April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 20 coming soon!
- C
Chapter 19
Friday had arrived.
It had been a long week. Finn and Kurt didnt speak one word to each other, neither at school nor at home. At school they just passed each other in the halls, avoided looking at each other and acted as if the other didnt exist. At home it was just the same. It was complete silence. When they had breakfast or dinner, it was just dead quiet. Kurt knew it was pointless to speak to his brother so he decided to give Finn some space. He was hoping that eventually his brother would come to his senses and speak to him again. But five days had passed since Monday and Finn still hadnt spoken to him.
Kurt had been hoping that by today Finn would have at least said one word to him. But no, he hadnt.
For now he was not going to be thinking about this. Because today was a special day. He was going to meet Blaines parents… as their sons boyfriend. Blaine told him that they had organized a dinner at his house just for the four of them. Kurt asked if Blaines grandmother was going to be there, but she wasnt. She already had plans to play Bingo with a couple of friends. Besides, she was the only one in the family that didnt know Blaine was gay. So it was good that she wasnt going to be there.
Kurt took a deep breath as he parked his car in front of Blaines house. He had worn a nice black, button shirt with gray pants and a nice gray sweater.
Okay Kurt. You can do this, he told himself. Youll just be meeting his parents. Youve met them before. Youll be fine.
He stepped out of his car and walked to the front door, taking slow and deep breaths. He arrived to the door, fixed the collar of his shirt and rang the doorbell. Kurt turned around and waited patiently, looking up at the beautiful full moon in the sky.
"Youll be fine, Kurt," he told himself out loud. "Youll be fine."
Why was he so nervous? Hes met Blaines parents before? Probably because this time, they knew he was Blaines boyfriend, not just his friend.
Kurt turned around as the door opened and saw both of Blaines parents at the door.
"Hi, Kurt," Blaines mother greeted.
"Hello," Kurt smiled.
"Good evening," Blaines father said, shaking Kurts hand. "Please come in."
Kurt stepped into the house as Blaines father closed the door behind him.
Both of Blaines parents were dressed really nice. Blaines mom had on a beautiful red dress, the same type of red you would see on a red rose. She also had on a pair of beautiful designer, black high heels that matched her long, stunning, dark hair. Blaines father was wearing a gray suit and a red tie, obviously color matching with his wife.
"Blaine will be out in a minute," Blaines mother said. "Hes been really nervous for this dinner. He hardly slept at all last night. So when he came home from school, he took a nap and barely woke up an hour ago."
Kurt chuckled. That sounded like Blaine. "Ill be happy to wait."
The three of them walked into the living room and the two parents sat down on the sofa while Kurt sat across from them on a comfy chair.
Blaines father spoke. "Do you want a refreshment, Kurt? Some water? Iced tea? Soda?"
Kurt shook his head. "No thank you, sir. Ill just wait for dinner."
"Please, call me Liam," Blaines father insisted.
"Okay. Liam," Kurt said smiling.
Blaines mother looked at Kurt. "And Kurt, you dont have to call me miss or maam. Makes me sound old. Call me Pam."
"No worries, Pam. I just want to point out, you are not old."
"Well, youre very sweet," Pam smiled.
Kurt smiled and looked around the room and noticed there were new decorations. Kurt knew Blaines family was very into the holidays. They were very festive. And right now it was November, the Thanksgiving season. There were small pumpkins all around the room, the ones people use as indoor decorations for the house. He looked at the fireplace and saw a few unlit scented candles. They were giving off the smell of cinnamon, Autumn, gingerbread and pumpkin pie. Kurt even noticed that the original sofas that used to be in the living room were gone. They had now been replaced by a few cinnamon brown couches.
Pam looked toward the stairs that led to the second floor of the house. "Wheres Blaine? We told him to be ready on time."
She got her phone out and dialed a phone number, holding the phone up to her ear. After a few rings she spoke. "Yeah, hi, Blaine. If youre not down here in five minutes, were having dinner without you darling. Love you." She hanged up the phone and smiled. "Hell be right out."
Kurt tried his best to hold back his laugh by covering his mouth.
"That will get him to down quicker," she said.
"There he is," Liam said looking toward the staircase.
Kurt turned around and saw Blaine speed-walking down the stairs. His eyes immediately lit up as he saw his boyfriend.
Blaine was wearing a nice, blue buttoned down shirt with black pants. Wow, his family dressed nice and formal to these dinners. Good thing he expected that and decided to wear something nice as well.
Blaine walked over to Kurt and smiled when he saw him. He gave his boyfriend a tight, warm hug.
"Hey," Blaine smiled.
"Hey," Kurt repeated.
Suddenly a ding sound came from the kitchen.
