Oct. 23, 2011, 8:50 a.m.
Oct. 23, 2011, 8:50 a.m.
No sooner had they gotten Kurt to the bedroom that Kurt, who vaguely noted the two boys shared, along with a rather large bed, was pressed against their closed door. One of the boys was kissing him hard on the mouth and Kurt granted him entrance, their tongues battling while another mouth wetly kissed down Kurt’s torso as two sets of hands quickly relieved him of his clothing.
Hands roamed over every inch of Kurt’s skin and all he could do was touch whatever skin he could reach and moan wantonly into the mouth kissing him. Whoever was kissing him was exceptionally talented and Kurt felt positively filthy as simultaneously the boy kissing him sucked Kurt’s tongue into his mouth as his brother’s mouth wrapped deliciously around Kurt’s cock, sucking him all the way into his throat.
Kurt gasped into the kiss and what had been a passionate entanglement of tongues turned into a rough war that was all teeth and lips and moans. Kurt slid his hand down the body kissing him, surprised to find it completely devoid of any clothing. His hand slipped around the sizeable cock and gave it an experimental pump.
Meanwhile, the boy sucking on Kurt’s cock had moved to sucking Kurt’s balls into his mouth while keeping a steady rhythm with his hand on Kurt’s already leaking erection.
The mouth kissing him slipped down to Kurt’s neck and Kurt groaned at the loss, but transformed into a gibbering, moaning puddle as the boy tongued Kurt’s ear. His lips wrapped around the shell, licking down to the earlobe and furthers still to that sensitive little spot and Kurt was gripping on the boy’s cock with almost too much force.
The mouth moved behind him and Kurt had to let the cock go, his hands settling in the hair of the boy whose lips had moved back to Kurt’s cock, pressing wet kisses up and down the shaft. He licked Kurt’s cock with wide swipes of his tongue and it made Kurt feel like an ice cream cone.
The boy behind Kurt had kissed, licked, and bit his way down Kurt’s back until he had reached the swell of Kurt’s delectable ass. He pulled Kurt’s ass cheeks apart and let out a filthy guttural groan that made Kurt a little weak in the knees.
Before he knew what was happening the boy who had been staring at his asshole had reached out and lashed his hot, wet tongue against Kurt’s opening. Kurt screamed, lurching forward, his cock hitting the back of the other boy’s throat.
The boy behind Kurt, kept up a steady rhythm just licking and tasting Kurt’s sweet ass. His tongue probed experimentally at the entrance before Kurt felt the boy’s tongue press into him.
Kurt threw his head back, panting, and his knees really did go weak. He started to fall, the boys below him caught Kurt with strong arms and now Kurt sat on the face buried between his cheeks, forcing the probing tongue even further into his hole.
Kurt was going to die, he was sure of it. People could die from too much pleasure couldn’t they?
His last coherent thoughts fled the building as he felt a wet finger probing into his anus to join the tongue that was just fucking in and out of him.
The boy in front of him groaned around Kurt’s too hard cock just as the boy in his ass brushed over his prostate and Kurt toppled over the edge, white spots hitting the edges of his vision.
The fingers and tongue were removed from his quivering ass just as the mouth that had sucked the last remains of cum from his cock pulled off his softening member.
Kurt slid down, landing in the naked lap of the boy who had just had his tongue in Kurt’s ass, his hard cock sliding between Kurt’s wet cheeks. Kurt turned to the boy behind him and pulled him into a sloppy kiss.
After a few moments he was lifted from his position on the floor and carried over to the bed.
“Get on all fours,” the boy who had dropped him there commanded, a dark edge to his voice.
Kurt followed his orders, rolling onto his stomach and pushing up to all fours. He shoved his hips back and up as far as he could, putting as much of his ass on display as he could.
Hands, four hands, slid over Kurt’s exposed ass.
“Oh god, just look at him,” growled one of the boys.
“I know, he’s so fucking tight inside too,” the other one responded.
Kurt turned his head back to look at the two boys and was met with two lecherous, lust-filled stares.
“Is one of you going to fuck me soon, or am I just here for display purposes?” Kurt asked snarkily.
The two boys smirked, sharing a glance, and apparently a decision. The boy on the left raised his hand.
“I’m Tony and I’ll be having the pleasure of fucking you tonight.”
“I’m Drew and you’ll be having the pleasure of fucking me tonight,” The other boy smirked, “but first, I think you should repay the favor and suck me off.”
