Just Like the White Winged Dove
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Just Like the White Winged Dove: Chapter 16

T - Words: 4,079 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Feb 02, 2012 - Updated: Jul 06, 2012
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            The New Directions were introduced after the cheers for Rachel and Kurt's duet died out, and they performed the second original song on their setlist, "Loser Like Me" much to the excitement of the crowd, especially when they threw confetti at the end.

            After the song and the subsequent applause wrapped up and the groups were assembling on stage to hear who won, Kurt and Blaine couldn't take their eyes off each other. Blaine visibly gulped as he and Kurt positioned themselves to be as close to each other as possible. The other team was between them, but Kurt gave him a tiny wave and a smile that made Blaine's heart flutter. Four different fingers poked him in the back, and when he turned around, his friends were staring at him lovingly.

            "We forgive you for probably ruining our chances," Thad whispered while the announcer was introduced.

            "It was all for love," Trent sighed happily from behind Blaine.

            Wes was shaking his head. "I am going to kick your ass if we don't win, Mr. Anderson," he hissed.

            Blaine glanced back at Kurt, who had just turned to say something to the blond girl behind him, and figured his ass could probably take it. The hug had been worth it. It had erased all traces of doubt that Kurt might not want to be together as badly as he did.

            Other members of New Directions were looking over at him and he forced himself to not look back. If Kurt was all he could see then everything was going to be okay. He didn't want to have to deal with the team who had caused the tears in the car the last day he'd seen Kurt or the beatings to the punching bag in the Dalton gymnasium while Blaine dealt with the last two weeks of being without him. Just Kurt.

            The woman announcing the winner was swaying on the stage and it occurred to Blaine all at once that she had skipped the formalities. "Let's just see who won," she slurred, and he looked over at her, suddenly hoping to win all over again.

            But it wasn't the Warblers who got called. The look on Kurt's face when, "The New Directions!" was announced numbed the guilt and the disappointment Blaine felt over his team losing. Kurt's eyes went wide and his whole face spread into a smile, his skin actually seemed to glow under the harsh stage lights. Two pairs of arms were around him in an instant, Artie's, the wheel chair kid who he was standing next to, and Brittney, the tall blond who was standing behind him and who planted a kiss on his ear, before doing the same to the brunette girl beside her. Kurt hugged Artie back and had placed a hand over Brittney's before leaning away from her as he realized where her lips were headed, and his eyes shot right over to Blaine. He didn't even wait for their choir director to grab the trophy and hold it up, or for Mercedes to reach for his hand, he was already crossing past the other team.

            Blaine took two steps forward to meet him and they buried their faces into each other's shoulders, holding each other tight, lost in the excitement and the movement of the crowd. Some male voices were saying, "Congratulations Kurt!" and patting his arm or his back, but all Kurt could focus on was that either he or Blaine or both were trembling slightly and the warm smell he recognized as Blaine and the strength in those arms. He didn't want to let go.

            Over the noise, Mercedes yelled, "Kurt!"

            Kurt leaned into Blaine, causing them both to rock backwards before Blaine shifted and caught them. He said Blaine's name, and the grip on his back softened. Blaine pulled back so they were looking each other in the eye. Kurt had to speak loudly over the noise, and his voice sounded shriller than he meant it to. "I'm so sorry, Blaine. I'm so sorry. I've missed you so much!"

            Blaine pulled him back into a hug, pressing his cheek against Kurt's and saying, "It's okay. I've missed you too. I've missed you, Kurt. I missed you... a-and congratulations!"

            "Can you forgive me?" Kurt asked, and he pulled back again and placed the palms of his hands on Blaine's cheeks. His eyes were still wide from the shock of winning and his face was bright under knit brows. Blaine started to nod, but Kurt continued. "Because never again. I promise, if you can forgive this, then never again. I'm never saying goodbye to you."

            Blaine's mind cut out. All he could think of was kissing Kurt. He raised a hand to the boy's cheek and lifted his chin just as a very well muscled arm wrapped itself around Kurt's neck, pulling him back, brushing against Blaine's nose. Kurt's hands left Blaine's face as he flailed to steady himself and Blaine caught them instantly, hoping to help.

