Happily Ever After
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Happily Ever After: Home

T - Words: 1,758 - Last Updated: May 06, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: May 06, 2012
538 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: so yeah...we have a 4th chapter...WOOthank you to the 87 people who have read this, seriously it makes me happy to know that people are actually reading my stuff and *hopefully* liking it!I dont own Glee, or Wuthering Heights, they belong to RIB and Emily Bronte respectively, so yeah....enjoy Xx

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Walking through the door after a long day of school has gotta be one of the most relieving feelings in the world. I think I can quite accuratly conclude that my shoulders have never been more bruised, due to the sheer amount of people that knocked into them with either their bags or their own bodies. And don't get me started on the amount of times people stood on my feet. You'd think people would be able to see other people in a packed out corridor, but apparently not. On the plus side, at least I had a friend. Does that sound really lame? Like I've never had a friend before? I dunno, maybe. BUT thats not the point. The point is, I had a friend. Called Andrew. Who was, most likely, the most beautiful guy in the year. Not only that, but he turned out to be all kinds of awesome. I mean, based on my judgments from what he told me, no guy should be allowed to be that awesome and that good looking, and that NICE. I mean it just makes the rest of us look bad.
But yes....back on topic.
After we left the english room, Andrew started telling me more about himself. He had just moved to the area from California, because his mom and dad were divorced, and his mom wanted a new start for his family. He had two sisters, one was seventeen, and planning to make it to the top of the cheerleading squad, make prom queen yadayadayada, and the other was five and obsessed with all things Disney. (understandable, because lets face it, anyone who says they aren't in love with Disney is in blatent denial). His eyes lit up, making the light blue sparkle when he spoke about his family. Huh...real family guy. Coming from a household where success and work came first and foremost, that was kinda hard for me to comprehend.
   He was looking to try out for the soccar team, he used to play back in California, and was quite good, so wanted to try his luck here. We spoke a bit about sports, how I liked to run, and how he thought football was okay, but he felt soccar required more skill. I found this quite funny, after growing up with Cooper, who worshiped football like a strange religion. It was nice to talk to someone who though football wasn't the be all and end all of the world. 
   It turned out we had quite a few classes together, English (obviously), Biology, Maths and Spanish. Urgh spanish. I hate languages, I mean if most of the world speaks english anyway, why do I have to learn another language. But science I loved. I liked finding out the roots to everything, having a logical explanation for something seemed to make it easier to understand, so I was totally in my element in biology. Nothing like a bit of homeostasis to kick start a no-doubt interesting lesson. AND Andrew decided to be my official lab partner for the day. Bonus.
   By the end of the day, not only did I have Andrew as my friend, but I also had said friends number, which I can tell you, receiving said number made me do a little Carlton dance on the inside, whilst trying to surpress my "Inner Gay" from the outside. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to look totally besotted with a guy literally a day after you've met them. Especially if you're a guy too.

    I walked up to my bedroom, and threw my bag into the corner, before collapsing on my bed face up.
  Urgh...better start the homework. Woo.
Its not that I was a bad student, I mean I averaged good grades, I just didn't like homework. Well...unless it was good homework. Maths was ok. Biology was the best. English, Spanish...urgh...not even worth the words to complain about. I pulled myself off my bed and grabbed the necessary books out of it, deciding to get the spanish work out of the way first.
Write a short essay detailing your family and home life as well as your hobbies
I could tell that this was NOT gonna be a fun assignment.

    An hour and a half later, I closed my books, deciding that I would read and annotate the first chapter of Wuthering Heights later. I stratched and grabbed my phone out of my bag.

 Hey Blaine, here's to hoping that you are alive after that spanish work. If you needed help, let me know. I love me some spanish. Anyway.....soccar tryouts are tomorrow, if you wanna go Andrew.

