April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
Hey guys, updates will be a little slow. Ive returned to school and have a really busy schedule. Feel free to follow this story so you can get email notifications of when I update.
Take care!
And any Friends fans on here? LOVE that show. Chapter inspired by the episode “The One Where Everybody Finds Out.”
Chapter 15
Kurt opened his eyes. It was morning.
He woke up to a really great view. Because right in front of him was Blaine. Kurt was using Blaines arm as a pillow and his boyfriends naked chest was right in front of him. No, he was not complaining. Not one bit.
Kurt looked up and saw Blaine opening his eyes. It was a surprise to Kurt that Blaine was still there. Usually he always got up earlier than him.
"Good morning, Sleepyhead," Blaine said in a morning, sleepy voice. How Kurt loved the sound of Blaines voice in the morning.
"Good morning to you too," Kurt said looking up and meeting Blaines beautiful hazel eyes.
Blaine wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt and kissed his head.
"I hope I didnt wake you up," Kurt said hugging Blaine tighter.
"No, you didnt. Ive actually been awake for a while," Blaine said.
Kurt felt a little embarrassed. Oh no. What if Blaine wanted to get out of bed a long time ago but he couldnt because he was in his arms?
"Im sorry," Kurt apologized. "Did I keep you from getting out of bed?"
"No, youre okay. I liked having you in my arms," Blaine confessed.
Kurt looked into Blaines beautiful eyes and stared at his long striking eyelashes. Blaines eyes were breathtaking. Kurt would get lost every time he saw them. He reached up and gently stroke Blaines cheek.
He wanted to say it.
He wanted to say those three little words that he was feeling. Those three words that he meant. The words hed been dying to say. He wanted to say them. This moment was perfect. It was just the two of them in each others arms.
"Blaine?" Kurt spoke.
Blaine smiled. "Yeah?"
Say it.
Say it Kurt, he thought.
"I – Im kinda hungry. Do you want to eat breakfast?" he asked instead. He couldnt say it. His fear won him over.
Blaine stretched his arms. "I can go for some pancakes." Blaine put his arms around Kurt and hugged him tighter. "But I also dont want to let go of you."
"We can stay like this a little longer," Kurt suggested. He kissed Blaines chest and rested his head on his bicep.
He wanted to tell Blaine how he truly felt. He wanted to let Blaine know his feelings and how they had grown into something more. But he couldnt say it. What if Blaine didnt feel the same way back? What if this just freaked out Blaine? He was not going to risk it.
After a while of being in each others arms, Blaine spoke. "Okay, lets get up and eat breakfast."
The boys got out of bed, ready for the day to begin. They gathered their clothes off the floor while walking around the room naked. Kurt looked over at Blaine as he saw him bend down and grab his shirt. Blaines ass was in full view and Kurt smirked. He loved this view.
Blaine looked back and saw Kurt looking at him.
Oh no, hed been caught.
Kurt looked away fast and focused on picking up his clothes from the floor. Where were his pants? Kurt looked around. There they were.Kurt picked up the pair of pants and suddenly felt two hands at his hips. He didnt move. Instead Kurt stayed like that enjoying Blaines touch on his skin.
Blaine kissed his neck and spoke into his ear. "Were you staring at my butt?" Blaine asked smirking.
"Maybe," Kurt teased.
Blaine turned Kurt around and kissed his lips. Kurt kissed him back as he wrapped his arms above his shoulders.
"Just so you know," Blaine said after the kiss. "You can stare at my butt whenever you want and as long as you want."
"Same goes for me," Kurt told him.
The boys kissed and put on their clothes. They walked upstairs to the kitchen and Blaine immediately went to the cabinet to get a box of Froot Loops cereal.
Kurt leaned against the kitchen counter and looked at the cereal box in Blaines hands. "Froot Loops?"
"Yeah, its my favorite cereal," Blaine said. "Lets make some pancakes as well."
Blaine realized the house was strangely quiet. His house was never quiet. Was anyone home?
Suddenly Kurt and Blaine heard the front door open and the voices of Blaines parents and grandma.
