March 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
Kurt paced the entryway of his fathers house, peeking out the window from time to time, looking for signs of Adam prowling around in the dark. Marley stayed close by her master, but her signature smile stayed absent from her face. She stood quietly and watched - Kurts rigid shoulders a testament to the tension in his body, the dried tracks of his tears evidence of his pain.
Marley had long since stopped apologizing to her master for this underhanded arrangement, and severely loathed Lord Anderson on Kurts behalf. She longed to find some other way that she could help, but there was nothing she could do. She was as well caught up in the sorrow of having to leave the Hummel household, for it was the only home she had ever known.
Kurt had granted her permission to stay, but she couldnt do that.
She couldnt abandon her master.
Kurt heard a scurry of footfalls on the steps, and a scratching at the wooden door. His heart leapt to his throat, his mind swimming with the excitement of their original plans, to run away and elope – to start a new life together.
That life was but a dream now.
Kurt looked at Marley, who nodded encouragingly toward the door. Kurt scanned the room behind them – a room full of revelry and dancing of which he took no part in. Finn Hudson and his mother, Carole, had been summoned from town and brought to the Hummel house in Lord Andersons own carriage. Somewhere within where the music swirled around in rapturous celebration, Rachel danced in her beloveds arms.
Blaine Anderson was lost in that same crowd, probably holed up in a corner with his drink.
Good riddance, Kurt thought, since he had no wish to lay eyes on the man.
Kurt reached for the doorknob. Part of his brain screamed at him to forget about all of this – forget his father, forget Blaine Anderson, and run away like he and Adam had planned.
Run far away and never look back.
Kurt turned back to party and caught a glimpse of his sister, bubbly and laughing, looking up at Finn as if the sun rose and set in his eyes. Kurt sighed. He couldnt forget his sister, who had been thrown into this needlessly. If Kurt left, then Lord Anderson would surely retract his offer, and who knew what would happen after that.
It was a cruel thing for fate to ask him to exchange his happiness for anothers, but he would do it for none other than his beloved sister.
As luck would have it, that dastardly voice of fate caught him before he made it to the door.
"Going to see your gentleman caller, I see, Master Kurt?"
Kurts hand around the brass knob tightened.
"Not at all, Lord Anderson," Kurt said.
"Ah," Blaine said, not at all convinced, "so is there another matter of a pastry thats gone missing, or some other cake-based emergency to be dealt with?"
Kurt sighed, but he didnt remove his hand from the door knob.
"What is it exactly that you need of me, Lord Anderson?" Kurt asked, his shoulders trembling.
"You know, when I arrived here, I thought you would be a bit happier to see me," Blaine said, this time without his mocking tone.
"I might have been, my lord," Kurt said, "if you had behaved more civilly toward me, if you had been forthright with your purpose for coming here, and if you had not ambushed me with this marriage proposal."
"Had I done all of that, would you have not objected to the marriage then?" Blaine asked
"I still would have objected, my lord," Kurt said frankly, "but it would have improved my opinion of you."
Kurt turned the knob to open the door, but Blaine reached out a hand and grabbed Kurts elbow. Kurt dropped his head, his forehead knocking against the wooden door.
"Lord Anderson," Kurt said quietly, "I had a life before you showed up on our doorstep today. I had hopes and plans for the future. In the last few hours since youve been here, all of that has changed." Kurt turned watery blue eyes to the man standing beside him, unwilling to relinquish his arm. "Part of that life is standing outside my front door. Please, give me the opportunity to say good-bye to it."
Blaines eyes hardened, his grip tightened, and Kurts lower lip quivered.
"Please, my lord," Kurt whispered.
Blaine looked at Kurt – his slumped shoulders, his red eyes. He was a pitiable creature. He deserved more compassion than Blaine had given him.
"Fine," Blaine said in a stern tone, "but stay out front where I may see you."
Blaine loosened the hand around Kurts arm and took a step away, giving Kurt leave to open the door. Kurt swallowed down bitter tears before they could break free from his eyes.
"Yes, my lord," Kurt said sadly. "If that is what you wish."
Kurt opened the door and slipped out into the night, the thought of running away still fresh in his mind, though he knew it to be impossible. With Blaine standing in the entryway, there was no way he and Adam could evade his notice, and besides, Blaine had money, connections.
There would be nowhere safe for them to hide that Blaine would not be able to find them.
Kurt raised his eyes from the steps and saw Adam, peeking out from behind one of the topiaries. He was wearing his traveling coat and hat, with a rough sack full of his clothes slung over his shoulder. Kurt wondered if Adam told his employer anything about their plans, or maybe just left him a note. Either way, Kurt hoped Adam could secure his position again at the bakery after this night was over.