Kurt couldn’t do anything but nod in agreement, a whorish moan escaping his lips. Condoms and lube were tossed on the bed and two slicked up fingers soon found themselves pushing into Kurt’s ass.
Drew settled in at the head of the bed, resting against the headboard and Kurt bent down, pressing his ass even higher into the air and slurped Drew’s cock into his mouth. Drew moaned appreciatively, his hands slipping roughly into Kurt’s hair.
Tony’s fingers reamed him, and he was soon adding a third finger to the mix. Kurt’s cock had risen to full mast again and he reached down to give it a few strokes while he hummed around the cock in his relaxed throat.
Kurt pulled off Dew’s cock momentarily and Drew whined at the lost of Kurt’s mouth.
“Fuck, Tony, just put it in already,” Kurt snapped. Tony didn’t need to be told twice. He slipped a condom on in record time and pushed the head of his cock into Kurt’s ass.
Kurt groaned obscenely around Drew’s cock, pressing his hips back against Tony to take him deeper. When Tony was completely sheathed in Kurt’s ass, Kurt grabbed the bottle of lube, slathering his fingers with in and lowering his had to Drew’s entrance.
Tony started with a slow pace, pulling his dick almost completely out before snapping his hips hard, burying his cock deep in Kurt’s ass with each thrust. Kurt pressed one finger to Drew’s opening and sucked hard on the boy’s cock as he pressed his finger through the puckered little ring of muscle.
Drew threw his head back, his hips trying to pump into Kurt, but Kurt held him steady with one hand.
Tony kept a steady pace; rocking in and out of Kurt’s as while Kurt slowly worked in two and eventually three fingers.
“Now, Kurt, I need you in me now,” Drew moaned. Kurt pulled off Drew’s cock, his fingers slipping out of the boy’s ass. He sat up, keeping Tony’s dick inside him while Drew slid down, his hips aligning with Kurt’s. Drew ripped open a condom, rolling it down Kurt’s dick.
Kurt grabbed his erection and pressed it into Drew’s entrance. Kurt was thankful that Tony held still as he slowly pumped his hips into Drew. Each forward thrust Kurt got a little deeper into the boy beneath him while each stroke out thrust Tony’s dick farther into him.
Soon Kurt was buried balls deep in Drew’s ass and he leaned over the boy, Tony still kneeling behind him. The three boys started with a rocky, sloppy rhythm, but they eventually got the hang of it and were a tangled mess of thrusting hips, breathy moans and skin slapping against skin.
Kurt leaned down, his tongue slipping into Drew’s mouth and he could taste faint traces of his own cum in the boy’s mouth. Kurt slowed his thrusting into Drew as they kissed passionately, his hips ground hard into the other boy, cock slipping against Drew’s prostate with each move. Kurt pressed hot kisses to the boy’s neck and sucked hard on his neck.
Behind him, Tony’s thrusts reached a fever pitch as he watched Kurt and Drew together and he came in Kurt’s ass, screaming out his orgasm. Tony collapsed on top of Kurt and Drew, driving Kurt even deeper into Drew and the two boys came nearly simultaneously.
Several minutes passed before any of the boys dared to move. Tony was the first, pushing up from his position on the top of the heap. He slid his soft cock out of Kurt’s ass with a pop and Kurt followed suit, slipping out of Drew.
The used condoms were flung off the bed and somewhere onto the floor. Kurt rolled between the boys and cuddled up between them, Drew wrapping himself around Kurt’s back while Kurt wrapped himself into the front of Tony’s warm body.
None of them had the energy to get up and take the showers they all desperately needed and the three boys fell into a satiated sleep, wrapped around each other.
Kurt had been having the most wonderful dream. Blaine was giving him the best blowjob of his life, while his finger were scissoring his ass open. Kurt registered a wet mouth pressed to his neck in the dream before he realized it wasn’t a dream at all.
Only Blaine wasn’t sucking Kurt’s dick, Tony was and, Kurt suspected, Drew’s mouth was currently attached to his neck. What interested him though was that the two fingers buried in his ass did not belong to the same hand, or the same person even. Each of the twins hand a finger wiggling around in Kurt’s hole and Kurt gasped as a third finger joined the other two.
Kurt was sore in places he didn’t even know existed, but the hands and mouths touching him seemed to make all of that fade away into oblivion.