"I still think you got the answer right," Blaines grandmother said.
"Mom, no, I didnt," Blaines father said. "That other man was right."
Blaines parents and his grandmother walked into the kitchen, still wearing the same clothes they left with last night.
"Hi, darling," Blaines mother said as she saw her son.
"Good morning, Son," his father said as he walked into the kitchen and headed to the fridge. "Sorry we didnt come home last night. We honestly had a little too much to drink. So we stayed at a motel across the street from where the party was being held."
"They drank, I didnt," Blaines grandmother pointed out.
Blaines mother spotted Kurt and smiled. "Hello, Kurt. Good morning to you as well. So you slept over?"
Kurt nodded. "Yeah. I didnt want Blaine to be alone all night."
"Well that was very nice of you," Blaines mother said.
Kurt looked at Blaine and smiled, causing him to blush. Kurt smiling at him was his weakness.
Blaines father opened the fridge and looked inside. He then looked back at everyone. "I dont know about you guys, but Im hungry."
"Im hungry too, lets eat," Blaines mother said.
"Is anyone down for Big Breakfast?" Liz asked.
Blaine and his parents all answered in unison. "Yeah."
"Good. So am I," Liz responded.
Blaine and his mother went to the cabinets and started getting out all kinds of cooking supplies. "Blaine, put the Froot Loops away. Youre addicted to them," his mother said as she got two frying pans.
"Mom, its the best cereal. You cant deny it," Blaine said back.
Kurt looked at Blaines grandma. "Liz, what exactly is Big Breakfast?"
"Oh sweetie, only the best breakfast you can ever have. We make pancakes, toast, bacon, hash browns and omelets. Youll love it," she told him.
"It sounds delicious already," Kurt spoke.
Kurt loved the way Blaines family worked. They all got the supplies ready and started cooking. Blaines father was at the stove and was preparing the toasts, bacon and hash browns. He also had a few fruits on a tray and was cutting them into small pieces. Blaine and his mother were at the counter making the pancake batter while Kurt and Liz were making the omelets.
Liz walked over to the radio and turned it on. Music from the 50s and 60s started playing. Kurt loved this music. Music was so much simpler and great back then.
They all finished cooking around the same time. Blaines father had the bacon, toast and hash browns all done, Blaine and his mom had made a dozen pancakes and Kurt and Liz had made one big omelet for each person. They all placed the food on the dining table and sat down to eat.
This was nice. Kurt was enjoying breakfast with Blaines family, something he thought he would never do. The meal was delicious and wonderful. They spent the entire time laughing together and telling stories.
When breakfast was over, all the adults left the table. They all started getting ready for their day. Liz had gone outside and left on one of her daily walks, it was something she did almost every morning.
Kurt and Blaine left the table and walked outside to the backyard. They sat in the grass in the shade and looked at the horizon. Blaines house was in a hill and the backyard revealed a nice scenery.
"Its beautiful today," Kurt said.
Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. Looking at him always made him do that. Just one glimpse of his beautiful boyfriend and a smile was formed on his face. Blaine leaned closer and kissed him. Kurt put his hands on Blaines face and kissed him back.
"Kurt…" Blaine whispered into the kiss.
Kurt slowly fell back and lied down on the grass while Blaine got on top of him, both boys interlocking their hands.
"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen," Kurt said after they parted lips.
"I can say the same thing about you," Blaine smiled.
Blaine got off of Kurt and helped him get up. They sat on the grass, looking at each other.
"Blaine…" Kurt said.
Blaine looked at him with a smile. Kurt couldnt deal with it anymore. He had to say it. He had to tell Blaine how he truly felt. There was no need to hide it anymore.
Kurt took a deep breath and spoke. "Blaine… I have to tell you something. Okay? Ive been… wanting to tell you this for a really long time now. But I didnt know if I was being too fast and I really want it to be at the perfect time. And I just want you to know that you dont have to say it back just because I said it. And please dont feel pressured to say it. I only want you to say it if you mean it. And when I say it, I definitely mean it. Okay. But Blaine thing is…"
Before Kurt could finish his sentence, Blaine leaned in and kissed his boyfriends lips. He hugged him and held Kurt close to him causing both to close their eyes.