"Kurt!" Adam called out, beckoning Kurt over. The topiaries were further out into the green of the front lawn, beyond the reach of the light from the house. Kurt looked over his shoulder to see Blaine standing in the window, watching them carefully.
"I cannot," Kurt called back. "I need you to come here, into…into the light."
Adam shrugged his bag higher up onto his shoulder and walked to where Kurt stood glued to the stones beneath his feet. Kurt had to constantly remind himself that Blaine was there, chaperoning this whole meeting, or else he would run like mad whether Adam went with him or not.
"So, how did things go, Mr. Hummel?" Adam asked. He looked Kurt over from head to toe. He noticed that Kurt had not put on clothes suitable for traveling, but he didnt bring it up.
"I have news," Kurt started, finding the words hard to force out, especially the way Adam smiled at him, the innocent and loving sparkle in his eye that begged Kurt to come away with him, "and some changes."
"Changes?" Adam asked.
"Yes," Kurt said, clearing his throat. "Rachel wont be required to marry Lord Anderson after all."
"Thats…thats wonderful!" Adam exclaimed, sighing with relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Everything turned out alright then."
"No, it is not," Kurt said, lowering his eyes to his feet, finding he had not the courage to reveal the truth while he gazed into Adams guileless blue eyes, "because I am."
Adam stared at Kurt, not comprehending entirely the meaning behind what he had said, or why this man that Adam cared for so deeply would not look at him.
"You are what?" Adam asked, the glimmer of excitement fading from his eyes.
"I am marrying him," Kurt admitted. "Apparently, it was always going to be me, we just hadnt been informed…"
"I dont understand…" Adam went on, the smile now truly gone from his face, "your sister is the eldest. Isnt she supposed to…"
"Yes," Kurt interrupted, finding a need to be done with this conversation before his heart split in two, "yes, she should marry first, and she will. Lord Anderson gave Finn Hudson means to wed her, and they will. On the morrow." Kurts voice broke. "And so will I."
"No!" Adam cried, and Kurt heard the heartbreak in his voice. "You cant! There has to be a way to stop this!"
"No," Kurt said, shaking his head, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and ward his tears away.
Adam dropped his bag to the ground and made to take Kurt by the arms, but Kurt stepped out of his reach, throwing a nervous glance over his shoulder that Adam caught. He looked up and saw the imposing countenance of the young earl staring at them from the window, and he understood.
There was nothing either of them could do.
Adam looked at the ground, at his bag, searching for a way around the inevitable.
"Then marry him," Adam said decisively, "but take me on as a lover."
Kurt couldnt deny that the thought had crossed his mind while he was pacing the floor, waiting for Adam to arrive.
"I will not," Kurt said, watching Adams face crumble. "I cannot. I may not like him, but I will not dishonor him, or my family, or us. I am not going to sully what we have." Kurt sighed, taking another step back. "Just, remember me fondly, ok?"
Adam watched Kurt walk away, step by step.
He couldnt let Kurt leave like this, not if he was never to see him again.
"Wait," Adam said. He picked up his bag and rifled through it, pulling from a pocket a small spray of flowers – several sprigs of lavender tied together with a piece of thin purple ribbon. He presented it to Kurt, holding it between his fingers, twirling it idly. "I was going to give this to you, for you to wear when we…its from the planter outside my windowsill."
Kurt knew it was probably not advisable to accept this gift, but so many people had dictated his life this evening that he was going to do something for himself and not regret it. He took the flowers from Adams fingers and held them beneath his nose, inhaling their fresh scent.
"Thank you," Kurt said, hiding the flowers carefully in his pocket. "Theyre beautiful."
Adam nodded. Then Kurt did the hardest thing he had ever been called upon to do.
He turned from Adams pleading eyes and walked away.
Adams eyes followed Kurt as he walked up the steps. The door opened before Kurt reached it with Lord Anderson there to greet him.
"Good evening, Mr. Crawford," Blaine said from the doorway in a harsh, dismissive manner.
"Good evening, milord," Adam returned through clenched teeth, biting back the curses that burned the tip of his tongue. He shouldered his bag, turned, and walked away, with Blaines eyes watching him until he was out of sight.
"What did your young friend give you?" Blaine asked Kurt reproachfully.
Kurt swallowed hard. Blaine had everything from him now. He would not give Blaine the satisfaction of knowing this secret.
"Nothing that concerns you, my lord," Kurt said firmly. Blaines lips twitched. He almost smiled.
"Everything about you concerns me, Master Kurt," Blaine said, reaching for the lapel to Kurts jacket, preparing to force it open. Marley, standing by the door and watching the crushing scene, huffed loudly and stamped her foot in protest.
Blaine snapped his head to glare at the girl, dropping his hold on Kurts jacket.
"I do not believe that your maid likes me, Master Kurt," Blaine said.
