Just Like the White Winged Dove
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Just Like the White Winged Dove: Chapter 21

T - Words: 5,164 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Feb 02, 2012 - Updated: Jul 06, 2012
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            Waiting on Kurt's bed when he got home Wednesday night was the file folder. It was lying open with the articles and papers spread across his comforter. His face went red, his muscles tensed, sending a wave of pain through his back. He shucked off his jacket and threw his coat down on the bed beside it, papers flew into the air and fluttered down on the duvet. He scooped up all the papers, crinkling and crumpling as many as possible, and heaved it all into his trash bin. Then he turned and huffed back out of his room.


            Blaine sighed heavily as he flopped down on his bed late that evening. He swiped through his phone to find Kurt's picture, the one after he'd had three cups of coffee and launched into a giggle fit outside the Lima Bean not long after Valentine's Day. He'd been holding his scarf to his mouth, trying in vain to stop Blaine from snapping the picture as he struggled for breath.

In the image his whole face was buckled into a smile, teeth showing around the edge of the scarf. He was peeking up under lashes, eyes squinting, almost shut, and that sliver of green was looking right at Blaine. Kurt had insisted it was an awful picture and could not be held for blackmail, but Blaine loved it.

He opened it up and stared at it. Kurt had always made him feel better about himself, but since Monday the pang of guilt had been overshadowing the euphoria. He clutched the phone to his chest.

            There was still that text from earlier. He took a deep breath before leaving Kurt's smiling face and opening the message.

            I want to talk to you. -Finn

            He ran his tongue over the front side of his teeth. Okay. When and where? Then he got up to take a shower and find something to eat from the kitchen.

            When he returned about an hour later, sitting down at his desk to get through some homework, his phone lit up with a reply.

            Midnight tonight, McKinley gym.

            Blaine looked over to check his clock. It was well after eight P.M.. He looked down at the message again. He leaned back in his chair and replied, Um. No?

            It took fifteen minutes for a reply to come through, You said you wanted to meet!!

            How about I meet you in broad daylight, somewhere well-populated and safe?

            A few minutes and then, This is not up for negotiation.

            He frowned at the phone. I'm not an idiot, Finn.

            Blaine finished taking notes from five pages of his textbook before another response came. He rolled his eyes, seriously considered ignoring it, but when he looked down at the screen, he snatched it up immediately.

            It was from Kurt. How did your appointment go?

            He smiled. Fabulous, like you. After he hit Send, a pang of guilt popped up. He said he'd call afterwards. Here he was, once again being an awful, worthless boyfriend.

Finn's response popped up. Fine. But I'm really busy with Glee this week.

            Blaine sighed. Of course he was. It was dangerous, shifty times of the night, or nothing at all.

Another message from Kurt lit up, Details? Or are you busy?

Just homework. He stared at the message before sending it, and immediately followed it with a call.

After a single ring, Kurt answered, "I was expecting you'd call."

"Sorry it took me so long... I was looking at your picture just now."

"Oh? Which one?"

Blaine smiled and leaned back in his chair. "The one you hate."

Kurt groaned. "I swear, I could send you any number of more flattering pictures."

"Oh?" Blaine asked, suggestively. He could feel his cheeks flaring up. At some point their relationship had to reach the point where he didn't feel guilty about being physically turned on by the mere idea of Kurt. He bit his lip to school his smile as Kurt giggled.

"Aaanyway," his voice was breathy, "Your appointment went well?"

Blaine tried not to sigh aloud. "Yeah. Yes, it was fine."

"So, no details then?"

"It was fine. I mean... he reopened my case-"

"'Reopened your case'? Sounds like an episode of Cold Case."

Blaine paused, "I guess it's kind of like that..."

Kurt's tone dropped, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean...Just, keep going."

"Um...Basically, I'm trying something new, working backwards to kind of get to the heart of..." he searched for a word that didn't sting, but gave up, "my problem. Ah... I have a new prescription for something that's supposed to calm me down if I have an episode again."

"An episode?"

Blaine swallowed. "That's what he called it when I..."


"Yeah. He told me it was a panic attack... of some kind. Apparently I take this and it calms me down so it shouldn't... it shouldn't happen again." There was a huge lump in Blaine's throat. The image of Kurt's face immediately after he'd hit the locker was seared into his mind; his eyes screwed closed, the shock in them when they flew open again. The sound of his teeth actually rattling, and the slam of the locker... His stomach turned over violently.