Blaine ended the kiss and broke away. Kurt stared at him a little confused.
"Kurt… I love you," Blaine said.
Kurt smiled and froze. He heard it.
He heard it.
He heard Blaine say those three words he wanted to say.
Blaine loved him. Blaine loved him.
Kurt smiled as he looked at Blaine. "I kinda wanted to say it first."
Blaine giggled. "Sorry, but I really wanted to say it. You were taking forever to say it. And seeing you get nervous, start mumbling and the way you kept saying those words… I knew you felt the same way I did to. Kurt, Ive loved you for a while now and I just had to say it. Ive been wanting to say it for so long."
Kurt smiled. Everything he had heard had come from Blaine. The man he loved.
He smoothly touched his boyfriends face with his thumb. "Blaine… I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Kurt."
The boys kissed, wrapping their arms around the other, enjoying this beautiful moment where they had just confessed their feelings. They loved each other.
They did.
And nothing could come between them.
… … …
Monday morning. It was time for a new day at school.
Ethan ran into the school building as fast as he could, dodging every student in his way. He had to find Scott quickly and tell him what had happened. He had to find him fast. He was so focused on looking for Scott he almost dropped the books in his hands.
Halfway into the school, he dropped a notebook onto the floor. He rolled his eyes as he had to run back and pick it up.
He looked at the cover of the notebook.
Of course it was. Its always Math that is always finding ways to slow him down.
He continued to run. "Scott! Scott!" he shouted as he ran down the halls of McKinley.
He knew where Scott was. Scott was always at the vending machines outside the lunchroom picking out a healthy snack for the morning. Ethan ran and almost bumped into another student. He looked back and saw that it was Lucy, his girlfriend. He ran back to give her a hug and a quick good morning kiss.
"Hey baby. Sorry but I got to find Scott quick. I love you!" Ethan shouted and left.
He arrived to the vending machines and saw that he was right. Scott was right there getting a protein bar.
"Scott!" Ethan yelled.
Scott looked at Ethan as he ran down the hall towards him.
"Bad news," Ethan said, running out of breath, panting and lying against the wall.
"Are you gonna tell me that the plan with Cody failed and that Kurt and Blaine are still secretly dating?" Scott asked.
Ethan looked at Scott confused. "How did you know that?" he asked.
"Because Im not an idiot. I knew the plan was going to fail all along," Scott confessed
"But you liked it," Ethan pointed it.
"I liked it yes, but did I think it was going to work, no."
Ethan ran his hands down his face, a little frustrated. "When I took Cody to Blaines house and got there, I saw Blaine and Kurt talking in the kitchen. The window was wide open. I just want Blaine to tell us hes dating Kurt. I want him to be happy and open." Ethan started walking back and forth in deep thought as he looked down at the floor. "What to do, what to do?"
Scott knew what Ethan was thinking about. He was once again trying to come up with a plan on how to get Blaine to reveal his secret relationship with Kurt.
Ethan smiled and looked up at Scott.
Scott spoke. "Oh no, theres that smile of yours. It means you have an idea."
"Yep, I have an idea," Ethan said.
"Im honestly scared to know what it is." Scott opened his protein bar, ready to hear his friends crazy idea.
"Just hear me out," Ethan said. "We tried setting up Blaine on a date and that failed. So… why dont we set up Kurt?"
Scott shrugged. "And how are we gonna do that?"
"Well tell him he has a date… with me," Ethan smiled.
"What?" Scott said confused.
"Think about it. Ill flirt with Kurt, Ill ask him out, Blaine will find out and hell tell me to back off his boyfriend. Its brilliant!" Ethan exclaimed.
"Dude, thats a terrible plan," Scott told him.
"I just want Blaine to tell us hes dating Kurt. He doesnt have to tell the whole school but I want him to tell us," Ethan confessed.
Scott wanted the same thing. "I admit… that your idea is a good plan. But youre straight. Kurt will never fall for it and think youre suddenly gay and want to date him," Scott said.
