unwavering, taking in everything that was Blaine Anderson. Because he could. Because, if he wanted to, he could sit there for…for days and just stare back into those hazel beauties and never get tired. Kurt chuckled at the thought.

“Can I know the joke?” Blaine asked tenderly, his expression soft and amused, his voice barely over a whisper.

Kurt smiled, continuing to run his hand affectionately through Blaine’s hair. “Oh, nothing, I was just thinking about how, you know, if I wanted to, I could just sit here and stare at your gorgeous face forever. For eternity.”

Blaine chuckled. “Forever? Am I really that attractive?” He placed a gentle hand to Kurt’s cheek, caressing it lovingly.

Kurt smirked. “More than you know.”

A small blush crept over Blaine’s face, visible even in the shadows of the night. “Well, thank you, then. And for the record, I could stare at you forever, too. I could go without…food, or…or water or anything and still be the happiest person in the world because…because I have you.” Blaine tightened the hold he had around Kurt and pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his nose.

Kurt’s eyes sparkled with joy, his lips parted in an angelic smile. He returned the small kiss on the nose with a full one on the lips. Blaine’s lips were soft and warm, a perfect complement to the cool chill of the night.

Blaine parted his lips slightly, allowing Kurt entrance into his mouth. Kurt accepted the welcome enthusiastically, exploring Blaine’s mouth with his tongue. Blaine tasted of apple cider and coffee and…an indescribable flavor that was uniquely and wonderfully Blaine.

Kurt sighed contentedly into the kiss, his body filling with warmth and joy and…love. This…this was what he had been waiting for. Someone to love him and accept him…someone that felt like home. He hadn’t felt this way since….well, since before his mother had died. Blaine had reawakened a part of him that he thought he would never see again. He had uprooted Kurt from the very depths of hell and brought him up to heaven.

Blaine had taken the scattered pieces of Kurt’s soul and made him whole again.

His missing puzzle piece.

Kurt pulled back from the kiss slowly, hearts in his eyes as he gazed back at Blaine. There they sat for some time, just holding each other and whispering silent “I love you’s” and immersing themselves in each other’s presence.

Finally, Blaine broke the peaceful silence. During their noiseless moment, something…odd had formed in his caramel eyes. Something Kurt couldn’t quite put a finger on.

“Kurt? What’s gonna happen next year…after…after you’re gone?” Blaine’s voice cracked, fear laced thickly in his question. His eyes were haunted with terror, his mouth turned into a small pout.

Kurt froze, all warmth from his body slowly slipping away. They had never actually spoken about this. Sure, they were both aware of the impending and unavoidable idea of graduation, but…they had sort of just pushed it off, saving it for another day.

Like right now.

Kurt sighed sadly, gloom taking over his previous happiness. “I-I…I honestly don’t know. I mean, I guess I’m going to go to New York for college and you’re…you’re gonna finish out your senior year, and then you’ll come to New York and we can move in together and start a highly successful musical-slash-fashion consultant agency,” Kurt said hesitantly with a weak laugh.

Blaine’s attempt at a smile flickered, his eyes filling with tears. “I’m…I’m going to miss you like crazy, you know.” Blaine swallowed, the sadness and inevitability of their situation forming a thick lump in his throat.

Kurt’s eyes prickled with tears, his heart aching with the pain of their circumstances and Blaine’s unhappiness. “M-me, too. I…I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself,” Kurt said, his voice cracking, tears spilling over his cheeks. He felt hopeless and broken.

At the sound of Kurt’s weeping, Blaine had, too, broken down, tears now glistening on his face. “Promise me. Promise me that…that we’ll make it through this. That, no matter what, we’ll stay together. That we’ll always love each other. Even if that means calling each other twice a day and Skyping everyday and writing cheesy love letters and…and visiting each other every chance we get. Promise me, Kurt,” Blaine pleaded, on the verge of begging. He clutched at Kurt’s shirt, his eyes penetrating Kurt’s with intensity. “Please.”

Kurt looked back into Blaine’s tear-filled eyes. He looked at the person who…who was his everything. The person that he wanted to love forever. The person that, one day, he would like to marry and maybe even start a family with. His Blaine.

He gazed into those hazel eyes that, this time next year, he might not be able to look at up close. His heart ached, with both love and sadness, as he saw his future in Blaine’s face.

“I promise. Of course I promise,” Kurt said with conviction, nodding his head. “I will always love you, Blaine. Forever. I don’t care how many goddamn miles separate us…nothing, nothing will ever make me stop loving you.”

Blaine hugged Kurt tightly, a broken sob escaping his mouth. Kurt hugged back firmly, refusing to release his hold on Blaine.

After a couple minutes of so, Blaine loosened his grip, lacing his fingers through Kurt’s, returning to his previous position of lying on the blanket.

Kurt squeezed his hand before rolling onto his back to look up at the stars again.

Blaine sighed, his eyes fixed on the infinite stretch of darkness above them. “It’s so beautiful.”

Kurt smiled. “Yeah, I guess… It’s got nothing on you, though.”

Blaine beamed, leaning over to kiss Kurt on the cheek.

Kurt sat up, pulling Blaine up with him. He wrapped his arms around Blaine’s small waist, pulling him in as close as possible.

He now understood. Everything that had plagued his mind before, every trace of doubt…was vanished. It all seemed almost trivial now in retrospect. It all finally made sense.


“Yeah?” Blaine replied, sensing the change of tone in Kurt’s voice.

“I…I love you. And…well….”

Blaine looked on in silent wonder as Kurt spoke. Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine, his voice barely a whisper, yet still strong and assertive.

 “I’m ready.”




End Notes: Let's run away and don't ever look back...


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AHH so good:D I hope you update soon! This is absolutely superb!