Pam smiled. "Thats the stove. Dinner is officially ready."
She walked to the kitchen and Liam followed right behind. "Ill help you."
Blaine looked at Kurt and couldnt stop smiling. "Im so glad you could make it."
"I wouldnt miss it for the world," Kurt assured him.
Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and kissed it as they walked side by side to the dining room.
… … …
The dinner was lovely. Blaines mother had prepared a meatloaf with a side of turkey slices and corn. Kurt loved her cooking. It was delicious. At the table, Blaines parents sat on one side and Kurt and Blaine sat across from them.
"So Kurt, Blaine, how long have you been going out?" Pam asked.
Kurt answered. "Four months. To be exact our four month anniversary was yesterday."
"I ended up taking him to the lake house," Blaine said. "Thats around the time when I started having feelings for him."
Kurt blushed a little. When I started having feelings for him.
"You went to the lake house? Did you end up liking it there, Kurt?" Liam asked.
Kurt nodded. "I did. It was really beautiful up there. I really liked the scenery. The lake and the wilderness; they were all so lovely."
Kurt cut his turkey slices into little bits and ate them. It was all very delicious.
"So Kurt," Liam said as he took a drink from his wine. "Heres a question I havent gotten to ask you. What do you want to study? Im really curious. Any schools you want to go to in particular?"
"Well," Kurt spoke. "I want to study Business. Thats for sure. And I applied to dozens of schools here in Ohio."
"So you want to stay in state for college?" Pam asked.
"Yes, I do. I dont want to go out of state, thats too expensive. But its great because I found great Business schools here in Ohio." Kurt put down his fork and smiled as he looked at everyone at the table. "I actually have some good news I really want to share."
Blaine looked at Kurt wondering what his big news was.
"We would love to hear your news," Liam stated.
"Okay," Kurt said taking a deep breath. "So I found out right before I got here so I havent gotten the chance to tell Blaine. But I got a letter in the mail today and I was really excited because I got accepted into my first choice of schools I really wanted to go to."
When Kurt finished talking all three of the Anderson family congratulated him.
"Kurt, thats amazing. Im so happy for you," Blaine said as he gave Kurt a big hug.
Pam held up her glass in the air. "A toast. For Kurt."
Everyone at the table held their glasses in the air and toasted to celebrate Kurts acceptance. Kurt took a drink of his iced tea, Blaine drank his water and his parents drank their wine.
"So Kurt, what school did you get accepted to?" Blaines father asked.
"I got accepted into Kent State University College of Business," Kurt said proudly.
"Congratulations," Pam said.
Blaine looked over at Kurt proudly and held onto his hand. He was so proud and happy for him.
They continued eating dinner and both of Blaines parents continued asking Kurt more and more questions about him. And Kurt understood. If his child was ever dating someone, he would want to know everything about their partner too.
When dinner ended, the family went into the living room and decided to play a few board games. It was something the Anderson family always did at least once a month. They would play a game as a family and use the time together to bond and catch up. They ended up playing the game of LIFE.
Blaines father ended up winning the game, Kurt came in second place and both Pam and Blaine came in third place. During the game, the four of them had a great time and chatted about all kinds of things.
"That was fun," Blaine said, giving Kurt a smile.
Pam looked at the cards on the table. "I still think I shouldve won. Liam you cheated somehow."
"How do you cheat on LIFE?" Liam said with a smirk.
"I dont know, but you did," Pam responded.
Suddenly there was a knock at the front door followed by the doorbell.
"Ill get it," Blaine said as he stood up and went to the door. He looked out the window to see who it was. "Its grandma!" he smiled.
Blaine opened the door and let his grandmother in.
"Hey, Nana." Blaine hugged his grandmother hello and took the bag she had in her hands.
"Hi everyone," Liz said.
"Hi, Mom," Liam greeted.
Liz walked into the living room and smiled when she saw Kurt. "Hi. Kurt. How are you?"
"Im good. Thanks for asking." Kurt stood up and gave Liz a welcoming hug.
Before Blaine closed the door he looked up at the sky. "Wow, its snowing!" he shouted with joy.
"Really?" Kurt went to the window and looked up to see snowflakes falling from the sky. It was the first snowfall of the season.
"I love this time of year. I love it when it snows and the holidays, Thanksgiving and then Christmas," Pam said. "Its such a lovely time. The music, the food, the stores and houses are all decorated beautifully." Pam stood up and walked to the kitchen. "Ill get you some coffee, Liz."
"Thatd be great. Thank you," Liz smiled.
"So Mom," Liam spoke to his mother. "I wanted to ask, when are you going to bake more of your delicious chocolate chip cookies?"
"Well, how about tomorrow?" she asked.
