A Leap of Faith
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Leap of Faith: Chapter 17

E - Words: 3,260 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jan 28, 2015 - Updated: Jan 28, 2015
74 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Have a good weekend!

Chapter 17

In Blaines opinion, last nights party had been the best party ever. And that was saying something since he had hosted dozens and dozens of parties before. But something about last nights party made it special than all the others. Special in every way possible.

And that was Kurt.

Every party Blaine had hosted, or been invited to, he was always the single one. Everyone around him was in a relationship. Ethan and Lucy got together freshmen year and Scott got with Kira sophomore year. So for his entire high school life, Blaine was always the single one of his friends.

But not last night. No. Last night he was with Kurt and he couldnt be any happier. And the one thing that made him the happiest was that he and Kurt had officially announced their relationship to the entire school.

After the party ended last night, Kurt stayed the night and they both slept in each others arms, their favorite thing to do, besides kissing of course.

Blaine opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Kurts smooth chest. Both of them liked to sleep without their shirts, it made them feel so free and relaxed. He looked up to see Kurts beautiful resting face.

He looked so peaceful. So gentle. So beautiful. Blaine swore Kurt was an angel who had gotten lost in this world. He looked at the time on his phone. It was 9:00 AM. Time to get up.

But he didnt want to get up. He wanted to stay right there in Kurts arms and breathe in the scent of this beautiful, blue eyed boy. He could not believe how much he loved him. Kurt was everything Blaine could think about.

Kurt opened his sleepy eyes and looked down at Blaine, giving him a warm smile. Blaine smiled back. It was natural for his face to light up when Kurt smiled at him. Blaine reached up and gave Kurt a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Good morning, beautiful," Blaine said.

"Good morning," Kurt responded. "Im a little surprised you didnt call me Sleepyhead."

"Well, you are always going to be Sleepyhead to me, but youre also beautiful," Blaine said, snuggling himself closer to Kurt and wrapping his arms around his torso.

Kurt blushed and hugged Blaine tighter, intertwining his hand with Blaines.

"I love you," Kurt said.

"I love you too," Blaine said back.

Kurt gently lifted Blaines head with his fingers on his chin and kissed his lips while running his hand through Blaines beautiful curly hair. It was perfect. Moments like these where it was just the two of them. Kurt promised himself that nothing could come between them.


… … …

After about an hour of staying in bed and cuddled up together, it was time to get up. They had a Big Breakfast of course: Pancakes, omelets, toast and bacon. It felt like a small date. Just the two of them, staring at the others eyes.

When the boys started cleaning the house, they had no clue they would take such a long time. There was a mess everywhere. In the backyard the pumpkin piñata had been smashed into hundreds of little pieces. Inside the house there was confetti and streamers everywhere. Black and orange plastic cups and empty soda cans could be seen all over the place.

They were lucky the upstairs was perfectly clean. Everyone respected the "No One Upstairs" rule. So the boys just had to worry about the first floor and the outside. Two hours into the cleaning, Blaines grandmother arrived home and was not surprised by the mess she saw.

"Good morning, Nana." Blaine went over and hugged his grandmother.

"Good morning, love," she responded. She hugged him back and looked at the mess in the house. "Quite a mess here."

"No worries, Ill clean everything so by the time my parents get home, the place will be spotless. Its as if the party never happened."

"Sneaky, I think you got that from my side of the family," she said with a smile.

Blaine smiled back. "How was your stay at the Dunbars?"

"It was great. I dont want to brag or anything but I beat everyone at poker," she said.

"Thats my Nana." Blaine high fived his grandmother as she started walking to the kitchen.

"Do you want any breakfast?" Blaine asked. "I can make you something."

"No thanks darling. I already ate breakfast. Mr. Dunbar had made some delicious blueberry French Toast."

When she walked into the kitchen she saw Kurt sweeping the floor, still in his costume from last night.

"Well hello there, Kurt," she smiled.

