May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
Blaine doesn't think he'll ever see the beautiful stranger again... until he does.
Heart beating way too fast
He enters, gotta keep my cool
Trying to act at ease but I just can't breath
I need fresh air
In the following week Blaine tried to come to terms with two things: 1. He might never actually meet the beautiful boy and 2. That wouldn't stop his body and mind from craving him. Constantly.
He really had gotten better at dealing with it by Friday. He had stopped randomly zooming out and when people talked to him he managed to look like he was listening while his brain created new scenarios of the man over and over again.
The week had drained him nonetheless and so his roommates and friends found it particularly easy to talk him into taking Friday night off work for a change. Blaine was even sort of eager to forget about work and worries for one evening, hoping that his friends would manage to distract him from everything his mind was busy with.
So, Blaine, David, Wes and their other two friends, Jeff and Nick sat on their very small balcony that Friday evening, talking, relaxing and enjoying each others' company. The city was buzzing beneath them, the traffic noise reaching them, but they were so used to it that it didn't disturb them.
They were laughing and had already finished bursting into old songs from their Warbler days, grinning at the ridiculous joy these a capella harmonies still brought them, when Jeff got a text.
Blaine wasn't really paying attention, chatting animatedly with David about his latest song (it was inspired by the mystery man... who would have thought?) and downing his beer as he saw his friends getting up.
"What up, guys?" He asked confusedly.
"Jeff just got a text. There's a party somewhere in Greenwich Village and we thought we might check it out." Nick complied and was already getting his jacket before Blaine could ask another question. David just shrugged and the boys followed their friends into the flat.
On the way to the party Blaine didn't bother to ask further. Whatever was happening, felt good. He felt like he could be a little carless tonight and he enjoyed being one of the people going out instead of being the one driving those around.
He was fine with having no plan as he chatted with his friends all the way, walking through the city and getting on the subway.
Half an hour later, and already quite buzzed, they reached the apartment building.
There seemed to be a lot of people, judging by the noise and mass of jackets flying around. They entered and were greeted by loud music and the heat of a room full of people.
In a matter of seconds, Blaine had lost his four friends in the crowd.
The party was vivid and Blaine had to grin at all the enthusiastically dancing people, slightly swaying with the music as he made his way through the people, inspecting the party.
He had just entered another room as he saw him.
He was as beautiful as Blaine remembered, standing in a corner, surrounded by people, animatedly chatting with everyone around. Every now and then Blaine thought he could hear him laugh. A bright, high giggle that made his spin tingle and the way his lips spread into a smile was simply too much for Blaine.
The student didn't know any of the people and felt himself unable to move even just to get a better view of the attractive man. He recognized two of the girls, the Asian and the weirdly dressed one, as part of the group but he didn't know anyone.
He felt his heart drum in his chest. He was sure it was even louder than the music coming from the stereo. He tried to calm down, he tried to look indifferent but he knew he was drooling. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't stop. The man he had been thinking about for nearly a week, the man he thought he'd never see again, was standing in the same room as him and he was as gorgeous as he'd been that night!
He felt like fainting, as if his brain suddenly didn't get enough oxygen and he asked himself if he might have stopped breathing. He needed air. Fresh air. The room was too hot, too sticky and the man's presence made it impossible for Blaine to get rid of the heat inside him.
Finally he regained control of his legs, and even though every cell of his body fought against moving away from the boy he managed to get to the next balcony, leaning on the rail and finally being able to breathe again!
As soon as his brain was working again he started beating himself up over what just had happened.
"Blaine, you fucking idiot!" He mumbled to himself. "In there is the man of your dreams. The man that has controlled your every move for the past week and this might be your only chance to actually meet him and you blush and stumble and run away like a pathetic little school boy!"
He leaned his forehead against the rail and hit his head against it once, just as to emphasize his own stupidity before he straightened out and turned, determined to meet the man now.
Blaine had just reentered the room as he spotted him. He had moved and was now on the dance floor with the other two girls from Saturday night, dancing. And how he danced!
Blaine could feel himself salivating as he looked at the way his hips moved or he grinded with the girls – the way he moved gracefully but sooo sexy.
Blaine closed his eyes and turned around. "I'll talk to him after the song." He excused himself and went back to the balcony. He had been haunted by the man after seeing him for a minute. He had no idea what his brain would do with those images.
Blaine looked down on the city, trying to get his shit together. Normally he wasn't so shy. Normally the guys came to him and the less interest he showed the more they were eager to get to him but he couldn't even begin to get this guy's attention because he turned into a puddle of goo as soon as he was in the same room!
At the edge of his consciousness Blaine noticed that the song had ended and he prepared himself for making his move, turning around, as he noticed that the guy was moving towards the balcony, meaning towards him.
Blaine froze, just standing there and watching.
The man moved through the crowd with confidence, nodding at and greeting people left and right. He walked as if he owned the place, as if nothing was unfamiliar and as if nothing in the world could faze him.
A moment later he had passed him, not even looking at him, on his way to lean on the rail, like Blaine had done a moment prior.
Move! Ask him for his name! Tell him that you love him and have creepily thought about him for 6 days in a row! Anything!
A loud voice in his head screamed but he couldn't. Asking this boy for his name seemed to be a more difficult task than his finals at Dalton or his first audition in NY or even his coming out to his parents.
Blaine cringed. Never mind. More urgent problems right here, right now.
With all the will power he had left, he awkwardly began to move, attempting to casually lean against the rail, next to the man. He was sure to fail dramatically. Especially concerning the ''casually'' part but he was closer to the man and at least the situation couldn't be labored as creepy.