"Sounds great. Thanks, Mom," Blaines father smiled.
Pam walked back into the living room and gave Liz a warm cup of coffee. "Here you go Liz."
"Thank you very much," Liz smiled as she sat down on one of the couches.
Kurt started to think. Blaines father said delicious chocolate chip cookies. Were those the same cookies he had had last time? Last month, when Kurt visited he had the worlds best chocolate chip cookies. I had to be those cookies.
Kurt looked at Liz who was sitting on the couch. "Liz, the chocolate chips cookies you bake are delicious. I would love to have some please. If its okay to ask."
"Of course its okay, Kurt. Ill bake you your very own batch of cookies," Liz smiled.
Blaines father held up his finger in protest. "Wait, Mom. Hold up. Repeat that. Did you just say youre gonna bake Kurt his own batch of cookies?"
Both Blaine and his father looked at Liz sadly and confused.
"But Nana," Blaine said. "You never bake us our own batches of cookies until after Thanksgiving. We always have to share."
"Well Kurt is different," Blaines grandmother answered. "Hes gonna get his own batch of cookies."
Kurt smiled feeling the love. Wow, his very own batch of delicious chocolate chip cookies. By the looks of it, Blaines grandmother never baked a set of cookies for anyone until after Thanksgiving. It looks like she only baked cookies once in a while for the whole family and everyone shared.
Suddenly Kurts phone beeped. He had received a new text message. Kurt didnt have to see his phone to know it was from his father. He had it set up so whenever his dad texted or called him, it would be a different ringtone compared to everyone else in his contact list.
He looked down at his phone which was on his lap.
I want you to come home. Its starting to snow and the roads could get slippery. Drive safe.
Kurt immediately made a sad face, which Blaine noticed.
"Who is it?" Blaine asked.
"Its my dad. He wants me to come home already since its starting to snow," Kurt said.
"Oh no, thats too bad. I was having a great time with you here Kurt," Pam stated. "But your dad is right. You should get going home before the roads get icy."
Everyone stood up and started walking Kurt to the front door.
"I had a really great time," Kurt said looking at both Liam and Pam. "Dinner was delicious."
Kurt hugged Pam goodbye and shook Liams hand.
"Thank you, Kurt. Glad you liked my cooking," Pam said.
"You know youre welcomed for dinner any time," Liam said.
Lastly Kurt hugged Liz goodbye.
"Ill see you next time," she said.
"See you next time," Kurt responded.
Pam opened the door for Kurt and looked out into the sky. It was snowing but not a lot. The snow hadnt covered much of the ground yet.
"Stay warm!" Everyone waved goodbye at Kurt as he started walking outside and Blaine right by his side.
"Ill be back soon!" Kurt waved goodbye back.
Pam closed the door of the house as both Kurt and Blaine started walking to Kurts car.
"Wow, that went great, dont you think?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, my family really likes you," Blaine said with a smile.
When they arrived to Kurts car, Kurt unlocked the doors but it was Blaine who opened the door for his boyfriend.
"Thank you," Kurt said.
"Youre welcome. You know, youre lucky," Blaine told him. "My grandma never bakes an entire batch of cookies for one person until Thanksgiving."
"Never?" Kurt asked.
"Never," Blaine clarified. "She always bakes for the whole family."
"Wow, I feel special," Kurt smiled.
"Thats because you are," Blaine said as he looked at Kurt with a soft smile.
Blaine put his hands around Kurts waist and kissed the corner of his lips. He knew how much Kurt liked it when he kissed him there. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines neck and hugged him. The hug then turned into a kiss.
"Drive safely, beautiful," Blaine told him.
Kurt stepped into his car and turned it on. He rolled down his window and looked up at Blaine. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"By the way, you better be ready for tomorrow," Kurt said.
"Whats tomorrow?" Blaine asked.
"Tomorrow, youre meeting my parents… and Finn," Kurt said.
Blaine showed a nervous smile. "I wonder how that will go considering your brother isnt really a big fan of mine."
"Finn… hell be alright," Kurt told him. "I just really want my parents to finally meet my Prince Charming."
"Ill be the best prince theyve ever met," Blaine said, leaning down to kiss Kurt goodbye. "See you tomorrow."
"Goodbye." Kurt waved goodbye and slowly drove away to his house.
As he drove away he turned on the radio to hear some music. The song that was playing on his favorite radio station was called Stolen by Dashboard Confessional. He had never heard this song before but as soon as he did, he loved it. The lyrics described exactly how he was feeling.
You have stolen my heart.
Kurt smiled and sang along. "You have stolen my heart."
Yeah, he could relate. There was a certain hazel eyed boy that had definitely stolen his heart.