            "That's enough there, lover birds. We are in public," Puck said, letting Kurt pull away before he got any ideas about a noogie. "We just won a fucking trophy! Let's get off the stage." He jammed a finger toward the exit just in time for Kurt to turn and catch Rachel full force in the chest, then Mercedes, then they pulled him back toward the rest of the group. "We're going to Nationals!" they both yelled, shaking his arms. He dug his heels in and turned quickly back to Blaine who was still standing there looking dazed.

            "Come to dinner with me after this," Kurt asked, urgently.

            Blaine just stood there and nodded, "Of course. I...I'll meet you backstage." Kurt threw him a smile that was absolutely dazzling, then let himself be dragged back to the mass of blue and black that was still bouncing as it made its way toward the curtains. Finn wrapped an arm around Kurt's shoulders and shot a look at Blaine.

            Blaine tried not to grind his teeth or let his jaw clench too tight or be hurt to see the back of Kurt again. The Warblers were leaving the stage too, as were the other team. He had to remind himself that it was just for a minute. A hand wrapped gently around his clenched fist. He looked up to see Thad watching him expectantly. Nick was on his other side, taking his elbow, and suddenly David's hands were on his shoulders and they were steering him off the stage and out the door.


            "So you guys didn't even get to be alone together last night?" Tina asked on Sunday morning while Kurt was ironing the shirt he planned to wear that afternoon.

            "No. Finn found out and he decided it should be a family event. Blaine and I went to Breadstix with Finn and Carole and my dad in tow."

            "Well that's not so bad. At least you got to see him again," Mercedes offered.

            Kurt rolled his eyes and shifted his phone onto his other shoulder. "Yeah, about that..."

            "We're so sorry, Kurt," Tina said quickly. "It really was a terrible idea keeping you guys apart."

            "Yes it was."

            "We'll make it up to you," Tina promised.

            "Kurt, but you two are okay, right? I was really worried until last night, but then he hugged you, and I just want to make sure..."

            Kurt set down the iron and checked the shirt over for any wrinkles he'd missed. Mercedes had called very early that morning, which was unusual for her on a Sunday, and Tina had called not long after. They'd been chatting for the past twenty minutes and it wasn't even eight. "I think so. We didn't exactly get to talk about it last night with my parents and Finn around, but we will today. He'll understand. Blaine's perfect."

            "I'm glad. We'd have felt awful if you'd broken up over this."

            "Well, I couldn't have blamed him," Kurt replied, dryly.

            It was silent for a moment before Mercedes spoke again. "What are you going to say to him?"

            Kurt sighed. "I don't know. The truth. I mean, what do you expect me to say? I'm not going to make up some story or rehearse lines or anything. I'm just going to tell him I'm sorry and that I still want to be with him. I'll answer whatever he asks me."

            "He still wants to be with you, too," Tina assure him.

            "I just mean, I don't want him to hate all of us," Mercedes said, meaning the New Directions. "It is kind of our fault, but we still love you and we really do still like Blaine. I don't want him to think we're out to get him."

            "I won't be surprised if he does. I felt like you were out to get me, after all."

            "Should we apologize?" Tina asked.

            "Yes," Kurt said immediately, then he sat down on his bed. The excitement of getting ready had passed now that his outfit was laid out. He wasn't meeting Blaine till noon. "I don't know. I don't think... I don't think Blaine hates anyone. I think he deserves an apology, but from me, not you. I'm the one you people should be apologizing to."

            "We're sorry," Mercedes said. Tina reiterated the sentiment.

            "You are forgiven," Kurt said with a flourish. "I still love all of you too. It's really just Finn I still don't think I can trust."

            "Are you two still not speaking?" Tina asked, full of concern. "You really shrugged him off hard last night when we were leaving the stage."

            "Yeah. Let's just say it was lucky my dad was there at dinner. You know, Finn actually tried to sit down between Blaine and me, and he kept trying to lead these obviously pointed questions."