Kurt was quiet for a moment. "I love you."

Blaine forced a breath and closed his eyes. "I know. I love you too."

"You're okay?"

Blaine turned in his desk chair. "Let's not talk about it right now."

There was another pause. "Blaine..." They were both silent for several long seconds.

"I should just..."

"I meant to be entertaining. Just let me think for a second. Have you seen the new Gaultier line?"

"From... from this week?"

Kurt hummed slightly and apologized. Blaine smiled. Somehow Kurt always managed to keep up with fashion, come hell or high water. Somehow he always seemed to manage to keep up with everything and with everyone. He remained on top of his life even when they weren't seeing each other, even when it had been weeks since they'd seen each other. Meanwhile Blaine had just felt like he was being useless and letting everyone down. If he had just one ounce of Kurt's strength, that fire that set everyone alive and captivated him completely from the very first moment... He squeezed his fist around the tight bandage, still a bit damp from the shower.

Kurt had started on something else. He was talking about how the next time they went shopping he wanted Blaine to try on a particular pair of pants. Blaine closed his eyes and leaned against his phone, trying to draw in every last decibel of Kurt's voice.


He opened his eyes. "Sorry. I'm listening."

"I didn't mean to bore you. What do you want to talk about?" Kurt tried.

"No, it really is interesting, Kurt. I just... long day."

Kurt hummed sympathetically, "Because of the therapist?"

"I should... I still have homework." His heart was pounding. "It's everything," he thought, "It's the therapist, it's Finn, it's you... your voice is so soothing I can't think about everything else, but I'm terrified that I'm going to lose you if I can't fix this..."

"Blaine?" Kurt whispered, and his voice dropped to almost a whisper, "Please don't close off on me."

"I'm not. I won't, it's just... long day."

"Okay. We'll talk tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Blaine said. The memory of Kurt looping his scarf around his neck blazed through his mind, then the look after he hit the locker. Kurt was already saying ‘Goodnight' to him. "Kurt?"


The breath he drew in was shaky, so he took another one before he whispered back, "What if they can't cure me?"

Kurt was quiet for a moment, and Blaine wiped the corners of his eyes raw in the silence. His heart was pounding. The session hadn't gone well. It had been like torture to be back in that room reliving everything from the last incident where he'd lashed out at an upperclassman, and all the way back to his transfer. It was awful. His whole life felt shaky and raw.

" It's probably because you don't have a disease."

Blaine let out a laugh that was half sob, half hiccup.

"By the way, I looked up The Incredible Hulk today. Promise me you'll never get involved with unstable gamma radiation?"

Another laugh. His nose was running now, but he didn't want to wipe it on the back of his hand. He leaned most of the way out of his chair for a tissue.

"We're going to get through this, Blaine."


"It's going to be okay."


"Do you want me to come over?"

"No, don't worry about it. I've got homework..."

"Okay...I'll talk to you again tomorrow."

He smiled, "Okay."

"And you'd best be catching up with Paris fashion week, because there will be a quiz."

"I love you," Blaine squeaked, then cleared his throat.

"I love you too. Goodnight."

"Night." He laid his head down on the desk and breathed deeply for several minutes, reopening the picture of Kurt to stare at, trying to cool his heartbeat. After a few moments his head popped back up and he typed a response to Finn.

            I'll come to you. On Monday in your auditorium. You bring your Glee club, I'll bring mine. It read enough like a Westside Story challenge to hopefully satisfy Finn's dramatic resolve. He then sent out a text to Wes, Emergency! I need to schedule a musical intervention! And one to Kurt, I love you. Be patient with me.

            Kurt's response was immediate, ‘Patience' is my cleverly disguised middle name.

            Blaine kissed the screen of his phone. He carefully packed all his homework away and pulled out a blank sheet of music paper, casually scratching the back of his bandaged hand.


            The rest of the week and into the weekend Blaine apologized a lot, but Kurt didn't get to see him in person. They talked for an hour every night, then whatever was keeping Blaine busy would tear him away. Kurt told himself not to worry. He'd asked for space once, and he could give the same. He could do patience, and besides, as his motor functions fully returned, he found that making up for lost time with the choreography was harder than he'd anticipated. Between Brittney's lack of teaching skill and Mike Chang's preoccupation with getting Finn through single moves without hurting anyone, Kurt had to make up for lost time by hanging out at Rachel's house most of the weekend. On Saturday he was wearing stylish sweats and going over the moves again and again with Miss Perfectionist herself, thankful for the invention of painkillers.