Kurt smiled back. "Good morning, Liz."

Liz smiled as she looked at his officer costume. "So someone was a cop for Halloween. I like it."

"Thanks," Kurt responded. "I heard you walk in. So you beat everyone at poker?"

"Sure did. Im the best at the game," she smiled, going to the fridge and getting out a bowl of fruit.

"You know, I also play some poker," Kurt said. "Im the best in my family."

Liz gave Kurt a serious look. "Really? Yourentire family?"

Kurt nodded. "Yep. My whole family."

"You should know Kurt, Im the best of the Anderson family. Maybe we should have a game one day."

"I think we should," Kurt said.

Kurt and Liz shook hands. The challenge was set. One day.

"Thank you for helping Blaine clean up. Remember if anyone asks, I didnt know about this party," she said.

By the next hour, the house was perfect. It was just like Blaine said, as if the party had never happened. Kurt gathered his phone and wallet and got ready to go home.

"Thank you so much for helping me clean," Blaine said.

"My pleasure," Kurt responded.

Blaine walked Kurt to the door and opened it.

"Do you really have to go?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Ill have to face my friends sooner or later."

"Can it be later?" Blaine asked.

Kurt chuckled. "I wish. Santana and Quinn havent stopped texting me all morning. I can only imagine what Im going to run into when I get home."

"I really want to be with you when you talk to your brother," Blaine said.

Kurt shook his head. "I dont think thats a good idea. Hell get really mad if I bring you home. I think at this point he might listen more if its just the two of us, me and him," Kurt told him.

The boys walked outside to Kurts car and as Kurt unlocked the doors with his key remote, Blaine opened the door for him.

"Thank you," Kurt smiled at him as he got in.

"By the way, guess what?" Blaine looked at Kurt with a smirk.

"What is it?" Kurt asked.

"I want to tell my parents about you. About us," Blaine said. "Thats okay, right?"

"Yep," Kurt said smiling. "Everyone can know."

Blaine smiled as he looked at his house. "I really want my parents to know about the guy that always puts a smile on my face," Blaine said, leaning closer to Kurts lips.

"Tell me how it goes," Kurt told him.

They kissed and as they parted, Blaine held onto Kurts hand. "My parents are gonna love you as my boyfriend. I know they will."

Kurt kissed Blaines hand and looked into his hazel eyes. "And for me, as soon as I talk to Finn, Ill tell my parents as well."

"Good luck with everything," Blaine told him.

"Thank you. Ill need it."

"I love you," Blaine said with a big smile.

"I love you too."

The boys kissed one more time and Blaine bid Kurt farewell as he drove away.

… … …

Kurt arrived to his house and parked outside. He had spoken to Quinn on the phone the entire way home. He didnt expect it but Quinn was really happy and supportive. She had been waiting for Kurt to get a boyfriend ever since he came out and as soon as she found out Kurt was seeing Blaine, she wanted to know every detail about what had happened and how they got together. She asked all the questions she could think of: how did he and Blaine get together, when, and who asked who out? How was their first date? Did they love each other?

When Kurt finished talking with Quinn, he called Santana. She hadnt stopped texting him and wanted answers just like Quinn. Kurt was flattered that his friends were curious about his love life and were being positive about this.

Kurt stayed inside his car during the entire talk. It was a nice morning and he did not want to face Finn yet.

After Santana, the next person he had to call was Mercedes. She also wanted answers and she deserved them. He was worried how she would react to all of this, considering Mercedes was one of the many Glee Club members that did not like Blaine. Unlike the last people Kurt had spoken to, who were supportive and positive about his relationship, Kurt was sure Mercedes was going to be the complete opposite. The Glee Club stood together and since Finn hated Blaine, they all did.

When they talked on the phone, Mercedes was a little disappointed at first that Kurt was going out with Blaine. She didnt say it out loud, but Kurt knew she was thinking of him as a traitor. But after Kurt explained to her how much Blaine meant to him and how everything they previously thought about Blaine was wrong, Mercedes started to get more open minded and grow happy for Kurt.