I smiled. Strange kid. As if anyone could really like spanish. Having said that, I was being invited to soccar tryouts. Well, kind of. I didn't really like the sport, the whole idea of running about trying to kick a ball, whilst kicking other people in the shins "by accident" didn't really appeal, but hey, I could be a good friend and support him right? Friends do that all the time. I think. I thought about it for a bit, debating whether it would be deemed as creepy for me to just sit and watch Andrew try out. And anyway, I met get roped into trying out, and I really didn't want that. I typed out a reply;

How you like spanish is beyond me. I literally do NOT see the appeal. I might have to take you up on the helping offer one day, at least if I'm ever hoping to pass this class. As for tryouts...Lets say I'm too clumsy for any sport with co-ordination. But good luck. Blaine

Pressing the send button, I threw my phone onto my bed and walked downstairs, hoping to find some form of food.

   I walked into the kitchen and found my father sitting at the table typing avidly on his laptop. My dad is a lawyer for a huge insurance company that deals with clients that attempt to make some kind of insurance fraud or scam or something or rather. If I'm being totally honest, I never really paid attention to what my father does. In fact, I try to not pay attention to my father. He's not....how do I put this.......the most fatherly type. I mean sure he doesn't like beat us or anything, but he's very...isolated, like he doesn't really want to be with us. Its the same treatment towards my mom, but he at least tries to communicate with her. I guess now that Cooper is out in the world and making various commercials, my father is willing to talk to him about mone, and success. But with me, its like I'm invisible. In some ways, I guess thats a good thing. Lets just say my father isn't really the most open minded of people.
    Anyway, enough about my father. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the bottle of orange juice, pouring myself a glass and putting the bottle back, closing the fridge behind me, notincing my father starting at the noise, looking over at me with a look of surprice mixed with annoyance. Not surprising really. He looked like that all the time. Surprised when he realised that there were actually people in the world outside of him, and then annoyed at their audacity to breathe in the same environment. I nodded towards him, rolling my eyes slightly when he frowned at me slightly before turning back to his beloved work. I swear, if I'm ever lucky enough to have kids when I'm older, I am gonna be such a dorkey and cuddly dad that my kids are gonna be sick of me. But ah well.
     Grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter, I headed back to my room, finding a text on my phone from Andrew;


I have no idea what you mean Blaine, spanish is COOL.
Seriously, co-ordination? Thats your excuse for not playing the most awesome of sports. SHAME BLAINE ANDERSON. SHAAAME :D. Andrew

I smiled at the text, thinking that I have never actually be shamed before. I mean do people actually wish shame on people anymore? I replied;

19.57. TO ANDREW
Spanish = NEVER in a million years will be cool. And serisously....Shame...what are you, from the 50's lol. Blaine



NO! Spanish will ALWAYS be cool. And shaming will forever be the way forwards my friend. You shall forever live in shame for your lack of understanding of the skills and awesomeness of soccar. Andrew


Spanish sucks. End of.
And fine. If you want to believe that, then fine. Just know that really REALLY deep down, you know I'm right. Blaine



Well, if thinking that makes you happy Blaine, then sure. You're totally right
*rolls eyes*. Andrew


I laughed at the message, deciding to reply to it after I'd had a shower. I could still feel the strange feeling of SCHOOL BUS that seemed to stick to me. It kind of reminded me of the smell of processed ham and B.O. Never a good mix, if you ask me. Grabbing a towel, I walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. As I waited for the water to heat up I thought abouot how different Andrew seemed in comparison the the run-of-the-mill jocks that you tend to meet in high school, like my brother used to be. He wasn't arrogant and actually seemed to give a damn about his school work, and really loved his family. Huh, maybe there was hope for the world of testosterone fuelled sports and sex obsessed teenage boys after all.
After washing the masses of gel out of my hair and feeling considerably cleaner, I waded back to my bedroom, pulling on a white t-shirt and a pair of navy flannel pajama pants. I looked over at my clock, which read 20.50, and climbed into bed to read Wuthering Heights. Gotta say, if anything was gonna send me to sleep, this book would, but I would try to at least get through the first chapter before going to sleep. Yeah it was early, but hey, I was an early riser, and sleep, in my opinion....best part of my day.

“1801, - I have just returned from a visit to my landlord – the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England I do not believe that I could have..........”................

End Notes: so yeah...hope you liked.on a different note, I'm seriously looking for a beta..someone to tell me that my grammar is appaling and my spelling sucks...cause i know it does, as well as someone who I can bounce ideas off of, so let me know if anyone is interested.let me know what y'all think, muchos love,Amy Xx


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