            "No! No! No! No, Kurt. See here. You see how the inside of your left foot is facing at a forty-five degree angle to your right? It needs to be wider or you're going to be off balance in the double step."

            "That's five steps away, Rachel."

            "This is important! We're going to learn every possible step combination so we're ready when we decide on the songs for Nationals. Don't you want to be perfect?" she flipped a braid over her shoulder and placed a hand on her hip.

            Kurt sighed, "Yes."

            "Good, then let's go over it again!"

            They'd been going at it for a day and a half and hadn't completed the whole first routine to her satisfaction. Rachel's nose was still taped and bruised, but the break had been clean and she was healing. She'd had no more delusions about plastic surgery after Kurt sent her a compilation of photos of botched nose jobs. However, she hadn't been able to begin dancing with the rest of them, so she was taking over the role of dance teacher and directing Kurt's movements with a powerpoint presentation and a long stick.

            "We're going to be perfect on that stage, Kurt. New York is going to smile on us and welcome us in with big, open arms, and you know why it's going to do that? Because our steps are going to be perfect. Our smiles are going to be perfect. We are perfect. We are stars, Mister Hummel. Big, shining stars!" Kurt tried to seem impressed, but the same soliloquy had been gracing their practice after every mistake and it was getting tedious. On top of that, following her crazy vegan diet while at her house was driving him insane. He'd never craved yogurt so badly in his life.

             "Rachel!" he said sharply, snapping her out of it as she began to move into the part about how stars were formed, "Can we just move on? I want to actually get this by Monday."

            At that moment the screen of his phone lit up and he lunged for it, only to be disappointed when it read Tina and not Blaine.

            "Expecting something?" Rachel asked.

            Kurt tossed his phone back down onto the couch. It bounced and slid between the cushions. "No."

            She reached over to retrieve it for him, asking, "Blaine?"

            "No," he repeated, getting into position for the beginning of the move and going through the first few steps again.

            "Are you two... you know?... Okay?"

            "Of course. Why wouldn't we be?" He reversed the steps back to where he started.

            "Well, after what happened..."

            "Nothing happened," he cut her off, not looking over at her. She opened his inbox and he stepped forward and snatched the phone back from her.

            She looked at him pointedly. "You know I know what happened, Kurt."

            Kurt clutched the phone to his chest. His back felt sore and achy. "I should take a break."

            As he moved toward the stairs, Rachel caught his arm. "Kurt. I already know. Why can't we talk about this?"

            He looked back at her, drew himself up to his full height, and raised his chin. "Well I don't know. I didn't read the file." He snorted, "You know it was spread across my bed on Wednesday? Like... Finn thinks it's still okay to taunt me with it. After everything it caused!"

            Rachel looked down at the ground, then pulled him to the couch. They sat down side by side and Kurt turned his phone over between his hands. "Can I tell you something?" she asked.

            "If you're apologizing for your sweater collection being atrocious, it's okay. It goes without saying."

            She leaned against his arm good naturedly. "I know you know I put that file together. So it's... kinda my fault everything got carried away and crazy. I didn't mean for it to."

            "I know."

            "I mean... I've read all of it, but I really never thought he would hurt you like that."

            Kurt's eyes flashed. "Finn broke your nose, Rachel."

            "I know," she held up both hands in defense. "I know..."

            Kurt ran his tongue along the backside of his teeth. "I am not a victim in this."

            "I know! I mean, like you said, I have a broken nose. I do know. But... you kind of are the victim, Kurt. Maybe not with what happened with Blaine. I completely understand. People have been taking about whether or not you should even see him anymore, but he didn't mean to hurt you, did he? He isn't manipulating you or hurting you for fun. I know he cares about you. I've seen how he looks at you, especially when you're not looking back. It isn't abuse. I certainly don't see you being in an abusive relationship... But... I read the whole file. I found the whole file... What's going on with him is something big. It's something... no one should have to deal with at our age. Or ever. I don't know how much you know, or what he's told you-"

            "I haven't read it," Kurt reminded her.

