The First Time
Make You Love Me Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The First Time: Make You Love Me

E - Words: 1,578 - Last Updated: Oct 19, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/5 - Created: Oct 04, 2011 - Updated: Oct 19, 2011
929 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Thanks so much to Courtney, aka -blameitonthesummerrain on tumblr, for being my beta reader on this!Kurt's POV.Enjoy & Review!
It was 7:55 PM, and Kurt had gotten absolutely nothing done.

Well, not completely true. He had cleaned his room to perfection, carefully selected the music that was quietly playing (Adele), and lit half a dozen vanilla colored candles.

The atmosphere was perfect. Ripe for reconciliation.

The reconciliation part was what was stumping him

He had absolutely no idea what to say to Blaine, where to even begin. He had sent the text in the rush of the moment, letting the adrenaline rush overtake his reason.

Well, there was no turning back. And if there was one thing Kurt Hummel wasn’t, it was a quitter.

He was going to fix this. All of this.


Before he had time to answer his own question, the doorbell rang off in the distance.

His heart pounded ferociously in his ears, drowning out the music playing in the background.

All he could hear were the muffled voices coming from downstairs.

“Hey there, Finn. How’s it going?” a voice that belonged to no one other than Blaine asked.

Kurt’s skin tingled with anxiousness. It had been one whole day since he and Blaine had last spoke.

It was the longest they had ever gone.

Finn’s reply was blunt. “What’s going on with you and Kurt? He came home last night and didn’t even offer me my cup of warm milk and a lady chat.”

Kurt listened keenly for Blaine’s reply. His mind ticked with a thousand possible ways this could go wrong.

When he heard nothing in response, Kurt’s heart sank. Had Finn’s probing caused Blaine to leave?

Overcome with disappointment, Kurt fell facedown onto his pillow. Maybe Blaine didn’t want to make up. Maybe he realized he really didn’t care. Maybe he---


Kurt got off the bed with such speed that he almost collapsed from the dizziness.

Thankfully, Blaine caught him before he could fall and break his head.

“Whoa there, babe, be careful,” said Blaine affectionately, temporarily forgetting that he was fighting with the very boy he was holding in his arms.

It seemed that Kurt had forgotten this, too, for he was staring back with the intensity of a thousand scorching fires. The corners of his lips tugged into a smile.

There they stood, holding each other, until the change of music from a soft, slow song to one with a pumping bass woke them from their day dream.

Blaine quickly released Kurt from his embrace and took a step back. Running a hand through his curly mane, he diverted his gaze from Kurt.

“So.” Blaine said quietly, nervousness showing in his tone of voice.

Kurt played with the buttons on his sleeve. This was it. Now or never.

What the hell was he supposed to say?

Now, Kurt wasn’t the kind of person who at a loss of words often. He usually always had something to say, whether it be a biting comeback or a witty reply.

Now, however, he was drawing a complete and utter blank. He suddenly became very aware of his surroundings. More specifically, of Blaine.

The way his eyes shot back and forth, occasionally stealing glances at Kurt. The way his eyelashes fluttered, framing his eyes in that irresistible way Kurt never seemed to get used to. The way his hands fumbled with each other, tensing up and curling.

He could have sat there forever, just studying Blaine; and he probably would have, had it not been for Blaine finally speaking.

“Ok, well, clearly you have nothing to say to me. I don’t see the point of me being here if we’re just going to ignore each other. I have more important things to do.” Although he was clearly angry, it was evident that hurt and fear plagued his thoughts. His eyes were ablaze with disappointment as he turned around to leave the room.

Kurt’s attention refocused to the present. His head shot up, eyes wide with alarm as he watched Blaine walk away.

Wait. Crap. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. He was supposed to come up with some romantic and cute reason/apology for the other night, and Blaine was supposed to run into his arms and they would share a passionate embrace and kiss and…

“Wait. Stop. Please don’t go.”

The words left Kurt’s mouth before he had time to process it. His voice cracked as he continued to speak.

“I’m…I’m not good at this. At this whole making up thing. I just… God, Blaine, I’m just so fucking confused.” Kurt whispered, finally breaking down. He fell onto his bed, face in his hands, and let it all out.

Put everything out there.

Meanwhile, Blaine had stopped, his back to Kurt. He had not turned around, but the hurt and vulnerability in Kurt’s voice forced him to turn around and slowly walk towards Kurt’s bed.

Blaine took a seat next to Kurt, making sure not to sit too close, but close enough.

“What…what are you so scared of?” Blaine whispered fearfully, hands trembling in his lap, eyes fixed on Kurt.