“Morning sleepy head,” Drew hummed as his tongue continued to lave at that sweet spot on Kurt’s neck. Drew’s mouth moved to Kurt’s ear and his voice dropped to a deep whisper. “There’s something my brother and I would like to try with you, if you’re up for it.”
“What’s that?” Kurt asked, turning his head to face Drew.
“We want to fuck you.” Drew practically fucked Kurt’s mouth with his tongue for a moment before Kurt pulled back.
“Didn’t you guys already do that last night? I seem to remember a very nice cock being in my ass while I was buried in yours,” Kurt winked at Drew. Tony pulled his mouth off Kurt’s cock and slid up to their faces.
“No. We want to fuck you,” Tony stated.
“As in both of us…”
“At the same time,” Tony finished.
Oh, now wasn’t that a thought. Kurt pondered it for a moment.
“Yes, oh fuck yes.”
The two boys grinned lasciviously at Kurt.
“We thought you might say that,” Drew’s voice intoned behind him. A fourth finger dipped into Kurt’s ass and his head fell back against Drew’s shoulders.
“Mmm, if you both want to fuck me, one of you’d better get in me now. I have a rehearsal in two hours and Wes will kill me if I’m late.” The boys laughed, but Drew slipped a condom on, his dick sliding easily into Kurt’s well-prepared ass. Drew rocked his hips in and out of Kurt, letting him get used to the intrusion.
Tony, meanwhile, kissed Kurt slowly, with soft, lingering kisses while his and Kurt’s hands pumped each other’s dicks at a languid pace. Tony slathered his free hand with lube and pressed a finger into Kurt’s ass alongside Drew’s rock hard dick.
Kurt moaned at the stretch and he hooked one of his legs over Tony’s hip. A second finger quickly joined the first and Kurt was reduced to whining, breathy moans. By the time Tony’s third finger joined the party Kurt eye’s were blown out, his breathing ragged, and jaw slack.
Tony pressed a wet kiss to Kurt’s mouth that Kurt hungrily returned.
“Think you’re ready?” Tony asked and all Kurt could do was moan and nod a resounding yes. Tony pulled his fingers out of Kurt’s ass and Drew pulled Kurt up, dick never leaving Kurt’s ass. Drew sat back against the headboard his legs sprawled under him and settled Kurt into his lap. Tony slid a condom on and crawled up the bed to the other two boys. He slipped into place; his legs straddling Drew’s and he moved Kurt’s legs to be draped on top of his own.
Drew helped lift Kurt up so Tony could get into position and Tony pressed his dick in next to Drew’s.
Kurt arched his back, his breath coming him pants, a thing layer of sweat coating his body, he tried his best to just relax and let in happen. Slowly, inch, by excruciating in, Kurt was lowered onto both boy’s cocks until he was flush against Tony’s balls.
The two boys rocked into Kurt together and Kurt was pressed between their hot hard bodies as their cocks fucked into him. Kurt turned his head to kiss Drew full on the mouth and their kiss was joined by a third set of lips, Tony’s tongue darted out and the boys kissed each other sloppily all spit and tongues and teeth and a delicious chorus of moans.
The boys tilted over, falling on their sides to the bed, their legs a tangled mess of sweaty limbs as they writhed together. Hands slid over skin, lips and tongues mashed together as Tony and Drew picked up the pace until their hips were snapping hard, their cocks thrusting violently and deep into Kurt. Kurt rutted against the boys and both Tony and Drew brought their hands down to Kurt’s cock and pumped him a couple times before he spilled his seed with a shuddering moan.
Kurt’s dick gripped the boy’s cocks harder than ever before and they came simultaneously, each of them riding out their orgasms. The three boys stayed how they were for a few minutes, recovering for their post-orgasmic high.
“Kurt, I think it’s safe to say that you are welcome in our bed any time,” Tony chuckled, pressing a light kiss to Kurt’s shoulder.
Kurt laughed along with Tony and Drew. While it had certainly been an experience, and a very pleasurable one, Kurt didn’t think he could handle fucking two people all the time.
Kurt thanked the boys profusely for their hospitality as they walked him out and had to collect himself as each of the boys said their good byes with passionate kisses that left him breathless and half-hard.
Kurt winced as his ass hit the driver’s seat. It was going to be a long rehearsal.
This may be my new favourite thing ever...god bless you .
O.O So.... Hot..... *dies*