The boy who lived
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Story
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March 9, 2013, 1:06 p.m.

The boy who lived: Chapter 11

K - Words: 2,124 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 05, 2013 - Updated: Mar 09, 2013
238 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: I am actually back! :)I hope you're going to enjoy this...


The door fell down with a loud bang as it hit the floor.

Behind him Petunia clutched closer to her husband, while Cooper scrambled to get off the bed and hide behind it. Blaine, who was closest to the door, tried to sink back into his cushions in order to be as small and undetectable as possible while he stared at the door waiting for what was coming.

The room was still only dimly lit but as the dust around the doorway fell, Blaine could make out what had been intruding. In the doorway stood a man. A huge man. So huge that he nearly didn't fit into the doorframe.

In the shadows they could see the figure moving and then a head duck into the room.

"Well now that wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" It was a deep voice, sounding rather ashamed of itself. "Sorry for that."

Blaine stared. He could make out a head, framed by dark, long, wiry hair, with an enormous beard making it impossible to see anything else of the man's features. He looked wild.

Meanwhile, the intruder tried to fit himself through doorframe, trying to not step onto the door on the floor.

"I was really just knocking and well, sorry again, mates." The man continued, succeeding in entering the room and stepping directly onto the door. It crushed beneath his big foot.

"Dang it." He mumbled, stepping back and destroying the door even more.

"Well I guess of gush of fresh air is nice down here?" The man said, looking at the broken pieces.

He didn't seem to notice the scared silence of the present Andersons or that none of them had yet dared to speak, frozen in their shock.

"Quite dark…" He remarked, pulling out an umbrella and waggling it through the air.

Blaine was starring bluntly. Who was this man? What was he doing and why was he even there?

Suddenly there was light everywhere. Blaine blinked, shielding his framed eyes with his hands as he looked around but just couldn't make out the light's source… it was just sort of bright all of a sudden.

"Ay. Now, that's better." The man said looking around. "I would've been here earlier but took me ages to find this place. No idea why anyone would even go'ere. But just guessing it's one of these Muggle things." The man smiled understandingly at Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia on the bed before looking around and focusing his gaze on Blaine.

"And here we have Blaine." Blaine's eyes widened when the man called his name. "I'd recognise you any day. Spitting image of your father." He leaned down so that his eyes were on level with Blaine's. "But the eyes. Your mother's eyes." He smiled tenderly at Blaine.

"You knew my parents?" Blaine whispered, his voice choked.

"Course I did. Amazing people, Blaine. Amazing." He chuckled and Blaine was about to speak again to ask questions but Uncle Vernon had regained his senses by now and was standing behind Blaine.

"Yes, very nice but you are breaking and entering, Sir and I demand you leave now." His voice was ice cold. Blaine didn't believe someone had ever disputed with Vernon like this but the huge man just raised an eyebrow.

"Well Anderson. If ya lot hadn't gone to such a strange place I would have been here earlier. So shut it."

Vernon was turning red by now, lost for words. He was about to argue but in that very moment the man hit himself so hard against the head that it would have taken out a horse.

"I knew I was forgetting something! Happy Birthday, Blaine!" He grinned at Blaine, while obviously searching for something in his huge coat. "I have here somewhere... oh there it is! Quite famous for that sorta stuff. Been in there for couple of days but should be just fine."

He pulled out a pretty damaged box and gave it to Blaine. In it was a cake and written on it was Happy Birthday Blaine and a heart. It was the best thing Blaine had ever gotten. His throat felt tight when he looked back at the giant man to thank him but his words got lost on the way and all that came out was a breathed: "Who are you?"

"Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts." Hagrid grinned at Blaine brightly, like he expected him to cheer and dance at that admission. Blaine only smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Hagrid but I don't think I know what that is...?"

"What do you mean you don't know...?" Hagrid looked confused but then realisation seemed to hit him and he roared: "ANDERSON!"

Blaine turned his head to look at his relative who he had mostly ignored since the arrival of the intruder. Cooper had come up from under the bed again. Petunia had sat down at the edge of it, Vernon standing in front of them.

"I knew you weren't getting the letters but shit happens. Thought it was my fault somehow but you don't ... you didn't tell'im, did ya, Anderson? Did you tell him anything at all?"

"Of course I didn't! He is dangerous! Like all of you freaks!"

"What are you talking about?" Blaine said, utterly confused. Cooper's confusion mirrored his own, while aunt Petunia had clutched her hand over her mouth looking between Hagrid and her husband. Both Hagrid's and his uncle's eyes were sparkling with rage but when Blaine spoke the expression in Hagrid's softened.

With a huff he kneeled down, trying to get on eye level with Blaine. His voice was calm and celebratory when he spoke.

"You are a wizard, Blaine." Blaine stared at the man. His heart started to beat fast. This was insane. A giant man who knew his name and his parents and where they were hiding... who knew he had not gotten all those letters, who knew that it was his birthday was telling him that he was a wizard.

He was about to tell Hagrid that this was impossible when Cooper started to talk.

"Excuse me, Sir." He sent Hagrid his dazzling smile. "But wizards only exist in fairytales." Cooper seemed to be sure to be helping so he looked rather offended when Hagrid started laughing.

"Yeah. That's what we like you to think, boy."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, his confusion still prominent.

"Well, can't have those folks mess up what's our business. And imagine! Normal people knowing that there is magic! They'd want us to take care of all their problems! Na, nicer and calmer sticking to our own."