“I-I…I’ve never felt like this before. It’s so strong, so…potent. It’s like everything I’ve ever felt or said or done is irrelevant and all I want to do is be with you and hold you and touch you and…and..” Kurt stuttered, bursting into tears again.

His words were a whisper, barely audible. “I feel all these things…for you. And…and I don’t know how to…act.” His next words were low and rough.

“I’ve never wanted anything than you and your body and your love more. Clich� as it sounds, you’re my drug, Blaine.”

Kurt looked up, his eyes smoking with desire and shame.

“A-and I need my fix.”

Blaine looked over at Kurt in disbelief and wonder, his mouth turned in an amused smile.

Kurt raised his head to return Blaine’s gaze with a confused one. “Wh-what? What’s so funny? I’m trying to be honest with you, here.”

Blaine shifted on the bed to move himself closer and wrap an arm around Kurt. “No, no I know, I’m not laughing at you. I’m just… so you‘re not… disgusted with me for wanting to…further our relationship?”

Kurt eyes softened with the realization of Blaine’s words. “Oh, God, Blaine, no! I would never…I…it was never about that. I just…I was so scared and I really wanted to…do that stuff with you. But I know that if and when we do…that stuff… I want it to be special, romantic…Not in the backseat of my car.” Kurt said quietly.

“Kurt, you can say sex. You want us to have sex. To make love.” Blaine said, half amused, half serious.

“Oh my God, be quiet, these walls are as thin as paper!” he exclaimed, a lovely blush spreading over his cheeks. “I-I can’t just straight out say it. I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again…baby penguin, Blaine. Of course I want this, but it doesn’t mean it’s still…awkward for me,” Kurt’s words barely a whisper.

Blaine got up off the bed and kneeled down, placing himself at eye level with Kurt. “Take my hands,” Blaine ordered.

Reluctantly, Kurt obeyed and laced his fingers through Blaine’s. A perfect fit, he thought to himself.

“Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, from the first moment I met you, I knew you were special. Different from the rest.” Blaine begun.

Kurt’s eyes widened in horror as he let go of Blaine’s hands. “Oh my God, please tell me you’re not proposing.”

“Oh, just hush up and listen,” Blaine remarked, once again taking Kurt’s hands in his own.”As I was saying, I’ve always known that you were one of a kind. Though it took me a while to realize it—“

“Yeah, no duh…” Kurt replied sarcastically. Blaine glared. “Sorry, sorry, go ahead. No more interruptions, I promise,” Kurt smile, motioning for Blaine to continue.

“Where was I? Oh yeah, although it took me a while, I finally came to my senses. Since then, our relationship has been quite a whirlwind. From our first kiss, to the first time we said ‘I love you’ to each other, “Kurt smiled fondly at the memory, “up until my transfer to McKinley. We’ve through so much together, Kurt. This has been the best adventure of my life. And…and making l-love to you would just be another stop on this journey. A huge one, no doubt. I love you, Kurt. More than anything in this world, and I just want to show you my love in every way humanly possible.”

Kurt was silent as he processed Blaine’s words. His stomach fluttered with butterflies, warmth spreading all over his body, making him whole, at last.

Kurt leaned in and closed the gap between them. He gently pressed his lips to Blaine’s, the kiss chaste, but expressing a thousand different thoughts.

Blaine melted into Kurt, kissing him back. Kurt could feel his cheeks growing hot, inhaling Blaine’s cologne. God, he had missed this. He had missed Blaine.

After a few seconds, Kurt pulled away and stared into Blaine’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Blaine. I’m sorry for being a fool and a prude… I love you so much… Okay? I know I’m not exactly…great with affection, but I want you to know that you’re my…my everything and…and more. God, I missed you so much.” He whispered as he hugged Blaine tightly.

There they stayed, in each other’s arms, for what seemed like forever. Love flowed from their skin, radiating off of them, letting it flow into each other. Though no one spoke, everything was said. Every apology, every ounce of love, put out there, for the world to see.

Kurt heard Blaine sigh contently, snuggling into Kurt. Finally, Kurt spoke. “Blaine?”

“Mhm?” mumbled Blaine, drunk off of the moment.

Kurt pulled back, against Blaine’s protests, and looked him straight in the eye.

“I want us to make love.”

End Notes: o.0


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Beautifully written. Whenever I try to write two characters resolving an issue between them, it goes on and on and on...and on. I just can't seem to get them to that place, even though I know what the ultimate resolution is.You also stayed very well in character, which is very difficult to do in a scene like this, especially after Blaine has said he's not very good at romance. But, of course, we've all seen that since he fell for Kurt, he's been inspired. :)