March 25, 2013, 3:28 p.m.
March 25, 2013, 3:28 p.m.
Sleeping with Kurt is always amazing. He had always cherished the other man but their time apart had really shown Blaine how much he craved to cherish the other man. It was just as nice to be cherished by Kurt.
As they come down from the roof, Kurt takes his time with Blaine, undressing him slowly, stopping to kiss and lick each new patch of skin that is exposed, stopping from time to time to come back up and place some languid kisses on Blaine's lips.
The build-up is slow and sensual and just when Kurt touches him where Blaine wants it the most, Blaine notices his own erratic panting and the urge simmering just below the surface. Blaine moans and begs Kurt to give him more as his boyfriend's fingers move in and out of him until finally Kurt pushes into him.
Blaine feels full and connected and Kurt starts moving above him, making pleasure spark all over his body with every thrust. When he feels Kurt shuddering over him it is all it takes for him to cum as well.
Blaine feels like he is floating as he comes down from his orgasm induced high. Everything is perfect. He feels amazing. His boyfriend is the most amazing man on the planet. Who cares about not getting a proposal if your life is the incarnation of awesome anyways?
Kurt comes back from the bathroom, while Blaine is still glowing in the aftermath, in all his naked glory and Blaine can't help but stare. He is the luckiest man in the universe to get to touch all of this.
Kurt pushes away Blaine's curls, loosened from all the gel by his sweat, and starts to clean Blaine off with a washcloth, Blaine marveling in the loving gesture. When they are both clean, Kurt throws away the cloth and pulls the covers over them, letting Blaine snuggle into his arms. Their bare bodies are touching everywhere and Blaine smiles into Kurt's chest.
"I can't imagine ever being without you." He mumbles sleepily and Kurt hugs him closer. The room is filled with silence, Blaine counting Kurt's heartbeats under his ear, when Kurt speaks again.
"Blaine?" Blaine hums to show he is still awake. "Do you ever think about our future?"
"Of course I do, Kurt. It's all I think about." Blaine murmurs into his boyfriend's chest.
"Really?" Kurt starts stroking Blaine's curls, massaging his scalp and Blaine feels so warm and sleepy and happy he is about to pass out until Kurt adds: "And about marriage?" Blaine's eyes open immediately and he sits up slowly, moving his hands to frame Kurt's face.
"Of course I think about that. I've been thinking about making an honest man out of you since high school!" Kurt's eyes are big and sparkling, his lips formed into such a big smile that his face looks like it might have to stretch around it. He looks younger this way and just adorably kissable.
"Remember how we used to talk about our wedding all the time before we... when we were younger?" Blaine corrects himself before cuddling into Kurt's arms again, his head resting on Kurt's shoulder this time.
"Of course I do!" Kurt huffs out. "If I remember correctly the song I played up there did have some importance in that context."
"It did." Blaine smiles and wraps Kurt's arms closer around him. "Would you still take it as our wedding song?"
Kurt takes a moment before answering. "I don't know, to be honest. I love the song – a lot and I still think it's like one ofoursongs... but maybe it's a little too tainted? I mean this fantasy I had back in the day was beautiful and romantic but it also made me really, really sad..." Kurt's voice gets smaller to the end and Blaine turns to look at him. Kurt's smiling but it looks melancholy.
"We could make it a happy song again... or think of a new one... a song that represents our present... a present that has overcome the past and whatever mistakes lie in it." Kurt nods and Blaine turns again.
"And? Can you think of a song?" Blaine asks after a short moment of silence.
"No, I can't. Can you?"
"No. Neither." They both have to grin at that and Kurt adds. "Can you believe that? Glee club champions. NYADA students. Broadway is our life and we can't think of one song? That's pathetic." Blaine laughs at that.
"Yeah but we have time to think of one. We'll be fine."
"Yes, we do have time." Kurt says and plants a kiss on the top of Blaine's head. Blaine's smile falls a little at Kurt's confirmation, trying to push away the still very close feeling of disappointment he had felt earlier for not getting a proposal.
"Yeah... well... what's with the rest? If we change the song we can go over the rest as well right?" Kurt nods.
"So still no beach wedding?" Blaine asks, grinning. He knows the answer.
"Blaine. As much as I love the sea and you wearing next to nothing I do want to wear a suit and not die in it on my wedding day so, no beach."
"Mhh, we could drive up the coast... maybe marry in one of those cute little hotels – all Gilmore Girls like."
"That would be cute. We could go antique shopping in the village and some amazing chef would freak out over our wedding menu and they would wonder who we dealt with a double twin wedding... oh wait that actually happened in Gilmore Girls."
"Kurt I can't tell if you are mocking me or actually like the idea." Blaine grumbles and Kurt presses another kiss into his hair.
"I like the idea, honey. You were with me all the times I gushed over Lorelai's hotel. And the wedding. It would be nice. We could marry outside. I'd love a spring wedding. With blue and mint. A big cake and all our friends there. We could all stay at the hotel... But I guess marrying out of state would be a little too expensive..."
Blaine sees it all before him and it's perfect. He wants it so badly. Why couldn't they just do it now?
"Well, you did say future so we might have enough money till then, right?" Kurt is silent for a moment before he slides down the bed to lie directly next to Blaine. Blaine turns and their faces are only centimeters apart.
"Blaine, what would you say to..." Kurt pauses for a moment and Blaine's heart starts to pound again.
Please say becoming my husband! Please say becoming my husband!He chants over and over in his head.
"... going to sleep now. We have to catch a flight in the morning and I have plans for the weekend outside visiting our families and friends." Kurt smiles and kisses him softly, before cuddling closer.
Blaine doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh at himself, so he opts for snuggling closer to Kurt and trying to sleep, pushing away all dreams of a spring weeding at a pretty hotel in some New England state with Kurt standing under a pavilion framed by flowers waiting for him away.