Three times Blaine thought Kurt would propose and one time Blaine did (or a weekend with Kurt and Blaine)
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March 25, 2013, 3:28 p.m.

Three times Blaine thought Kurt would propose and one time Blaine did (or a weekend with Kurt and Blaine): Part One

T - Words: 864 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 4/4 - Created: Mar 21, 2013 - Updated: Mar 25, 2013
108 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: ''On a New York rooftop, organised by either Blaine or Kurt. [...]''

Meet me on the roof.

A simple text and yet it has Blaine bubbling with anticipation. He feels like the whole week has built up to this very moment. There had been hints and clues, seemingly unplanned but with friends like theirs and a life so totally shared it is nearly impossible to hide anything.

It had started with a text from Rachel asking how many lampions Kurt wanted. Blaine had had no clue what she had been talking about and dismissed it as a work thing. Then the call from the high end restaurant asking to check the menu. Blaine had assured them that they had gotten the wrong number... but as the week dragged on he came to think that maybe they had only reached the wrong person.

Then Santana grinning at him all week, like the cat that had gotten the cream while Sam and Finn ignored him, making lame excuses for not having time.

By the time he had found the Tiffany catalogue, he had been sure that everyone was hiding something from him and as he saw the silver engagement ring marked, his ring size noted next to it, he was also quiet certain as to what they were hiding from him. He was more than okay with them keepingthatsecret.

Now he was basically flying up the stairs to their roof pausing a moment before opening the door and entering the open space.

The first thing he notices is light and then the music. It's not Kurt singing and still the song and sound couldn't be more familiar. Ewan McGregor singingcome what may. Blaine's throat tightens as he looks around and sees all the lampions, then the pavilion, made of red fabric and then the man standing under it, in front of a table, set for two.

Kurt looks incredible, in a black suit, white shirt and white bowtie and Blaine is glad that he followed Kurt's instructions and dressed up as well.

As he steps closer Kurt's smile grows. He holds out a hand and pulls Blaine close, dancing with him to the music.

"Is this like your fantasy?" Blaine manages to croak out, clutching closer to Kurt as his emotions overwhelm him. Blaine had spent quite some evening questioning Kurt about hiscome what mayfantasy, once Kurt had told him about having had it during their time of separation. To Blaine it was the most romantic and heartbreaking thing in the world.

"No. It's better." Kurt murmurs and a shiver runs down Blaine's spine. "It's better because it's real and because I can tell you in person that I love you until my dying day." He sings the last part along with the music in the background and Blaine feels like his heart might explode.

This is it. This is the moment. A ring. A promise. Eternity. Blaine has to control himself hard before accepting something he hasn't been offered yet but as Kurt pulls back and looks deep into his eyes, it's difficult.

"Blaine Devon Anderson. You are the most amazing man in my life and I promise to love you until the end of time. I thank you for all the beauty you have brought to my life and I ask you to accept all that I can give you in return."

Blaine's heart is beating in this, throat the wordyeson the tip of his tongue, so excited that he misses the loving yet teasing undertone in Kurt's voice.

"And so I ask you: Will you devour this totally overpriced meal with me that I ordered in your honor?"

Blaine gapes. This wasn't the question he had anticipated but he can play along. Let Kurt drag it out. Enjoy the evening and whatever other surprises Kurt has planned. So he composes himself quickly and smiles, letting Kurt pull the chair out for him.

He enjoys the expensive dinner and just spending time with Kurt, in the background a mix CD with love songs – their love songs – playing, the early November night fresh but not too cool to be unenjoyable.

Conversation is easy and after the strawberry cheesecake is finished as well, Kurt grabs Blaine's once more. Kurt's eyes are sparkling but serious and from one second to the other Blaine's ease is gone, his heart back to pounding at full speed.

This is the moment he will tell their grandchildren about and it's perfect.

"Blaine... this evening was perfect but... how about we take this fantastic night to the bedroom." Kurt intertwines their fingers and smiles at Blaine and Blaine just smiles back, trying not to let his disappointment show.

"I'd love to. But shouldn't we clean up first?" Kurt waves his hand dismissively before he helps Blaine up and leads him towards the door.

"I have a deal with Sam, Finn, Santana and Rachel. They clean everything up and in exchange I ordered some extra, very expensive if I might add, cheesecake from the restaurant for them. This evening is all about you and me. No worries. Just us."

Kurt pulls him close and kisses him fleetingly, Kurt's taste lingering on Blaine's lips. Blaine smiles as Kurt tugs him down the stairs and towards their apartment. The night isn't over yet and maybe he'll be a fiancé before they have to leave for Lima tomorrow.


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