Blaine nodded. This sounded reasonable… in a very unreasonable context.

Vernon seemed to be fed up with being out of the conversation as he started to speak again, his voice harsh.

"Blaine, don't you dare listen to that lunatic. There is no magic and you are by god not a wizard." He even stomped his foot, his eyes going wild while Hagrid only shrugged.

"You bloody well know that you're lying, Anderson. Denying what he is, won't change him. Besides, I can't believe that you didn't tell him anything! What good did ya thought that bring? He's been enlisted to go to Hogwarts since the day he was born! I saw the letter Dumbledore left for you the night he trusted you with the boy's care! He is the son of one of the greatest witches and one of the greatest wizards ever to have lived and you will not stop him whatever you try!"

Hagrid had started speaking in an angry voice but by the end of his speech rage was drooping from every word. He had stepped closer to Vernon and was pointing accusingly at him. It was like he had grown, his giant frame somehow consuming all free space that was left in the small room.

Vernon didn't falter under the giant's stare even though he stepped closer to his family.

"I will not let you take him away and teach him some of your dangerous tricks. We gave him a home and no, of course we didn't tell him. Why would I if it was your kind that killed my sister. Oh yes, my stupid sister was blinded by all the beauty and greatness that you offered and that's what she got: blown up by someone just as crazy and wrong as her!"

Vernon was now yelling just as loudly as Hagrid. He was several feet shorter than the giant but in his rage not less impressive. Hagrid was just about to yell back as Blaine spoke up.

"So it's true. I am… I am… a wizard?" His voice was timid and surprised. He vaguely felt like he should be angry at his uncle for keeping this from him but all he felt was overwhelmed.

With a quiet rustle Hagrid was by his side again, kneeling down to look straight in Blaine's big eyes.

"Yes, Blaine. That, you are. And I think it's about time you got your letter." He looked pointedly at Vernon who was whispering with Petunia as Hagrid rummaged in the pockets of his coat once more only to retrieve one of the letters Blaine had been longing to hold for weeks now.

With from excitement shaking hands Blaine took the letter from Hagrid and cautiously looked at it. The address was a different one now.

Blaine Anderson

The Couch in the Crypt of St. Marry Church

The middle of nowhere

Isle of Wright

Blaine grinned a little at the address before he turned the letter to expect the seal he remembered so well.

He took in a deep breath before opening the envelope. The letter was written with green ink, just like the address and quickly Blaine began to read.


Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Anderson,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Blaine swallowed hard, then reread the letter once.

"I'm a wizard." He whispered, speaking to no one in particular but Hagrid still answered.

"That you are, Blaine." He grinned at Blaine like he had just given him the best present in the world and from Blaine's point of view he had.

"You kept this from me?" Blaine looked at his uncle.

"I certainly did. If I had my way this freak wouldn't be here now. The letters should have stopped. How did you even get here? You lot aren't supposed to cross water. This is an island and you are in god's house."

Hagrid just snorted, rolling his eyes and smiling at Blaine.

"Myths." Hagrid said before adding: "Besides, your lord is my lord, if there even is one. So will you finally shut your mouth, Anderson? You're lucky you still have all your teeth after all what ya just told me. Reminds me." He turned back to Blaine. "I know it's late little fella but we have to get going. Need to send the owl and we have quite a way to go from here as this guy insisted on camping in the middle of nowhere." He pointed at Vernon again. Blaine just nodded.

"Alright then. Get your things, Blaine. We're leaving. I know you'll have question as someone didn't tell you anything at all but we're sort of in a hurry."

Quickly Blaine changed into his clothes and threw all he had into his small bag, being ready to go in a matter of minutes. The Andersons were just staring at them. Cooper hadn't spoken at all but from the look of it ,he was simply stunned into silence, his eyes wide and confused as he watched the scene.

Hagrid was stepping over the door to leave and Blaine was just about to follow when Vernon stepped in again.

"If you leave now, boy, you will regret it. There is no turning back. I don't want my family in your mess. You go now, don't bother returning."

For a moment Blaine felt fear. Whatever he was doing was unknown but then defiance crept up.

"And you think a Muggle like you could make threats?" Hagrid huffed from the door.

Muggle? Blaine mouthed, looking at Hagrid questioningly.

"Our word for folks like them with no droplet of magic blood in their veins." Hagrid explained and Blaine turned towards his uncle once again, pushing up the strap of his bag over his shoulder.

"You lied to me all my life. Why would I want to stay with you when all you ever gave me was misery?"

Vernon seemed to want to reply but Petunia lay a hand on his arm and stopped him. She shook her head slightly and Vernon closed his mouth.

With a last look at his still angry uncle, the neutral mask of his aunt and the open confusion and anxiety on his cousin's face, Blaine followed Hagrid up the stairs, out the church and into the night.




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Oh! Nice to see this storying continuing. I just have a question, would this be strictly following HP canon or will there be some major differences from the books?

I don't know how major the differences are going to be but yes it will be different as I think that the glee characters who are taking the roles of HP characters would behave differently in some situations. But the differences are mainly going to be about relationships and how they treat each other, while I think I am going to keep major Harry Potter story archs. I might mix them up with some canon glee though and going to leave out some scenes that were neccessary for Harry Potter but aren't for me because Fans know them and don't need me to rewrite them (I am thinking about everything that doesn't happen from Blaine's point of view). I hope this helped and thank you for reading :D