In the end, Mercedes was just as happy for Kurt like Quinn and Santana. She asked the same questions. How long had they been together for? First date? First kiss? Even though Kurt had to retell the same story over and over, he did not mind one bit. He was happy and he loved telling the story of how he and Blaine met and got together. The call ended with Mercedes saying, "I cant wait to officially meet him."

Now came the time he had been dreading the most. Kurt had to face his brother. He got out of his car and walked to his house.

Just be calm. Just be calm, he told himself on the way there.

He opened the door and saw his father at the dinner table reading the newspaper. He looked up to see him.

"Good morning there, Kiddo. Or I should say, good afternoon. Did you eat?" Burt asked.

Kurt closed the door and gave his father a welcoming smile. "I did. Had some pancakes and omelets."

Kurt walked upstairs and entered his room, closing his door. He should probably change out of his cop costume first before he spoke with his brother. He took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. Now he was ready.

He went into the hallway and walked over to Finns room.

The door was closed.

Kurt took a deep breath and knocked a few times.

"Finn?" Kurt said, a little nervous.

There was no response. Kurt spoke facing the closed door. "Hey Finn. Can we please talk? I think I know how youre feeling right now and I understand. But can we just… talk about this? Let me explain?"


Kurt leaned against the wall. "Im not leaving until you open the door."

Still no response.

"Look when I met Blaine for the first time, I had no intention of getting together with him. Us going out just happened. I never thought I would get feelings for him. In fact, when I started to get feelings, I fought them. I knew that I was walking into a mess."

There was no response. Finn was staying quiet.

Kurt sighed and knocked softly on the door again. "At least let me in."

Kurt opened the door and walked in. But to his surprise the room was empty. Finn was not there. He walked over to the closet thinking maybe Finn was hiding in there. But he was not. His brother was not there. Hed been talking to himself the whole time.

He walked downstairs to see his dad. "Hey dad, wheres Finn?" Kurt asked.

"He left to play football with a couple of friends. You actually just missed him. He left while you were taking a shower."

Kurt sighed. It didnt matter. Hell talk to Finn later today.

… … …

Blaine looked at the clock. 4 PM. He was waiting patiently in the living room and had been walking back and forth, excited to tell his parents the big news about him and Kurt. He practiced how he was going to tell them. "Mom, Dad, Im dating Kurt." He went over the lines over and over until he had them memorized.

His parents walked right by the living room and Blaine stopped them. "Mom, Dad. Can I talk to you?" Blaine asked.

His parents walked back and stepped into the living room.

"Sure, what is it?" Blaines mother asked.

Blaine smiled brightly. "I have some news to tell you both."

His parents walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"Im going to assume its good news since your smiling right now," his father said.

Blaines smile did not go away. "Its more than just good news. Its great news. Wonderful news."

Blaine took a deep breath, really nervous about his announcement.

"Okay. You know Kurt, right?" he asked.

His mother nodded. "Yeah. I love Kurt. Hes such a great person."

"He and I bonded one time when he came over for dinner," his father said. "Really great guy."

"Why bring him up?" Blaines mom asked.

Blaine took a deep breath. His heart was beating fast.

"Well… I wanted to let you both know that… Kurt and I are together. He is my boyfriend and I love him. He makes me really happy and he means the world to me," Blaine told them.

He told them. The truth was out.

Blaine looked at his parents reactions. They were both smiling. His father was slowly nodding while his mother had her hands over her mouth, silently screaming inside with joy. His mother stood up and pointed at her husband.

"I told you. I told you they were together," she said smiling. "I told you."

Blaine looked at her confused. "You knew Mom?"

"Im a mom. I know these things. When I found out Kurt was also gay and you two had been spending a lot of time together, I knew something more was going on between you two."

His mom turned to look at her husband and held out her hand.

"Pay up, Liam," she said. "I won the bet."