            She nodded. "I gave it to Finn because I thought that maybe he'd know how to tell you about it. He's such a leader, or... he was... I really thought so... and someone needed to let you know. To prepare you... so you wouldn't get hurt." She took his hands. Kurt swallowed. "Kurt, Blaine got hurt bad once, and it wasn't very long ago. Honestly, knowing him, seeing him, the way he acts, the way he... performs! I don't know how he could have gotten to there, from where he was. I don't know how he... how he's so... Blaine. I really like him, Kurt. I like him for you. I just wanted you to be aware of everything. I honestly thought Finn was going to tell you that. You should have been told about it and I didn't think... I didn't think Blaine could have been the one to say it. I'm sorry it turned out like this."

            Kurt shrugged, blinking rapidly. Mental images of Blaine lying bloody on a locker room floor, in an alleyway, of being punched in the gut, wheeled on a gurney... The mental images stopped after that. He realized he had no idea how bad it had been. Had he ever been in a body cast? There weren't even scars, at least one the visible parts. Was there more? Had he been...?

            Rachel was speaking again. "When he broke up with me it was right after I gave it to him. Not the same day, of course, but it wasn't that long after. I think... thinking back, you had that date that day, because you left it to come comfort me, remember? I think Finn knew that you two were together and he broke up with me-" her voice cracked, "Because he knew it'd be a way to separate the two of you. Cause... he knew I'd call you."

            She sniffed, then convulsed with a small sob. Kurt pulled her closer and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

            "Boys are really stupid, huh?" she sniffed, wiping her cheek with the edge of her sleeve. He grabbed a wad of tissues from the table beside him, then kissed her on the head, and leaned against her.


            On Monday Kurt shuffled into the choir room, phone in his hand, where it had been all day except for when it was on his desk-a position he'd convince all his teachers was acceptable since it meant they could be assured it wasn't under his desk sending and receiving texts. He took a seat as far away from Rachel as possible. They'd spent a fabulous weekend consoling each other and reworking her entire wardrobe during their dance routine breaks, but there was only so much Rachel Berry a person could handle at a time.

Once he was seated he just gazed at the screen. He'd put a picture of himself and Blaine together, wearing color coordinated scarves and leaning in. It was part of a series he'd taken of them both doing duck lips, but in this one they'd cracked up just as he snapped it and Blaine had the most adorable, dorky smile across his face and he was looking directly at Kurt. That was his favorite-when Blaine would just smile unabatedly and there was no sign of anything buried underneath. It lit him with hope.  

            Sam was leaning over to ask him a question when Schuester burst into the room, clapping his hands together. "Everyone? I know today we were supposed to start brainstorming song selections before getting our booties in shape for the competition," Everyone groaned, "But first we happen to have something very special waiting for us in the auditorium. And it's courtesy of Finn?"

            Finn raised his eyebrows and looked around, confused. His eyes settled on Kurt, but Kurt looked away, nonplussed.

            Everyone picked their things back up and headed for the auditorium, which was completely empty. Kurt sat down a few rows from the front and didn't make eye contact with Mercedes when she sat in front of him and turned around.

            Schuester called for quiet and the lights on the stage came on.

            Kurt's heartbeat sped up when the first a capella "Ba!" of the opening progression ring out from the side of the stage. He was on his feet without remembering the act of standing. He lurched around the seats and clutched the edge of the orchestra pit as blue blazers began to file onto the stage.

            From the back door of the auditorium came Blaine's voice, "Hey, slow it down..." Kurt whipped around. With the dim lighting he could just barely see Blaine descending the stairs to his left. His hands shot to his chest. "Whataya want from me? Whataya want from me? Yeah, I'm afraid..."

            The Warblers had moved onto the stage and were forming a concave arc across it, swaying. One of them had taken over the response "Whataya want from me?" the second one after Blaine's.

            "There might've been a time when I would give myself away. Oh, once upon a time I didn't give a damn, but now?" He reached the bottom step and was facing Kurt. He held out a hand, but Kurt couldn't uproot himself from the spot. He held out a hand in response. "Here we are. So whataya want from me?..."

            He walked quickly and reached Kurt, shooting a look directly at Finn before taking Kurt's hand. "Just don't give up, I'm working it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down."