Ethan shrugged. "Ill just say Im experimenting. A lot of people experiment in their high school and college years."
The school bell rang, signifying the start of classes. Scott took a bite of his protein bar and both boys started to walk to the Drama classroom. Scott had to ask if Ethan was serious about this plan or not.
"Okay Ethan, are you serious about this plan or not?" Scott asked.
"I am. I just want Blaine to tell us he has a boyfriend."
The boys entered the classroom and sat down at their usual seats. Scott looked Ethan and spoke in a hush tone. "I also want Blaine to tell us. So if you really want to do this, I say go for it."
"Dont worry," Ethan replied in a whispered voice. "Ill flirt with Kurt enough for Blaine to tell me to back off. And when Blaine tells me to back off, Ill ask him why and bam the truth comes out. Then we can go on a triple date."
Ethan and Scott looked at the front of the classroom and saw Kurt walk in and sat down at an empty table. The table he and Blaine usually sat at.
"Watch and learn as my plan goes into effect." Ethan walked over to Kurt and sat down next to him.
"Good morning, Kurt," Ethan greeted.
"Good morning, Ethan. How are you?" Kurt replied.
"Im good. Very good," Ethan responded.
"Im glad to hear that," Kurt said, taking out his books out of his backpack.
Ethan looked at Scott and nodded. He looked back at Kurt. "So Kurt, that sweater of yours is really great. Whered you get it?" Ethan asked.
Kurt looked down at his sweater. "Im not exactly sure. I think it was a gift."
"Well the material looks really soft." Ethan felt the sweater and rubbed his hand over Kurts arm. "Wow, youre really strong. Have you been working out?" Ethan asked him.
Kurt nodded. "I have. You know simple lifting."
"Well I can definitely feel some improvement," Ethan said.
Wait, Kurt thought.
"You know, we should meet up for coffee sometime," Ethan said smiling.
"Uh, yeah. We should," Kurt responded, a little unsure at what was going on.
Suddenly both Ethan and Kurt heard Blaine walk into the classroom. He was talking with another player on the lacrosse team.
"Well goodbye, Kurt. Ill see you later." Ethan walked away and sat down next to Scott.
Kurt was left very confused. It looked like Ethan was flirting with him. Was he?
Blaine took his seat next to Kurt just as the bell rang and got out his books. "Morning, Kurt," Blaine said.
"Good morning, Blaine," Kurt responded.
Ethan was flirting with him, right? No, he couldnt. Maybe it was all in Kurts head.
… … …
Drama class was just like every other day. Students had to read a short play and write 1-2 pages how they felt reading it, whether they liked it or not. Kurt was still thinking about what happened earlier. Was Ethan hitting on him? Was he flirting?
It could be all just in his head. Ethan was straight and was happily dating Lucy. Ethan was probably being really nice and complementing Kurts sweater and his strong arms. Although, complementing another guys arms was a strange way of showing kindness. But it was Ethan. It made sense.
Yeah, it was nothing worth thinking about.
Toward the end of class, Kurt had written two pages and took a small break. He looked at the window of the classroom to enjoy the view. It was really nice outside. The sun was out, birds were flying in the distance and a cloud was in perfect sight.
It just so happened that Ethan and Scotts table was also right by the window. Ethan looked up and met Kurts eyes. He smiled and gave Kurt a wink. Ethan returned to his work and continued writing.
Okay, that was definitely flirting.
Kurt whispered to Blaine. "Blaine, call me crazy, but I think Ethan is flirting with me."
Blaine stopped writing and looked at him confused. "Yeah, youre crazy."
"No, but I swear," Kurt spoke.
"Ethan, hes straight as a ruler," Blaine stated.
"There are bendable rulers out there," Kurt reminded him.
Blaine chuckled.
"Blaine, Im telling you, Ethan is hitting on me. He complimented my sweater and my strong arms. And he just winked at me," Kurt said.
Blaine whispered back. "I think youre exaggerating. Ethan is not flirting with you."
The bell suddenly rang. Class was over.
"Okay everyone, finish the assignment for homework. See you all tomorrow," Mrs. Harris said.
