Crash Next Chapter Story
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May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.

Crash: Crash

E - Words: 1,878 - Last Updated: May 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Feb 07, 2013 - Updated: May 19, 2013
517 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: this chapter, like all chapters, is based on a song by german singer-songwriter Clueso. the song is called crash and its sort of funny bc it just came on on shuffle.but well yeah. the songs don't have a story running through them. i chose them from four different cds. I just took them and connected them and made them into a love story of two gay men in ny so I guess it's not reall songfics...

(song translation)

Who knows what you're thinking, what you do, where you is?

Closing my eyes, I tell you good night - feel my kiss

Maybe we'll never ever meet again, but I miss you, lying on my bed

Thinking of you is torturous, wishing you would leave my head

It was just another Saturday night in the streets of NYC. Blaine had been driving his cab since the late evening; now it was nearly 4 am and he was dead tired.

The streets were nearly empty, only stray party goers leaving clubs or laughing along the side walk. These were his customers most of the time. Blaine yawned, turning up the volume of his radio, singing along to some Top 40 song, hoping that that would stop him from falling asleep.

The man pulled into a parking space behind some other cabs in front of a club. He knew his way around NY by now and the people going to this club always left good tips.

Waiting for someone to enter his cab, he let his head sink onto his wheel. He just wanted some rest, just for five minutes.

He was tired. He was spent. He had taken all day working on some essays for university, then had had an interview for a gig at a club and then had hurried to be in his cab in time to drive the first round of people to their evening amusements. All in all he'd usually survive that, hadn't he been in his cab until 5 in the morning after a demanding week at university.

Being a cab driver wasn't the worst student job possible, Blaine just despised that he even had to do it, considering his filthy rich family back in Ohio. Blaine shook his head. He wouldn't allow himself a pity party over his family when he already was in a bad enough mood.

Leaning back he glanced out the front window. A group of people had just left the club. It seemed to be a group of girls. He could make out a quite short girl with brown hair and bangs, wearing a plaid skirt, a partly sheer blouse and black high heeled boots. It looked good in a weird kind of way. On her arm, laughing, was an Asian looking girl, whose clothes reminded Blaine of a 60s Factory girl. They were followed by two very good looking girls holding hands and sharing kisses. Blaine smiled at that and was about to look away again ashestepped out of the club.

The first word that entered Blaine's mind wasbeautifuland this man definitely was. He was taller than Blaine, at least 6 ft, his chestnut hair was styled to perfection and his clothes were tight, exposing a flawless body, lean and strong. Blaine couldn't make out too much, as the man was still mainly hidden from direct light, only the club lighting eliminating his figure, but he was surely dressed to the nines.

He moved sure of himself and graceful and Blaine could feel his heart rate speeding up as he looked at him. When he entered the light of the next street lamp, Blaine was sure that his heart went from racing to stopping to crushing in the matter of a second. His skin was glowing in the light. It was bright and creamy and it just looked sosoft,Blaine wanted to leave his vehicle and approach him andtouch.

As the man turned towards Blaine, scanning the row of cabs, he could feel his breath hitching. High cheekbones, sharply visible trough the fair skin, gave his face something unearthly. He could have played some sort of Elven prince was the only comparison Blaine deemed worthy to his beauty.

Blaine couldn't really make out his eyes and he leaned forward to get a better view.

Just as the man got closer he turned his head focusing back on his companions again, preventing Blaine from making out the color of his eyes. He slumped back with a disappointed noise, only solaced by the remarkable and mouthwatering sight his butt provided.

The tight jeans framed his ass cheeks, like they were tailored around them and blushing embarrassedly Blaine noticed that his jaw had dropped while he was doing squeezing motions with his hands.

Blaine dropped his head hard onto the wheal just to regain some brain function, when he was distracted by the scene before him.

The man stopped and smiled suddenly and Blaine felt like fainting. He was so breath taking! He said something and all the girls turned, laughing at whatever he had said. The two girls who had been holding hands, wearing next to nothing, turned around, grabbing his hands and pecked him on both cheeks. Blaine felt an irrational twinge of jealousy at their action. He wanted to kiss this man. Kiss him senseless...

He followed the group with his eyes as they entered a cab, few slots further in the line and cursed himself for not being the first.

He still watched as their cab pulled on the street and proceeded down the road, as if he could continue watching the boy through the metal of the car.

When the car turned a corner, Blaine slouched back in his seat, wondering about what had just happened.

He had never seen somebody that beautiful and hell he had never been so intrigued by somebody he had only seen for a couple of seconds for Christ's sake but Blaine couldn't stop himself from feeling the way he felt.

He didn't know this guy. He didn't know if he was also gay or if he might ever see this guy again but his head was filled with bewilderment and pure yearning.

Blaine wondered what the man might be like, what he had done here, who his friends were and whether he came here regularly...

He wished he had just left the car, grabbed the stranger and taken him with him.