            Kurt drew in a shaky breath and drew Blaine's hand up to his lips. There was a loud "WHOOP!" from Puck.

            "It messed me up, need a second to breathe. Just keep coming around..." He returned the kiss, his lips to Kurt's, and this time picked up the second "Whataya want from me." He jumped onto the stage to the sound of a few whistles and cheers and fell in with the Warblers while they rose through the chorus.

            "Yeah, it's plain to see that baby, you're beautiful-and there's nothing wrong with you." Blaine's hand was over his heart, and both of Kurt's were against his lips, trying to keep his bottom lip from pouting. Behind him, Finn was shifting uncomfortably. Blaine's other hand rose to meet the first. "It's me. I'm a freak."

            Kurt took the second to glance back at his stepbrother. He was looking down at his lap while the rest of the club were completely engrossed in the performance, a few grinning over at him with winks. His head snapped back to the stage. "But thanks for loving me, cause you're doing it perfectly."

            Blaine mimed a slight swoon, and Kurt could feel the smile bubbling up over his face.

            "There might have been a time when I would let you slip away-" Kurt noticed a few of the Warblers roll their eyes. "I wouldn't even try-" Blaine was advancing to the front of the stage again and he dropped to his knees just in front of Kurt, "But I think you could save my life!"

            The Warblers took over the chorus, and Blaine ran in a harmony over it. They ran through the chorus twice more, and it ended with Kurt's hands curled over Blaine's and pressed against Blaine's lips. "No, I won't let you down..."

            The New Directions were on their feet for a round of applause, a few of them already climbing onto the stage to clap various Warblers on the back. Trent winked at Mike Chang and Tina shot a look at her boyfriend.

Blaine's eyes shot past Kurt to Finn, who was on his feet clapping slowly and half-heartedly. Blaine slid down off the stage so he was standing beside Kurt, and turned his eyes back to his boyfriend, looking at him hopefully.

            "That was awesome, guys! Wow!" Schuester cheered.

            Kurt sucked in his lips and grinned. "Show stealer."

            Blaine laughed and wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, gingerly, and buried his head against Kurt's neck. That smell would always be intoxicating.

            "Is this why I couldn't see you all weekend?" Kurt asked when they pulled back. "Rehearsing with the Warblers to sweep me off my feet?"

            "Yes," he smiled and hung his head good naturedly. "I'm so sorry. I needed to figure out what I wanted to say. Do you forgive me?"

            Kurt smiled. "I'd have waited forever."

            Blaine ran his thumb across Kurt's cheek. "Me too."

            Then he turned to Finn and raised his eyebrows. Finn shrugged. Blaine nodded, then kissed Kurt's cheek.

            "We're sorry to take up so much of your rehearsal time," Wes said over the noise of the group.

            Blaine gave Kurt a "That's my signal!" look.

            "It's always a pleasure having you here," Schuester said, coming over and patting Blaine on the back as he turned to make his way onto the stage to join his Glee club. Kurt squeezed his hand, but let him go. "Thanks for coming over here and helping to get us in gear!" Schuester continued.

            "It's a pleasure being here," Wes replied. "But now we'll get off your stage and let you get back to preparing for Nationals."

            "Let's give the Warblers another round of applause, everyone," Schuester said. Over the scattered enthusiastic clapping Blaine raised his hands to his lips, then opened them up to everyone. He backed off the stage with the rest of the Warblers, keeping constant eye-contact with Kurt, and winking before he disappeared behind the curtains.

            "Man! I love those guys!" Puck said.

            Finn approached Kurt with his eyes fixed on the floor. He looked up and gave Kurt a sad half-smile. "I really was just looking out for you," he said.

            Kurt nodded slowly, then patted him on the arm. "Sorry works better," he said, then made to slip away, hoping to catch Blaine for one last kiss before he left the building.

            Finn stopped him with one arm.

            "Yes, Finn?" Kurt asked, wishing the man weren't quite so tall and muscle-y.

            "Blaine and I need to talk," he said, then waited until Kurt's weight rested back on both feet and his arms were crossed before stalking out to catch the Warblers.


            Blaine seriously considered just staying at McKinley and waiting for Kurt to finish for the day, but the Warblers had come over as a group so it felt wrong not to leave with them.

            The sound of his name, however, made him stop and lag behind. A few of his friends stopped and turned around to wait with him, but he waved at them and told them to go ahead.