Everyone in the class gathered their stuff and started to leave. Mrs. Harris also left the classroom. Kurt gathered his books and looked up to see Blaine waiting for him. What a nice boyfriend.
Everyone in the classroom had left. It was just Blaine, Kurt, Ethan and Scott. Scott passed by Blaine and waved goodbye to him. "See you at lunch."
"Bye, Scott," Blaine told his friend.
Ethan walked by Kurt and touched his arm, leaving his hand there a little long. "Goodbye Kurt. Have a great day." Ethan felt Kurts arm and winked and walked away with Scott, leaving the classroom.
Kurt opened his mouth, surprised, and looked at Blaine. "Did you see that!?" Kurt asked.
"Actually…" Blaine looked back at Ethan who was now gone. "…wow, I did."
"So I was right. Ethan was flirting with me. He asked me out on a coffee date," Kurt told him.
Blaine looked at Kurt confused. This was strange. Ethan was suddenly just hitting on Kurt? But this didnt make sense.
"But… Ethan is the straightest guy I know," Blaine said.
Kurt thought of possible explanations. "Maybe hes barely figuring himself out. I didnt know I was gay until freshmen year of high school."
Blaine started thinking. He didnt think Ethan was gay. No. Something else was going on. Something completely different. But what? Why would Ethan flirt with Kurt?
Blaine started putting the puzzle pieces together. The bad date with Cody. The constant questions about getting a boyfriend. The no longer questions about Grindr, (Ethan had stopped bothering Blaine to check his Grindr messages.) And now, flirting with Kurt.
It meant only one thing. One thing.
Blaine gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh my God, Kurt."
Kurt looked at Blaine confused. "What?"
"He knows about us," Blaine said.
"What?" Kurt asked, hoping that what Blaine had just said was wrong.
"Yeah, Ethan knows about us. He knows about you and me being boyfriends. And if Ethan knows, I guarantee you Scott does too" Blaine whispered.
"A-Are you sure?" Kurt asked.
"Im positive. Ethan… I know how he is. Thats why hes been flirting with you. Hes trying to mess with us."
Kurt looked at Blaines words. They knew. Theyve been caught.
Kurt sat down in his seat. "So… what should we do now?" Kurt asked.
Blaine walked back and forth, his finger at his chin. He had to think about this. What could they do? Should they come out with their relationship? Stay secret?
"I have an idea," Blaine said with a smile after about a minute.
Kurt listened carefully. "What are you thinking?"
"Ethan and Scott think they are so cool trying to mess with us. Well… why dont we mess with them back?"
Kurt stood up and smiled. "Go on."
"If you dont feel comfortable doing this, I understand. But why dont you flirt with Ethan back? He already asked you out for coffee. Why dont you answer back? Tell him that youre interested," Blaine suggested.
Kurt smiled. "Well be pranking them back."
"Are you okay doing that?" Blaine asked him.
Kurt nodded. "Yeah, this sounds fun."
Blaine nodded and high fived Kurt. Kurt leaned closer and gave Blaine a quick kiss on his lips. This was going to be fun, Kurt thought. Pranking Ethan back by flirting with him? This was pure gold.
The boys walked together side by side to their next class, thinking about nothing but their plan to prank Ethan and Scott.
… … …
At lunchtime, Blaine and Kurt went outside to the school patio and saw large crowds of students everywhere. But they were looking only for one. Ethan.
"Do you see him anywhere?" Kurt asked looking into the large school grounds.
Blaine looked over to the outside lunch tables and saw Ethan sitting by himself writing in a notebook.
"There he is," Blaine pointed. He looked at Kurt and touched his shoulders. "Okay, just like we planned."
Kurt walked over to Ethan alone and sat down in front of him.
"Hi, Ethan," Kurt greeted.
Ethan stopped writing and smiled. "Hey, Kurt."
"So Ethan, Ive been thinking about you all day," Kurt told him.
Ethans smile went away and looked at Kurt confused. "Wait, you have?" Ethan asked confused.
"Yes sir. I know what you were doing this morning. I know flirting when I see it," Kurt said, running his finger over Ethans arms.