"Thats very odd to me, my lord," Kurt said, "for Marley likes everyone." Kurt pulled out of Blaines reach and gave him a bow. "If you dont mind, my lord, I am tired. I think that I will call it a night…" Blaine stared at him, but gave Kurt no answer. "If it pleases you, of course," Kurt added. "I have a long day ahead of me if I am to be married tomorrow."
"Yes," Blaine said, bowing to Kurt in a grand, overstated way, "it does please me that you should get some rest. I will see you in the morning, Master Kurt." Blaine took Kurts hand in his. Raising it to his lips, he kissed it, his eyes boring into Kurts with something akin to desire.
Blaine released Kurts hand and acknowledged Marley with only the briefest of nods before going back to the main hall to rejoin the celebration, to accept more congratulations and to shake more hands.
Kurt retreated to his room. The sound of music and laughter he left behind, and shut himself away. Marley helped him undress, and then he sent her to her room with a smile that looked stronger than he felt. He slipped into his night shirt and crawled beneath the thick quilt on his bed – a quilt his mother had made for him before she passed away. He held on to it in his balled fists, hoping for a little of her fortitude to help see him through.
The party didnt break until well after sunrise, but Kurt had cried himself to sleep long before then.
It seemed that Lord Anderson had not even left the Hummels house. He was there with them at the table for breakfast, wearing a fresh day suit and looking marvelously well-rested, though he did grimace with pain when he sat or walked, and Kurt could tell that Blaine worked hard to keep that look from his face. Blaine sat at the head of the table again, and this time Kurt was seated to his left, where he could pass Blaine the salt, the butter, the jam – anything his lordship required. Blaine could have just as well requested the condiments from one of the surrounding servants, but he made it a point to request them from Kurt, and Kurt could do nothing but comply.
This was Kurts life now – to serve his husband.
Kurt stabbed himself in the leg with his fork beneath the table to keep from dropping the whole pot of honey into Blaines lap.
Much of the morning after breakfast was spent with Blaine and Burt locked away in Burts office, accompanied by Blaines solicitors, drawing up contracts and outlining the terms and conditions of the marriages of Burts two only children.
And Burt seemed quite at his leisure.
Finn and Carole were also present with the solicitors, until Finn snuck out and disappeared with Rachel for a good portion of the afternoon. Once the paperwork was complete, Carole took Rachel into town to pick out her wedding clothes. Rachel allowed Carole to decide on everything except the dress.
Rachel wanted to wear the enchanting dress Kurt had made for her, and she would accept no other.
Carole thought the dress and the sentiment were both simply breathtaking.
Kurt didnt have the time to make a new suit, and he was certain that the readymade stores in town carried nothing he would like. It had always been a dream of his to order his wedding ensemble from Paris. Since that was in no way a possibility, he simply chose the one suit he had that was his finest.
In an odd twist of luck, it happened to be white.
The wedding ceremony, tense and uncomfortable, had ended as swiftly as it had begun. Flanked by his fiancé and his father, and tended to by his maid, the couple was surrounded by only those who lived close enough to attend. They had not even enough time to put a notice in the paper. If Rachel hadnt been so blissfully happy about the circumstances of her own quick betrothal and marriage, she might have been properly appalled on both their behalves. But a full page announcement had been promised to her by Lord Anderson for the following week, and that was enough to suffice the girl.
Not for Kurt, however. He did not care for anyone to know about his current predicament.
The spot at Blaines side that would have been filled by his brother remained empty, since Blaine could not even consider asking anyone else to stand in for him. In Blaines eyes, there was no man on Earth worthy enough to take his brothers place.
Kurt barely heard a word that was said throughout the whole ceremony – not the voices of the children singing hymns, or the sermon of the priest as he spoke the words that would forever join their lives. Kurt hid inside his heart, refusing to participate in the moment which all around him celebrated. Only when a pregnant pause ensued did Kurt lift his moist eyes and whisper, "I do."
The kiss that followed was supposed to be brief - only a chaste brushing of their lips together as they sealed their vows and locked their fates to this union. But in the instant when Blaine looked down at Kurt, something within him changed. Kurts bright eyes, glistening with a light that cut through his pain and confusion, glowed up at Blaine tremendously, making his heart ache. Kurts full, rosy lips, soft and inviting, turned up at the corners slightly as though he were going to gift him with one of his precious smiles. His cheeks reddened softly - a blush of innocence that halted the very breath in Blaines lungs.
Without being able to stop himself, he felt his face lowering to meet Kurts, his eyes locked on Kurts luminous, sparkling eyes. But as Blaines lips touched Kurts, he heard Kurt gasp, and the scorned voice within Blaines head spoke to him harshly. You cant make him happy. He doesnt want you.