Even though he tried his best no to, he had to look at the man. So close to him he was even more breathtaking! Summoning all the courage he had to finally speak he opened his mouth as the man beat him to it.
"Like what you see?" Blaine freaked out on the inside while his outside froze. He had been noticed. He had been detected and the guy knew how creepy he was. There was no point; he'd go to prison for mentally sexually harassing this guy and finally his father would be right about how disgusting and wrong he was.
But then the man turned his head and every thought in Blaine's head just died. He was smirking at Blaine, his eyes and oh wow his eyes, an indescribable mix of color somewhere between grey, blue and green and they were glistening, his pupils slightly dilated.
"I... I am... I wasn't... you..." Blaine closed his eyes. Smooth Anderson. Really smooth. Think about what you want to say before opening your stupid mouth!
As he heard a quiet chuckle and felt two hands on him, pushing him before he felt something solid in this back, he opened them again.
The man had pushed him against the wall next to the door, his weight leaning on both of his hands, right and left of Blaine's face. And he was close. So close. And laughing. Laughing at Blaine. But Blaine couldn't mind because he was so close and these eyes were looking him up and down and then boring into his.
"It's okay though." The man said, his voice a lot lower now. "I see everything and you have been fixed on me since you came here." The man smiled as Blaine felt himself blush and his breath hitched.
The man inched closer, his breath ghosting over his right ear and Blaine had to close his eyes and bite down on his lip hard to stop from whimpering because of the sensation.
"But I don't mind cute guys like you staring at me, you know?" The man whispered into Blaine's ear, emphasizing his words by lightly nibbling on Blaine's ear lobe and Blaine couldn't take it. He moaned low and deep in his throat.
The man chuckled. "Mhh I think I like you..."
"Bl-Blaine. I'm Blaine.'' Blaine managed to gasp before another lick around his ear shell let him moan again.
"Mhh Blaine, I think I like the noises you make. You could be fun."
Without a warning the other man pressed himself flush against Blaine, his hands tangling in his hair and scratching at his skull and then his lips where on Blaine's.
The man's lips were soft but demanding, dominating Blaine's every movement. Blaine whimpered. It felt so good, better than any fantasy, to have this man pressing him into the wall. He bit down on his lower lip and Blaine gasped in surprise and arousal as a sudden thrill shot through his body. His lips parted slightly as he whimpered and immediately he felt the hotness of a tongue licking into his mouth.
Their tongues met as the other man deepened the kiss. Blaine started to feel light headed from the lack of oxygen but he didn't want to stop for anything in the world.
He felt the other man spreading his legs and then felt something hard grinding against his hip. Blaine moaned. Everything was too much and yet not enough. The tightness of his own jeans was becoming unbearable as his cock strained against the fabric, the other man giving him no possibility for friction.
Desperate for contact, his arms acted on their own accord, circling around the other man to hold him closer.
Just as Blainedid that the other man broke away.
"Whoooha... Blair, who allowed you to do that?" With a fast and strong move, the man grabbed Blaine's hands and held them above his head against the wall. The sudden movement startled and confused Blaine even more than anything that had just happened... and wait. Had the man just called him Blair?
Their bodies were still flush against each other and the other man's face was just centimeters from Blaine's. Blaine could still feel the other man's erection against his hip.
He was whispering again, his pupils more dilated than before.
"Tell you what, Blair. You are at the sl tomorrow night at 11 and I might be so kind to show you what a good night of fun is. The name is Kurt. Don't dare to forget." He gave him a stern look, destroyed a little as he was nuzzling Blaine's cheek. "Until then I'll make sure you won't forget me..." He smirked before diving in for another kiss, controlling it completely, taking what he wanted from Blaine, pressing him even further into the wall, but keeping their hips apart this time.
As Kurt broke away, Blaine was panting. He felt dizzy and confused.
"Well then, I have to visit some other parties tonight. Tight schedule. People to..." He glanced at Blaine's lips. ''... meet." He smirked before pecking Blaine on the lips one last time.
Then Kurt turned and left the balcony without a second glance.
Blaine drifted to the floor, flexing and inspecting his wrists. They hurt and he could exactly see where Kurt had held him. "My name is Blaine," he muttered under his breath.
He was disturbed. This man was different from his vision in so many ways. This man didn't seem like someone who'd wait to get Sunday morning breakfast or who'd listen to a written song with tear filled eyes. He didn't seem like someone who'd want to marry and definitely not someone like Blaine.
"Though he called me cute." Blaine debated.
On the other hand: what kind of person just forced himself onto someone else like that... though Blaine had to admit that he had not made the slightest move to stop Kurt.
He didn't know this man at all even though he had dominated his mind for so many days.
Besides, this possessive, bossy man wasn't the type of man he usually fell for but there was something to this that made him curious.
Not his attitude or the way he had made him moan and whimper but his eyes. These eyes had been such a contrast to everything else. They seemed so deep and meaningful that Blaine was sure that there had to be a story to this guy and his way of life.
And even if there wasn't, Blaine knew there was no need for a discussion. He'd go to this club tomorrow night, hoping that Kurt would show up.
He had been possessed by this man for a week and the five minutes on the balcony had only lead to him being more fixed on him than ever.
Wow, your Kurt is so au and I love it!! That was hot though a touch aggressive! He is acting more like canon Sebastian. Blaine is adorably cute. And hooked.
I know! My beta was like ''WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" but believe me everything happens for a reason? ;)next two chapters will be Kurt's pov so maybe he is not as au as he seems? :Dand thanks for loving it *___*