Ethan was speechless. He didnt know what to say.
"So," Kurt continued. "About that coffee date, I really want to go on it. Why dont we go today after school? Ill let you feel my arm as much as you want and we can get to know each other better."
Ethan just looked at Kurt and finally spoke after a few seconds. "Ill have to get back to you on that. Bye." Ethan stood up and waved goodbye as he ran off.
Perfect. He looked shocked.
Ethan disappeared from sight and Blaine came over and sat next to Kurt. "So, how did it go?" he asked.
"He was freaked out. You should have seen his face," Kurt said giggling.
Blaine smiled and looked at his boyfriend giggling. That was one of the many things he loved about Kurt. His laugh. It was just so cute and so beautiful. Blaine looked at the direction Ethan had run off to. "By now Ethan is probably telling Scott."
Their plan was working just like they had hoped.
"We make a pretty good team. Your plan and my acting," Kurt said.
"Were like Batman and Robin," Blaine stated.
"Can I be Batman?" Kurt asked.
"No, I want to be Batman."
Kurt started to give Blaine puppy eyes. "Please, can I be Batman?"
"Kurt, you know I cant say no when you do that face," Blaine said.
Kurts expression didnt change. He was still giving Blaine the puppy eyes.
"Kurt…" Blaine tried looking away. But he couldnt. He couldnt look away at that adorable face Kurt made. He finally gave in. "Okay, you can be Batman," Blaine said.
Kurt smiled and quietly cheered. He knew the puppy eyes would work. Blaine looked at him and Kurt looked back.
"I love you," Blaine said.
"I love you too," Kurt replied.
… … …
Ethan ran over to Scott and found him sitting on the grass with Kira doing homework together. He ran over to them and grabbed Scotts shoulders.
"Kira, I need to take him for a minute," Ethan said.
"Sure," Kira said.
Before Scott could even answer, Ethan pulled Scott and took him where they could talk alone.
"What is it?" Scott asked.
"Its Kurt. He wants to go on that coffee date with me."
Scott looked confused. "What? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, he does. He wants me to feel his arm and get to know each other better," Ethan said.
Scott looked surprised. "He really said that? I cant believe it. Why? Why would he do this when hes dating Blaine? Why would Kurt…" Scott stopped talking and thought about. Why would Kurt do this when hes dating Blaine? Unless… "Hold on," Scott said.
Ethan looked at him closely. "You dont think?" Ethan asked.
Both Scott and Ethan slowly nodded. They were both thinking the same thing.
Kurt and Blaine.
This had Kurt and Blaine written all over it.
"Kurt and Blaine know. They know that youre pranking them," Scott said.
It was the only explanation. They knew Kurt was not the kind of person to ask Ethan out when hes dating Blaine.
Ethan and Scott both nodded.
"Kurt and Blaine actually thought they could mess with us? With us?" Ethan said.
Ethan smiled and looked into the distance at table where Kurt and Blaine were sitting at… together.
"Should we prank them back?" Scott suggested.
Ethan nodded. "If Kurt wants a date, hes getting a date."
Ethan got his phone from his pocket and started dialing.
"Who are you calling?" Scott asked.
"Kurt," Ethan said.
In three rings, Kurt answered.
"Hi, Kurt. I wanted to say yes to your coffee date," Ethan said.
The phone was quiet. Ethan suddenly heard Blaines voice in the background. He couldnt hear exactly what he was saying but right away he knew this would be an interesting day.
After a few seconds, Kurt finally spoke. "So… youve thought about it?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, I have. Listen, I have a better idea," Ethan spoke. "Why dont we just skip the coffee date and you come over to my house?"
The phone was silent. Kurt was speechless. Even though Ethan couldnt see it, he knew Blaine and Kurt were probably panicking by now.
"So Kurt," Ethan continued. "My parents are going to be gone for the entire afternoon. And just to let you know, Im an only child. Well have the house all to ourselves. For almost three hours. You can stop by and let me feel your arm. You can also feel mine. I work out a lot. You know, lacrosse and stuff. Ill text you my address. Be there at 4 PM. Dont be late."