Blaines father took out his wallet and handed her a twenty dollar bill. Blaine looked at his parents confused. His mom won a bet?

"You guys made a bet?" Blaine asked.

Blaines father nodded. "Your mother kept telling me that you and Kurt were boyfriends. But I didnt believe her. I didnt think Kurt was your type."

Blaine chuckled. "Actually Dad, hes definitely my type."

"Thats good to know. So you know what this means, right?" his father asked.

Blaine looked at his father.

"Were going to have to properly meet your boyfriend."

… … …

Kurt couldnt be happier. Blaine had texted him that he had told his parents about them being together and they officially wanted to meet Kurt… as his boyfriend. They wanted to have dinner soon. Now it was time for Kurt to make the big announcement.

At dinner time at his house, it was only him, Burt and Carole. They were having spaghetti. Kurt couldnt wait to tell them. Previously he was going to wait and talk to them until he spoke with Finn. But Finn had been out the whole day and news like this couldnt wait any longer. He had to share this very big moment in his life with his parents. He was in love.

He was in love with Blaine Anderson.

Kurt was about to speak but suddenly the house phone started ringing. Carole stood to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Carole spoke into the phone. "Oh, hi Finn."

Carole smiled and hummed during her conversation.

"Okay darling. Have fun."

Carole hanged up the phone and returned to the dining table.

"What did Finn say?" Kurt asked.

"Hes having dinner at Rachels. He wont be home until later."

There it was again. Finn had found another way to avoid Kurt. How was Kurt supposed to explain something to Finn if he wasnt even bothering to listen? Oh well. For now he would tell his parents of his boyfriend.

"Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you," Kurt said looking up from his food.

His parents looked at him.

"What is it, son?" Burt asked.

"Well… Im not sure how to put this in words but I thought I should let you both know that I have a boyfriend."

Both his parents smiled. Burt put down his fork and spoke. "Thats great to hear."

"Im happy for you. Wait, do we know him?" Carole asked, eager to know more about the boy who was dating her son.

Kurt shook his head. "I dont think you do. His name is Blaine."

Carole froze and put down her napkin. She looked at her Kurt, a little surprised. "Blaine? As in… Blaine Anderson?" she asked.

Kurt looked at his mom a little nervous. Her voice told him she knew who Blaine was. But what did she know about Blaine? Blaine, captain of the lacrosse team, nicest person in this whole world, Finns rival…?

"Yes. Blaine Anderson. Thats him," Kurt answered.

"Whos Blaine?" Burt asked looking at Carol. "Im assuming you know who he is."

"Yes… hes Finn rival," Carole spoke.

Burt turned to look at Kurt.

"Wait. Thats the guy youre dating? Blaine Anderson? Finn was telling me how much he disliked him a few weeks ago."

Carole turned to her son. "Does Finn know?" she asked

"Yeah, he does," Kurt answered.

"Have you talked to him?"

Kurt shook his head. "No, I havent had a chance."

"Well," Burt spoke. "I dont know anything about Blaine besides Finns point of view. So… tell us everything about Blaine."

"And when are we meeting him?" Carole asked.

Kurt couldnt help but smile. They spent the rest of the dinner chatting about Blaine and how their relationship had grown. He was happy. By the end of that night, both his parents were extremely happy for him and they promised to meet this man who made their son very happy.

… … …

It was 10 PM when Finn finally arrived home. Both Carole and Burt were already asleep and the only one awake was Kurt.

Kurt was in his bed, staring at the wall in the darkness when he heard Finns car arrive in the driveway.

Finn walked into the house and went straight to his room, not making any noise. Kurt got out of bed and walked into the hallway to see Finns bedroom door closed. He walked over to the door and heard nothing. He wanted to knock on the door and explain to his brother everything and that hes sorry if he felt betrayed. But he couldnt. It was already too late at night. Right now was not the time for that talk. And they had school the next day. Hell talk to his brother tomorrow, even if it was at school.



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