Three times Blaine thought Kurt would propose and one time Blaine did (or a weekend with Kurt and Blaine)
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March 25, 2013, 3:28 p.m.

Three times Blaine thought Kurt would propose and one time Blaine did (or a weekend with Kurt and Blaine): Part Three

T - Words: 1,000 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 4/4 - Created: Mar 21, 2013 - Updated: Mar 25, 2013
115 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: "Unter the tree where they buried Pavarotti. He brought them together afterall."

"Okay, Kurt. Where are we going?"

"No peaking, Blaine!" Kurt says sternly as Blaine opens one eye to look at him.

"You shove me into the car and tell me to close my eyes without any explanation. I've been holding my eyes closed for like twenty minutes now, Kurt! How long do you expect me to keep them closed?"

Blaine isn't annoyed, just really excited. Kurt had been talking about some ominous plans all Saturday and nowthis. There hadn't been any equivocal situations on Saturday but with the whole "special plans" and the Tiffany catalogue in mind Blaine is still hoping.

"But you will guess where we're going." Kurt arguments and Blaine grins.

"So, it's a place I know?"

"No?" It sounds like a question and Blaine's grin gets broader. "Stop looking like that, Blaine. Can't you just take a nap?"

"Okay, first of all, you looking at me while driving is very unnerving. Please concentrate on the street, no matter how distractively attractive I am and second do you really expect me to sleep while I know you're taking me to a special... whatever?"

"I do. Now be a good boy and take a nap for daddy." Blaine bursts out laughing.

"Kurt! Gross! And stop treating me like a child!" Suddenly Blaine can feel a hand lightly touching his neck. The fingers just lightly brushed his skin and still it has him squirming in his seat.

"Not fair!" Blaine manages to rasp out between giggles. He has to fight hard to keep his body in control. He really doesn't want to kill them both by uncontrollably flailing with his arms and hitting Kurt by accident.

"If you promise to sleep I'll stop." Kurt singsongs and Blaine gives in.

"Fine." The fingers are gone immediately. Blaine sinks back into his seat and sighs as he feels his body relaxing.

"Good boy." The smirk in Kurt's voice is audible but instead of answering Blaine turns slightly in his seat and tries to sleep.

"Blaine. Blaaaaine. Wake up, honey. We're here." Blaine opens his eyes slowly to a bemused boyfriend, shaking him lightly.

"Where is here?" Blaine mumbles as he sits upright in his seat.

"You'll know it when you get out." Kurt leans back and gets out of the car. Curiously Blaine looks out of the window.

"You brought me to Dalton?" He asks confused as Kurt walks around the car to grab his hand.

"I believe I did." Kurt says smirking, as he starts to lead them away from the parking space and towards the old buildings.

"You drove two hours on a Sunday morning to visit our old school?" Blaine asks, still a little confused.

"Mhh." Is all the response he gets from Kurt. Blaine shrugs and decides to go with it. Kurt's still secretive and teasing. Blaine is sure that Kurt had something else planned for them.

For a while they just walk around campus, through the gardens and around the sports quarters, sharing memories about their shared time at Dalton and in Blaine's case about the time before and after Kurt as well.

Kurt stops as they reach a tree standing out in the open.

"You remember how we buried Pavarotti here?" Kurt smiles at him, his head slightly crooked to the side.

"How could I forget? You were so upset about losing Regionals." Blaine grins and playfully shoves Kurt's shoulder.

"Please, Blaine. A little more respect for our little, yellow fathered friend. If I hadn't sung Blackbird in honor of his death you would have never get your head together and planted a good one on me."

"I like to believe I would have anyway, thank you very much. In the end we are soul mates, right?" Blaine smiles lovingly at Kurt and Kurt ducks his head, trying to hide his grin. He lets go of Blaine's hand and kneels down, sweeping away the dust and dirt from Pavarotti's grave stone.

"I really was sad when he died though." Kurt mumbles, eyes fixed on the stone. "But I'm glad that it really did turn out with you realizing what you felt for me." Kurt turns, staying down on one knee while he grabs Blaine's hand again.

Blaine's breath hitches in his throat as he looks down at the love of his life, kneeling down in front of him, in front of the grave of the little bird that made him see the light that is Kurt.

"You were the only Warbler coming to the funeral that day and I loved you the more for it, Blaine Warbler." Kurt says, eyes bright as he stares up to Blaine. "You were there for me so many times and you are still always there for me when I need you. And I want you to be, always. Blaine. Even when you are the person hurting me, you are the one I want to cry to about it. You are the one I want to be held by and comforted by. I can't imagine being without you, Blaine. Ever."

"Kurt." Blaine croaks out. He can feel himself tearing up for what feels like the thousandth time over the last two days. But this is it. This is Kurt making Blaine his for the world to see. Tying their lives together with a promise and a ring.

Blaine blinks the tears away rapidly and suddenly he feels Kurt's arms around him and Kurt's lips on his and it's wonderful and emotional but Blaine doesn't understand because Kurt hasn't asked yet and Blaine hasn't answered yet.

The kiss is short and hard, the embrace tight and comforting and as Kurt pulls back he smiles.

"Thank you for being with me." He mumbles before kissing Blaine again and retreating completely, taking Blaine's hand and squeezing tightly.

"But come on. We haven't even been inside yet."

"But... Kurt!" Blaine exclaims flustered.

"Yes, honey? Are you alright? You look a little breathless..." Kurt cups Blaine's cheek and it's there on the tip of his tongue but he doesn't say anything just shakes his head, his lips catching at Kurt's palm as he moves his head.

"It's fine, Kurt. Lead the way." And with a smile and a tug they continue their way.


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