And just like that Ethan hanged up the phone. Today after school would be really interesting.
… … …
There was no need to talk about it. Kurt and Blaine knew Ethan was pranking them back. There was no way Ethan would ask out Kurt and ask him to feel his arm. Absolutely no way.
After school, Kurt drove over to Ethans house and parked right outside his house. Blaine was hiding in the floor of the backseat to make sure Ethan didnt see him.
"So remember, Kurt," Blaine said from the floor. Kurt looked at Blaine. "Whatever you do, you have to get Ethan to break first. He cant continue this prank forever. Just let him feel your arm. And make sure to tell him that you want to kiss him. That will freak him out and hell lose."
"Hell lose?" Kurt asked. "I didnt know this was a game."
"It is. Its you and me against Ethan and Scott."
"So how far will I need to go with Ethan?" Kurt asked.
"You wont need to go far. Hell break easily. And whatever you do, you cant break first," Blaine said. Blaine fixed Kurts shirt collar. "Youre good to go. I love you."
"I love you too."
The boys gave each other a quick kiss and Kurt stepped out of the car. He walked to Ethans house and rang the doorbell.
Get Ethan to break. That was the main thing on his mind.
Ethan opened the door. "Hey, Kurt," Ethan greeted with a low and sexy voice.
"Hello, Ethan." Kurt did the same. Low and sexy.
"Come on in." Ethan opened the door and Kurt walked inside. He loved the inside of Ethans house. It was nice and cozy. They were in the living room and a flight of stairs was towards the back. To the right there was the kitchen with a door leading to the backyard.
"I love your place," Kurt said.
"Thanks," Ethan smiled. "So Kurt… how long have you been working out?"
Kurt answered back. "Ever since I started sophomore year of high school."
"Wow, so three years," Ethan said impressed.
Ethan went to the kitchen and got two glasses of water. He handed one to Kurt and kept one for himself. Next he went over and turned on the stereo. A slow and romantic song started playing.
"Cheers?" Ethan asked as he raised his glass of water in the air.
"Cheers," Kurt responded.
They took a drink. "So what about you?" Kurt asked. "When did you start working out?"
"I started working out ever since I joined lacrosse. So four years," Ethan said.
"Wow, four years. So you must be really strong," Kurt said. Kurt put out his arm. "I think Im also strong. Ethan… do you want to feel my arm?"
"Yeah." Ethan nodded and felt Kurts arm.
"Do you like it?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, I do. Youre really strong," Ethan told him.
Kurt knew he had to break Ethan.
And Ethan knew he had to break Kurt.
But who would break this charade first? Kurt? Ethan?
"Do you want to feel more?" Kurt asked with a sexy tone.
Ethan froze and took him a while to answer back. "More?"
Kurt spoke in a hushed tone sounding very seductive and getting closer to Ethan. "Yeah, you can feel a lot more."
Ethan looked at Kurt surprised. "Let me go to my bedroom first. Ill be right back." Ethan turned around and ran up the stairs leaving Kurt alone and giggling.
This was working! Kurt thought. He looked at the kitchen and saw Blaine opening the back door and walking inside.
"So… how are things?" Blaine asked, gently closing the door behind him.
"Ethan freaked out. He ran upstairs when I asked him if he wanted to feel more than my arm," Kurt said with a short giggle.
Blaine looked up the stairs. "I think that means Scotts upstairs."
"I think were going to win this," Kurt told him. "Ethan is definitely going to break first."
Blaine touched Kurts shoulders and looked into his eyes with a smile. "I like the confidence Im seeing. And dont forget to be sexy," Blaine told him.
"What are you talking about? Im always sexy," Kurt reminded him with a smile.
"I know you are." Blaine kissed Kurt and immediately went to hide in the hallway closet.
Kurt went back into the living room and saw Ethan walking down the stairs.
"So Kurt…" Ethan approached Kurt and spoke in a low voice. "You want me to feel more than just your arm?" Ethan asked.
"Yeah," Kurt said. "You can feel whatever you want."
"Okay," Ethan said. "But I think we should take this to my bedroom," Ethan said, keeping his sexual voice.
