A Moment in Time
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Story
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A Moment in Time: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,024 - Last Updated: Dec 02, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Nov 29, 2011 - Updated: Dec 02, 2011
1,132 0 2 0 1

Kurt Hummel was not the kind of person who forgot easily, who let things go.

Quite the opposite.

He was the master of holding grudges, of not letting things go. He was an expert of keeping things in the back of his mind, letting them fester and fester, until they came out.

So, Kurt did not forget about Rory’s strange behavior. Sure, he had been temporarily deterred for a few days after Rory had spilled the drink on him. Rory had done a fine job of ignoring them after that, which didn’t give Kurt much reason to think about him.

He found the thought rolling in his mind, a week later, inside of his room one afternoon. He and Blaine had been having one of their study sessions, which usually meant 10 percent of the time was spent actually studying, while the other 90 percent consisted of lots of making out, and well…other things.

As a result, that specific afternoon found them doing quite a bit of…other stuff. Kurt was currently pinned underneath Blaine, his lips busy on his neck, as Blaine licked a trail up Kurt’s chest, peppering it here and there with wet, sloppy kisses. Blaine dragged his hands down, fingering the tight denim fabric of Kurt’s jeans, slowly working down the zipper and pushing the jeans off.

On any other day, Kurt would have been more than happy to oblige, to give Blaine right of way to some sexy times. Something, however, had been on Kurt’s mind lately; something that bothered him. And if there are two things in this world that didn’t mix well, they were Kurt Hummel and things he didn’t like. Kurt broke away from Blaine’s neck, lifting his head up slightly. “Blaine,” he breathed, still flustered from their heated encounter.� “Wait, Blaine, hold on a second.”

Blaine continued on, his hands dipping into Kurt’s jeans, coming dangerously close to his arousal. “Mnnmm, too busy…talk later.”

“Blaine…Blaine! I’m serious, stop for a minute.” Kurt grabbed Blaine by his arms, pulling him up next to them, setting them both in an upright position. Blaine groaned in protest, exchanging their moment of intimacy to instead wrap his arms around Kurt’s waist and nuzzling into his neck.

“What’s wrong?”Blaine mumbled into Kurt’s skin, his voice muffled. Kurt smiled, enjoying the little things like this that made Blaine so undeniably adorable.

“I just…what do you think about…about Rory?” Kurt waited patiently, running his hand up and down Blaine’s back.

“What do you mean ‘what do I think about Rory?’”

“I mean…you know, have you noticed anything…strange about him. Peculiar?”

Blaine moved his head back, looking back at Kurt seriously. “I mean, yeah, I guess he’s sorta strange…but, he’s new here, he’s foreign…it’s gotta be hard for him to assimilate, you know?” Kurt nodded, his eyes cautious, as Blaine went on. “I personally think he’s great. I mean, he’s really talented, super nice, and really humble.” Kurt smiled in response, his expression softening as Blaine spoke.

“And it probably doesn’t hurt that he’s trailing you all the time, giving you compliments.” Kurt chuckled, swatting Blaine playfully.

“Oh, yeah, well…I don’t know. He’s really interesting, though, you know? In fact, he and I were talking the other day over coffee, and he was telling me about—“

“You guys went out for coffee?” Kurt did not intend for the question to come out sharply, teetering on suspicious. However, he and Blaine always knew what the other person was doing.

Blaine, of course, didn’t notice the edge in Kurt’s voice, too engrossed in his story. “I—yeah, we did. Last week. Anyway, we were talking, and he was telling me all about his life in Ireland, about his family, and…” As Blaine �went on enthusiastically, Kurt’s mind was reeling, brewing.

He has been spending an awful lot of time around Blaine…lunch with us, Glee club, and now coffee, I guess… Oh my God, Rory totally has a crush on Blaine. How the hell did I not notice this before? I mean I’m usually really goo—

“Kurt. Kurt! Are you even listening to anything I’ve been saying for the past three minutes? Blaine’s hands were on Kurt’s shoulders, shaking him gently, as if to wake him up from a bad dream.

“Rory likes you.” It came out as a statement, not a question. His expression was unreadable, his front completely guarded.

Blaine’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Wh-what do you mean? Of course he likes me, we’re friends, Kurt. He likes you, too.” Kurt shook his head, his eyes steely gaze intent upon proving Blaine wrong.

“No, Blaine. He likes you. As in head-over-heels, schoolboy crush likes you. Haven’t you noticed? The way he looks at you, the way he hangs off your every word, how he’s always asking about your life…God, it all makes sense now.” Blaine’s face transformed from confusion into bewilderment, his grip on Kurt growing more firm.

“No, Kurt, that’s…okay, well that is true, but he acts the same way towards you…”

“No, Blaine. No he doesn’t. Trust me, I would have noticed.”

Blaine just shook his head, leaning in close to plant a kiss to the corner of Kurt’s mouth. “Kurt, you know nothing would ever come between us.”

Kurt raised his eyebrows, eyeing Blaine defiantly. “I never said anything about him coming between us. In fact, the only thing I said was that he seemed to have a crush on you. Not vice versa.” Blaine simply laughed, looping his arm around Kurt’s neck, pulling him close, their lips inches apart.

“You are…ridiculous. And, why, might I ask, are we still talking about Rory? I mean, no offense, the kid is great, but I would rather be using my lips doing something else right now?” Blaine smiled suggestively, breathing in Kurt’s scent.

“Oh, really? And what would that be, if I may ask?” Kurt’s heart beat faster, his previous worries quickly melting away.

Blaine’s voice was low, barely a whisper, as he moved his hand down Kurt’s body. “Actions speak louder than words.” And suddenly his lips met Kurt’s, moving together, both of them forgetting about the previous conversation.

Rory who?

End Notes: Drama, drama, drama....


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this has certainly caught my attention. i am really intrigued by it. can't wait for more...

this is really good!!