            Finn lumbered up to him, standing a whole head taller. Blaine wished being beside Finn didn't make him feel so incredibly small. He straightened the edges of his blazer. "Finn," he acknowledged.

            After several long moments of staring in silence, Blaine realized Finn was probably waiting for him to make the first move.

            "So..." he prompted.

            "Yeah," Finn replied. When they had been on good terms, when Blaine had been invited to dinner a while back, the conversation had at least been slightly more riveting. Blaine waited for it to go on, but instead it just seemed like Finn was trying to loom over him more and more, like maybe he'd eventually cower and run away and they'd forget the whole confrontation.

            After a few moments Blaine got tired of it and held out a hand, "Truce?"

            Finn didn't take it. "You hurt Kurt."

            Blaine swallowed and dropped his hand. "I know."


            "I know."

            "You shouldn't be with him."

            Blaine nodded slowly. "I know."

            "But he really cares about you." Blaine smiled, but said nothing and it took Finn a few seconds to gather his next thought. "But I'll be honest with you, man. I think it's because he doesn't know everything about you."

            "You do," Blaine said tartly.

            "You're dangerous."

            "... I know."

            "He doesn't know what he's getting into with you and he could get hurt. You shouldn't be with him."

            This time Blaine just nodded. It was easy enough to stand there with his chin up and look Finn in the eye, but not to respond when he was right. He couldn't do anything but nod and clench his fists, irritating the healing skin on his right hand.

            Finn shook his head and then stepped back. Blaine blinked. "Dude. Why aren't you standing up for yourself?"

            Blaine swallowed and took his time before asking, "Do I deserve it?"

            "He chose you, he cares about you, and in case you hadn't noticed, there's nothing I can do to convince him you're crazy!"

            "What are you saying?"

            Finn let out a laugh. "I can't stand that he won't listen to me, but he's right, you know? And maybe I've been being a bit of..."

            "...An asshole?" Blaine supplied.

            Finn frowned, "... But Kurt's... maybe he's better than that. He's smart... really smart. And he's a risk taker. He's willing to stand up for what he believes in... I guess I just... Man. Why didn't you fight for him?"

            Blaine blinked. "Excuse me?"

            "I mean, I know why you didn't. But you just backed down. I honestly thought you'd fight for him. Even before last week, you were willing to let him go, weren't you?"

            "No," Blaine challenged.

            "Do you even think you deserve him?"

            Blaine shook his head and whispered, "No."

            Finn threw up his hands. "But he thinks you do. He chose you. He cares about you, so you do. You know, one time I told him I thought your hair was stupid and he chewed me out saying," he put on a falsetto to mimic Kurt, "It's perfect and you're perfect and you're better at everything than anyone else and-it made my head hurt, cause you're not. And even though I know it, and you know that you don't deserve him, he deserves to have you. And you know what else? He might just be the best thing that ever happens to you."

            Blaine's mouth was hanging open. His eyes went wide. "Like with you and Rachel...?"

            Finn didn't say anything for a moment. His eyes rolled and scanned and didn't focus on anything.

            After a while Blaine began gently. "You're right. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Kurt's... Kurt's my perfect thing, all the time, even when he's ridiculous or difficult or... whatever else I'm going to learn about him. I will be perfect for him. You're going to make sure of that." Finn shrugged, his hands were in his pants pockets. "Can we be friends?"

            "I was looking out for him."

            "I know. You're a good brother."

            "I'm sorry I tried to break you guys up... and turn everyone against you. I just got freaked out after reading all that stuff."

            "We have that in common," Blaine said, bitterly. "But I won't..." he worked his jaw and blinked hard, "I won't hurt him again. I mean I... I'll try."

            Finn shrugged, "We're all just human, right?"

            Blaine chuckled bitterly and smirked. "So... truce?"

            "For Kurt," Finn reached out and took Blaine's hand, shaking it firmly, and lingering so Blaine had to pull his hand out of Finn's grip to end the gesture. "You know, he's really happy when you're around."

            "He makes me happy too," Blaine replied, turning to catch up with his fellow Warblers. "And thanks, Finn."

            "You're coming over on Friday for dinner, right?"

             "If he invites me."

            Finn nodded and gave him a half smile. "Yeah, you're invited."



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Awesomeness!! Update soon!! :>