Blaine sighed. There was no use. He was tired and amazed. He needed to get home before this night got even stranger.

At home Blaine only disposed of his jacket, shoes and pants before he fell face down on his bed.

Everyone else in the flat was already asleep, so he tried to let the silence lull him into sleep only it didn't.

All the way home he had asked himself a million questions. Questions he could not possibly have answers to. Was the boy on his way home or to another party? What was he doing now? Had he even noticed this creepy cab driver eye-fucking him while planning their marriage?

Blaine sighed. It hadn't been an hour and yet the frustration seemed to eat him up from the inside!

He closed his eyes and imagined kissing the boy good night... a lazy, chaste kiss, full of love and the promise of tomorrow and forever.

He wondered if there was somebody waiting for this man to return home to, quickly banishing this thought. This idea was even worse than the possibility of never seeing him again!

Blaine tossed and turned in his bed, trying to find peace and sleep but his mind was too occupied with this guy to rest. He had no idea how it was possible but he missed him. He missed somebody he didn't even know!

Even though he had been tired all week, now that he lay here, sleep didn't come. All that was, was the man with the creamy skin and beautiful smile, haunting him and Blaine started to wish that his mind would be free to sleep.

After what felt like hours of restless thinking, Blaine fell into a state between sleeping and waking, the image of the mysterious man burned into the inside of his eyelids.

The next morning, Blaine was tired as ever. He got up to the sound of his roommates, chatting in the kitchen but the first thought was again dedicated to the man he had not really met last night.

He groaned. It was like he was possessed!

The young student entered the kitchen, greeted by his friends and roommates Wes and David and the smell of breakfast.

"Morning" Wes chimed and David smiled at him. "Feeling okay, Blainers? You really looked tired yesterday and not to be impolite but you still look pretty tired dude."

"What?" Blaine mumbled. "Oh... yeah... work... didn't sleep well." He plunged down on a chair at the counter and his friends placed a plate of breakfast in front of him after sharing a worried look.

Blaine only stared at his plate and suddenly the image of a very beautiful and very naked someone crossed his mind, splayed across his bed, asleep and so gorgeous. Suddenly he himself entered his vision, a plate of Sunday morning breakfast in hand, placing it on the night stand before kissing the man awake, being greeted by soft, wanting lips.

"Blaine? Blaihaine?!" Fingers snapping in front of his face ended the vision and he opened his eyes. "You really okay? You kind of zoomed out there..." David was still snapping his fingers but Blaine didn't really care just mumbling something aboutworkandbeing tired.

"Anyways." Wes concluded, giving Blaine a weird look. "We need to get going. Jeff and Nick are already gone and we promised to meet them at noon. You coming?"

Blaine stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. He still felt tired and he didn't feel like he was able to be around people when his every thought was dedicated to some random party-goer he simply couldn't forget.

"Okay. Sweet. Call us when you found your brain okay?" David said confusedly before he headed to his room to get his coat and bag. Wes cleaned up their breakfast before meeting his best friend at the door. They tried to tell Blaine good bye but the man was already lost in thoughts, paying no attention to his surroundings.

He didn't hear the door shut. Mixed with the memories of last night and the visions his mind was creating constantly was a melody. Like a theme song for the man. It was soft but somehow dark and mysterious and it made Blaine want to know more.

Blaine got up quickly, skipping to the piano in the room and started to search for the right keys to the melody in his head, his untouched breakfast forgotten on the counter. It didn't take him long to play the melody his mind had created. He was a student of music and besides that, pretty gifted and he played the melody over and over, drowning in it.

Suddenly, as if the last bit of reason in his mind had finally taken over, his eyes went wide.What the hell was he doing?He seemed to give up everything, including food, over some strange guy! He had been in love. Plenty of times so but this was different. This was unhealthy! God, had he just thoughtlove?

He felt crazy. He felt sick. But overall he just felt that he needed this guy like fucking air and there was nothing he could do. This guy might not even know of his existence but that didn't change that Blaine seriously felt like living for him and there was nothing he could do to change that. All he could do was live with it and accept it.

The whole business reminded Blaine of a car crash. You didn't see it coming. It may not even be your fault but when you were hit, you flew, you felt light until you hit the ground and everything yearned for recovery. But you couldn't turn back time or change what had happened. You could just continue living with whatever injuries you had. Blaine's injury was nothing to recover from and it was deep. In his mind, heart and soul.

He was totaled.

End Notes: yeah I hoped you liked it. I have written another 4 chapters as of now but I will take my time writing before posting more though i have all like 20 chapters already planned out on paper.also listen to it no matter if ur german or not. its truely poetic. and sorry for the poor lyrics translation up there... and i know its are but with is it rhyms and as its sort of rap its okay? right? i mean 'the way i are' wasnt really correct either right?


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omg! thank you >.< I hope you'll think that way about all of it *u*