"Y-You want to go to your bedroom?" Kurt asked a bit stunned.
"Yeah, why? You dont want to?" Ethan asked.
Kurt returned to his character. "I do… but what other things would we do there?" Kurt asked.
"Well… I want to feel your lips," Ethan said, looking at Kurts eyes.
That almost broke Kurts charade. Almost. But no, he remained in character. Make Ethan break character first. "Well… we dont have to go to your bedroom to do that," Kurt pointed out. "We can do that right here."
"Okay. But first…" Ethan trailed off for a few seconds and spoke. "I think you should rub lotion on my neck and massage it. That would feel really nice."
Kurt smiled. "Okay."
"Ill be right back. Let me go get the lotion." Ethan left the living room and walked upstairs. Kurt checked to see if Ethan was gone. He was.
He walked to the hallway closet to where Blaine was hiding and opened the door.
"Hey. Did he break?" Blaine asked.
"Hes not breaking. He wants me to rub lotion on him," Kurt told him.
Blaine got out of the closet and started walking around. "Wow, Ethans good. I thought hed break by now."
"What should I do?" Kurt asked.
Blaine thought as he walked to the kitchen. "Hmm. Just rub lotion on him, keep acting sexy and keep seducing him until he breaks and cant continue this little charade," Blaine gently pushed Kurt back into the living room.
Kurt looked up at the stairs and saw Ethan holding a bottle of lotion. Ethan walked down and looked at Kurt.
"So heres the lotion." Ethan handed Kurt the bottle.
Kurt took the bottle of lotion and put it down on the sofa. "Lets forget about the lotion. Just kiss me," Kurt commanded.
Ethan froze, not knowing what to say. Kurt slowly walked to Ethan and Ethan slowly nodded. "O-Okay, Ill kiss you," Ethan stuttered.
Both Kurt and Ethan stared at each other. This was seriously going to happen.
"Im going to kiss you now," Ethan told him.
"And Im going to kiss you back," Kurt said.
The boys got closer. Close enough to feel each others breaths. Ethan put his arms around Kurts waist while Kurt put his arm on Ethans shoulder.
"Here comes the kiss," Kurt stated.
"Our first kiss," Ethan said.
The boys slowly and slowly got closer, ready to share their first kiss. They both closed their eyes and leaned closer. And just as they were about to kiss, Kurt backed away and pushed Ethan off of him.
"Okay I cant do this. I cant do this! You win Ethan. You win!" Kurt said.
Ethan smiled. "Ah-ha! I knew it!"
"Yeah, I cant kiss you," Kurt told him.
"And why not?" Ethan asked with a smile.
"Because Im in love with Blaine," Kurt confessed.
"W-Wait, youre what?" Ethan asked shocked.
Ethan looked at the kitchen and saw Blaine walking into the living room with a big smile on his face. He heard it right.
Kurt said love. Specifically, in love.
Scott walked down the stairs, surprised just as Ethan was.
Kurt smiled and walked over to Blaine and put his arms around his boyfriends waist.
"Thats right guys. Im in love with Kurt," Blaine finally told his friends.
A big smile formed on Ethans face. "I knew you guys were dating but I didnt know you were in love."
Scott went over and hugged both Kurt and Blaine. "Im so happy for you both."
"Im also happy. Finally we can go on a triple date," Ethan said walking over and hugging all three.
When they broke the hug, Blaine kept his arm around Kurts shoulder, proud to call him his boyfriend.
"Wait, so how long have you been keeping this relationship a secret?" Scott asked.
Kurt thought in his mind. "Hmm, since we became partners in Drama class."
"Almost three months!?" Scott said a bit shocked.
"It doesnt matter," Ethan said. "They are finaly out."
Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled.
"By the way," Ethan said. "Great acting Kurt. I honestly thought we were going to kiss."
"I did too," Kurt confessed. "But my lips are only meant for Blaine."
Everyone in the room awed and smiled. Wow, Kurt thought as he looked at the smiling faces of Ethan and Scott. It felt great to finally be out and let people know that he was in love with Blaine Anderson.