            "Like what?" Mercedes asked. He could hear something go ding from her line and she put her hand over the mouth piece to speak to someone.

            "Like trying to bring up stuff about Blaine's past, things he shouldn't have to talk about. Certainly not to Finn, and definitely not right then."

            "What's so bad about his past? Is he an ex-mobster or an international spy or something?" Mercedes asked and Tina giggled. Kurt glanced up at the clock and stood up.

            "Sorry ladies! Lovely as our chat has been, skin care can wait no longer. Blaine is not a former gangster or a spy, but I'll have to talk to you both about it on Monday."

            "Okay, you two have fun this afternoon."

            "But not too much fun!" Mercedes said, and they both sent their well wishes and goodbyes.

            Kurt set down his phone and headed toward the shower, robe tucked under his arm. He wasn't actually sure if anything about Blaine's past needed to be a secret, but he knew that Finn should not have brought it up during dinner. The look on Blaine's face when Finn had mentioned his old school was shattering. Whether or not Burt had seen it too, Kurt was grateful to his dad for immediately cutting off all interrogation with a reminder that they were celebrating.

            All Kurt knew about Blaine's past was the brief mention Blaine had made when they were discussing bullying prevention the previous month. They hadn't lingered on the subject too long, because of the way it clearly made Blaine uncomfortable to talk about it. He'd said he'd had the crap beaten out of him at his old school. Whatever happened after that, whatever had caused it, Kurt didn't need to know until Blaine felt comfortable enough to tell him. He undressed and stepped into the shower to get ready for the day.


            Blaine showed up to meet Kurt a few hours later. Kurt was trying not to be waiting at the door, but he had just stalked by it for the fifth time when the knock came and he flung it open and dove into Blaine's arms before he could remember that he'd meant to wait a half a beat.

            His arms were securely around Blaine's shoulders and his nose was against his neck. He could feel the tension in Blaine's body that had arisen from the surprise of catching him all melt away as his arms snaked around Kurt's back and his cheek settled against his shoulder.

            "It's so good to see you," Kurt couldn't help but whisper, and Blaine rocked them both backwards and squeezed him tighter.

            From the doorway Kurt heard his dad's voice. "Geez, you'd think the two of you hadn't seen each other in years, carrying on like that. Now get outta here and have your date. And have fun on it."

            Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulder blade to keep him from saying anything, and then eased out of the embrace and took his hand, lacing their fingers together, to lead them both to Blaine's car. He still hadn't told his dad about the last two weeks.

            When they slid into the car, he realized that Blaine had picked up on that. "So... your dad doesn't know."

            Kurt bit his lower lip. The euphoria of looking at Blaine again, finally, and the crushing fear of what actually needed to be said were mixing and creating a tornado out of his reasoning facilities. "No," he said simply.

            Blaine looked over at him. Because it was the weekend he was dressed in kaki pants, and a checkered blue shirt with suspenders and he looked so adorable that Kurt suddenly didn't want to go anywhere at all, but instead just crawl on top of him and kiss his brains out, pull those suspenders away and maybe unbutton his shirt some. The only kiss they'd shared in the past two weeks had been a peck after dinner and, in so many ways, that teaser just wasn't good enough.

            Thinking that made Kurt blush, however, and he was grateful when Blaine had decided to change the subject from their time apart and say, "You look amazing, by the way."

            "So do you," Kurt said softly, smiling. Then Blaine leaned in and took the kiss that Kurt wished he'd been brave enough to take, and they set out for the rest of their afternoon together.


            When Kurt got home that night he stopped in the living room to tell his dad about how wonderful his day had been and how amazing Blaine was, which made Burt smile and actually get up to hug him goodnight before he went to his room to start his nighttime skin care routine. He was glad that his dad hadn't noticed that his lips were just slightly chapped. There was no sign of Finn, but the light was on and shining under his door.

            He and Blaine had spent the afternoon talking, catching up and partly avoiding the subject of their absence from each other in favor of the subject of each other. After a short agreement that they really were together again and no outside source had the power to change that, it had thankfully not been important any longer. Even more thankfully, after a quick, healthy dinner and the end of their date, they climbed into the car for Blaine to drive Kurt home and they kissed. Really kissed.

It was absolute bliss how great Blaine's lips against his felt. He liked the way Blaine went for it, full force, then backed off and let Kurt direct the movements from there. He liked it when their tongues briefly touched and he could feel a heat rolling through his stomach and his hips. He liked feeling Blaine's cheek and neck beneath his hand. He liked how dark Blaine's eyes got when he'd look at him and how he'd smile like he was a little embarrassed but too happy to be shy. He liked that of all the ways he'd imagined kissing Blaine, doing it always felt so much better.

Before Kurt got out of the car, once they arrived at his house, Blaine had touched his cheek and looked at him from under those thick eyelashes and said, "Kurt, I trust you. I trust you, and I care about you so much, and no matter what happens, no matter what decisions you make or ...anything, that's always going to be there. So... these last two weeks. It doesn't matter. I'm still here. I'll always be here. I want to be with you."

            Kurt leaned into him and kissed him, letting it go on until his brain righted itself enough to breathe the words, "Thank you," and then to add, "And I care about you, too much to let it happen again. I choose you, Blaine, from here on out, I swear. I want you too."

            They'd decided to meet on the McKinley stage after school on Monday as part one in the plan for starting again, then Blaine had given him the softest look and squeezed his hand lightly before getting out and walking around the car to open the door for him like a proper gentleman. After a few more goodnight kisses and assurance and the smile on Blaine's face, Kurt felt like the sky had opened up for him and everything forever was going to be love and romance and perfect, perfect, perfect...


            Kurt was just sitting down to his vanity when Finn knocked.

            He turned as Finn stepped into his room and shut the door. There was a folder stuffed full of papers underneath his arm. Kurt eyed it suspiciously.

            "Do you need help with your homework?"

            Finn frowned, then looked down at the packet and grinned sheepishly. "Nah, I finished my homework. This is about Blaine."

            "Wow. Do you have to ruin my evening after every date?" he growled through his teeth, but when Finn didn't respond, Kurt turned slowly, pressing his lips together in a firm line and crossing his legs at the knee. "You came to apologize?"

            "No," Finn said firmly, and he held the packet with both hands, fingering the edge. "I really don't think you should be seeing him. I don't think you two should be together."

            Kurt raised his eyebrows, "Yes, you've made that clear. But I don't care, Finn. Whatever you see in him... that's not what I see."

            "Yeah, well, same to you," Finn said, shrugging.

            Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's probably because you aren't gay."

            Finn huffed and threw the packet down on the bed. "That isn't what I meant. You know that's not what I'm talking about. I don't care if he's dashingly handsome and all... gussied up in his blazer and big..." he stumbled for an adjective, "Beautiful brown eyes."

            Kurt's jaw went slack. "Okay. Or, maybe you are gay."

            "No," Finn pointed at him, "I'm not. But I'm just saying-"

            "You're just describing my boyfriend similarly to how your late girlfriend describes my boyfriend. Your problem can't be that he's too dreamy, because if you're jealous, then I am willing to sit down and seriously discuss your sexuality with you and it won't harm my ability to be in a relationship at all."

            "Kurt, I'm not gay!" he said angrily. "I just don't think he should be near you. I don't think he's good for you."

            "So it was never about him not being good for the club, it was about him not being good enough for me?" Kurt asked tartly.

            "Hey, I really care about you, Kurt."

            "But not enough to want me to be happy."

            Finn was shaking with frustration. "Damnit, Kurt! Stop this!"

            "Stop what?"

            "He isn't good for you."

"What part of sweet, polite, good looking, romantic, and talented isn't good for me?"

            "It's not that."

            "Then what is it, Finn? What about him is so terrible you have to devote your life to tearing apart my chance at happiness?"

            Finn's shoulder fell. He looked around Kurt's room helplessly, then back down at the folder on the bed. He gestured to it. "Read the packet."

            "What is it?"

            "Some stuff about Blaine."

            Kurt rose stiffly and walked to it. "What stuff?" His voice was in full staccato.

            "Just read it."

            He picked it up as Finn was leaving his room and thumbed through it. No sooner had his door closed before his eyes went wide and he was snapping it shut and lunging for the door handle.

            Finn had already made it to his own bedroom and Kurt followed, hissing so Burt and Carole wouldn't hear them. "Finn! What is this?!"

            "I told you," Finn said, simply, sitting down at his computer chair like he was triumphant.

            Kurt threw it to the floor. Inside were documents, two police reports, newspaper clippings, grade reports, copies of transfer documents, things Kurt hadn't even paused over long enough to wonder what they were. All of them had the same name, "Blaine Anderson," over and over. "You stalked him?!" he spat.

            Finn just shrugged. Kurt's whole face was red and pulled taut with rage. "Rachel found all that, back when you two first started going out."

            Kurt wheeled around, "Oh my god!"

            "Did you know he got into fights at his old school-"

            "You have no right to know this information!" Kurt tried to cut him off.

            "And since he's transferred to Dalton he's actually won-not just been in, but won-three boxing tournaments?"

            Kurt put his fingers in his ears, "Finn stop it!"

            Finn stood up and grabbed Kurt's elbows, pulling his hands away from his ears. "Don't you think that's something that you should know about your boyfriend? That he's a violent lunatic who could beat your brains out?"

            Kurt was trembling. "Oh, so, what? You're jealous that he's more athletic than you?"

            "Blaine Anderson is violent and dangerous."

            "Stop it!"

            "It's all in the file! He's been going to therapy-"

            "Stop it!" Kurt shrieked, pulling away from him. "You have no right, Finn Hudson. No right to go through Blaine's personal life and unearth all this... this... shit about him, and then to show it to me. How could you?"

            "I want you to be safe, Kurt."

            "No! No. You're selfish, and this is wrong. If Blaine wanted to tell me these things," he said, indicating the articles strewn across the floor, "He would tell me. This is his private, personal life, and he should be allowed to tell me on his own terms and not have his life broken into by a moron like you and... displayed like this! You have no right! Yes, I knew he had problems at his old school, I know he boxes, I know because he told me, and whatever insane theories you have about him are just you projecting because you can't take," he was blinking back tears and backing out the doorway, "you can't take that you're just ordinary and he's... and he's not."

            "Kurt, listen..."

            "You don't know the first thing about him! I can't believe you would stoop this low. I can't believe that time and time again, Finn, you prove that the most extraordinary thing about you, was Rachel."

            Finn threw up his hands. "She's the one who showed me all these things!"

            "Yeah, and she backed off as soon as she met him and found out she was wrong. She may have crossed the line, but she knew where to stop. You don't know anything!"

            "I am trying to protect you, Kurt."

            "You're the only thing I'm scared of right now!" he shot back. Burt was coming up the stairs now, gripping the handrail.

            "He could hurt you!" Finn insisted, picking up the folder with one movement and holding it back out to him, papers falling out and scattering across the floor.

            "What is going on up here?" Burt shouted. Kurt took the opportunity to duck into his own room and slam the door closed. He locked it and leaned against it, angry at Finn and angry at himself for crying over this. Finn's door slammed shut also and Burt yelled "Somebody owes me an explanation! What is going on?"

            "Nothing, Dad," Kurt choked, sinking to the ground. Two articles had fallen out of the folder and were lying on his bedroom floor, a clipping from a newspaper whose heading began with "Teen Violence..." and another one that was a photocopy of a psychiatric report.

            Kurt reached for them, crumpled them violently into balls and hurled them across the room. 



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I'm really enjoying this fanfic. I'm surprised it hasn't received more reviews. Many thanks for a great read!

I didn't start posting it on this website until fairly recently, so it may just be falling under the radar. It's also on ff.net. Thank you for your review! I really appreciate it!